Canning SAUSAGE & A Few Tips!

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[Music] so hey guys welcome to appalachia's homestead i don't know where i'm at so just going to throw in some quick clips i am canning beans i can these yesterday these are your white northern beans this morning i'm going through another round of beans but i took the leftovers of the whites and mixed them with pintos they've soaked yes i pre-soak my beans some people do some people don't you do what works best for you i've simply heated the jars washed them in the dishwasher you can wash them and heat them with boiling water there's lots of different ways and some people use their oven and then i have put in the beans now before i did that i put a little bit of salt in the bottom so there's about a table excuse me a teaspoon not a tablespoon a teaspoon of salt then i put in my uh soaked rinsed beans right on in there now i'm putting in boiling water it was boiling i got that it's steaming it see that steam coming up so what i'm gonna do is put the lid on put the ring on because that's what holds the lid in place and then i'm going to pressure can my beans since i am going to be pressure canning my beans in quartz these are regular mouth quartz you're going to want to do that for 90 minutes after your pressure canner vents for 10 minutes very simple easy to do just a little time consuming but you know what your food's pretty doggone important all right the beans from yesterday are cooled cleaned sealed marked rings are off and ready to go hey guys welcome to appalachian homestead i'm going to run through as best i can a canning video for you for more meats now i'm going i'm pushing forward into uh hopefully over the weekend moving into um freeze drying i'll tell you what all this work we're also working so hard bless your hearts i know you are i know you are i know you are there's thing going on but listen so i'm gonna can some sausage now first things first there are some things you have got to know before you jump into pressure canning or canning at all there's things you've got to know you've got to know what you have to work with what are your goals and what do what are you canning with like i'm doing my canning today with an all-american 921 so it has its own manual it has its own setup it has its own ways i've gone over that before in other videos especially the one with canning meat the ground beef one i mean i really went through it on that and so i'm getting set up getting cleaned up so i did beans yesterday and earlier and i'm moving into my meats because i'm going to have to put them in the freezer if i don't and i don't want to do that so i want to get them on the shelf so i'm choosing to can these right now and walk you through the process so like i said i'm using the 921 canner i've said before you ask yes i'm doing it on a smooth surface stove i can do that because my stove is rated for canning check with that first i get that question a lot so you need to check that you know check that situation make sure whatever canner you have it will fit when i used to have that big old clunky microwave here that i tore out i couldn't hardly can hear it all now i can i can can that was the whole purpose i also know that my 921 will fit on my wood cook stove so see i've had to kind of take measurements and know what i want and know what i need to work with in order to get the job done lord i'm just moving junk all around it's just gonna be this way so what i'm going to do like i told you is i'm going to be doing sausage and i'm going to be doing patties and the actual ground sausage the process once you get them in the jars is the exact same so see that's the beautiful thing about it i am going to be putting all of mine into individual pints i can can eight pints on a single layer in my 921 all-american canner i actually can double that i choose not to because i have a smooth surface range here so even though it's rated for that those canters get really really heavy when you start doubling it up it's not that i can't do it it's just it's very heavy number one number two i don't want that much i still want to use you know a little bit of reservation with my stove here okay so that's why okay so single layer so i'm going for eight pints of sausage and we will be doing that in like i said the pint jars and uh let's go so first things first i'm getting out some old canning jars that i'm gonna wash and i'm gonna actually put them into the actual the actual dishwasher they need to be washed cleaned up so i'm going to wash and rinse them and then i'm going to put them in the dishwasher to really get them clean and hot hot hot so you can see i've got a regular mouth right here and then i've got a wide mouth totally different i'm going to use just the regular mouth for the ground sausage and then i like the wide mouth i prefer wide mouth all around but i'll do whatever i need to wide mouth is my favorite it just allows more versatility for pickles and meats and different things like that but the patties will fit better in there okay so let's get these going okay now you know i'm a big stickler about not leaving your rings on your canning jars once they have sealed and sat for 12 to 24 hours and cooled down i take them off i wash them and i put them up i string them up so i'm going to take off the ones that i need in both sizes and i'm going to wash them again right before i use them just to make sure there's no dust or debris on them and so i continue going through that process i've been told that if you take care of your rings they're not heavily rusted or rusted at all is ideally what you want bent or whatever you can use these up to 12 times so this is why i tell people take care of your rings y'all so remember that okay so this is a question that i've gotten a ton of and there's two options for you but let me tell you what i do i do not raw pack and can my meats and yes you're hearing a lawnmower in the distance my son on his own decided to start mowing the yard and when teenagers get that drive we don't stop it regardless of what we're doing so every mother just went yes so here's what i'm gonna do i am going to take the meat the sausage the chicken the ground beef whatever i've got and i am going to cook it somewhere around 40 50 you i in terms of the sausage or in terms of ground beef they'll tell you to brown it that doesn't mean it's cooked all the way through you're just simply browning it i like to bake my patties i'm going to put them on in about 375 for about 20 minutes or so i'm going to eyeball it until they're nice and just brown not fully cooked not burnt not nothing like that but they're brown same thing with the tennessee pride sausage the ground sausage and i'm gonna put it in a little pan and just do it right up on top and just mix it up and cook it up and brown it so that's what i'm choosing to do right here and then i'm going to use boiling hot water in the jars with them with a little bit of salt you do what works best for you but it works great here this is what we're gonna do all right so i had to shift them around a little bit i wanted to fit all of them on here and i will but i had to go from three to four so they got shifted around a little bit the last time i did this i could fit seven patties in one jar those patties came from aldi so this is a different brand so they might be a little bit thinner or thicker i can't recall right off the top my head um but we're gonna find out so we're just gonna go with it if i have to take some and crumble it up it's no big deal okay the goal is to get in the jars that's the goal all right i'll let you know how long and if this temperature worked well somewhere between 375 and 400 is what i would work with and do work with so we'll get the time down and we'll see what she does now remember in between these steps in canning make sure you're cleaning washing your hands take a minute get everything cleaned up sterilized every which way you go it helps you keep it clean in the long run and it keeps everything sterile okay so i'm in a little bit of a holding pattern before i actually can so let me go over a couple of things with you because i know you're going to ask or you have many of you have already asked there's two things you need to know in particular about canning or specifically this cannon number one you're going to want to use i use olive oil a little bit of olive oil around the inside just to keep it slick and greased up and not you know so hard on wear on the canner when it's going so right before i put the lid on um i will actually or turn right before i put the jars in right you know right before we can i'll put a little bit of olive oil on the inside of the all-american canner remember that i always have to remember that number two you're going to want to vent your canner for 10 minutes before you actually put the weight on so you're gonna put a weight you know how you've seen that this intimidates a lot of people so your yours is going to come with the weight this one comes with this weight so i'm going to talk about this canner 5 10 15 okay and so we're going to be doing ours at 10 but before you put that on you're going to get this rocking and rolling and you're going to have steam coming out that's venting okay you're gonna want this to vent for 10 minutes before you put the weight on those are two very critical things to know uh before we get started because a lot of people ask in terms of the actual patties that i'm going to be putting into the jars you can put some people put parchment paper in with their meats i'm not going to parchment paper uh isn't necessary no problem so i'm not you can you do your homework and what works best for you so i have browned the ground sausage it's ready to go then i also have we have about four minutes left inside here and they're really starting to brown up so around 20 minutes or so like i said is what you are looking at give or take my jars are still washing so they're rocking and rolling and on the stove top i have a large stock pot of just plain water okay so it's starting to get hot trying to get it to start boiling so this is kind of that holding pattern that i'm in to the next phase and last but not least like i said i use a little bit of salt probably for pints i'm going to use about a half a teaspoon i just put a little bit in there if you were using quartz for something and you want to put salt in it it's usually about a full teaspoon okay all right well we'll just wait around for a few minutes and i'll find something to do and we'll get to it okay hot water check i've already put the olive oil on the on the canter and it's going heating up as you can see got my salt ready jars ready rings are washed lids are in hot water i still do that i'm one of the mold timers and i've got everything ready to go so we're going to start laying it out i'll put the salt in only about about a half teaspoon no big deal and we'll start filling the jars and we'll see how many we get okay [Music] okay so we are going to end up actually with seven was able to fill um four of them with seven patties and two of them with six that's how many patties i had today so i evened out the last two when i've done this in the past my patties were actually a little bit wider they come from aldi and their patties are about the same thickness but they're a little bit wider so these these were a little bit smaller and i thought they might be and then here is how the ground sausage turned out so we're going to add the water clean them off put the lids on put the rings and get them rocking and rolling okay i forgot to say this i i didn't put my rack in i did just now i have two of them but i want to show you this is why it's important to talk to yourself as you can so that you try to remove because you'll forget things you'll go oh no so i know it's okay but don't forget the rack at the bottom of the candle okay you hear it it's rocking and rolling in terms of venting 10 minutes there then i will apply the weight on 10 pressure will be 10 and 10 pounds of pressure and then i will pull back it'll be you'll be jiggling just jiggling jiggling jiggling i will pull back the heat just a little bit to a high medium medium you want it to just jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle joe you don't want it going rocking hardcore and keep an eye on your gauge here because we did pints it will be 75 minutes so if you'll set your timer that wants you this is this is back to that slow good jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle that's when you set the timer canning mates or canning anything is not difficult it's just a time process but eating is important okay we have concluded the 75 minutes but it's still super super hot so i'm just going to let this is going to sit and cool there's a couple things that i failed to mention to you first of all i did rinse my sauce the ground sausage i did a light rinse on that because i know you're going to ask so i did a light rinse on that um but i did not on the patties because see they bake and so that that kind of the grease baked out so when you're canning meats you're automatically over time there's going to be some fat at the top folks you can't avoid that there's there's there's fat in the meat so expect that but i know you're going to ask about that and also you wanted to do a a half inch headspace on your jars in terms of how high you pack them in there ball canning book there's tons of books on canning and proper canning so i encourage you to get that and also when you get a canner like when you get the all-american canner any of their models you're going to come with they come with a really nice manual and book and they tell you everything that you need to know take the time to read them and learn them so this is going to sit and cool for a bit don't burn yourself and we will see what they look like a little bit later alrighty guys you're looking at about an hour and a half later so everything cooled down enough uh and we took off the gauge so the pressure came out let everything cool down enough to where we could move the canner over to the island open it up we wore mitts be very careful you may need help with that ladies especially if it's very very heavy always do you know do what's right there and we're just going to let these sit overnight let them cool down and then we'll check the seals in the morning and make sure everything is you know sealed up we'll clean them up have them cool down some more and then i will mark them and put them in the pantry but don't forget to take the rings off if you're wanting to know how long it is recommended for you to keep these on the shelf it is recommended anywhere from 12 to 18 months that is the recommendation we appreciate you watching here at appalachia's homestead y'all stay very very busy out there and we'll see you on the next video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Appalachia's Homestead with Patara
Views: 112,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xXBfvQBG1tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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