"Can You Smell My Farts?" | ExtraEmily

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you guys are smelling my farts right no we're smelling it oh yeah we're just being time sorry you can actually smell it I smelled it too if you can smell it we can smell it sorry I don't know why you could have just passed it off as we're standing next to the men's locker room but smelled it I applaud the uh I don't know why maybe it's the ground beef or something prob that you didn't get enough food might be that your body's upset that you didn't eat enough because they stole your food that was technically a misar a m it's a transitive property mizart I I thought like sometimes the farts are kind of like they don't smell like anything but these this is a long part St grab the weight [Applause] okay so hug it cross your arms against it
Channel: NetClips
Views: 5,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LbJk9AzeI8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 48sec (48 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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