Can Your Glowforge Do This? - FSL Muse Hobby Laser Rotary & Tumblers

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how's it going guys kevin here and in today's video i'm going to show you how to use the full spectrum muse rotary attachment this is something that not a lot of lasers in this price point have and i think it really helps the muse stand out i'm also going to show you how to etch on stainless steel which is something that not a lot of people realize that co2 lasers can do when you have an additional material like stir mark that you spray on the stainless steel mug ahead of time so this is a pretty awesome feature i'm super excited to show you guys how it works also if you're looking at buying a full spectrum use or any of the full spectrum lasers you can see my referral code in the description below with that let's get started so actually one of the first things i'm going to do here is i'm going to go to the back of the machine i'm going to turn that on you're going to see this will turn on we're going to get the lights here shortly i don't actually need to turn the chiller or anything on but what i'm going to do just grab a little allen wrench i'm just going to feed that through the honeycomb and then pick up the honeycomb i'm going to set you guys down here for a hot second once i have that now you can see i can just pull the honeycomb out very carefully this just slides out like so that i have that out i'm just going to set that down over there and now you guys can see that we have full access to the bottom machine you can see the laser head has plenty of clearance i'm actually going to vacuum and clean up the floor because we're going to be setting the rotary on that we want to make sure that the floor is nice and clean so that way the rotary is nice and level and then once we get the rotary in here you can see that attachment over there and that attachment is actually where you're going to plug in the rotary and then once we get this screen uh pulled up i'll show you guys how to go into the menu select the rotary option and then we'll uh we'll work from there all right so now that we've opened re3 you're going to go up here into the settings you're going to click on this jump over to our rotary and you're just going to check this box and hit save and it's as simple as that we'll jump back to the laser now all right so now that we're back over to the laser the first thing that we're actually going to do is we're going to shut the laser off once we shut the laser off now we can plug in our rotary attachment over here on the right so there's a curved part this connector only goes in one way so don't force it just feel around once you do it a couple times becomes natural so that's plugged in the other thing i'm going to do is just slide this over just i like to have it just to the metals the metal coming off the stepper motor is just right to the edge there that seems to work for me and then you can also move the head over to somewhere where you think is going to be lined up it doesn't actually need to be perfect right now and then you can turn the machine back on and now while wait for the machine to boot up essentially the next things that we're going to do is we're going to line up this part of the nozzle you're going to see the red laser diode here come down we want to line that up right in the middle so that way our design is nice and lined up so then the other thing so you're going to take your your cup here and you want to make sure that the wheels and everything are nice and lined up so right now i have this guy loose so i can lift this up so i'm just going to slide this guy underneath get that exactly how i want it so probably right around there and all i'm going to do is actually push down on this guy [Applause] and i'm going to tighten it while i'm pushing down and what that's going to do is actually sort of grab the lip of that cup you can sort of see it in there and that way the cup does not slip because the last thing you want to have happen is the cup to slip while it's on the roller the other thing that you'll notice is the top of the cup is actually perfectly flat now because i have a two and a half inch nozzle i have a little bit more tolerance where it's okay if it's not perfectly flat it can it can handle about plus or minus a quarter of an inch in height and that will be just fine so i'm just hitting okay on the screen here but so this next thing that you're going to see so we should have our laser diode if i put my finger here you can actually see it coming through it might not be able to see it on the camera but we'll be lining that up shortly so now we're over here what we actually want to do is we want to unlock the laser and now we can move around freely and what you're going to want to do is actually just line that red dot right up with where you think you're supposed to be so right in the middle so that looks about good for me and then when you re-lock it this is essentially going to be your new home position alright so one thing i forgot there is after you lock and unlock the head it's good to do a power cycle that way the laser just knows that that is the new home location and then after that now i can jog the laser head left to right and then you notice when i go up and down that the cup's actually spinning so i'm going to get this lined up exactly where i want it's about midway up that looks good so now i'm going to go over to my desktop and we're going to drop the design in and run the perimeter and see how it looks all right so we have our design here and since we're in rotary mode this is actually going to be flipped 90 degrees so i'm just going to rotate my design here you can see i've got that in here right now it's looking like it's going to be 2.82 wide by 2.73 that seems a little wide i'm just going to drop that down to two and a half because i have this locked here it's going to keep that same ratio which is what i want the other thing here so i know that i'm going to keep 100 power and i'm going to go 30 speed and that will give me the darkness that i want we're also actually going to switch this to a half tone dither i actually do want to bump up the intensity because it does look a little bit light or sorry bump it down a little bit so we're going to find it just in the right sweet spot here probably around -15 i had to guess that looks just about right for me and then we also want to bump this up to 500 by 500 dpi and that's going to make that come out nice and crystal clear so now the design's all set up we can go back over the laser and get ready to get started all right so we're back to the laser and you guys might have noticed but i actually missed one step here so because this is stainless steel we can't actually engrave directly on it we need to spray a product on it to have a chemical reaction essentially to bond to that stainless steel so i'm going to take this out give it a quick spray with surmar and then i'll put it back in here and we'll be ready to go all right so as you can see i sprayed this with sir mark so if this is literally just one coat it really doesn't take much you don't really need to go heavy on it and this will be more than enough so i'm just going to let this dry for probably two or three minutes just until it doesn't look as wet as it does right now and then i'll put it in the machine and we'll be good to go all right so one more quick comment about stir mark once you're done using it you want to flip the can upside down and just give it a couple sprays just to clear out the nozzle you don't want anything staying in here long term that can gunk it up and then cause this really expensive i think i paid something like 70 dollars for this can to go bad and not be able to get any product out of it and that would be really unfortunate so just make sure you flip it upside down give it a couple sprays until it looks clear should be only two or three sprays and then you're good to go and store this uh to use again another time so with that let's get started here so you can see i've got the cut back in here so i'm going to tighten this down and now what i like to do is just run the cup back and forth so you can see see how much that cup's moving so that is not good so i'm going to fix that here just loosen this up try to reposition the cup so it's in a better better spot here push down again really tighten that down now we're going to try that again so now you can see it's staying exactly where i want it to so this is perfect so i'm going to move the head of the laser exactly where i want it which we're just going to put this right in the middle and then one other thing that you can tell is side of the puck here and this is really really far away and this is because i was cutting some wood so i'm actually going to grab my screw on the left here which is let me see this guy right here since i just have the muse core then we're going to lower that down you can actually see my hands blocking right now but you can see the red dot come into focus so if i just set this in the area i can tell i need to come down a little bit farther the nice thing about this two and a half inch nozzle is that it isn't that sensitive i'm just gonna get it in the ballpark so right about there i can actually come down a little bit farther and i'm actually watching the top of it so i can see on the screws there how much this comes down and that's right about where i want it and i can see that the red dot looks nice and focused so that's good so i'm just going to run my perimeter so my design is a little bit larger than i expected so i'm just going to stop the perimeter move the nozzle over no problems i'm going to roll the cup just a little bit more now you can see that looks nice and perfect so i'm going to stop the perimeter there that's going to jump back to the start there we go and now i'm going to turn on my chiller because that was not on previously turn on my exhaust fan up here so i just have these little blast gates that way i don't have anything crawling in here since this does lead to the outside and then i have my cloud line fan that you guys might have seen from my other video so i've started that up that'll get running it's going to get a little loud in here i'm going to close my lid now with the air compressor i'm actually going to turn this down quite a bit i don't need a lot of pressure i just want to keep the crap out of it so let's see i'm going to turn this down a little bit alright the air compressor is going to come on but with that we can get started and i'll show you guys how it looks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so it's done here so i'm going to open this up i'm just going to move the head of the laser out of the way loosen this guy up so that way i can pull it out [Music] and look at how cool that looks so now the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go over the sink and you can literally just wash this off with normal water and i'll show you guys what the finished product looks like all right guys so there you have it this is the finished product i think it looks pretty amazing now if this was for a customer or something i would probably spend a little bit more time to line that up perfectly in the middle of the cup but i'm still really happy with how it came out everything is nice and attached you can scrub this shouldn't put it through the washing the dishwasher or anything but you're gonna you can scrub this rough it it's it's not going anywhere it's nice and secure and that was super fast to make and super easy to make so if you guys watched all the way to the end be sure to like the video hit the subscribe button and if you're interested in buying a full spectrum used laser or any of the other lasers be sure to use my referral code to get 125 off it helps me out and it helps you thanks for watching guys have a good one
Channel: Kevin Fine
Views: 13,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 331EV6oHgXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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