Can You Trust Animals Without Sight? ft. Blind YouTuber Molly Burke

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♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ - Now, come and meet my pack! (upbeat electronic music) ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ - Guys, I always wanted to have my own TV show, my own channel where I interview anybody that I love, anybody that I want to inspire, anybody that I want to ask questions, anybody that I want to connect, relate, communicate, and today, we have someone that I've been following, and actually, Mesa introduced me to her, and her name is Molly Burke, and she has an amazing dog that we're gonna put in the water today, 'cause he has some kind of trauma about the water, but I just sharing my dreams with you because I always wanted to have my own talk show, and today, we are at The Ranch, doing that dream coming reality. So, thank you. - This is your Oprah moment. - This is my Oprah moment, everybody! - You're Oprah! - That's right! Cesar Millan Oprah. Oo, oo! Okay? Yeah, so-- - Cesar's comin' for you, Oprah. - And I love her because she talks a lot, and she's Canadian, and she's Irish, as well, and I just love her spirit because we just met, and we're pretty much open to talk about anything, and I love the trust. I love how you embrace me, and how I'm embracing you, and just the feeling of trust. So, let's talk a little bit about trust. You have a dog that you have to connect at that level of trust. It's not that he's guiding you, it's not only that he's helping you, it's just that level of trust. My clients that don't have any problems, you know, they can't trust their dogs. - Yeah. So, I'm blind. - Mm-hmm. - You know that, but people watching might not. (laughs) 'Cause usually people look at me and they're like, "No, you're not!," (laughs) 'cause I don't look like this stereotype that the media's been given. - Right. - But I lost the majority of my vision when I was 14, but I was born legally blind due to a disease called retinitis pigmentosa, and I actually grew up really afraid of dogs, and a lot of blind people have fears of animals, because we can't see them, and we can't talk to them. I can't tell a dog I'm blind, and what they need to do to help me, and so, especially always - That's a good point, by the way. - Being really petite, you know, dogs would just run up to me and lick my face, and I couldn't see them coming. - Right. - So, it'd come out of the blue, or they'd run and jump onto my chest. - Right. - So, even now that I've spent the last 12 years of my life with a guide dog by my side 24/7, I'm still a little fearful of dogs that are not well trained, because if they're gonna come up to me and jump on me, and I can't see it, it freaks me out, of course! If somebody comes and jumps on your back in the middle of your dinner, you're gonna be like, "Oh my god, what happened?" So, that's how I feel around a lot of untrained dogs. - Yeah, I'm afraid of people who are not well trained. - Yeah! Exactly! - That happens to me. A lot of people jumps on me, and it's like, "Cesar! (laughs) "Take a picture with me. "Talk to my dog." They actually bring their phone, so that I can talk to their dogs. - Oh my god. - So, I understand. Yes, Molly, that happens to me all the time, especially at the airports. Peter can tell you. - Oh yeah, I deal with a lot of ridiculous people, too. I get it, for sure. - Yeah. So, we both have a fear of things not trained. - Yes, exactly! (laughing) But my parents really wanted me to have the option of getting a guide dog. - Yes, I love that. - So, they wanted to break that fear, and there was only one dog that I liked. It was a Polish Lowland Sheepdog, named Ponder, and it was a show dog, so it was very well behaved, which is why I liked it. It wasn't the breed, it was just that it was a well-behaved dog. But for them, it was like, "Okay, the one breed she likes "is a Polish Lowland Sheepdog." So, they went out of their way to get a Polish Lowland Sheepdog-- - Can you please Google that one? Because it's not very common. - They're very rare. - Yes, yes, yes. - They're very rare. We had to drive eight hours to get one. - The first book they gave me, Molly, was encyclopedia about dogs. So, I know all the breeds in the world. I memorized them all. To me, that was the most exciting thing. So, I know exactly what you're talking about, but not a lot of people gets to seem them. - No, not a lot of of people know them. They're related to the bearded collie. So, a lot of people think they're bearded collie, but they're not. Yeah, so they got a Polish Lowland Sheepdog, and of course, it was our first family pet, and Polish Lowland Sheepdogs are very stubborn, and my parents had never had to train a dog before. So, he was very not well trained. He was wild. He would jump the fence. Being a herding dog, if we would run, he would nip our ankles. It's what he's meant to do. - Yeah. - But it did make me more comfortable around dogs, just having one in the house, and understanding them a little more. - Yeah. - And then, I got my first guide dog, Gypsy, when I was 13 years old, and it is, like, no-- - That was your first dog? At 13 years of age? - Yeah, 13, and I always joked that I was a teen mom. (laughs) Because when you get a guide dog, it's not a family pet, it's your dog. So, I had to do everything for this dog, and I was just 13, you know? And at that same time, I started losing the majority of my vision. So, it was a very difficult time. - So, did you ever got to see things? - Yeah, so I was born with sight, but legally blind, but I could see color, I could read print, you know, I could play soccer. For all intents and purposes, I was sighted. - Yeah. - But it's a degenerative disease. So, it slowly deteriorates over time. - Right, right, right. - And so, I got Gypsy, and there is no relationship like a guide dog and their handler, even within the service dog world, because my life is in his paws. It really is. Because he has to... With a lot of service dogs, you're telling them what to do. So, for example, in the situation of a wheelchair-support dog. You ask them to go push the button to go open the door. You ask them to go grab something for you that you've dropped. - Right. - With Gallop, he has to make decisions for me. - Gee. - He has to look, which is why of all service dogs, they have to pass the most tests. They have to be the most highly trained, and the most highly qualified because they have to be leaders. - Yeah. - They have to be able to look at a situation, and say, "Okay, my mom wants to get here, "but there's no safe route to get her there. "I have to now make a decision of how I can get her there." So, it's a lot of pressure. He's crossing busy streets. I'm telling him when to go, but it's up to him to decide is it safe. So, there's so much that these dogs do, guide dogs, and 24/7. So, the trust that I have to put into a four-legged creature to keep me alive every day is unbelievable, and that was-- - What do you say, like, low, medium, high trust? What would you-- - Oh my, I mean, it becomes apart of you. I cannot question anything he does. I just have to believe. - Amazing partnership. - And that's why it really is like no other relationship. Gypsy was the first time I had ever known that level of love. Like, what real... You know, you hear parents say, "There's no love like the love for your child," but that was that for me. Loving Gypsy and trusting her, that she was gonna be there and keep me safe all of the time, and that she would know what I needed. It's like nothing else. - But love and trust is two different things because a lot of my clients, they love their dogs, but they don't trust their dog. - Right. - And I know a lot of people who love their parents, but don't trust their parents. - Mm-hmm. You know what I'm saying? So, trust is it's own world. It's own experience. It's own connection, you know? And then it's respect, and then it's love. So, I have a sign in the beginning of The Ranch that's, "Trust, Respect, Love," you know? And I encourage people to develop that with dogs because it's easier to develop what you're saying about this connection, this harmony, this fitting things together, you know? Even though they're two different species, but the partnership, and the family relation, and the becoming one is achievable, and as a father, I want to achieve that with my kids, obviously, and as a son, I want to achieve that with my mother and my father. As a brother, I want to achieve that, but I have first achieved that with dogs. I can actually evaluate how much trust I have to a human based on all the memories I have with the dogs, and that's very incredible what you do, because you're blind. That's the only way you can do it. - Yeah. It's my lifeline, these dogs, and so, with Gypsy, I went and I got her at 13, and I had to live eight hours away from my family for a month, and every day, 6:00 a.m. you're getting up, you're having breakfast. You're training all day, one-on-one with trainers for a month, and it's very interesting, and I had to do the same thing when I got Gallop seven years later after Gypsy passed. The whole month of training is this balancing act of learning to trust each other, gain respect, and bond. It's a magical experience. - Yeah. - It really is. That always say in the guide dog world, you know, "that first transition from number one to number two is the hardest." Because you don't know what to expect, and no dog will ever guide the same, will ever feel the same. - Is he taller than the previous-- - He is. She was 65 pounds, he's 90. - Oh, shoot. That's a big difference. (laughs) - Yeah, and I'm 4'10 1/2". - That's all you are, four feet-- - Yeah, and I'm wearing little wedges right now on my-- - Yeah. - But when I got Gallop, we were both 85 pounds. So, he literally weighed the exact same amount as I did. - Oh, wow. 85 pounds, you were? - Yeah, I did. Now, I don't. (laughing) He gained five pounds, I gained 20. - Okurr! (laughing) - The first day, I did this walk with him, and we were out and we all would meet back at a cafe. So, we'd walk around the town, and we'd get back to the cafe, and I sat down, and I just burst into tears. I was like, "I'm going home. I don't want a dog. "Like, this isn't Gypsy." And it was-- - Gee! - They're so, so, so different. Gypsy was like Stella. - Wow! - Yes. Very different dogs. - Jesus. - She was diva, hyper, like I'd tap my shoulders, she'd get up and dance with me. She'd sit on her back feet, and sit pretty like a human. She was full of personality, and spunk, and life, and she'd pose for the camera, and she loved attention, and she'd run around and bark. He's like this, and I was like, "This dog has no personality. "He's boring. He's slow." I just didn't get him, and I just cried for hours, and I told them, "I'm leaving." It was a Friday, and they said, "Give him 'til Monday. "He deserves a chance." - That's right! - "He deserves a chance. "Give him 'til Monday, "and if you wanna leave on Monday, you can leave," and I remember sitting back at the training facility later that day, and I was sitting on a couch alone, and he's laying at my feet, and during their first two years of training at the school, they're not allowed to go on furniture. Once you get them, and they're your dog, and you bring them back home it's up to you. - Wait, how many? - Two years. They get trained for two years. - Okay. - So, they're not allowed on furniture for the first two years of their life. - What that means is rules, boundaries, limitations. - Yes. - That's what it means. - Exactly. - So, most people, when they adopt a dog, the first thing they want is for the dog to go on the furniture. So, here's to your situation because what I tell people is three kinds of humans in the world about dogs. People who love dogs, people who are afraid of dogs, and people who don't like dogs, and that's pretty much it, right? And so, when a dog doesn't understand rules, boundaries, limitations, is going to affect people who are afraid of dogs. It's going to affect people who don't like dogs because that dog has no understanding about boundaries. No understanding about rules. No understanding about limitations. So, it's gonna come across anti-social because, in order for a dog to exist in our society, we have to also remember there is people who are afraid of dogs. There are people who don't like dogs, and we must respect their choices. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? And so, what you just said right there, what makes therapy dogs so special, is because they go through the exercise, the discipline, and the affection. So, they have this beautiful structure, and it's nice and clean, because it's somebody's life, versus a dog that doesn't have that specific job, doesn't have clear rules, boundaries, limitations. It doesn't have this beautiful lifestyle with a purpose. He has a purpose. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? And his life is not structured. So, this poor dog is going to more often be confused because his life is not beautiful. He has no purpose in life. Structure is gonna confuse him, and he's gonna be frustrated because nothing is clear. - Yeah. You know what I'm saying? So, the pursuit of happiness is so important for everybody. The reason for me to come into America is because my happiness was to learn from people who were working with dogs. I didn't know I was gonna become The Dog Whisperer. I didn't know that I was gonna train people. I just knew that I wanted to work around dogs, and that was my pursuit of happiness. So, when you find a purpose in life, and when we give them a purpose in life, that makes them feel that they achieve something in life. - Oh, he loves it. If I take a day off, and chill at home all day, and don't go out, he still goes on walks. - Right. - But he doesn't go on harness because I'm takin' my day off, sleeping, and being lazy. The moment he sees that harness, he's like, "Get it on me! Get it on me!" He's trying to shove his head in it. He loves to work. If he sees me go out without him, the odd occasion, he's sitting at the door waiting, like, "No, I need to help you. "I need to help you." - Right. - He really knows his purpose. He knows what he's here to do, and that's a big part of the conversation around retirement. Not every dog wants to do this, and once they're done, they'll show you. We don't force them-- - What do they do? - So, a lot of guide dogs, if they're kind of getting to the end of their work-life, and they don't wanna work anymore, they won't go in the harness. So, you shake the harness, they won't go in it. When you try to walk them on a harness, they'll turn around to go back home. So, they'll show you signs. They'll lay down when they're supposed to be doing a command. - Right. - So, they show you. "I don't wanna do this anymore." So, we never make them work when they don't want to, you know? It's a two-way street. - Right, right. - But he loves it, and most dogs do. They love to have that job, that purpose, and the school that I go to, the MIRA Foundation, they do mainly praise rewards. They train them with praise not food. So, it's mainly love, affection. - Mm-hmm. - So, that's what he works for. He wants to be loved, and wants the affection. - What is your pursuit of happiness? What is yours? - I'm happiest when I'm helping other people. - How do you help them? What do you do? - I mean, I try to use my own story, my own experiences, my own challenges-- - It's inspiring. - To help other people to educate, to break barriers and stereotypes, change misconceptions, and to help other people find self-acceptance, to find passion to overcome challenge in their lives. - That's huge. Self-acceptance is huge. - Because that's what I had to find. It's number one. When I stopped living to impress other people, and seek acceptance of others, and started living to accept myself. - Teach me about that. - Well, you know, growing up, I was very badly bullied, as a disabled child, you know? I was the different kid in class, so I was the easy target. I was clearly vulnerable. So, I was really badly bullied, and so I spent a long time trying to dress like the cool kids, and listen to the cool music, and do what I thought would make other people like me. - Accept you. - Yeah, and they didn't, and so, eventually by 14, 15, I was like, "Well, this isn't working. "I might as well just listen to the music I want to, "dress how I want to, "and at least, even if then nobody likes me, "I like myself." - Right. - Right? - Just like that? That simple? Yeah, and that's what I did, and all of a sudden, not only was I so much happier, 'cause I was actually being authentic, but I actually did start making authentic connections and relationships with people because they were meeting Molly. - Right. - They weren't meeting this shell of who I was trying to pretend I am. - So, you want to fit in. - I did for a long time, but now, I don't care! I'll dye my hair purple. I'll wear what I want. I have a wall of glitter in my room. I'm just Molly. You can like me or not, but I'm happy with who I am. - Yeah. - And I think people see that, and people gravitate towards that. - So, how do you deal with the blind part of it. How do you accept that? - Well, it comes down to my grade 10 history teacher, who was the most boring man I've ever met in my life. He would literally sit, and just-- - Why? Why are you boring? - He was this 75-year-old man who would just sit and read straight from the textbook. He wouldn't teach, he would just read to you, and you'd just fall asleep. - Oh, shoot. He was in a retirement mode. (laughs) - Yeah, exactly! Exactly! - He didn't wanna wear the harness anymore. (laughing) - He was like, "I don't wanna be here anymore." Yeah, he was, like, not excited to see the harness. - Just let us know, mister. You don't wanna wear the harness, that's all. - Exactly, but one day, this thing just twigged in me, 'cause he said, "If you can't accept something in your life, "you have to change it, "and if you can't change it, you need to accept it." - Right. - And the reality is, there's no cure for my disease. - Say it again. - "If you can't accept something, you need to change it, "If you can't change it, you need to accept it." - Piece of cake. - Yeah. So, I was like look... It just twigged in my mind, I was like, "I can't change that I'm blind." - Let me type that down. - Right? It's a life-changing thing for me. It really completely flipped my mindset. - Andre, are you writing this thing? (laughs) "If you can't" Oh, are you gonna text? (person speaking faintly) Okay, good. - Because for me, it was like, my whole life, from the time I was five years old, when I was diagnosed, I had spent fundraising to research for cures. I had spent looking into stem-cell research, and all these things, and what they were doing to try to cure my blindness, and there isn't a cure! - There's not? - So, why am I focusing on this mythical thing, hoping one day it'll exist, instead of living in the now, and accepting my situation as it is? And once I worked on accepting it, I could move on. And once I could move on, I could enjoy every aspect of my life again, instead of being so stuck in this resentful, negative, cycle of hating my situation that I can't change. So, that was a huge shift for me, and that's what I wanna help other people get to in their lives, because at the end of the day-- - That's powerful. - We all face challenge. - Yeah! - Some are really big challenges, some are really small. - That's right. - But it's gonna be a consistent thing throughout our lives. We're gonna have to keep facing challenge, and keep overcoming it. And we all have things we have to accept about ourselves. - Mm-hmm. - So, if I can help people, disabled or not, get to that point in their lives, that's what I wanna do. That's my happiness. - Especially the non-disabled, you know? Being disabled is definitely a much easier way to say, "Well, that's challenging." - Yeah. It's an obvious challenge. - "Why her energy is so positive?" "Why'd she continue with her life?" "Why she wanna inspire people? Why" Being disabled should be the most challenging thing in life. - Yes, and that's how society's been trained to view it, and that's what I wanna change for people. - Thank you. You know what I tell people about the whole disabled/handicap thing, I say, "Handicap people make dogs normal. "Normal people, make dogs handicap." 'Cause handicap people give dogs jobs, and normal people, they don't give them a job. So, that handicaps the dog, you know? 'Cause you can handicap the soul, the heart, the mind. It's not only the body that is handicapped. - Yep. - You know what I'm saying? So, that resonates with me, the whole perspective of what handicap is. - Yeah. - You know? So, you just made it clear. I said it all the time, 'cause I seen handicapped people. I never had the experience of interviewing one, or being so close to one, and having a friendship with one, but the way you explain it, and not only the way you explain it, is the energy that you use to explain it that is real. See, that's the authentic part. So, I'm right here, experiencing what she's saying, hearing it, and feeling it, and what she's saying is authentic. It's not bullshit. It's real. - Yep. - That's how you feel. - Yeah. - So, I appreciate that. - And for me, if I can take all of that pain, and turn it into purpose, and make something of it, that's my happiness. That's why I'm here. - Yeah. - And I honestly wouldn't change a thing. - That's bad. - I really look at all-- - You're badass, Molly. (laughs) - Thank you! - "I wouldn't change a thing." It was like, "Oh..." - To me, sure you get to drive a car and I can't do that. - Right. - But I get this incredible relationship with a dog that no able-bodied human will ever experience, and that's special. I mean, it's like nothing else, and it goes back to them just being like, "You need to give him a chance," and that afternoon when I was crying, and I didn't want to accept him, and he was laying at my feet like he is now. I was still crying, I was still upset, and he stood up, and he put his bum on the couch like a little human, and he put all four paws on the ground, and he just looked over at me. And I just looked at him, and I had never seen a dog sit like a human, where his butt's on the couch, and his four paws are on the ground, and he just looked at me, and I knew he was so wise. - Yeah. - Like he knew. And it was like he looked at me, and was like, "I'm sorry." Yeah, I saw that eye contact on the pool. - Yeah, he just-- - The way he looked at me, like, "All right. "You're helping me." - He's so wise. He just knew. He was just like, "I'm sorry that I'm not Gypsy, "but just give me a chance," and I just laughed, and I was like, "If he can make me laugh--" - It's more like, "Are we doin' this shit, or what?" - Yeah. I was just like, "I need to give him a chance." - "You're wastin' my time. I'm ready." - Yeah. (laughing) He's like, "I'm ready, I don't know why you're crying." - And I was so glad I gave him a chance. - "I'm ready to go. I'm here for you." Another thing that I tell the people that I help, sometimes you don't get the dog you want, you get the dog you need. - Yes. - You know what I mean? - And that was like I told you, Gypsy, my first dog. I wanted a dog named Cleo, and the guide dog school-- - You're so specific. (laughing) - I know, I wanted Cleo! I was like, "Cleo's my dog. "That's my girl," and they were like, "Gypsy wants you. "Gypsy's chosen you," and the trainers were like, "You'll learn to love Gypsy no matter what. "Gypsy won't work for anybody else, she wants you," and it wasn't the dog I wanted at first, but it was the dog I needed. She was my guide dog for seven years, and she taught me a hell of a lot, and she went through a hell of a lot with me. When you were talking about Daddy earlier, and you saying he was with you for that exact chapter in your life, I turned to my mom, and I was like, "That was like Gypsy." I had got her right before my dramatic vision loss, and she passed away right before I started my own speaking business, and my own YouTube channel, and that's when I got Gallop. And it was like she ended this very pivotal, important, and painful chapter in my life with me, and Gallop came to start the next journey. - And you needed that much excitement. - Yeah, I needed that. I was always say, 'cause she wagged her tail 24/7. She would wag her tail in her sleep. She would wag her tail when she was scared. - Jeez. - She just wagged it all the time, and people would laugh! They were like, "What is she so happy about?," and I think in a dark time in my life, she was there to teach me to be happy. - Yeah. Right! - And I think in a difficult time of high stress in my life, where I'm starting my business, and I'm go, go, go, and I'm moving from Canada to America, and all these things, and I'm traveling the world, and I'm gaining all this great success, which is great but it comes with stress. He's here to teach me to be calm, to chill out. - That's right. - The moment I started bond with him, I was like, "He's like a Buddha. "He's my Buddha boy. "He's just this zen creature," and I always laugh when... You know, he's this big, black dog, and people will see him sometimes and be scared, and I'm like, "If only you knew." - Yeah, this is the guy. - This is the guy. If you're afraid of dogs, this is the one to change it. - This is the guy. - This is the one for you. - That's right. - Well, Rio is the one to change your fear of birds. (laughs) - And I felt that, 'cause usually I wouldn't be even close to a bird, but I did feel calm around her to sit very close to her, which is new for me. - Plus, we have such a great trust, and from day one, when I met her the first day, my heart and her heart got together, and her beak and my nose got together, and her head and my chin. She went with her head under my chin, and it's almost like a hug. - She nuzzled in. - Yeah, she just went in, and I said, "I'm yours," and that was it. That was my first bird. So, because I know that that feeling was present when we were around you, she would've total trust you. You have feel the heart of the animal, you have to feel the spirit of the animal, you have to know when their instincts are absolutely calm, and that's something that you learn to feel, and you as having this "handicap", which it's not because you can see with your eyes closed. You know what I mean? - Mm-hmm. - One of the exercise that I do here, when we do TCWs, which is Training Cesar's Way, I ask people to close their eyes so they can walk a pack of dogs, 'cause I don't want them to see, I want them to feel. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? So, I give them 10 dogs. Five each side, and then I say, "We're gonna practice trust, "and then we're gonna practice calmness. "That's all I want you to do," and when I ask them to close their eyes, they panic. I say, "I'm holding your shoulder, don't worry about it." "Are you sure?," and then you can see how their head start growing up, like it's gonna come out of their neck. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? It's like they're trying to balance themself, detaching their head from their neck, you know? Or their shoulders get really close to their ears, like they don't know how to trust, and completely let go and surrender, so they can experience what I'm talkin' about, which is just look from inside of you. - And that's another gift that I feel like blindness has given me. - Yeah! - Is not only to trust a dog, but I have to trust society all the time. I have to ask complete strangers when I got to order a coffee, "Is it my turn to go up? "Can you help me?" Like, I'm always asking complete strangers for help. - Yeah. - Just the other day, I went on a first date with a guy, and the moment we met, I was like, "Hey, I'm gonna teach you how to guide me." It's, you know, I just-- - Gee! You took control that fast, Molly? - Yeah! I have to! - Oh, my gosh! You took control of the guy like, (snaps) - I have to! That's the thing. - Good for you, Molly. - We went on two dates, and he acted so into me, and then (claps) - Disappear? - Ghost. Where'd you go? - Oh, he didn't know what to do with you. - His loss. - Okurr! (laughing) (clapping) Molly is in the house! Okay? So, that's good, Molly. I'm glad that you're confidence levels at the... Yeah, so if a guy-- - Most men tell me I'm intimidating, which is funny 'cause I'm 4'10". - You are, Molly. You are. Yeah, it's not your size. It's your energy. You are. You come across like you own the world, which you should, and so, not a lot of guys own themselves, or know themselves. So, it's true. Women do mature faster than men, because it's all about-- - And I think my situation made me mature hyper-speed. - Yeah! I would say that. I mean, you're guiding yourself a long time, and it's guys that don't have what you have, and they still don't know where they're going. - Yep. - You know where you're going. You know what you have. You know who you are, and you know what you want, and you already have a mission. Listen, if a guy doesn't have a mission, drop him. Just drop him like it's hot, like drop him. (blows raspberry) If a guy doesn't have a mission, he's gonna waste your time because he's gonna be in a "play, explore." (laughing) You remember when I said, "Follow, play, explore"? He's gonna be in a play-explore state-of-mind, and a woman like you, you don't need a guy that is teenager type. - Uh-uh. - You know what I mean? He's in a play-explore state. You want a guy that's in that leading-and-know-how-to-follow state. - Dog advice, dating advice, you get it all here. - Yes! Well, it's the same. To be a good partner to a woman that I learned, I learned that from a dog, because dogs are great listeners, they make you laugh, and if you need leadership they give it to you. So, it's three positions in a pack, Molly. In a pack of dogs, is the back of the pack. Those are the most sensitive. They listen to everything. The middle of the pack is the guys who are happy-go-lucky, and this is like the HR for the human world, right? (laughs) And then it's the front of the pack. Those are protection, direction. So, one thing that I have learned is I need to be a great listener, so a woman feels that she can trust me, and that she can express herself, and know that I wanna know her, and if I feel that she's a little sad, and then I make her laugh. Happy-go-lucky, and if she doesn't know what are we gonna do, and then I take the position of direction, protection. Obviously, as a man, it's my instincts to protect, right? But I have to learn when to give direction if it's needed. So, listener, make women laugh, and give direction if it's needed. Otherwise, go back into the back of the pack. Being a good listener to me has gave me so much understanding in what I do for a living. It's not that I tell the dog what to do. It's that I listen to the dog, what he wants me to help. So, what makes me a good dog whisperer is that I'm a good listener, not that I tell dogs what to do. That's really the key. - Well, thanks for having me at The Ranch! This was so fun! - I love you, Molly! So, next time, Mexican food. I'll make it. Swimming. - Mm-hmm. - Walking with a pack of animals, migration, and hopefully we can do some search and rescue. (person speaking faintly) - Yeah, and you take a picture with a bird. So, we gotta make progress here, okay? - More to be done. - No more fear to birds, especially with Rio. Rio is a... She's a goddess. (laughs) She's like a Beyonce. - She's Beyonce. - She's Beyonce. B. (laughs) YouTube family, I'm always gonna ask you this question, what did you learn? Don't forget to subscribe. Don't forget to tell the whole entire world that we can all become better humans, better planet, by all understanding how to connect, communicate, and have an awesome relationship with Mother Nature, and don't forget to watch this video with Molly Burke when she goes. I love it very much, and we both are awesome people! That's why. - Woo! I agree! (laughs) (upbeat pop music) - Guys, thank you for watching my YouTube channel. Make sure you subscribe, like and comment, and most importantly, thank you for helping me to achieve better humans, better planet! Yes we can!
Channel: Cesar Millan
Views: 577,263
Rating: 4.9688492 out of 5
Keywords: cesar millan, dog whisperer, dog training, animals, ranch, training, andre millan, calvin millan, cesar 911, dog nation, dogs, Dog psychology center, animal behavior, dog behavior, molly burke, guide dog, molly burke gallop, blind, blind youtuber, blind girl, molly burke cesar millan, fear of swimming, molly burke guide dog, molly burke blind, fear of animals, fear of dogs, trusting animals, trust dogs, overcoming fear, anxiety, accepting yourself, self love
Id: TqOamw_4vP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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