Can You Make Doughnuts With One Hand? | Sorted Food

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you know how we've all got that one friend oh yeah the one friend that goes through a brand new country on what they want and then won't stop we weren't there I'm sure it was great in the moment but we was back this week if Ben's challenge to recreate all of the food that he had in Peru and see if he can make us fall in love with the way things is he has to prove that it was as good a detail to fit with what come on come on we are starting a week off strong with doughnuts awesome Street food but not as you know is a sweet potato doughnut there ring doughnuts they're only really doughnuts because they're fried batter pretty much everything else about them is slightly different was it Street food that not as we know it because we've not been to those troops fact so these are available will / / I had them in Lima but basically they are incredible and I think they're going to be quite tricky to make so you guys can help me out with that later on cavea I'm not even sure I can all you to do is start by peeling butternut squash and potatoes and boiling them you have my interest yeah tricky to make is not our speciality what we're going to do is we're going to boil up our squash and sweet potato equal ratio of both in water but we're going to flavor the water with star anise cinnamon and clove so already we're imposing flavor into average Christmas now some doughnuts are rolled in sugar or dusted in sugar or glaze these ones have a syrup so they pick erroneous and they are super sweet from the syrup butter it's made with brown sugar the juice of orange and lime and a cinnamon stick a little bit of water and basics bobble it until the sugar dissolves and give it five or so minutes to bubble away so that it all infuses with our citrus with your sweet potato cooked and by that we mean when you stab with the knife it falls straight back off yep then drain it but save the liquid because what you want is your sweet potato and squash mash but all of this we will need some of that later on you want to fish out the cinnamon stick the closing the storing is because they won't match and mash what is left and you end up with mash and now for the dough or batter which is leavened do you want some use so in a mixer with a dough hook bit by hand as well it's a very wet dough we're going to use droid activity sugar that tablespoon of each some of that water we left back from our stop it's cooled down it's not going to kill you then to that we're going to add make the flour and all of our mash now the reason I don't think I'd want to do it by hand is it takes a long time a good five or ten minutes of racket kneading and it's doing whatever that how do you know that this is the authentic way to do it I don't should we be asking people please do because feedback I'm not convinced are we doing this right are we doing this wrong we don't know we've not been to Peru you might have been to Peru you might not have been anywhere else but foreign let us know and what you're left with is a very very sticky wet dough not the sort of thing you'd roll out donuts okay it is more like a thief which makes this next bit of a change it needs to prove an hour in a warm place covered with a tea towel and then we're going to start to shake these and donuts now on the street it gets missing so the street vendors keep one hand clean to serve and take money and they only do it with one hand that I watched for far too long being like I was like what it about how what would right we've got a bowl with some salt has just been dissolved in it and basically it could start with two hands and see how you get on slightly wet hands and then form Donuts blow it into the oil once it's in get a stick put it in the middle give it a twist for that whole remains and if the oils at 190 you should cook in a couple minutes on either side did anybody see what just happened once it's like that and gold on one side you just flip it when you lower into the oil lower care fees you don't get backed away from Oh what are you supposed to do with that is impossible what is that that is not a dough that is just get hold it there hold in the middle thing that nicest gum just do things it is amazing like several thing is measure the fingers through and low it means nooooo picks up so put any single put your country you've got it stop your going one-handed go one-handed place got it he's got it until he fingers now put your hand in the oil humming a holiday yeah keep this picture you've got the fakers have you guys down yeah I got a little Perugia das was right over that is your one hander thanks guys I really appreciate it what we got there is in 1-handed 2-handed mic you can use it for lunch okay but we do have is a stack of our crispy golden ticket only synthesized very and our syrup and the way they kept them warm on the street was to put them across a pole across the oil and tail the sole of course one hand in the dough one hand to serve they are our sweet potato donuts or picker on it sorted how you speak you're going to Group one handling the day that famous rain [Music] again boys so that's not your right it's not a donut their life some of using them so much more they hit me all they puff up slow match up there who's doing that Chris now they're not easy to shape but quite good funds have a go if you want to give it a go to pull that speech for example click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 355,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doughnuts, picarones, sweet potato doughnuts, doughnut recipe, donut, donuts, donut recipe, doughnut challenge, donut challenge, peru doughnuts, peruvian doughnuts, doughnuts lima, ben ebbrell peru, sortedfood peru, eating peruvian doughnuts, street food, street food recipe, peru street food
Id: Y-w51AuAfWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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