Can Your Heart Rate Get Too High When Running? | GTN Coach’s Corner

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all right welcome back to gtn's Coaches Corner we have five questions to cover this week first up can you buy your way to success can you keep swim and bike fit by purely running what is the right amount of strength training is your heart rate too high and finally can you do Triathlon by just swimming breaststroke or before we crack on with those if you've got a burning question you know what to do we love to hear your questions so make sure you submit them beneath this video or any other videos using that hashtag gtn Coaches Corner and we could be answering yours next week so we get us going we have this one from DSM 1891. how do I know if I have hit a paywall in my progression when I race I do fairly well just outside age group qualifying in Sprint distance it feels like the majority of people faster than me have all the fancy kit I've exhausted the cheap low hanging fruit options EG clip-on Aero bars do you need to spend money to be competitive with the rest of the field and they go on to say for me coaching or even a second-hand TT bike would be a major expense looking for advice for the 2024 season and Beyond well first up we like that term paywall um I hope you haven't reached that paywall because yes there are ways to buy more expensive kit which is going to help you go faster that's mainly if you're looking just at the bike section and potentially a little bit on the run but there is so much more scope for improvement it's hard to know exactly where you're at and what your training is like but I would say the focus needs to be on your training and working out how you can improve that looking at the bigger picture as well so your nutrition and your sleep and then it's probably needing some sort of guidance or trying to take your training to the next level it doesn't necessarily mean training harder it means training smarter so I know you say you can't afford coaching but maybe you could join a Triathlon Club and that way you can learn from the other athletes that you're training alongside and maybe racing with as well as getting those coach sessions and they tend to be quite a reasonable way to do that another option could be maybe to a look at improving your swim or your run and having a one-on-one session just a one-off session and what you learn from that you can then take away and train for there's a lot lots of options within the training that you can look within your budget maybe trying to find a program online or comparing some others or asking even some of the athletes that do beat you what their training looks like and learning from them um potentially even looking at seeing if you can borrow some kit or maybe some more expensive wheels for a race if you've got a specific race that you want to aim for so there are ways to to look around this and I like the fact that you are asking this question because I think often people just think well you know the best athletes are the ones are all the most expensive gear but that is not so you will see athletes on the podium on a road bike with TT bars in certain races so don't be disheartened by it and also make sure you watch plenty of our videos because we've got lots of how to's of how to get faster on a budget how to train more efficiently so um I'm hoping that you've got scope to find that next gear and get past that paywall let us know how you get on good luck right next we have this question from Big Boy I'm taking time off Triathlon training to focus on training For an upcoming marathon I don't have time to fit in any swim stroke cycling sessions I plan on competing in Triathlon two and a half months after the marathon will I lose specific discipline Fitness during marathon training should I try to fit in cross-training so I'm ready to restart my Triathlon training with minimal impact or it's two and a half months enough time to regain discipline Fitness well big boy yes you are going to lose a certain amount of swim and bike Fitness that goes without saying because you're not doing them obviously you will have aerobic fitness but it only crosses over to a certain extent to the to the swim in the bike because they are so specific so that answers your first question but the fact that you're asking should you actually include some swimming and some cycling sounds like maybe you are open to doing that and initially you seem to have time but it might be worse depending on what your run program looks like and how much run mileage you're doing trying to swap out say a recovery run for one of your swim sessions because yes you might be working your arms quite hard but your legs shouldn't be doing too much work and it can work really nicely as a recovery and then as for the bike that will take a little bit more out of your run legs but early on in your program you can look to do some of your endurance on the bike or a steady run or maybe even a recovery spin just something that keeps those muscles kind of awake and then aside from that it's about conditioning especially for the swim and keeping your shoulders mobile but switched on so maybe if you've got time to do a little bit of gym work if you don't have time to get to the pool because upper body gym Works shouldn't really detract or take away from your run training so hopefully that helps but also don't worry too much because two and a half months is still a really nice blog where you can pick that swim and that bike back up and you'll have the fitness from the running so it's not going to be a disaster anyway but hopefully you're enjoying the running good luck with that one okay we've got two questions now on a similar theme um this first one from Seth potchin question for Coach corner I'm considering entering an Olympic distance Triathlon next year but have concerns about the swim I can only swim breaststroke I think I'll be last out of the water any ideas on how to Quicken my swim Pace no worries or the bike and run well that's cool and then Mark Hamilton I'm 57 and have completed a few Sprint triathlons I'm a strong cyclist average Runner I swim three or four times a week but only breaststroke well this mean I can't do a full Triathlon it's only for Fun and Fitness not to win should I learn front crawl oh Dog New Tricks thanks gtn well yes I mean as Mark has proven you can do a Sprint Business Triathlon breaststroke so to answer our first question you can but also yes you might well be the last person out of the water however it's worth keeping an eye on what the cutoffs are for that distance and seeing you know how quick your breaststroke is in training as to whether realistically you can make the cut off because it sounds like that's your main aim is just to be able to do the event but I don't want to get too bogged down on the breaststroke because if you do want to enjoy Triathlon I would suggest that actually putting the time into learning to do front crawl is actually going to give you a big reward because you'll be able to enjoy the event so much more not worrying about being lost or not worrying about that cut off I know it's a easy for me to sit here and say and it's a massive thing to learn a new stroke but there's a lot of help out there you can potentially go and get some one-on-one lessons we do have a specific video on how to progress from breaststroke into front cruel we've also got beginner Swim videos which will hopefully help to guide you know a lot of people in the past have managed to teach themselves Francois and and even if you only get to this stage where you still find it really hard and you could potentially only do front crawl for some of the race you will naturally go that much quicker and it will just take the pressure off you well to conclude I think you've got the hint here it is worth putting in the hours to do some front Court you will definitely reap the benefits okay moving on Nathaniel young has this question as a former strongman and bodybuilder I'm struggling with fitting and strength training as a 70.3 finisher in the making what is a good balance of strength training as an endurance athlete and what should I prioritize to improve my performance in the three disciplines currently I'm either doing too much strength or none at all for periods of time well that's interesting this annual I mean do you identify the fact that you are doing either too much or not at all a question why you can't sort of find the middle spot but maybe that's because you're trying to fit in Swim Bike and run and they take up a lot of time now you're coming from a different end for a lot of our viewers so the strength aspect is often something people neglect and need to bring in but as you've got that background I would say the you don't really need to worry about doing too much of it so I don't know how your training's been going when you've done none at all but it's more going to be about the conditioning work but ultimately your main focus needs to be on Swim Bike and run if you want to be able to do this Triathlon and complete the 70.3 successfully because it's a long day out it's a big endurance event and you're still going to have strength from all that training and that's going to correlate nicely to the bike but the skills in the pool and the specific Fitness for swimming and the specific Fitness the bike and run are so different to purely strength if you're doing a really short distance Triathlon then they might cross over a little bit more so ultimately prioritize your weakest discipline whichever that is of the three but focus on getting that Fitness getting the endurance into your legs and into your body and then think of it rather than strengthening as doing conditioning training so running is going to be a lot of impact on your legs swimming's gonna be a lot of Mobility work so try to complement that with whatever gym work you do and if you've come from a gym background I'm sure you'll have an idea of what to do but if not again we've got lots of videos that look at strength and conditions thing that will actually complement each of the three Sports and now finally question from Gordon Chan hey Heather Mark and James I've just gotten into triathlons and recently learned to swim well there you go and completed two sprints I'm generally quite fit as I train for a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu wrestling Road and mountain bike but never been great at Endurance Sports although I'm working up to an Olympic distance in my first triathlon 414 and four I presume that's 400 meters 14k 4K I noticed my heart rate Skyrocket at the end averaging 206 on the run with a Max of 216 for 12 minutes before stabilizing at 190. I figured this was a glitch in my watch tracking but I've done having done a second Triathlon of similar distance the same pattern and my heart rate has happened again I don't think the issues related to my watch as its newest model and it's happened twice my heart rate is also fairly normal In The Swim and by parts of the try so I'm wanting this kind of heart rate is normal or something I should worry about or perhaps the fact that running is my least trained discipline do I need to change my training I'm 33 years old and 76 kilos well Gordon um I'm going to first question your watch I know you say it's not your watch but if you are purely taking the heart rate from the optical part of your watching you're not using a heart rate strap then I would say do not get bogged down in what your heart rate data is saying um it's interesting that it sounds like you might be getting it right for the swim and the bike but personally I only rely if I want to analyze my heart rate data in your life I'm using a chest strap and that will link to your watch so first up go and do your training do your racing with that it sounds like you're not currently using a chest strap monitor um obviously everybody's heart rate is entirely different it'd be interesting to know what your actual maximum heart rate is if you've ever done a test we've ever done a really hard race now obviously running is ridiculously hard at the end of a triathlon however you are more going to be in an endurance zone so I'm surprised if it's going that high but I'd ask what other symptoms you know maybe it is something that if you are concerned about it and you're sure that that data is correct that it might be worth going to speak to a specialist or a GP because yes we have ranges of heart rate but 12 minutes over 200 does sound incredibly high for your age but I don't want to get you worried so I would just say uh um check out the equipment you're using go and do some tests of your own and then if you are still concerned go and speak to someone who can actually medically advise you on that one okay we cover quite a lot there um so that is it for today but if this has triggered any questions or something you want to know more about you know what to do just leave that in the comments section below I hope you've enjoyed this video if you have we'd love it if you support the channel by giving us a like
Channel: Global Triathlon Network
Views: 25,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heart rate, high heart rate, bpm, high bpm, heart health, healthy heart rate, normal heart rate, breaststroke, breaststroke in triathlon, Q&A, triathlon training, marathon, marathon training, time off training, strength training, S&C, GTN, Global Triathlon Network, triathlon, Triathlon (Sport), tri, ironman, Sports, swimbikerun, triathlon skills, iron man, tri bike, triathlete, swimming, cycling, running, training, skills, coaching, Ꮮ, 5096, Վ, ቿ, Ꮽ, Ᏸ, Ᏼ, ψ, Յ, Ն, Տ, ꖧ, ꔨ, Ꮥ, ꔣ, ꔳ, ᠫ, К, ꘖ, ೊ, ཙ, எ, की, ፕ5, チ, HR
Id: B2SUZyrQt0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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