Canelo Alvarez | Crazy Drills That Became KO's - Breakdown

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canelo alvarez is one of the most elusive slick defensive minded fighters in boxing today and canelo alvarez is one of the most aggressive powerful offensive pressure fighters in boxing today canalo is both of these things a rare duality that's been pulled off by few alvarez has the distinction of being an aggressive counter puncher something that requires insane reflexes terrifying power and most of all countless hours of hard work and devotion to the craft everyone seemed to like learning how tyson used his unique drills to send upon his tumbling to the canvas so in this video let's look at some of the drills that have helped make canelo one of the greatest knockout artists alive today while most successful pressure fighters mainly rely on either head movement or an active guard canelo is brilliant at both and can even combine them together we'll start with head movement drills in case you haven't noticed canelo is kind of good at this unlike many otherwise gifted fighters canelo uses head movement for what is actually for setting up counters poles are usually under utilized by pressure fighters but they work great because pressure fighters are usually lead leg heavy giving them a lot of room to pull back already in this clip canelo's trainer combines bag work with the reaction drill using a small towel to prompt canelo to pull and counter with the cross and lead hook and here canelo practices the same drill with the foam tube it seems a little silly until you see this clip of canelo using this exact same sequence against an opponent pull cross lead hook and he's out cold true towels and foam may seem like odd tool crate one of the best technical fighters out there however they have the potential to move faster than the trainer may be able to punch and more importantly they keep the trainer out of the way so that canelo can use the heavy bag what this means is that canelo has a chance to both react to something as fast as a punch and then counter as hard as he wants to without any risk to himself or his trainer drills are all about repetition and this is a brilliant way to simulate real combat as closely as possible as many times as possible also it allows canelo to do something extraordinary like ali canelo can turn his head to let punches barely skim his cheek this would usually be extremely dangerous to practice with a partner but the foam gives canelo as many tries as necessary as for ali i wouldn't have put it past him to have developed this tactic all in his own through sheer bravery and recklessness while turning his head certainly looks amazing most of canelo's knockouts come off of a regular pull followed quickly by a counter uppercut in this clip canelo swings a bag to practice the timing of pulling into an uppercut this may seem like a very simple drill but it trains using power from the correct distance that being said canelo's work here on the reflex bag is much more indicative of how he usually moves while performing the sequence notice how canelo practices dropping his arms as he pulls away from the bag this does two things first it helps him to move faster by counterbalancing his torso this works in the same way that a kickboxer can swing his arms to increase the speed of his kick and secondly once canelo has conditioned his opponents to landing on his high guard then it can come as a major surprise where their punch no longer meets any resistance they tend to overreach driving themselves directly into canelo's rare uppercut of course he can use the same counterbalance tactics with hooks as well an interesting fact floyd mayweather was a huge fan of using it to set up his crosses and overhands next drill if you're impressed by how canelo can pull off amazing highlight reel knockouts with just a pole you should see what he can do with the slip here we see canelo using a reflex back this is the perfect tool to practice slipping and countering this is because the bag returns fire automatically notice how canelo practices tapping the bag to his shoulder simulating him just slipping a punch notice here how canelo's punch is in the exact same position as the ball as he counters with a hard right slips also work very well while sidestepping which can greatly help to cut off the ring what's more the moving torso shifts weight between legs helping to load up counter punches with more power notice how canelo will also practice slipping as he punches aligning his fist with the bag as it comes back this is a much more advanced principle that many fighters lack getting inside your opponent's punches notice here how canelo's slip moves his shoulder closer to the center line here we see canelo practice cover blocking before returning a counter notice that canelo doesn't simply lift his arm but turns his body into the block this both dispels the force of the blow and loads up his next punch canelo is also a big fan of reinforcing his blocks he does here using a parry to reinforce his cover block before returning a hard counter left in this drill canelo does something subtle and far less common he uses a forearm block to deflect his coach's jab before countering this is a very rare technique but it's led to some terrific knockouts notice here how canelo sends his opponent's jab flying over him even as he moves forward at the same time he slips once again reinforcing his defense and intercepts his opponent's jab with a hard cross eventually his opponent's brain realizes it just got hit with a major blow and sends the signal to the rest of his body that is time to fall down the great thing about a forearm block is that it can be a block a feint or the start of a real jab all at once but canelo doesn't always counter he's also amazing at finishing his opponents and a big part of that is his use of effective combinations that are designed to break through an opponent's guard in these clips canelo practices doubling up on the lead side putting insane power into both punches since fighters are usually expecting a punch off the other hand this can take them by surprise another idea behind this is to get the opponent to adjust their guard to block the first punch thereby creating an opening for the second punch for instance attacking the body with a low hook can expose the opponent's head to a high hook and vice versa or an uppercut can incentivize them to tighten their guard exposing their sides the results speak for themselves that's it for now stay tuned for more drills to kos fight breakdowns and more if you'd like to up your own game you can check out my technique books on power footwork and aggressive defense linked below from the modern martial artists this has been david christian wishing you happy training
Channel: The Modern Martial Artist
Views: 2,075,218
Rating: 4.9334688 out of 5
Keywords: canelo Alvarez, boxing, drills, technique, breakdown, analysis
Id: ZEstZlqT4kU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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