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Channel: Quiksilver
Views: 1,110,541
Rating: 4.9526963 out of 5
Keywords: quiksilver, ski, snowboard, candide, thovex
Id: eL2sCAvM29A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
2 minutes 27 seconds in blows my god damn mind. Surely there are helicopters for that!
For the uninformed:
Candide Kamera 1:
Candide Kamera 2:
It just rustles my Jimmies that he posted this at the end of North Americas season.
It feels insulting to only give this a single upvote. This trailer is majestic.
I almost didn't click on this. Boy would i have regretted that. This is amazing
CAN.NOT.FUCKING.WAIT Candide is the man, and this just proved. So Stoked!!! and those pillow lines....omg
He just oozes style.
and dat cinematography.
It's been a long wait! Welcome back Candide!
thats it thats all killer?