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good morning Umaga and welcome to today's episode of my Pi dream today we're just gonna sit around and just do a little bit of chatting well this morning I'm actually picking some calamansi uh to make some fresh calamansi juice uh for this morning this afternoon around the house here at Villa Feliz but we're gonna do just kind of like a ketchup chat for today instead of doing a building project or another major project well let's go ahead and get today's episode started so without further delay let's get today's video underway [Music] all right I grabbed as many of the calamansi that I needed off of our calamansi tree to make one or two pictures of calamansi juice and that'll last us a couple of days but what I wanted to show you was this this if you remember this is our lime tree back here and it is doing so good this is the best year so far you can see you can see our limes that are growing on here and what I don't I normally do I don't pick these and then set them somewhere since we only have like I don't know eight or ten of the limes on here go around I normally look at them from the when I'm sitting inside the pool over here I peek over and I can see and they seem to hang at the lower sections down here and here's one here's one right here you can see this one right here and they're all over they're all over down here's another one right here you see anyway it's doing so good and what I was getting at was I normally don't pick these and set them to the side because over time they'll get a little hard and they'll they'll go bad quickly but if you leave them on here as long as they don't get yellow once you see them starting to get yellow then you pick them and use them but we use these in beverages and we use these for some seasoning for different types of recipes that we have here but it's doing really good now my carrots my small patch of carrots here and asparagus are doing really well here in raised by Garden but that's not why we're visiting here I just wanted to show you a gift that we received just a couple of days ago we had a little get together and our friends the cantatas they brought us these and these are are the newest arrivals of plants that we have at Villa fleece here and these are too hot uh do do hot Plum and the duhot plum is a very small plum it's sort of grapish looking just like a plum now I have never eaten a duhot before and imagine it'll be a while before I do because it normally takes several years before so I've got started here in raised by Gardener in pots so the The Roots don't expand out and it stays contained and then we'll transplant it to some place in the yard but this is our duhot plum trees and I need to get this covered this is Apple guava right here and if you don't cover these around here what will happen is the insects will get to them quite quick so far I think we're good I think we're good so I need to get a little bag that goes around here that prevents the insects we don't really have very many we pulled most of our Apple guava off we have I think we only have two that one and there's another one somewhere over here somebody was pointing to me the other day let's see oh it's way it's way over there now here's our crazy dragon fruit plant that we have over here as you remember we used to have four on each corner post in the typhoon blew three of them down uh everybody who's been following us knows that story and this produced a lot over the last oh the probably the early part of this year probably April May and June we had lots and lots of dragon fruit and it's starting to produce again and here's one of the smaller dragon fruit that's getting ready uh to get a little bit bigger and then it will start turning a little bit purple and that's when you know you have to pick it so we'll keep an eye on that but I don't really see any other blossoms yet so we'll just keep an eye on the dragon fruit over here I think one of the problems is I kind of have this this is a Cavendish banana and it should not be inside to raise the bed garden but it was a baby plant that I stuck here to get it out of the way because I didn't want to forget what it was and I put it inside to raise a big garden and I just kind of left it here and it's growing like crazy I got to get this out of here and find a place over in the Pavilion there because remember that's our banana plantation over there now these red lady papayas never fail never fail to amaze me at the amount of papaya and we give these out every week our neighbors come by we have a little program in our neighborhood here we have a great community of some really great people that have their own little gardens in their backyard and they have this place online where they go on and somebody will announce I have this plant or I have this fruit or I have this vegetable does anybody want to barter and trade things off and we're constantly giving away papaya papaya is one of the biggest things that we give away a little bit of the Kong that we have over inside the garden over there and that's the main things that we trade in our little bartering system here in our community now I don't know if I showed in the last episode I don't think I did these are actually coconuts from our coconut tree in our front yard show you the coconut tree we only have one that's got fully mature coconuts and hopefully the sun isn't blurring it out too much but it's this coconut tree right here and we have somebody climb that tree about three times a year and uh we collect some of our coconut we donate some of our coconut to the community but this is enough so that when we have Gatherings we have get-togethers here in the Pavilion and we'll open up one of the Coconuts We'll pour the coconut juice out sometimes we'll cut out some of the bucco the bucco fleshy meat on the inside the actual coconut itself and we'll mix like Buco drinks Buco smoothies and things like that uh here's some leftover Ramadan you see this right here this is Ramadan we had a big get together yesterday and uh the folks when they come to the get-togethers we have here in backyard of villa Feliz everybody normally brings something sometimes things from the garden this is from ramatan from one of our neighbors Garden of course we know this is Marianne's hangout right here hey Marianne and of course what would the backyard of villa fleas be without these things all over the place bananas we have bananas everywhere and we got a new Blossom right here you see this Blossom right here and I I just I just saw this a couple days ago and it won't be long and somebody will be sitting right here at the bar and I'll be a big hanging banana Bunch right over the top of the seat I'm not worried about bananas they don't fall from the from the tree before we go and sit inside the Pavilion and have a little chit chat I just want to show you I'm I'm always telling you we're going bananas around here we're gonna walk behind the house here our neighbor has graciously allowed us to put a bunch of banana plants on their lot until they decide what they're going to do well let me show you the bananas on our neighbor's lot behind us so you can see they're doing really good back here uh we have a it's it's a combination of Cavendish La Catan lantundon uh here let me show you let me show you yeah and these These are part of our bartering with the community for other vegetables and fruits that they have this is actually the the one of the most desirable varieties right here this is the Cavendish right here and we're always giving seedlings you see these are seedlings right here they're like little suckers on the side and a lot of our neighbors around here they want these type of manners because the the native banana in our subdivision is Sabah and that's a cooking banana that's not really particularly good for eating like regular eating and what what they do is they come here uh we cut up some little seedlings for them and now they get some of the most desirable bananas that you can get here inside the Philippines as a gift from us here at Villa Feliz but since we're doing updates here today I just want to show you something really cool we added some new uh signs a little our street signs right here uh we ordered these on on Lazada they have they have uh sign making companies let's see if I can get it without any reflection too much reflection I hear so we put one right here let me show you we also did one at the front gate we get we try to get most of our deliveries this is like our service gate but since we hang out so much in the backyard we try to get everybody to do our deliveries back here but let me show you at the front up here at the front the uh the the street sign that we just uh installed not just recently and we added one more thing although we don't really we don't really get a lot of of a mail I'm gonna say we get like no mail here uh we get our utility built and that's when the guy reads the utility the utility uh meter and just usually ties the utility built right on the fence here and now we have a mailbox we actually have a mailbox where things can be delivered right here if ever we have anything that needs to be delivered and we're not here this is the other sign that we have inside here on the front of our house I like it I like it we've never we've always had people that ride through here and they're like oh is that uh lot eight is this lot eight is this La they often they don't know what lot so this this now there's no question as to where Lot 8 is in our subdivision now I can't take credit for those street signs uh the the person who actually brought it to our attention was our good Canadian friends over here across the street uh they're the ones that said hey take a look at this and I'm like oh this is really this is really neat uh I hope maybe we can standardize and uh thanks to these guys right here for making that suggestion we're really happy with our new street sign on the front and the side of our house now before we get into a conversation back here what's been going on around here lately I just want to show you now these are the these are the calamansi that I get from my trees around here they're always really nice they're very good shape they're shiny and uh rarely do I get a too bad of a blemished calamansi here I don't know what this don't ask me what the success or the secret is I don't know I don't really do anything special but normally when we get calamansi from the market now the calamansi from the market looks usually like this I want you to look at the difference in the size when you order around here or even if you go to the market these are kind of like what you get right here I'm not really sure with all this stuff is on the outside since our second biggest area for demographics is the Philippines if anybody here from the Philippines knows or anywhere you don't have to be from the Philippines if you know why some calamansi looks like this and some calamansi looks like this please share in the comments section uh I want to know because I want to continue getting this kind of calamansa because it's the biggest and the juiciest and the sweetest taste in calamansi that ever had here in the Philippines all right well I'm going to start but today's episode here with uh some of that fresh calamansi that I just made and I really like to make the calamansi uh with just a little bit of sugar and a little bit of a little bit of natural honey uh it just gives the exact amount of sweetness and the flavor of the honey just tops it off so that's what I have right here um so good and it's so good to know that it came from your own garden that's a special treat I anyway I want to talk today a little bit about uh some things some updates that have been going on around here uh away from our normal like new home build series uh projects around the house this kind of me to you kind of talking here uh I also want to recognize a few people uh that have actually made some contributions to the channel by ways of either something like uh super thing super thanks like uh we always have a contribution from like a good old friend art Carlson uh a channel that I normally visit on the weekend he has his own uh he has his own drone channel uh thank you art for your super thanks and Christina Taylor Christina she is uh she's doing a catch-up right now she I think she's doing a cram of watching a bunch of the uh a bunch of the my Pi dream because she often gives me comments uh on multiple multiple episodes in a while so it kind of makes me think that she's watching she's kind of like binge watching a lot of the episodes but she's such a sweet lady and I want to thank you Christina for that wonderful super thanks that you sent to the channel to help support our continuation of my Pi dream I also want to recognize some people for visits we had lots of visitors over the last September and October as you know the channel is far reaching it goes It goes all over the world when I say far-reaching we have viewers that often come to visit because many of them are married to Philippine citizens over here especially expats we have a lot of expats like myself just married to my wife Ness and they are either coming back to visit family inside the Philippines or a lot of them are coming back here to retire inside the Philippines and we often are blessed by their visits here at Villa fleas I just want to recognize a few people uh we had some folks that came in uh back in September September 13th from the San Francisco Bay area and uh and they they uh they have a house they have a house in tagaytai and they came by and stopped and visit us and that's Ken and Susan Rouch they came to visit us and we sat out here inside the Pavilion and we had a wonderful afternoon with some chatting uh they brought over some nice gifts they brought over some wine uh and uh it was just a lot of fun and also September 15th we were blessed to be visited by a very very old subscriber and not that he's very old when I say very very old he's been here since the very beginning since the beginning of the building of uh Villa Felice here and that's uh Alan Alan Henderson and Alan stopped by and he had some great stories to share and Alan always brings over uh gifts too and uh I'm gonna share a little bit of a video from some of uh his stuff by one of the gifts that he dropped in now don't ask me to pronounce some of he's actually from from Scotland and uh I can't pronounce some of the words that they have over there it's really difficult I can barely speak English and trying to even Tagalog is is a challenge for me as well but uh he actually came over and it was a great visit and thank you Alan for stopping by on that visit okay I I wasn't gonna do this but I got I've got to do this so this is cool anyway this is like this is a gift right here this and I had no idea what this is and and I you probably won't have any idea what this is even after I tried to explain what this is and I know I just didn't print quick quick okay that's it of course she doesn't matter okay okay I told you I have I have problems speaking English so okay okay anyway this is a this is a friendship cup friendship cup and and uh Alan Alan actually brought some friendship uh juice friendship juice and I guess I guess this is a tradition here okay explain the tradition how this works so even back in the UK even at a wedding a celebrity Nation the bride and groom is get more popular in in Scotland maybe a non-religious wedding the the recall maybe the minister or who's taking the ceremony or humanist and so it's a non-religion service so maybe the couple uh they would drink out of quake and that would be their first drink after they're married oh okay they're first drink together so but it's also called the Friendship cup okay so what we do is on this side of the cup and James is gonna drink from that side of the cup all of it that's the one yeah okay no problem that saw his friends there we go but you should have taken part in this uh and on act a little bit closer to today uh October 18th uh that was just just a couple of days ago we were visited by um Kent were mail and his family Teresita and his dad also uh Quint senior Quentin senior uh from San Diego and this wonderful family very very wonderful family uh had lots of great things to share with us now both Quinton senior and uh Quint are uh veterans uh Quint senior is a is a retiree of the U.S Navy during the Vietnam era uh and Sun uh Quentin is uh also a uh a a veteran of the U.S Navy uh may he was a lieutenant in the Navy and decided to go into a different career path and I thank you both for your service uh but we had a great visit by these guys they shared some very interesting stories as a matter of fact Quint senior wrote a book and he left a book uh he actually uh has a published book and has to do about his life and I can't wait to start reading that one that's the next book on my agenda to read and he gave me a very personalized uh hand signed edition of that book and thank you very much as well also in September on September 10th we had a birthday and an anniversary Wayne Seymour and his wife they celebrated their oh gosh let me see if I can see uh seventh anniversary seventh anniversary and his wife also celebrated her birthday her 37th birthday so to Wayne Seymour and his wife uh happy anniversary and to his wife happy 37th birthday as well and also I want to do another shout out to a very long time subscriber I'll try not saying old subscribers I should always say long long time subscriber and that's Gary Murphy Gary Murphy and his wife are are celebrating uh two fence just like the previous uh celebration uh both a birthday and an anniversary they are celebrating their 13th anniversary together as well as it's it's his wife's birthday during the month of October they didn't give me the exact dates uh Gary you need to give me that information when I when I do the shout outs but anyway I want to wish your wife a very happy birthday and the two of you a super happy anniversary okay so at this point I have to apologize I actually had a lot more content actually a lot more meaning that there was so much more I wasn't able to get it in this episode I addressed uh in what I just had to edit out I addressed a bunch of comments and questions that had to do with house building regrets and many many different things but then when I went to go editing it was like an hour's worth it was like an hour's worth of materials so we're gonna have to do a separate uh video that has to cover those questions we will get to your questions and comments later on I promise you but we're gonna close this one out so what you're gonna see right after this is the end of all of that after I did all that additional material so I I can't have this video to be too long so thank you for being patient for the time being well I think that's going to be it for today's episode I think we talked about enough I actually spoke a little bit more than I expected to speak today there's a lot more things I want to cover but we'll do it in some upcoming episodes uh I want to thank everybody everybody who's been supporting the channel have been watching been making those great comments been sending me emails the the folks that have stopped by and visited us here we always enjoy the visits it's ironic that we get visits and people come here and they say the same thing over and over and over again it's like they tell us that you know you probably don't know us but we feel like you're part of the family and we we've known you forever and and I thank you for that I'm glad that we have this great comfort feeling that we are all part of the same type of community and we're all family because we are all our family here on my Pi dream uh the other the only other thing is the weather the weather has been crazy and I talked about that when I talked about the soul here lots of rain lots of overcast uh but we only have a couple more months I think of that uh my all concern is always in November November is normally the typhoon when the big typhoons although we we've had lots of typhoons but they've been Way north of us or Way South of us we really haven't had a bad issue so far this year with typhoons but again November that's the one we have to get over that home well that's it for today I hope you enjoyed today's episode uh and if you did please give me a thumbs up please share and if you haven't subscribe just go ahead and click on that little my Pi dream and the bottom right hand side of your screen you'll be subscribed and you'll be notified the next time I upload a new video If you ring that Bell so until such time uh from right here in the very beautiful cloudy and rainy Philippines you have a wonderful and blessed day [Music] if you enjoyed today's episode and you would like to see more just like these just click on one of the helpful links over to your right and you might be able to pick up on some good information on DIY projects how to or if you are interested in moving to the Philippines and building you'll find answers there as well
Channel: My PI Dream
Views: 3,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: United States, America, Philippines, Batangas, Luzon, lipa city Philippines, Anilao, expat, retirement, construction, building, how to, Tierra Maria estates Philippines, basement, garage, landscaping, gardening, james tanner, my pi dream, foreigner Philippines, adventure, national day Philippines, Villa Feliz Philippines, duhat, java plum
Id: 35EPvgZCtqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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