Can You Use Regular Gasoline in a Premium Car?

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how's it going everybody this is peter bush gasoline prices has increased dramatically because of the russian ukraine crisis today i want to explain why it's safe to use a lower octane gasoline in your car if you have a more modern type of car i go through this view with people that i know all the time there's a lot of misconception about higher octane ratings and what your car says that you should put in so if you are touchy about high octane rating and feeding your nice car the best there is because it requires a 93 octane well just bear with me a little bit and watch this video this video is brought to you by the weeble trading app if you open up an account you can get up to five free stocks valued between 27 and 9 600 it's gonna be valued at least 27 and you have a chance of getting much more all you have to do is open up an account and deposit just one penny in order to qualify in addition to this if you trade just one dollar worth of crypto you get five dollars worth of crypto for free you might be wondering why are they giving away free stocks and free money is because they want you on board they're willing to pay money to have you try the app so all you have to do is just get it put in a little bit of money try it out and you get some free stocks check out my referral link down in the video description below you know gasoline it was like hovering around three dollars especially in california and then when it hits four dollars you know your eyebrows raised your eyes get bigger when it hits five dollars you're like oh my gosh and then sometimes you see the six dollars it might hit seven dollars eight dollars i don't know nine dollars even there's not even gonna be any gasoline coming in from russia but this is gonna make us feel better because they're killing innocent people in ukraine this is just ridiculous bombing hospitals and you know saying that there's going to be a humanitarian corridor and then bombing the crap out of that anyway let me not get too political here i used to own a porsche boxer and it requires me to put in supreme grade but for the last six years of my car ownership of that car i put in the lowest grade because i want to save some money it's like 40 50 cents cheaper per gallon and you know what when i switch to the lower grade i do not notice any perceivable difference in terms of miles per gallon the amount of energy that is in each gallon of fuel of lower octane versus higher octane is roughly equivalent what's the difference between a low octane and high octane gasoline in order to figure this out you have to know how the engine works it sprays aerosolized gasoline into the combustion chamber and it squeezes it and then it ignites it when it ignites it pushes the engine back and it causes work to be done and then your engine to be spinning but for low octane gasoline if you squeeze it too much it can actually spontaneously combust and when this happens before you actually intend it to ignite the gasoline it's going to push back on the engine when it pushes back on the engine earlier than expected it's going to cause a knocking in your engine the higher octane actually delays the ignition of your gasoline so that it can withstand higher pressures before it actually spontaneously combusts so instead of it doing it by itself it's going to squeeze your gasoline and then it's going to ignite it purposely with a spark plug so an engine might perform better with a higher octane rating in other words when you actually drive it with the proper octane rating that it asks for you're gonna feel a little bit more power in my gut feeling of switching to a lower one it might be like 10 15 horsepower's difference but the thing here is in all modern cars the ones that have a computer in it if you put in a lower octane rating it's not going to ruin your engine or anything your computer in the engine is going to realize your gasoline is trying to combust a little bit earlier it's going to adjust the timing and everything is going to work just fine if you are the type that drives regularly you're not like a lead-footed type person you wanna race from one stoplight to another then you're not gonna notice any difference at all so it's actually really really safe to use a lower octane rating in a higher octane car that requires it as long as it has a computerized control in a modern car so if you're using like a really really old car like 1950s type of car then you can't do this but i had a 2001 porsche boxster this is like a 21 year old car and you can safely put in a lower octane in that car some people is going to worry oh no it's going to ruin the car or that when i first got the car i wanted to put in supreme because i just want to baby it i'm like okay you know i i don't know anything about the car and this whole high octane low octane rating stuff so i'm just gonna do what it asks me to do but if you understand the underlying principles of what this high octane rating is as i explained to you it's for anti-knock control and your computer is going to take care of this you can put whatever you want in it as long as you don't put in diesel in a regular gasoline car right don't put in diesel that's for diesel trucks and stuff right you just put in a lower octane rating 87 whatever that's available right these days it's like a whole dollar cheaper so if you just do this kind of step right here you can kind of mitigate the increase in gasoline prices if you're trying to save on gasoline some of the major things that you can do that can quickly reduce the amount that you use is of course pull together the stuff that you want to do for errands so that you only make one single trip and you do all of it at the same time in other words you just drive less with the pandemic these days if you work from home you're going to be driving less you also want to have your tires inflated properly i check my tires probably once every month or two because it's an older car it kind of leaks air a little bit so make sure that it's within like one or two psi and then you will get really good gas mileage also remove all the stuff that you don't use in the trunk so that you're not carrying around a bunch of stuff everywhere if you have a bike rack on top that actually reduces your gas mileage and also when you drive on the freeway make sure your windows are closed so that you reduce the air drag of your car thanks for watching this video i hope this helps you make a decision if you want to actually try this or not don't forget to give me a like and subscribe for more thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: BeatTheBush
Views: 48,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: personal finance, financial independence, FIRE, unleaded gasoline, premium unleaded, put regular in, put regular in premium car, put regular gas in premium car, put on regular youtube, out 87 gas instead of 93, put 87 instead of 91, i put 87 instead of 93, should i put cheaper gas, use cheap gas
Id: ns-peixgR4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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