CANADA VS GERMANY - Which Country is more liveable?

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hey guys it is Alexis and Julian and last year in Toronto we made a video talking about the cultural differences between Canada and Germany and now we're here in Germany so we thought why not make another video about the whole differences this summer we're gonna take a little bit of a different spin on it so we're gonna have different categories and we're gonna declare with these little signs which one's the winner in the category for those of you who are know here Alexis is actually Canadian from Toronto and I am German from Berlin and so we're just thinking which country is better in what aspect and where shall we settle down let's get started where shall we live Canada represent first category is housing so where is it easier to find a place Rennes okay I'm gonna say Germany because the flats are way nicer way nicer way and the reasonably priced like if you're comparing it to apartments or flats in Toronto because you'll get a [ __ ] for a lot I think my son know that this is my boat people are complaining that in Berlin rents have gone up a lot but guys like it's still about half the cost of what it would be in Toronto or Vancouver Germany is the winner whether one two three excuse me Canada okay Canada is so cold what are you saying the weather okay but in the summer it's nice and hot okay in the summer it's nice and hot here too okay I think she made a mistake okay next one work yeah want to think up wait what okay I'm not a huge fan about having your photo on your CV I don't think that that should be something that you need to like prove that you're like oh like I'm attractive or not weird or like it's all about appearance not all about appearance but to have your photo on your CV I'm like this is weird I've never had to do that before it's actually that's not allowed in America I think I'm trying to move away or they will hopefully move away from it but it's also I don't know if you still have to do that but you need to have if you're married when you were born so they know age for women they're like okay you're gonna have a baby soon as up so it's all like who worked with potential workplace discrimination which in Canada they're definitely ahead of the curve and they're like that is not allowed but what I voted Germany is because when you're employed here even if you have entry-level jobs you get five weeks of vacation you're a baby thing and in Canada you get two weeks two weeks in the whole year that you're allowed to take vacation that is insanity to me two weeks in Canada and five weeks in Germany but you could take throughout the whole year yeah wages and everything it depends on the city wages in Berlin are pretty low because the cost of living here is pretty low too but next category traditions we're probably gonna go with our home country because we're familiar with those traditions like Christmas on the 24th yeah skipping but I mean I don't feel like too passionate about German traditions I guess I mean we do have the slippers and all the great things this blueprint isn't okay we have thing I'm carrying like hers who doesn't want to get around a table and eat a bunch of food well you already do that the press no I do like I already do know I do think ya know that is nice okay another thing taxes added okay let's call it tax on tip at accent it okay tax on tip one two three well so technically taxes are higher in Germany I just hate that in Canada or in America and North America in general they don't add the taxes to the price that you're looking at which is idiotic some I okay maybe have some money to buy this jacket for $200 I know and you get there and you're like just kidding it's actually way more than it's like 215 you always have to like guess so that's annoying cuz I'm like just add it I understand that shop owners are like oh that's the tax oh that's not what you're actually paying us but I don't care I just want to know how much I'm gonna spend yeah so like just do it like Germany or I guess the rest of the world and just add it this is I think a tough one oh boy it is people at one to do it go I'm really big on like being polite I really like small talk I don't feel like nervous or like scared you know what I mean like when I'm like walking to the street or something and I'm like oh god I get out of this guy's way because he's gonna be like you know like not even but if I bumped into someone say on the street in Toronto well sorry sorry sorry you know it's just like very quickly being like apologetic oh my god no I got your way and you got in my way and I know some people hate that but I personally I just like it because I feel like more like we are humans and I'm I just want to be nice to each other Oh little Canadian but then again it's hard because I do like Germans obviously when it comes to like friendships and stuff like that I feel like they're more genuine I think Canadians definitely more polite easier to chat up and sort of make the first like initial like acquaintances on the other hand you don't like the fakeness exactly it's like there is the superficial you never really know where you're at I feel like especially in Toronto people can be very like self-involved and it's very about like how cool you are and like a little bit like Posey and I don't like that people are very flaky in Canada friendships are more genuine here people yeah and I committed more committed to their friendships I find what someone's talking to you and getting to know you that are more authentically interested in you than just like I'm just being polite but I got it we can't like general again no I don't want it this is all like of course obviously take this take this with a grain of salt um just one more thing about people in Germany the bad side of it it's true I mean especially in Berlin people can be very like rough like politeness out the window very opinionated very vocal about their opinions Alexis uploaded a video of this Berlin specific tips for moving to Berlin or her experience of four and she's gotten a bunch of shitty comments recently from people like get out of our town but blah we don't want any other people here and it's like like come on no one I doubt a lot of people would have done that if I would have done the same thing for Toronto cuz it's sort of like yeah let's make this our city let's build communities bla bla bla so it's more I would say people are a little more hostile here with catcalling and stuff in Canada like Toronto catcalling is like super intense and it's like I could just be walking to the grocery store and it's like oh hey what's up hood and it's just like or a whistle or oh hey cutie that's never happened to me here yet yet that's and on that note definitely bro culture and the whole thing of like hyper masculinity it's a lot toned down here yeah yeah like you'll see like a guy or and his friend or whatever say bye to each other and I kiss each other on the cheek or like give like a nice hug goodbye and you're like okay yeah I like their friends and their guys and they don't have to feel like oh I'm a guy I don't need to hug another guy and then I feel like in Toronto again some people they're just like do like the what up bro what kind of thing and they're like oh yeah and no homo yeah yeah no no no it's like chill man next one is lgbtq+ rights slash tolerance I vote Canada I think Toronto is from what I've seen so far perhaps the best city to be quieren because it's just I mean Canada legalized same-sex marriage back in 2005 Germany only just real and legalized it last year and 2017 and had like a long way coming and obviously like cities most major cities like Berlin they're like open and blah blah blah but it's yeah it still has so much work to do compared to Canada Canada also trans wretch a really high up there obviously carrados very diverse people from all sorts of cultures and religions there's so many programs in place for queer people obviously also for people of color it's much better there I know that Germany still has a lot of work to do in terms of racism anywhere you go people are gonna say something but I feel like the majority of the people that will not say something or are totally accepting would be in Canada 1 2 3 I mean do we need to explain this what is Canadian culture Night Live come on it's funny because when I first came here to Berlin and seeing like a dancefloor still going past 2 a.m. I was like wow usually at this time like everyone's like trickling out of the club and there's like those four people that are still going like yeah yeah it's almost almost too sweet yeah yeah and then as a European you go to Toronto and you're gonna do it anyway what do you mean the club is closed what do you mean you can't do that and everyone's like I would say Jeremy like for sure for sure and like especially Berlin Berlin's known for its nightlife everywhere in the world the clubs here like 40-hour parties the whole weekend Toronto has very strict laws in place that always do like [ __ ] like they closed down the nice parties and stuff and it's [ __ ] nature I mean sure Germany has some beautiful nature has the black pours and it has like the Alps and blah blah blah but I mean Canada not in Toronto no but NBC and blah blah blah beautiful nature I mean of course Canada's gonna win this category the next one is travel on two it's cheap and you can hop on a flight and be in a completely different country and sitting on the plane for like an hour and a half or you can just drive and just be like okay in a new country yeah I know with Canada it's like you have to go like so long and like so far and then it takes like that long and it costs old and it costs so much I flew for 3 euros from Milan do you and guys like that is insanity you're like let me just grab some change for this flight it's like if this water cost me more than the flight the next up is music ok I don't know that's so hard to say I don't think it's hard to say at all I think Germany is great for something like electronic music yeah we're both into like techno details and stuff like that with that Germany is like way better than way any better but when it comes to like band bands like we're also really into indie music Canada has an amazing music scene that's one of the things that drew me to it in the first place Germany oh my god like what music comes from Germany apart from electronic music most of it sucks German indie music like don't even get me started if you know some great bands I'm sorry it's just I think it's for the most part not that great Canada is the winner ok and also if you do know like really good bands from Germany done just for sure do share yeah I think I'm gonna mind it ok next one is pancakes you guys these are the categories that matter yeah of course what do they actually say I like German pancakes ok we have converted her guys oh I have with my tank and with your part you're cool I want that are they gonna make for dinner I think that's it um to be honest didn't really do a good job with always adding the thingies but let's see according to this ok I think that Germany is better in Canada things of Canada is better Canada little Canada's better my name is Canada now I guess we're a little biased but so where the hell are we gonna live well we don't have to be in Germany or in Canada I know Alexis fell in love with Amsterdam yeah I personally think that Vancouver would be kind of nice to check out mm-hmm but that was our thoughts on these categories so what do you guys think we know you have a lot of opinion let us know please enjoy respectful discussions yes but anyways thanks guys and I hope you enjoyed this video have a good one guys and we'll see you at the next one
Channel: Alexis and Lilian
Views: 68,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canada vs germany, alexis and lilian, cute lesbian couple, moving to germany, moving to canada, german lesbian, canadian lesbian, canadian in germany, german in canada, auswandern nach kanada, intercultural relationships, dating a german, cultural differences germany canada, germany canada comparison, canada vs germany for students, canadian german relationship
Id: YBuWsiHeUw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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