Canon SL3 (250d) vs M50 Ultimate Comparison

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what's up guys - gehe r and welcome to another tech gear talk today we're going to compare two great beginner cameras from Canon the SL 3 and the N 50 the SL 3 which is also known as a 250 d is a small DSLR with some great features and it was just released as an update to the extremely popular SL 2 on the other side we have the canon eos m 50 which is a super compact and powerful mirrorless camera and it was the first mirrorless camera from canon to offer 4k video we're gonna talk about the strengths and weaknesses of both cameras when it comes to photography and video so hopefully I can help you decide which option is best for you okay so let's get going I'm gonna get into the details for each aspect of the two cameras but to start out I want to talk about some overall key features the m50 has a 24 point one megapixel aps-c CMOS sensor it uses Canon super-nice dual pixel autofocus system which is awesome as the brand new digit 8 processor which helps improve speed and performance as well as image quality we've got a 3-inch fully articulating touchscreen LCD and it can shoot video at up to 4k 24 frames per second the m50 has combination is which uses five axes digital image stabilization with lens based is there's a really nice Ola electronic viewfinder it has Wi-Fi with NFC and Bluetooth so you can easily move images to your mobile device and you now have full control over the camera for both photography and video using the Canon camera connecting the SL 3 also has a 24 point one megapixel aps-c sensor and it also uses canons super nice dual pixel autofocus system which again it's great we see the same digit 8 processor which again helps improve speed performance and image quality it also has a 3-inch fully articulating touchscreen LCD and again we can shoot video at up to 4k at 24 frames per second the SL 3 has an optical viewfinder and it has improved Wi-Fi with NFC and Bluetooth so you can more easily move images to your mobile device and like the m50 we also have full control of the camera for both photography and video using the Canon camera connect at first I want to talk about camera types so the SL 3 is a DSLR and the m50 is a mirrorless camera if you've never quite been sure about the difference let me take a minute to explain so the way a DSLR like the sl3 works is the light passes through the lens and then hits a mirror that's sitting right in front of the sensor at an angle the light is then redirected up the camera body where it hits another couple of mirrors which let you see the image using the viewfinder so it's essentially a prism when you take a picture of the mirror in the front of the sensor flips up and out of the way and then the shutter opens and the light can hit the sensor if you're shooting video the mirror just locks in the open position and then the light is constantly hitting the sensor now in a mirrorless camera like the m50 obviously there's no mirror so the sensor sits directly behind the lens the sensor is constantly being exposed to light which is how you're able to see the image using the electronic viewfinder and when you go to take a picture it's then covered by the shutter then uncovered and uncovered again and this is one of the main reasons why mirrorless cameras are smaller than the SLR is because you don't have a mirror sitting in front of the sensor the lens can be mounted much closer to the sensor and therefore the body can be made much thinner you also don't have the whole prism system leading up to the optical viewfinder so the body can be made a lot smaller these cameras have similar build quality and Canon definitely focused on creating pretty solid camera bodies with good and secure grips on both the sl3 and the m50 the sl3 for a DSLR is super light and even with an 18 to 55 millimeter lens or with this 50 1.8 it still weighs less than 2 pounds now of course the m50 being a mirrorless camera it's still smaller and lighter so even with this 15 to 45 millimeter kit lens it still weighs just a little bit over a pound so as far as portability goes I'm gonna give the advantage to the m50 because it is smaller and lighter than the SL 3 now the trade-off as far as portability goes might come in terms of handling so some people like the body of the SL 3 because it's a little bit bigger and it has a deeper grip and next I want to talk about two view finders and the SL 3 being a DSLR has an optical viewfinder and the other hand the m50 has an electronic viewfinder what I like about optical viewfinders is that they give you a sense of being in the scene and a good optical viewfinder can be a great option when you're sure very low light where their responsiveness and resolutions don't suddenly drop on the other hand the electronic viewfinder on the m50 gives you a larger view of the scene and it helps you with immediate feedback when you're making changes to your exposure because you can immediately see them in the viewfinder now I'm not going to give either one of these in advantage because it's less a matter of which one of these is better and it's more question of how you use your camera and what you like better now as far as battery life the sl3 is rated for one thousand and seventy shots which is awesome and I can definitely shoot all day without having to worry about bringing an additional battery now as a disclaimer I do always bring a backup battery regardless of which camera I use because it's better to have it and not need it then to get in a location and not be able to shoot because something happened to the battery and the m50 is rated for 235 shots which is obviously a lot less than the SL 3 I did a dedicated video showing three ways to solve the battery issue on the m50 and I'll link to that video up in the corner and in the description of the edge here easily goes to the SL 3 because it's rated for 1070 shots versus the 235 shots on the m50 both the SL 3 and the m50 have a 24 megapixel aps-c CMOS sensor which Canon uses on more expensive aps-c models now all things being equal the bigger the sensor the better it is and bigger sensor means better image quality because it's able to use more information to create an image with more detail and better dynamic range this aps-c sensor is excellent if you're shooting landscape portraits if you're doing street photography if you want to take it with you while you travel or even if you just do family and lifestyle photography it's also a great choice for shooting video creating content for YouTube or if you're just a hobbyist it's gonna give you really nice and crisp video and of course canons color science is fantastic all in all the 24 megapixel aps-c sensor on the SL tree on the m50 is a great value it gives you really nice performance at a very affordable price as far as the sensor goes I'm going to call it a tie because both cameras use essentially the same sensor moving on to processors both the SL 3 and the m50 used a newer digit eight processor so as far as that goes again it's a tie again together with a nice sensor both cameras will give you sharp images and video and good low-light performance a general menu operation is fast for both of these cameras they both have very quick start up and then things like image preview video playback they're both very fast because of how I shoot one of the features that I look for in every camera is continuous or burst shooting you can just point the camera at a subject hold down the shutter and the camera will just keep firing and this is a nice feature if you're photographing sports pets kids running around or any fast-moving subjects now of course the more frames you can have per second the more exposures you'll have to pick from later on the m50 can shoot at up to 10 frames per second where the sl3 can only shoot up to 5 frames per second so the edge of course goes to the m50 because you'll have twice as many exposures to pick from and you're more likely to get the exact moment you wanted to capture next I want to talk about resolution and frame rates for photography both cameras offer 6000 by 4000 pixel images so as far as head-to-head resolution it's a tie as far as image quality I've been getting pretty similar results with maybe a slight advantage to the SL 3 I did a detailed comparison between my SL 2 and the M 50 and the slight advantage of the SL 2 could be in part due to the SL 3 kit lens being better than the m50 kit lens I'll do a more detailed image quality comparison between these cameras in another video this time using an adapter so that I can use the exact same lens and if this is something that you're interested in let me know in the comment section and make sure you're subscribed and have notifications turned on now let's get to the video recording options and both of these cameras can shoot 4k at 24 and 25 frames per second and we'll come back to discuss 4k in a second but I just want to get to 1080p where we find a pretty significant difference so before I get to the options I just want to mention that your choice of frames per second comes down to what you want your video to look like if you like a more cinematic look you go with 24 frames per second if you want something sharper and more crisp you shoot at 60 frames per second I shoot most of my videos including this one at there frames per second and if you edit your videos at 30 frames per second like I do you can play your 60 frames per second from both of these cameras at 30 frames per second and get slow-motion at up to 50 percent okay enough with the math so the m50 can shoot Full HD or 1080p at 24 30 and 60 frames per second if you're shooting an ntsc the sl3 only offers 1080p at 30 and 60 so can I remove the ability to shoot at 24 frames per second and this is something that you probably heard me talk about before I really can't understand what Canon is doing here I have other videos that talk about this topic and if you watched my SL 2 cinematic footage tutorial you know that if you want to get cinematic looking footage you want to shoot at 24 frames per second so now this option is only available on the SL tree if you're shooting in 4k right off the bat you might say okay fine I'll just shoot in 4k there's lots of reasons why I might want to shoot in 4k so here's the thing when you shoot and 4k on both of these cameras you have to apply an additional crop factor of 1.6 X so the total crop factor is 2.6 for X and this is something that you need to pay attention to to give you an example I'm going to use one of the lenses from my best lenses video this 51 point 8 and I'm gonna put it on the SL 3 if I shoot at 1080p it converts it to an 80 millimeter equivalent field of view because the SL 3 just like the M 50 has an aps-c sensor that's fine I know that when I buy the camera but now when I use it in 4k I have to apply an additional crop factor which gives me around one hundred thirty two millimeter field of view so first of all this is a very tight shot and it would require me to either use an extremely wide lens or to move the camera farther away from the subject in order to get the same framing and in addition to that with both of these cameras the dual pixel autofocus doesn't work when you're shooting in 4k alright so where does this leave me I'm gonna give the advantage to the m50 because it does give me the option to get the cinematic footage at 1080p 24 frames per second alright let's move to lens options the SL 3 can accept both EF and EFS mount lenses while the M 50 uses an EF m mount that means that right out of the box I'm giving a big advantage to the SL 2 because I just have so many more options to choose from the EFM mountain lenses are definitely limited especially when it comes to really fast lenses and by the way when I say fast lenses I don't mean how fast a shutter speed can be but rather how much you can open each lens up and let more light in the sl3 lets me use all of my l-series glass from Canon so I have lots of flexibility I'm going to just add that if you still want to use EF and EFS mount lenses on the m50 you can buy an adapter from either canon or a number of third-party vendors now this adapter does open the door to you using all the same lenses that 50 SL 3 at the cost of having to buy and carry another piece of gear I'm still giving the advantage to the SL 3 because it natively accepts a much larger selection of lenses both from Canon and other manufacturers if you're looking for some of my lens recommendations for each of these cameras I'll link to a recent video that I published that will walk you through different types of lenses show you what they're used for and then gives you some recommendations for different budgets one thing to remember is that because both cameras have an aps-c sensor and not a full-frame sensor there's a crop factor of 1.6 X for each lens which means that you have to take the focal length on the lens and then multiply by 1.6 in order to get the 35 millimeter equivalent field of view so for example if I take this 50 millimeter 1.8 and I put it on the SL 3 it actually provides an 80 millimeter field of view if I compare it to what it would look like on a full-frame sensor camera like the Canon ESR if you have any questions about this I know this gets confusing please let me know in the comment section and I'll explain it in more detail alright next let's talk about autofocus and this for me is one of the most important factors when I choose a camera and the good news is that both the SL 3 and the m50 used canons dual pixel autofocus system which is great this is definitely one of the best autofocus systems on the market at any price point and I never get any type of focus hunting or any issues when I use it for photography when using the viewfinder the SL 3 has a 9 point autofocus system with the center point being a cross type point when using the electronic viewfinder on the m50 your using the dual pixel autofocus system and you can pick between 99 and 143 different autofocus points depending on which lens you're using in addition to that you can also have face tracking active while shooting with the electronic viewfinder and that lets the m50 automatically identify track and keep the focus of your subject in focus so if using the viewfinder I'm gonna give a big advantage to the m50 if you plan on using the LCD to shoot now both the sl3 and the m50 used a dual pixel autofocus and remember that the m50 gives us between 99 and 143 autofocus points depending on which lens you're using the sl3 is reported to give us three thousand nine hundred and seventy-five points continuing with using the LCD for photography now both cameras offer face tracking so both the sl3 and the m50 can identify a face and then track it as it moves through the frame and then keep it in focus one advantage of the SL 3 is that you're able to use cross arrow buttons to move from one face to another in your frame which is really cool when there's more than one person in your shaft moving on to video this is where great continuous autofocus is critical if you're vlogging and walking around with the camera or if you're just doing talking head video you can always set the focus manually but as you move around or you switch the camera from one hand to the other or if your subject is moving forward and moving back even those slight changes will really affect your focus plane so like I said in the past about cameras that use the dual pixel autofocus system it just crushes it it's just so good it gets it right every time for both cameras it will just automatically detect faces and then you can just watch it follow through the frame and then adjust the focus with the SL 3 we can also use eye detection when shooting video in both 4k and Full HD so as long as the subject is facing the camera the eye detection is going to work great so for the purpose of creating YouTube content or shooting interviews or just video work in general I think that continuous autofocus is definitely a feature that you're gonna want to look at and another great feature that both of these cameras have is the ability to click on different subjects on the screen and then have both of these cameras automatically rack focus for me I can get a really cool transition where in my video I talked about one and then I want to shift the viewers attention to something else I'm going to talk about and then I can just click on it and it will smoothly rack focus so finally we also have subject tracking for both of these cameras so we can just click on anything on the screen and the sl3 or the m50 will put a white square around it and then it will just automatically follow it through the frame and keep it in focus I want to point out again that on the sl3 and the m50 if you're shooting in 4k you don't get to use the dual pixel autofocus system so as far as autofocus goes this is an interesting choice if you're gonna use the viewfinder for photography then the m50 gives you more functionality to dual pixel autofocus many more autofocus selection points and face and subject tracking if you're going to use the LCD for photography then i'm going to give the edge the sl3 because it has eye detection and gives us an extra level of precision when it comes to autofocus and you have way more auto focus points to select from if I'm going to use the LCD for video with both of these cameras again I'm gonna give the SL 3 the advantage because I can use eye detection even for video something else that I love about both the SL 3 and the m54 video is that they both have a 3.5 millimeter mic input that's a great feature if you want higher production value because it allows you to use an external microphone instead of the built-in microphone on both of these cameras so I can easily connect a shotgun mic to both the SL 3 and the m50 and I'll immediately get much better audio and I still get a nice and compact setup it's light and portable and I get great video and great audio it's just perfect for vlogging for shooting talking head video and really any time when I want to get more directional sound pickup than what the omnidirectional mic on these cameras will do there are a lot about standing microphone options and I'll put some links in the descriptions to some of my favorite now as far as using a lavalier microphone I can use a wire lab with both the SL 3 and the M 50 if I don't mind being tethered to the camera or I can even use a wireless setup where I can connect the receiver to the camera and the transmitter to my microphone and then I don't have to worry about being attached to the camera I can always just put the camera down and step back or walk around in the mic is always attached me now a huge advantage that the sl3 has over the m50 is that you can see the audio levels on the LCD and this is true while you're setting up but it's more important that you can see them while you're recording so you can easily see if your audio levels are correct so that you can make any necessary adjustments as far as the audio goes I'm going to give the edge to the SL 3 because I think being able to see the audio levels is a very important feature for video moving on both the SL 3 and the m50 have a super versatile 3-inch 1.04 million dot fully articulating touchscreen it can be flipped and locked into position on the back of the camera if you're behind the camera or it can be flipped again for protection and storage when you're not using it I love the fact that with both of these cameras I can point the screen up if I'm shooting from my waist or on a slider on a low tripod and I like the flexibility of having a point down if I have the camera above my head it's also great to be able to point it to the side when I'm working again on a slider R on a gimbal and I never feel like I need an external monitor so as far as the screen goes I'm gonna call it a tie because the LCD screen is essentially the same next let's talk about connectivity and remote control options so both the SL 3 and the m50 come with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth options that work with the canon camera connect app and the app lets you connect a mobile device wirelessly and then transfer images and video so you can quickly share them so both the SL 3 and the m50 can use the app to remotely control the camera for photos and you can have the camera setup use your phone as a remote screen change settings and focus and then take your picture when it comes to video again both cameras give you complete control over the shooting features using the app you can frame your scene you can change your settings you can set focus and then remotely start and stop recording and this is a great feature if you're shooting by yourself or if you're streaming it really makes being in front of the camera a lot easier there's no more walking back and forth to the camera to start and stop and you just sit down move myself around or the camera until I get the shot exactly how I want and then I can start and stop my video right from my phone as far as the wireless connection interface the SL 3 uses a more user-friendly integration for a wireless setting in the menu Canon actually added a dedicated top menu option which I really like because you don't have to go searching for it in the menu and even though this is only a slight advantage I'm going to give that advantage to the SL 3 ok now I want to talk about a few other features that might help you make a buying decision and will get to the final verdict both cameras do embody 1080p and 4k time lapse it's super simple to use and it's much easier for most people then to use an external intervalometer and then having to take those pictures and convert them into a time-lapse using software both the m50 and the SL 3 have three specific time-lapse scenarios built-in so fast slow and slower subject movement they will automatically pick the right setting for your time-lapse shot you can also adjust these settings if you want to save three different presets and finally if you want a little more control over your time-lapse there's also a custom setting which gives you full control all you do is select an interval in seconds which is how long between each shot how many shots you want the camera to take and whether you want auto exposure to be used on the first image and then remain the same or if you want the camera to auto expose for each picture and I really love that both of these cameras offer 4k time lapse which i think is a game-changer first if you're using a 4k timeline you're gonna need to be able to fill your frame and then second if you're actually working in 1080p you can have a 4k time lapse which will give you a lot of options in terms of framing and if you have any questions about that just let me know in the comment section and I'll explain and next I want to talk about one of the most exciting features of the SL 3 and that is a clean HDMI out that means that the SL 3 can output video that does not include the menu and focus overlay so with the m50 unless you use special software you could only stream by using manual focus and then hiding the on-screen elements to mimic a clean HDMI out but with the SL 3 you can have auto focus with face and eye detection turned on and still get beautiful crisp InFocus video right to your stream you can also record 4 to 2 video externally and get amazing footage with more information on it to use when you're color correcting or color grading so for anyone who wants to do a live stream the SL 3 is an incredible option and definitely has a significant advantage over the m5 another new feature only offered on the sl3 is smooth skin mode which offers five levels of skin smoothing to help reduce blemishes and make the subject skin appear soft now next I want to discuss the hotshoe functionality which like I said in some of my other videos is not something that I normally talk about because there usually isn't much to say but this is a distinction that will be very important to people who use a flash with the sl3 Cannon removed the center pin so now the SL treat is not compatible with most third party flashes and accessories the m50 does have the center pin so you can use much less expensive options if you plan on adding an external flash and finally let's talk about price and value and my goal with every product comparison is to give you a detailed overview of the product and compare them in a way that relates to real-life use if you found this video helpful let me know in the comments section it really helps I'm also going to include some links in the description to where you can buy these cameras as well as some of my favorite accessories and if you end up using those links to buy anything not just these two items you help support my channel for free and you allow me to create more content for you so thank you at the time I'm shooting this video the SL 3 body sells for $549 in the m50 sells for 579 so that's an extra 30 bucks now of course depending on when you're watching this the prices may be different but hopefully they're close enough I don't normally look just at the price I look at value and I think about what you're paying and then what are you getting for that money and then I try to figure out which is the best combination alright so which camera is a better value and which one should you get when I look at the total cost of ownership of a camera including the lenses and the accessories 30 bucks is not so much of a significant difference the m50 is a good choice if you want a smaller and more portable camera and lenses something that you can take with you anywhere without too much of an inconvenience other advantages are more autofocus options and control when using the viewfinder for photography and the ability to get 24 frames per second cinematic footage in full HD or 1080p if you're looking for a much better battery life eye detection for both photography and video as long as you're using the LCD audio level display for video and a slightly larger and a more comfortable body then the sl3 is a good choice if you plan on doing live streaming then again the sl3 is a clear winner because it comes with a clean HDMI out which lets you get clean crisp and InFocus video right into your streaming software I always say that you can't have everything in any camera so it comes down to what's important to you and how you use the camera I do my best to answer every question so if you have any additional questions just drop them in the comments section finally I'll put some links in the description to more detailed reviews of each of these cameras in case you want a more in-depth review I really hope this video gave you a good comparison between the SL 3 and the M 50 and I'd love to hear in the comments section which option is best for you if it was helpful please let me know by giving it a thumbs up tweet it share it and if you haven't yet join the community by hitting the subscribe and notification buttons you can always find me on Instagram Twitter and Facebook at Tech your talk and you know what I always say buy it nice or buy twice good luck and see you soon [Music] both the SL 2 are in the m50 do something they both do something definitely both these these are both cameras for sure it's gonna give you really nice and crisp video video video they are you're gonna get some video now of course the more frames you get per second the more exposures you'll have to pick from Shh quiet see I have to go do stuff to get cinematic footed footed footed footed nice footage left footed or right footed please stop waiting for Babu to stop barking third party providers per fret oh that was so close I was so close please hold please hold we we we got a power situation here I'll be back well I'm gonna go right here I just can't say I don't know why but I can't say okay focus focus continuing with you so bad all right I can do this I can do it I can do it I still get and I still get and I still get and I still get but I can't get this sentence right [Music]
Channel: Tech Gear Talk
Views: 360,889
Rating: 4.9638724 out of 5
Keywords: Canon EOS M50, Canon EOS M50 Review, Canon M50, Canon M50 footage, Canon M50 Timelapse, Canon M50 Autofocus, Canon SL3, Canon SL3 Review, Canon SL3 footage, Canon SL3 Timelapse, Canon SL3 Autofocus, Canon 250d, Canon 250d Review, Canon 250d footage, Canon 250d Timelapse, Canon 250d Autofocus, Canon 4K Camera, Canon Mirrorless, canon dual pixel, vlog camera, best vlog camera, best canon mirrorless camera, Mirrorless Camera, DSLR VS MIRRORLESS, Canon DSLR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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