Canon R6 Mark II Video Settings - Full Menu Setup

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hey there this video is going to be a menu walkthrough and full setup guide for shooting video on the Canon R6 Mark II now unfortunately I'm not going to be covering photography stuff because that's not really what I do so I'm sure there's a few other people out there making photography guides for this camera so if you're new to the channel welcome my name is Josh and I focus on camera gear and videography so if you're into that sort of stuff then you're in the right place all right so big disclaimer up front here there's no right way to do any of this stuff so I'm just going to show you how I use the R6 Mark II how I set up to get the best possible image quality out of this camera alright so here we go couple things to get started here make sure you are in video mode not photo mode and also you want to make sure you set the dial here to manual you want to be shooting in manual as often as possible to give you the best possible quality so let's start with that okay we're gonna dive into the menu and I reset as many things I possibly could I had to change a few things just so I could do this tutorial but a lot of the settings are how they come out of the box so we're going to go through the whole menu system if I skip over something it means I didn't change anything or I didn't really want to talk about it because I could spend hours explaining everything in this camera I'm going to show you all the stuff that's important and make sure you have the things change that you need to change so if we go to the menu system here there's a bunch of tabs going across the top there and then there's folders under menus under each one and so the camera one number one will start at the beginning and we'll just work our way through so if you're following along you can have your camera here and you can just um you know change things as you go okay so the first one here is going to be the movie recording size and for this we're going to choose the frame rate codec all that stuff so the one that I shoot in the most often is going to be the 4K 23.98 ipb so you can shoot in 4k or fhd which is full HD 1080p you can shoot in 23.98 or 24 29.97 which is 30 or 59.94 which is 60. and then there's two different codecs you can shoot in on this camera you can shoot an ipb and ipb light the ipb is twice the data of the ipv light is but I recommend shooting an ipb this camera doesn't shoot in all eyes so this is the highest quality mode other than the raw external which we'll talk about a little bit later so most of the time I'm shooting in this 4K 23.98 ipb and we'll talk about other frame rates and stuff a little bit later okay so we select that so the next one down here is the high frame rate mode and this is what if you turn this on this will allow you to shoot uh 1080p 120 frames per second or 1080p 180 frames per second and this will only spit out a video file that's in 30 frames per second so if you're shooting at 24 frames a second you have when you put in your editor you have to slow it down to 80 speed to get to 24 but we're not going to be doing this but that's where you turn that on this one is movie cropping and this allows you to activate the aps-c crop on this camera which is a 1.6 times crop which I actually do use quite often so this is where you can turn this on off and I'll show you a couple other ways to access this a little bit later that's a little bit easier okay sound the digital Zoom is off but um I don't recommend using that anyways okay so the sound recording uh we go to if we select this we want to make this manual I don't trust the um the automatic sound options in cameras so set your recording level whatever you need to do before you get started you know usually looking to Peak around negative 12 or negative 6 but definitely not above that so make sure you set a little bit lower so you have a little bit of safety but that'll depend on the microphone you're using the conditions you're in all those sorts of things wind filter disable that like I said we want to turn these automatic features off uh automatic audio noise reduction we're going to disable that as well if you want to do any processing to the audio I recommend that you do that in post all right so now on to the second camera screen here there's not much to change because a lot of this will get turned off once we put it in log we're going to be shooting in log because that's the best way to get the best image quality so the iso speed settings here I will set this manually but if you do want to change the maximum range you can change it here but 25 600 is pretty high anyways but you can change that so nothing else going on here we're not going to use HDR uh because again we'll be shooting in log a lot of stuff as I said we'll get disabled so we go to the third screen here and this is kind of a cool setting the av18 stop increment so if you enable this and we back out of here when you change the aperture oops I forget what it's set to we haven't changed these yet okay when you change the aperture you'll see it changes in eighth increments which is really interesting because it gives you really precise control over the aperture but also if you're if you have that set on in your shooting video you can make slight adjustments and you don't see it sort of Step as much in terms of the exposure so I don't usually have this on but it is a cool feature so I just want to you know about that okay on to the fourth page here the white balance you can set to whatever you want we will just set this to Sunny for right now but I recommend that you set your white balance manual and you don't use Auto white balance because it doesn't lock on it'll change throughout the shot so if you're going to color grade it and the light changes at all it'll be a nightmare so generally pick a white balance that you think is accurate or use a custom white balance which you can here so it's kind of this the normal Antiquated method on these Canon mirrorless cameras you have to go into photo mode take a photo and then you go into custom white balance you select that photo and it'll put a custom white balance in there so that's what you have to do I recommend that for you know Studio setting or you know interviews stuff like that we have everything set up to go to a custom white balance uh you can do it outside too but the light changes often so that's just one of those things there alright so Picture Style again we'll be shooting in log but usually if I'm not for whatever reason I'll be in standard or neutral um but either way we're not going to be I'm not I don't use that very often so for the Canon log settings this is important here we're going to go in here and we're going to turn on C log3 so this camera only shoots in c-log 3 if you're in log it doesn't shoot C log it doesn't shoot C log 2 unfortunately so C log three so in c-log 3 there's a couple different options here The View assist is something that's important what this does when you turn this on is it basically adds sort of like a Lut onto the screen when you're recording when you're looking at the monitor or the LCD screen when you're recording it allows you to get a better sense of what the image looks like because it adds some contrast and adds some saturation but it doesn't does not bake it into the image so what is being recorded or what comes out externally uh is still just the log image but I do recommend turning this on for the characteristics you can change these if you want to change some stuff in camera I just leave these as default and the color space please change this to cinema gamut that'll give you the best chance of matching this with other cameras so that's my preferred color spaces Cinema given okay so that is it here for um those settings uh page five here we have the lens aberration Corrections so these I turn on and basically what these are are settings in the camera that it knows what lens is attached you can see right now I have the rf15 to 35 on here and it knows the faults that are in these lenses and it corrects them in camera so I actually do like this and the reason for that is that this is going to correct it more accurately than I can probably correct it and there's a lot of lenses nowadays that are designed that have flaws in them but they they camera manufacturers know what the flaws are and program the bodies appropriately to get rid of those like Distortion things like that so definitely make sure you turn those on but that's really up to you and if you're using third-party lenses uh you're not going to have all these options so again if you're using Canon lens I would definitely turn these on now the focus breathing compensation or correction is only available on certain lenses right now hopefully whenever they update this camera's firmware they will have more so that's where you turn that on as well it's a really cool feature that I see in the newer Sony cameras and hopefully I don't have a lens to test it out on I wish I did have one of the lenses that worked with it but I don't at the moment so the other thing here is the high ISO speed noise reduction and this comes default as standard which is kind of where I leave it I don't really have a problem with the standard if you want maximum image quality then I would probably set this to disabled and then apply your noise reduction in post but when you apply new instruction to post it gives the computer a lot of work and can really slow it down and adds another step so generally I didn't like the high from my previous testings I would probably leave it on Lower standard and if you want as I said turn it off you'll have no noise reduction applied for the iso so that's another option as well okay on to the six tab there's the pre-recording settings and I haven't played with this yet but this is really cool where you know if you're doing Wildlife or sports or something like that and you have the camera set up shut aim at something and you hit record it'll pre it'll record before you even press the record button it'll go back it'll it's always rolling so it adds that in so again this is really cool I haven't played this yet but those that's where those settings are okay and then one thing to mention here about the time lapse this is disabled because of those reasons you can't shoot a time lapse while you're in log one of another one of the weird quirks about Canon cameras so again if you turn log off then you can do time lapse and the other thing is just like with the high frame rate mode it spits out in 30 frames a second so again one of those things you just have to be aware of so you're gonna have to you know change the speed in post okay so image stabilizer modes here uh we will access this a little bit later um through the quick menu which we'll get on to later so let's see what else we have in here customize quick controls okay so the quick menu is really important on the Canon cameras and what's really neat about the newer Canon mirrorless cameras is you can actually edit the quick control menu so now that we're in the quick menu editing section here we can actually disable stuff and enable things and basically customize however you want so I'm going to change some stuff here because there's some stuff that I'd want to have in there that is is helpful for me so I dive in the menu a little bit less often so what we're going to do here is I'm going to turn off the I'm going to turn off the Picture Style and also the digital Zoom because I don't use those and so now you can see there's nine of 11 so there's 11 spots so we've opened up two so you can basically put in here whatever you want but things like auto focus area selecting the card this is um the mic recording level headphone level like the subject detection these are all things that I want to access quickly but the two things that I'm going to add to this are going to be zebras and focus peaking so those are things I like to turn on and off um all the time so I am going to put those in there and you can also if you hit the info button you can rearrange them so if I want to move things around so really really customizable uh really really cool okay some other settings in here make sure you turn this shutter button function we're going to go in here and what I like to do this is what happens when you press the shutter button when you're in video so I change this to start stop movie recording so the reason I do this is that there is the record button up here on the camera but I can never find this for whatever reason and every camera has a shutter button so I'm I'm usually using the shutter button so when you have it set to this and you press the shutter button it will also record in addition to that other button the meter timer make sure you put this to 30 minutes and this is um basically when the camera is rolling it'll show the meter on the bottom if you want to use that I really don't use it very often but if you like it then set it to 30 minutes well if you don't know this camera does have false color which is super cool and you really only see that feature in cinema cameras it's super quirky in this camera and so I actually don't wind up using it unfortunately uh maybe this will be adjusted in a firmware update but anyways if you see it here it's grayed out if you click on it it says there's something wrong with the Canon log setting so let me show you uh how to change this if you do want to use this if you go back to the log settings which are on page four of the camera menu here you have to turn the view assist off otherwise the false collar doesn't work so if we go back to false color now you can see you can turn it on and also the false color indexes here so this is what you'd want to use so for example if you're setting exposure with a gray card then you want to set it to Green so if you forget what the colors are they're in there for you to remember the other thing you have to keep in mind is that if you want to use false color you can't have focus peaking on a focused kicking is on then false color won't work as well so it's a great tool but again it has its limitations and it's Quirk so as I said I hope it does get changed in a firmware update for zebra displays what I like to usually do there's a lot of ways of exposing and if you're curious about how to expose or color grade C log3 I made a really detailed video about that and I'll leave that link down below but the one thing I do use zebras for is to set the proper exposure on a gray card and that's 35 percent when you're in C log three so set this to 35 some people use zebras to um set their clipping point but I use the histogram so again I just set that to 35 and we can turn this on and off here but we can also turn this on and off in the quick menu because we added it to the quick menu shooting info display there's a lot of settings in here and so basically these are all the different screens that when you hit the um the info button on your on the back this will toggle through so you can go through and customize all this stuff there's a lot of stuff in here also for the viewfinder settings one thing is about the histogram and so I use histogram for judging exposure so there's one thing here I want to change is the display size I make this small because if I don't make it small it's way too big on the screen and I can't can't see what I'm doing okay lens info display this is really cool uh this is what happens if you're manually focusing it'll show um the distance you are away the lens is set to because these are all focused by wire lenses meaning when you turn the focus ring on the lens it doesn't actually um change the focus it tells the camera how to focus it so it's indirect it's focused by wire so I actually disable this I find it distracting I don't find it really that helpful but you can do that and then you can select feet or meters if you want but I turn that off because I find it a little bit distracting focal length display definitely that on that's really cool that will show you your focal length on the screen so if I back out of the menu here you can see it says 35 millimeters so it's really cool to uh to have that on there okay so going back into here there's one more thing I want to change here and that is the recording emphasis so that is set to on so let me show you what this is so if we back out again and I press record you'll see the red box flashing around the outside I find this distracting I kind of like what Sony does and it's like a solid box but the flashing kind of bothers me I do like it that it really lets you know the recording but I just turn this off because I find it distracting so again go back in here shooting info display recording Ephesus I'm going to turn that off okay on to page eight the quick control screen so I know we just went in to customize it but this is something that's different in the in the R6 Mark II so there's actually two quick control screens so this is the first one that we're customizing but there's also a second one which is really handy and takes a little bit of getting used to but you have to turn it on here because if you don't turn it on here it won't show up so we'll talk about this when we dive into it from the main menu a little bit later so again we can change the settings here for the viewfinder one thing here is the standby low res so I had this already turned off it comes on by default and basically it puts a screen in a low resolution to save on battery power but I have it off because I want to see the maximum screen rather chew through a little bit extra battery the battery life's incredible on this camera okay so the thing here which is on all the Canon mirrorless cameras which is really frustrating is this setting here the HDMI display so there's two options so the option I'm in right now just the screen is what happens is when I have this set up and I have the monitor I'm actually that's the way I'm recording this right now but it could be just a monitor or you could be using this for live streaming or whatever this when you have it on this setting here the LCD screen on the camera is off and it outputs the image from the camera and also all the on-screen menu to the um to over HDMI that's how I'm recording this right now now if I change this to the other one then what will happen is it'll show me the image on the screen all the settings on this on the LCD screen itself and it'll output a clean HDMI feed so if you are feeding this too for live streaming for example or you are recording externally then you want to feed a live a clean feed out over HDMI the problem with this setting is that you can't record internally so you just have to pick which one you want uh it's just a really silly Quirk but just so you understand how that works so the bottom one will turn off the screen on the back of the camera we'll output the info display onto the HDMI and the other one you'll get the normal display on the camera and it'll output a clean HDMI but you can't record internally so hopefully that makes sense okay other thing here is the HDMI raw output and I'm not going to turn this on but uh this is how you turn this on as of right now I you can't actually do this I tried to do this recently but the firmware for the atomos Ninja V and atomos Ninja V plus is going to be coming out in January of 2023 so until it happens we can't test this out but that's where you turn that on and off and if you want to do you use time code you can check that out here too okay done with all the camera settings let's go to the autofocus menu here and there's a few things I want to talk about of course if most of the time I am using autofocus so you want to make sure that you have the movie Servo autofocus enabled I think it is fault and then you can play with there's a lot of settings in here to play with in terms of subject detection and all that stuff it really depends on what you're shooting and you should experiment with all these things but for most situations I think the default settings are pretty good it'll depend on which lenses you're using and of course what you're shooting and those sorts of things autofocused area you can really dial this in for what you're doing but again for General stuff whole area autofocus is good subject to detect you can this is new here um this is auto feature so you can let it just choose what you want and from what I've seen so far in my limited testing it works pretty well previously you have to go in and select people animals vehicles or none so I I've been trying to trust it a little bit more so we'll leave it on auto for now but if I am you know doing just birds or just animals I will change that are just people but the auto does work pretty well eye detection you could turn on and off uh here and you can make it choose right eye left eye or Auto I just leave this on auto now the switch track subjects will determine you know if it locks on to the initial thing and stays with that initial subject or it'll switch more easily again I have it in the middle so it does a little bit of both so there's a lot of settings in here now as I said there's a lot of settings in here which I actually don't change but you could change as you get more used to these things and experiment with them so on the fifth screen here number five we have the manual focus peaking settings and for this it will really depend on what you like here but generally I have it on medium or high and red if I'm doing Wildlife sometimes I will change it to Yellow it just makes it a little bit easier to see and you can turn this on off here but as we already customized the quick menu you can turn it on and off there which is pretty handy going over to the sixth screen here there's a couple things in here but one thing that's important here is the RF lens manual focus ring sensitivity and as I said earlier it's focused by wire so there's two settings in here one is it varies with rotation speed which doesn't feel natural at all to me and probably most of you and that when you turn the ring faster it will focus faster I like it to be linear like you turn it a certain amount it works a certain amount so that's the bottom one here make sure you change this setting here so now that we're done with the camera settings and the autofocus settings let's move on I don't change any of the settings in the playback or the connectivity stuff I don't really use that stuff but there's a lot of stuff in there to play with and experiment with and dial in all right so on to the wrench here there's a bunch of settings in here to talk about so the first one here the record functions in card folder selection this is what allows you to choose different recording options so if you want to record separate things like you want like photos to one card and videos to another one and all the different kinds of settings so for example for video you can do standard uh which is just recording to one card you can have it relay record so it goes from one card to the next and then also uh recording a multiple cards so if you're doing professional video work I recommend the record to multiple so you got a backup copy in case a card fails so this is where you change all those settings okay let's go to file name here and for this I do like to customize this for some reason this wasn't reset but I use a lot of different cameras and I like to name the files to be that camera so when you pull them in the computer it this one will say R6 Mark II so if you go in here I already have this set to R6 Mark II which you can make it say whatever you want uh well it's already that way and then down here let's see up at the top here you want to select R6 Mark II so now all the files that come into your computer will say R6 Mark II and then have a number after it so that is really really handy this is where you format your card so it's got to know where that is moving over to the second tab here a lot of people ask me that they don't see the right frame rate so if you're in North America and you probably want ntsc which will give you 24 30 60 120 if you're in Europe and a lot of other places it's gonna you want to switch this to Pal it'll be 25.50 and 100 so that's where you change that for the mode guide I want to turn that off and also for the feature guide I want to turn that off this is some of the on-screen display stuff that just gets annoying after you start using the camera file so I turn those things off for the beep I disable this I don't like the camera making extra sounds this is all personal preference stuff so for power savings uh this doesn't come disabled I had I just disabled all the stuff so I could do this tutorial but I generally leave everything disabled here but you can you know have that screen dim you can have the screen turn off after a certain amount of time you can have the camera turn off after a certain amount of time and then you can have the the viewfinder turn off as well but generally I'm just I'm just aware of it and um I just leave these all disabled but again that's again personal preference all right now on to the fourth tab over here and the screen viewfinder display there's a couple settings here and this is what allows the camera to switch between the LCD screen and the evf so you can manually choose screen or viewfinder and there's a few different options here for Auto one of which is if you have the LCD screen open it will not allow not switch between the evf and the LCD so if you have it on that then you have to close the screen to get it to switch or you can have it switch if the screen's open anyways there's a couple different options here so play with those see what you like and terms of screen brightness the screen in the back of this camera is great generally I turn this up pretty high but if you turn up really high you can potentially over expose your image if you're using the screen to help you judge with that so just be careful if it's not super bright outside don't set this up too high because everything will look really really bright and over exposed okay I think that's it for this page let's go to the fifth one over here and one thing is the shutter at shutdown and so I like to keep this closed what this does is that when you turn the camera off it shuts uh closes the shutter so you don't allow any dust in onto the sixth tab over here we have the custom shooting modes which we will get to a little bit later okay moving on to the control section we're going to skip over the first and second tab here there is some custom um this is where you can change the custom buttons and I actually don't change the custom buttons on this camera I haven't really felt the need to because of the quick menu and how to customize it but for most things uh the buttons are there or they're in the quick menu so I'll probably experiment with a little bit more but I've been using this camera and haven't really felt the need to really customize a lot of the buttons but one thing I do need to do is customize the dials so the top dial here which is the button on the top there I always have this to shutter speed and this is personal preference that's kind of been doing this for a long time the the dial up on the top here I change that one to the aperture the one on the back the back wheel I change that to ISO and this is all personal preference but this way I've been shooting on Canon cameras and actually all the cameras for a while now if they have a wheel in the back so shut it on the top aperture on the top ISO on the back and the bottom one is the control wheel that you find on the uh the lenses I actually turned this off because I just wind up bumping it a lot and I don't really feel the need to have it there's so much custom customization on these cameras but I just leave that off but again if you want to set that to I don't know white balance or something like that you do have that option to uh to change that in there as well so those are my custom dials now on to the fourth tab over here there's one thing I want to change in here and that's the audio compression and again I want to disable this I want to get the maximum possible audio quality out of the camera so those are all the settings in the menu system that I change if I didn't change anything that's because I don't change it so I'll talk about some general operation stuff now so some general stuff here and then we'll get into the quick menu and I'll just talk about my custom modes and stuff like that so first of all we're going to be shooting in 24 frames a second so I'm going to change the shutter speed to 1 over 50 you know the aperture can be whatever you want and then the iso we're going to change this to 800 because that is the base ISO for C log 3. so I usually let that sit at 800. now let's jump into the quick menu and to do that there's the Q button on the back and as I said before I don't really bother with a lot of the custom buttons because everything's in here and you can customize this which I showed you earlier so all the things we saw in here earlier we have the autofocus area we have you can select the card this is where I change my frame rate rate and recording options right here so if we want 4K 60 you can do that in here 4K 24 like I said and then if we go down here we have the audio recording which gives you a nice big meter so often I'll do that to um get my audio level before I start recording we also have the headphone volume we have the second screen here I'll show you that in a second let me talk about stabilization for a second if you have a Canon lens that has stabilization on it there's a switch on the side you can turn it on and off if you turn the stabilization on the lens it turns the lens tape on it also turns the Ibis or in-body image stabilization on in the camera if you turn the lens switch off it will disable the lens stab and the camera's Ibis system you can't have one on or the other it's either both on or both off and instead you do that with the switch so if I hit the switch you'll see on the screen the little stabilization thing goes from plus to off all right so we'll leave that on and if you go into the queue menu this is where you change the digital stabilization so you can either have it off so no digital Stave this is in addition to the Ibis so you can do this independently so you can have it off or on or enhanced enhances a lot if I need a little bit extra Stave I will sometimes use on but I find that the lens Stave if you have lens tape and the Ibis work really well together if you do have electronic stabilization turned on it does crop in a little bit so keep that in mind now if you have a lens that doesn't have stabilization you might want to play with it but again play with all these settings see what you like those sorts of things we'll also have white balance so this is really easy to get to so this is all in here and if you're using the custom white balance that's where that is too so you can also change it by Kelvin so I do that sometimes as well okay so we can also as I talked about before we can turn the zebras on and off we can also um turn the peaking on and off which I mentioned before and you can change the peaking settings just by hitting the info button so a lot of great options to get in right there now subject detection which we were talking about for again you can see how everything is pretty much in the queue menu it's really easy to access you can just choose what you want super easy so this is the main Q menu but because we enabled the second cue menu if we press the the Q button again now we get this second menu and this is where we turn on and off a couple things so the movie cropping which as I said is this is the way the easiest way to get in and out of it is this is the super 35 or sorry aps-c crop so this easiest way to turn it on and off we also can turn the high frame rate on and off here so we don't have to dive into the menu system and then the recording options like we talked about before so this is what allows you to not have to dive into the menu as often and it's much more Visual and easy to find everything now if you see the two little dots at the top of the screen there that means there's a second page so I just use the wheel and the dial on the top here to go to the second one you can change the log settings the movie record size what we already have on the main queue menu and then HDR which is disabled because we're in log so a lot of different options with the Q menu here it just allows you to get in and out of a lot of the settings you need on a regular basis and I said it's really handy and you can customize however you want all right so sort of the last thing I want to talk about here are the custom modes that are in the camera and how you set them up and what you might want to use them for so there are C1 through C3 the three custom modes on the dial here and they're separate for photo and video so if you flip the switch from video to photo you'll have three different custom modes so use them for certain things lately I've been using this camera for wildlife so there's a couple settings that I like to set it up for so let me just show you how to do that of course set up your camera you want to set up but I'll show you what I've been doing so the first thing is I'm going to set the first custom mode to 4K 60. so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to go hit the queue button and I'm going to go to the movie record size and we're going to choose 4K 60 ipb now I'm in 4k 60 and it's time to set this up for Wildlife Shooting so let me change a couple of settings first of all I want to change the shutter speed to be 1 over 125 because that'll be double my frame rate at 60 frames a second one is the 100 Year shutter rule also I set my aperture to 7.1 this is very specific for my case here because I'm using the RF 100 to 500 and at 500 millimeters it's at 7.1 so just set at 7.1 and the iso is set at 800 and so the other thing I want to change here is the autofocus so I'm going to change the autofocus to animals because as I said I'm setting stuff for wildlife this is very specific for my case but anyways let me show you how I do this so once I get everything set up however you want it all the settings that you have in the camera right now will get put into custom mode one if you press the menu button and we go to the wrench number six custom shooting modes which we skipped over earlier we can register the settings and we're going to put this one in C1 so now when I go to C1 everything that I just had in the camera will be set up for C1 so this is rated sheet 4k60 for me for shooting birds and wildlife so it makes it really easy and then for me the other thing I like to do is set up the the second one in 4k60 in crop mode just to show you how I do this you press the Q button twice to get into that second menu movie cropping enabled so now we're in crop mode and I can set this to custom mode too so now custom mode one is 4K 60 custom mode 2 is 4k60 crop mode but again this is very specific for my use case for shooting Wildlife if you're doing other things you can set all that up and you have your options for shooting custom modes well that kind of wraps up all the settings that I use in the camera and hopefully you got something out of this and it's really interesting to see how people set up their cameras because they're all a little bit different because everyone kind of uses their cameras differently and there's a lot of settings in here and I recommend that you really look through the menu system and experiment and make changes especially in the autofocus there's a lot of things to tweak and dial in there if you have any questions please leave them down in the description below I'll do my best to help you guys out otherwise if you're found value in this video and you enjoyed it and you want to see more content about the Canon R6 Mark II or other cameras or other videography stuff please consider hitting subscribe to get all that content and it also mean a lot to me thank you so much for watching we'll see in the next one
Channel: Josh Sattin
Views: 70,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: content creator, content creation, content creation tips, filmmaking, film making, videography for beginners, videography, videography tips, videography tutorials, videographer, grow youtube channel, youtube strategy, youtube tips
Id: 2xqub_NF14Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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