Can you move a Windows 10 SSD to a new PC? - Probing Paul #40

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hello friends and welcome to probing Paul this is episode number 40 it is my Q&A video I answer the questions that you guys asked of me so all the questions I'm answering this month were asked in last month's probing Paul so if you let me answer your questions next month then post those down in the comment section down below last month was episode 39 and there's a look at all the old probing Paul's from all the times I have been probed in the past and there's a playlist if you guys want to check it out and see other questions that I responded to all the questions I'm answering today or let also linked down there with timestamps if you guys want to check him out that said let us move into the first probing question was asked by Stephen Mason hey Paul not sure if this is the best place to ask but can I reuse an SSD that has Windows 10 on it for a brand new build so I don't have to rebuy windows so I want to answer your question in two parts first part of the question is can you take an SSD that already has Windows 10 installed on it and reuse it in a new system and the answer there is yes my hesitation there would be to make sure that everything is wiped off that drive if you have any personal information depending on whether you're using the new system yourself or whether you're putting it into a system to hand off to somebody else or to resell if you are doing that and it at all concerned about security you want to make sure you do a secure erase on the drive that says something that's specific to SSDs the method I use most often is just a secure erase function that is built into the UEFI of most current generation ASUS motherboards that will completely erase the drive and make sure that no data is on it and then you can install it in the new system do a clean install of Windows on its second party of your question is can you take that Windows 10 installation from an existing computer and move it to a new computer and not wipe the drive just use the Windows 10 that's already on there the answer is yes you can but there are some things you want to keep in mind first off I don't like to do that I usually like to go with a clean fresh install of Windows from scratch if I'm doing a new build but Windows 10 is a little bit more flexible than older versions of Windows so if you do that it should be able to recognize the hardware that's in there use Windows Update to download drivers and you should be able to get the system up and running functionally loading up into Windows 10 though is not the same as having Windows 10 activated and whether or not Windows 10 will activate on that completely new computer that you've moved the drive to will depend on how it was originally active for that there's a website about activating Windows 10 and the various methods of doing that you can activate window windows directly to the hardware which usually is tied to the motherboard of the installation or you can actually link it to your Microsoft account I usually activate Windows 10 licenses to the motherboard because I use lots of different computers but if you typically only use one you can tie your Windows 10 activation to your Microsoft account and then you can just log into the new system with your Microsoft account and then you should be able to use your version of Windows only real difference there would be that your Windows 10 the license is activated to you and your Microsoft account versus the PC and the hardware so hopefully that gives you a little bit better explanation but I will reiterate if you are taking any old storage device whether you're talking about an SSD or an old mechanical hard drive do bear in mind that you should make sure all of the data is wiped before you pass that Hardware on and ferment spinning mechanical hard drives that's why I don't even bother to try that I just destroy them but for SSDs secure race is actually a pretty secure way of erasing your data I wonder that's why they call it secure race next question from tweet Oh you ate one too just curious why when me or Linus or Jay or Kyle or liability cease we never add the operating system this is a good question one that's definitely been brought up before and one that I have somewhat apologized for in past attempts at making good tutorial videos that are thorough and take you entirely through the process what I usually do these days when I'm making a tutorial video on how to build a computer is I start with going over the hardware I do the build and then I have this part three which is system set up I've actually done quite a few system set up videos now I did this one from about a year ago that has well over a million views so that's pretty nice too either of those should take you through the process this one's a little bit shorter and more direct the other one is a little bit more thorough so that's I guess that's the answer to your question is I have system setup videos that take you from here's a computer I just put together through installing Windows updating drivers updating your UEFI BIOS if necessary getting the system from just built to actual functional and up and running but if you if I did that for every single build video it would make the build videos very long and the process of doing that is pretty standard even if you're using different hardware or even if you're using AMD Rand intel for example so check out these videos I'll link the playlist in the video's description my beginners guide to building a gaming PC and that should hopefully take you from any of the builds I had done in the past through the system setup process as for Linus and Kyle and all them I assume they've never done anything like this because they suck next question here from 7 virus 7 could I use 30 200 megahertz RAM to run my R 5 3600 it's not the sweet spot but it is the bare minimum and I lose like 5 FPS rate so there's lots of questions when it comes to Rison and memory because Rison tends to like faster memory and with 1st and 2nd gen we were always recommending 3000 speed or 32 hundred speed now that third gen is out it likes 3600 speed and that is viewed as the sweet spot for rise in memory that said though there are other factors to take into consideration here the short answer for you here is that you're just fine thirty-two hundred megahertz speed memory with horizon 530 600 is totally fine and yes you're looking at a very marginal difference if you were comparing fps in different games or other tasks you might do with your computer that said I will link this video in the description which is a recent video from our good friend Steve over at gamers Nexus Tech Jesus where they tested a bunch of different memory and a bunch of different configurations to figure out what the actual difference is between them short answer is if you're looking at something like civilization 6 it's a very very small difference if you're looking at something like GTA 5 it might be a little bit more of a difference but there's actually a couple things from this video that I think we're key to point out one is that it's not just the RAM speed that matters you can find 3,600 speed memory that's Casa latency 20 or higher or you can find in 3600 speed memory that is casa can see 16 or even 14 the lower the casa latency the better that's just a general rule and then the other thing that Steve pointed out is that if you look at your motherboards qvl list that's the qualified vendor list for memory that is the memory that the vendor of your motherboard whether it's gigabyte or a soocer asrock has gone and tested and if they've tested it it means they've also probably put a profile in your UEFI BIOS for that specific memory kits what Steve found was that even if you're using memory that's rated really well if it's not on that qvl list the motherboard might be going with default settings that are a lot looser that don't get you as good of performance as memory that is on the qvl list I'm saying list list over and over again but you guys have to forgive me for that all that is to say if you really want to get the most out of your memory it's worth it to either make sure you have memory from that list or to go in and do some of the tweaking and tuning settings that's I'm not getting it get into here but Steve mentions in the video so again linked in the description they did a great job on this one and I'm happy that they did because they did a lot of testing and it brought some new things to light I think next question here from b6s for or sheltered hey Paul I'm buying a Samsung q70 are 65 inch 4k TV capable of 1440p at 120fps or Hertz with free sync down to 20 Hertz or at 4k it as a free sync range of 48 to 60 Hertz what would be the right build for this couch gaming experience what what an awesome display first off here it is over on Amazon currently selling for about fourteen hundred dollars but the q70 are 65 inch that's that's a nice feature set whether you're talking about viewing movies or playing video games there's a V a panel as far as I understand but more to your point what kind of build would pair up nicely with this I'm gonna focus on the GPU because you have a lot of CPU options I would say any Rison 3000 cpu 3600 or better would be a nice pairing to go along with this monitor slash TV likewise on the intel side you could go with a 9600 K or better I think it would be a great pairing on that side and then beyond that you're gonna want to look at the games that you want to play and what graphics card can get you good frame rates at 1440p I have a recent video which is my RT X 28 a super benchmarks where I do do 1440 testing so here you can see for example a game like shadow of the Tomb Raider if you're using the high preset it can only max out at about a hundred and forty FPS with an RT X xx atti that is with pretty high settings but also if we jump over to GTA 5 we see the 2080 Ti is hitting about 156 average frames per second 2080 Super is gonna get you more up into that hundred and forty ish range but you want to make sure you're getting 120 FPS on average or ideally a bit beyond that to make sure that you're not dipping down too much although a three sink supports you will have a much better experience because even if it does dip below a hundred and twenty FPS it's just gonna change the refresh rate of the TV to match that so all that said I would point you towards a twenty atti if she can afford it although those are very expensive so I understand if you can't be on that a 2080 Super or 2070 Super to probably be the best start combination of price around $500 and performance you could also consider a 50 750 700 XT you're not gonna get as many frames out of those cards so you might need to adjust your game settings in order to hit those higher refresh rates or in order to get your FPS more towards 120 but the real nice thing here is that Nvidia cards now work with free sync monitors so you do have a lot more to choose from than you did say three or four months ago or whenever they made that change next question that was from Darth snow man he says hey Paul a huge fan Thank You Darth do you think nvme is necessary no it's not necessary but it is nice and the thing that I've been pointing out most recently when it comes to people who are choosing storage in particular is that you should be getting an SSD you just should at least if you're talking about your main operating system drive and I would say even for like a games drive or something like that prices have just come down so much that it's much more reasonable and loading a game up off of an SSD especially if there's lots of assets is gonna be a lot faster than loading it off of a spinning spinning mechanical hard drive but SSDs right now essentially come in two flavors you have SATA SSDs which are usually going to be shipped in this form factor a 2.5 inch drive as a separate plug for power and one for data that routes over to your motherboard you can also find MDOT two drives that are still SATA so watch out for those but then you have MDOT two drives like this that's the form factor that are nvme and vme is a newer protocol for communicating between a drive and the rest of your system that is updated that doesn't have some of these drawbacks and setbacks that SATA was hampered with because SATA was designed to also handle spinning mechanical hard drives nvme is just better overall and I'm not gonna explain you all the reasons why but when it comes to gaming in particular although you're not gonna get better frame rates with a nvme SSD you will potentially get faster load times and then when it comes to loading your operating system onto an end of you an nvme SSD you'll often find that boot times are faster and that's convenient for a lot of people so in the past I would tell people you know you don't really need that nvme you can get away with a much less expensive SATA SSD but right now if you're shopping for in an SSD or a system drive in general right now I'm just using PC part picker to look at one terabyte SSDs it's awesome you can get SATA SSDs for less than 100 bucks you have $90 one might say the SSDs which is real nice for a games storage drive or something like that that would be great but look for just five bucks more you can get in until six sixty p-series not the fastest nvme SSD is still significantly faster than a SATA Drive or you can even find something like a crucial p1 or if you go further further down you can find some drives from team or a mush kin that are full fledged nvme SSDs they're not going to be the fastest ones that get you up to 2500 or 3000 megabytes per second read and write speeds but they'll still get you to 1,500 to 2,000 which is 2 to 3 times as fast as a SATA SSD so if you're doing lots of reads and writes for copying video or something like that then definitely potentially worth your while to look into the prices of the nvme SSDs because for a price difference of 5 10 or 15 dollars for a lot of people I think that actually is worth it but of course it's those benefits in areas such as faster boot times or faster heavy sequential read and write times don't feel like they're gonna do much for you then you know save 10 bucks or so and go with one of these really well priced SATA SSDs just a few questions left here this one from coalition gaming hey I have a question from the next one when is the next fan meetup coalition gaming long time follower I've met him several times usually and we're still planning on doing this around November December Cal and I do a gaming a charity livestream and we've also been doing a fan meetup local here in Southern California we are still planning on doing those this year we don't have the date set up exactly yet so keep an eye on our Twitter but probably beginning of December or end of November is when we're gonna be doing those things so keep an eye out for when we actually nail down the dates for those but we are currently planning on doing them so I look forward to it those have been fun in the last year's nice question from Sir Nicholas there's been so many probing Paul's is my predictive text now now shows that I want to type Paul anytime I tape probe or probing this isn't really question but just sure Nikolas I wanted I wanted to point out that I have that problem too associating my name with probing is one of my long-term goals I guess for this assignment know what else to add to that and then one last question here from sword dust hey Paul met you at the fan meetup in San Diego a few years back oh hey thanks thanks I hope you're doing well since then glad you're still watching my videos the question and maybe this is a follow-up to last month's question about Filipino foods that I like which there are many of he's asking about the other end of the spectrum have you tried balut yet and and why do you think it's amazing you're trying to put words in my mouth here but a quick word of warning I'm about to show you guys balut not close-up pictures but some people maybe aren't going to like it balut is a Filipino delicacy I want to say which is basically like an egg that's kind of halfway between a hard-boiled egg and a fully formed chicken they they let the chick actually get most of the way towards being a chick and then they cook it in some way and I think there's some salt involved and maybe some soy sauce and it's horrible it's it's a really horrible thing I have tried it try it out in one of my first trips to the Philippines it was in a real idyllic location it was like sunset and Boracay we were there on the beach and having a drink dude came along with the styrofoam thing and he's like boo boo and my wife was like oh you gotta try it so I was like okay and I took a bite and now I've tried balut and I'm probably never gonna have it again because it really really did not taste good but I can one-up you there's something I've tried in the Filipino food range that I liked even less than balut and that's this it's called bagoong which is Filipino shrimp paste and it is horrible it is apps like I already don't like really fishy seafoody stuff but if you ever are offered bug along turn it down that's my advice to you not good not good at all for anything in the world I'm not sure why it's a thing but anyway those are the Filipino foods that I I don't like I guess most of the other stuff I've tried it I really do like Filipino food it has a lot of really cool flavors in there but guys that is gonna wrap it up for episode 40 of probing Paul thank you so much for watching and of course if you have any questions that you want me to answer next month leave them down in the comment section below while you're down there if you wanna hit the thumbs up to button thumbs up button too I always appreciate that thanks again for watching guys and we'll see you next time
Channel: Paul's Hardware
Views: 587,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: computer, PC, PC gaming, personal computer, computer hardware, paulshardware, windows 10, ssd, move ssd to new computer, move windows installation, move windows 10, windows 10 install, new computer, activate, activation, hardware, microsoft account, operating system, windows, 2019, 3200MHz RAM, ryzen, ram for ryzen, ryzen 3000, 3rd gen ryzen, gamersnexus, 1440p gaming, living room, samsung q70r, set up a pc
Id: 7LfHn4rmpgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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