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I've been collecting candle toys alongside other toys for what 30 40 years now there are fairly rare beasts but just recently there's a huge amount of candles coming out of the design studios you'll find towards the end of this demonstration of candles just extraordinary plethora of clever Capitol ideas some of the very earliest stuff is over here this one for instance is a very clever American novelty for children to have at a birthday party so if I like the candy see what happens it's quite a surprise she'sa lights stand back hang on to your pants wait for the action something's going to happen the flame is slowly burning down melting the wax and there's a washer there was just holding back something what is it big shock coming oh goodness me and it wishes you every birthday it's a big spring inside you see wonderful turn turns the to quench the flame to which is clever ice-o-matic so a lovely idea that and of course they have to give you lots and lots of spare wicks there are like pipe cleaners these but each has got a little little device at the top a small washer held down by wax lovely idea and it shut children's parties that's been a great success activate the time to reset but another one I picked up in the very early days was this one which is an old Swedish tradition which is still alive where girls at the certain age about 12 or 13 wear a candle on their head a crown of candles and this is just a toy version and they come in with goodies and sing songs and whatever it is that one's not working well that's typical of candle minute but they put it on their head like this but they've proper lighted candles of course and process in wearing perhaps vegetable white versions for Wessel writes about socks or something and have a little ceremony nice one that's in Sweden also in the early days I came across some electric candles which unlike those ones which are just a steady light had a bit more subtlety to them this one for instance which is very early electronics it goes nicely between two to two small all inside filaments it's a very clever one but there's quite a crew one this because it's almost like a little printed circuit board there's no electronics in these early days this is back in the early 80s in that so that's really about the clever and then another idea where they notice that of course a steady flame doesn't really work you're going to have something which moves a bit so this one here is a it's a it's a it's a steady Bowl but it's got I saw the spring to it which allows the thing to move around a bit which is quite very quickly I do these are those Swedish Swedish very very fond of of barrels then another early development in canvas was one in which state added music and this is where chips came in for the first time so in this capital here there is a chip inside and there's a little light sensitive diode and any when you light it will the same start performance music not quite that well-known tube so the light is going down the wick hitting their little diode and activating the small chip and then you fill it out and put a bit of darkness to it as well it shuts up whatever idea I keep them back in the box and the old box so it doesn't make any more noise but it works only when it slips which is a very nice idea over here we've got a wonderful candle which a friend lik Moore has been setting for all about 20 years or more it's called an affinity candle this hurly should let you blow this then you put it in the optimal system which consists of a half mirror at the front and a full mirror at the back subtleness so this is a half-silvered mirror but the back one is a normal full there oh I think I'm gonna try a little because I don't think this lighting variable let's try this one there she blows this banner he calls it infinity candle and the effect should be all got some wax in of mine as you get what they call infinite regressions going into the backwards the lights going backwards and forwards backwards and forwards between the two silver surfaces if I move them in slightly back and forward like this you get some interesting effects because you get the tunnel tunnel of light appearing to bend up and down like a snake or if I move it slightly from side to side you get some wonderful movements to it he's made conversion disease and ones with two or three different camels as well and gigantic ones about six foot tall which were about a ton demonstration models but to love the idea that it still sells very well for him it was infinity Campbell a very recent development which I only come across that this one here is a candle which is really got two functions it's a candle like a wall but it's got three wicks but it's on a curve so either you can light it as a candle or you can treat it as a lampshade for that you just get an order bulb and put it behind it like this about that height I think about they're the ideal and mount it like that and then you don't use the candle you could do both I suppose like the candle and but in this mode here it's being used as a lampshade and yet you can still use it as a candle very nice concept that just put a little flicker back against I'm liking me and then candle them all shapes have appeared over the years and this is one of my favorites and Apple looking exactly like an apple in fact you put that in a bowl of fruit to explode it was an apple but this is actually a candle the simply applies it and what I like about this is developers out there they're always looking for new ways of enhancing their products and while that is a nice idea can you make it any better well this came out about four years ago along with other fruits bananas and and oranges everything else but recently I've notice in a trade cut trade magazine there's a Japanese designer who's come up with a candle here which is an apple candle which appears to being partly peeled that's a nice little development of the idea something I should look out for the trade fairs Africana but with the difference now I've got a 3d friend at a market in London who has done a wonderful idea with her tea lights they call these extraordinary idea here's what she's done is she's found a way of putting at a type of paint in this which doesn't melt in the wax so it's formed the skin on the top and as a wax melts and is used up and slowly sinks down the paint forms the skin on the top and sinks down with it and it actually ends up in the base like that so this is a full one and four hours later the pictures at the bottom there you can ask people in this leading question how the picture get there well the answer is it shut it down there but they won't believe it write it to show that does actually work in a candle and then four hours later if it's fairly still air that will sink down I worked out the rate which is about what half an inch over four hours is about half a million h PM h PM well there's the opposite of mph so half a million hours per mile what are speed and there's other versions she's made as well but a nice concept that there's also a plethora of candles which are and these are really the last 10 years really shapes like digits and loads and loads of civil which we have on our website which are shaped like letters of the alphabet we sell all these ones here on either side don't ask and force you something all this stuff here they all sickle not on the honor honor honor on a birthday cake you know I've never been a fun for grownups to enjoy these even or other charming doesn't one of Roman numerals which I like so this is a fairly recent development in the camera field I didn't see them about 20 years ago they've all really suddenly appeared the German to come up with a nice idea which we put in our Christmas pack a couple of years ago it's a little matchbox but it's got these fallen studs around there's another one there what you do is you open it up you take out a candle and you take out a match there's a match there as well and you need both of them of course you place to match you place the candle Inlet piece like that and if you want to have four pieces perhaps for Advent you can do that or this for a four-year-old birthday party and you light the candles this one I dislike the modern candle oops I pull it out this is really good there we are so up to format for candles can be placed on this light poor thing he's running out of fuel up to four cameras from the place on this very pretty little matchbox with the Germans of design I like to thank you very much electronic candles still abounding this is one that's coming out to about eight years ago and it's just brilliant unlike the other flickering one this is this is advanced this is 20 years later you just turn it on like this and will you it blows out oh we knew it blows it on again and look at the flickering effect you're getting due to electronics and then nerds out again that ever idea I'll leave it on load on exactly like a teabag books Bernardi in you've got some strange ideas here this is one of the most advanced ones which unfortunately cost about fifty pound so I couldn't buy it it was a wall about size of a card and they had loads of wicks in it in lit it and over a period of four hours it did something quite extraordinary to entertain the dinner guests but you couldn't show that the trade shares it's a four hours of work and it looked like that to start was so by way of selling it they gave you a flick books to see here's a flick books and show you what happened over a period of about four hours something like this the candle slowly Burke down and the war made all sorts of weird strange because it was very Cygnus simply the wax it was doing it lovely idea but was about forty or fifty pounds I think it was a bit beyond me and once it's used of course is used but nice we're promoting it to little is it book then we've got some jerky ones over here which are if I got this very recently these look like far hit and fire hydrants in fact they're real lighting candles so candles that don't go out so it's a double this as fire hazard and you put them into a cake with like Excel yeah you like them and once a lipstick or silver might go out so we have to dazzling walk with them in I like the idea but a fire hydrant handled with that face in the front and then hopefully it'll light again sitting on one up so we have two working side-by-side they flicker they've got some sort of sparkle in it and once sippers decided to stay have another going to move it's like this part as well I see never light again yes tell them I was gonna think about it these other characters put on the table again there's a fairly recent development I came across the early versions of them and these are color of colored kind of flame candles the flame come it isn't that strong to be honest to start with it some work very well at this one's going to be a nice red color this one's a green I think it is I get to like and then the last one is a yellow one in the darkened room I think they probably look bit better this one's going opposite they should really have the subtle chemicals they have in fireworks with for strontium a natural thing but the flame color is a little bit if the I have to say and they think this for a come and go there are definitely chemicals in these waxes here which should give the the actual flame itself a coloration another new development which I've only just come across is this one here where they provide you with a big bag of wax granules and the idea is you put this into any vessel you like in this case I put it into a little little porcelain vessel you have a wit to go with it as fair as wicks and then you light it and hopefully the wick slowly burn us down to the where the waxes and then there that's that keeps it alight as long as there's some fuel there and I only understand where they are showing this and I love the idea there hex had the vessels themselves were made of of lemon which had to hold up it all the juice taken out so just a lemon skin forming a little hemisphere or an orange or was it - it was a lovely idea that so that will just gently burn away and once C wit has reached the the wax granules it will start eating up the black granules over a period of several hours other things some kind of ideas which are not strictly candles but I like the ideas and this one for instance is a ladies are seeing which taken out of context would be impossible to tell what it does but now we're talking about candles so clearly I'm going to do something with it like for instance this one is a candle sharpener you sharpen the end of the candle as for the picture in order to get it to fit more easily into a cackler holder what a strange idea there's a kind of blade there and the cat'll is fairly soft but a bit of turning and the wax comes out of here just like trapping a pencil and then you have a candle exactly fitted to your own candle holder and the other end of this is a strange Swedish idea which is a automatic candle snuffer if you've got candles on our table amongst a whole lot of Christmas type foliage which might catch light as the candles written or they burn right down then there's a fire hazard you put one of these on it and when the camera's burnt down enough this thing with the camera I'm going the opposite way I'll pushing this up but normally you leave this set and that pops down there's little spring noticing and automatically sets the candle out if I go suffer the kind of large so there's a candle light and when it stuffs out it goes very simple idea automatically stuffs out the candle there's a most beautiful candle here which I've picked up so recently which is a new type of material it's actually a kind of gels it's a little bit soft and squidgy totally transparent so you can do some much more clever design work for something like this this one shows a little village perhaps a little English village in wintertime and it's got a chirps turn a manor house and from the chimney of the manor house is a column of smoke but of course as you can guess that's not a column of smoke it's the wick of the candle and they've bothered to tease out the wicked a bit at the top to make it flare as if it's a smoke rising up to the cold winter air by 100 foot above the village and starting to disperse a bit as as it would like this was this this would burn for a long time is that is that is got a lot of fuel in it I suppose at the end of it all so you've got a perfectly good this is a glass tumbler perfectly good drinking glass to finish with but what a lovely concept lovely the artwork of that is just delightful I didn't realize that you can actually make a candle fuel of totally transparent material which is what that is it's just superb coming back to scenes which are not strictly candles but a bit of thumb this is called a missing arrow paradox and it shows this is a Russian friend of ours Vladimir krasnogorskii was it shows one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty four fifteen candles and it's a missing area paradox which means you can shuffle the pieces around and probably around you'll find that you can't get rid of the bases and the flames because they're too well delineated but one of my candles here has all but fizzled out well it's gone where is it gone there's the base there's a flame but where is the rest of the body of the candle well we wanted to hear suspiciously long or longer than they were before so let's probably the answer and there's a Japanese version of the same idea missing arrow paradox where we have candle blow laid out in this case they do actually try to make the flames add to the flames and when you add pieces together that's too short them and we've got in this mode here we've got one two three four five six seven eight nine candles when you shuffle them around a bit you get all sorts of numbers 9 8 & 7 I think it is 1 almost disappears over there 13 it's going to be right when in this one here yes there's a nice fat wad that's clever that's a little bit of star there but in an earlier mode it was actually one of the candles 1 / 3 4 5 6 and it varies the numbers depending on how you're actually placing these pieces and it's missing a pair it's a bit of fun but it is actually based on candles so I thought that was a pertinent one there's a lot of automata candles out there which are scenes which are powering motion and BAPS or to do a separate video on that of another time because we have a lot of them in our collection but this is an earlier one which I came across in my childhood although this one doesn't think very nicely it's so very sweet this actually rotates and it's the the hot air rising from the candle which will light create a bit of motion to this fan here does this family at the top and when that happens it will make the thing gently turn around I get that exact in the right position there's a whole range of these this is actually supposed to be nice to what I think it is it's got chickens and Easter talent in it they are so the updraft created by it makes this thing it's going to turn that where think it is very slowly I'll give it a month to start it was there's a lot of these things around which are camels which give a motion to tort or to an automaton I suppose as I can't over here which is my all-time favorite I think them as shown I think it's a lost ship this is a boogie magic camera which we have on our website and it's it's a five-second one but it's a face drawn five seconds see what happens you have seen it before this is a real wonder you don't need to have a flame for this fun enough you just have it burning and you blurt out and it's just a glow is all you need here we go Wow oh that's fantastic let's play that well-known tune of Oxford Lee and mine so I'll credit with another tune of my own here which is happy Christmas put me out handle or tap on wish you all happy christmas happy holidays and happy hunting for candles what else
Channel: Grand Illusions
Views: 2,456,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f4bV5Fg49h0
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Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2013
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