Can You Learn Harbor In Only 1 Day? - Valorant

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a few days ago we got a new ancient Harbor and we all know what this means you're gonna play ranked your teammate is insta-looking Harbor and then just make plays like this and it's not just about Harbor because a big mistake that a lot of low ELO players are making is that when they unlock a new agent they immediately gonna play that agent in rank this is not good my friends you gotta learn the agent first sadly learning an agent in normal games is not always very fun so instead of practicing Harbor for a very long time I'm gonna see if I can learn the h10 only one day in this video I'll play normal games for the whole day make a lot of mistakes give you guys a lot of tips and tricks and in the end I will play my promotion match as you might have expected the first game went very Rusty I had no idea how to exactly use the abilities to its full potential and made dumb decisions like this one in this round the first use my C ability forward that went exactly to Nowhere then use the useless smoke and push through the wall of the enemy and my ultimate on the spots that didn't really matter the enemies standing in Nest didn't get stunned all the ultimate Goods no Mr lowlander the ultimate wasn't good what I should have done was either use my wealth to watch be long or just push from Kitchen use my wall towards nest and then my ultimate could also go for the whole side but yeah the first game was not the best game so it was learning time I did this by watching some YouTubers talking about Harbor and checking out the sponsor of this video fellow and tracker on the fellow and Tracker app I went to the guide section clicked on Harbor and in there I found some nice lineups and tips and tricks a pretty handy feature and after collecting this knowledge I was ready to play Harbor for the full day but before I'm going deeper into everything I learned I quickly want to tell you guys a bit more about fellowman's record because this app is amazing my friends when you download fellow and tracker the app links to your right games account so you could see all your stats things like you killed that Rachel a courtesy how many aces you got but also weapons stats map stats and agent stats you could even put some of these analytics on a timeline so you could find if you are still improving or not and something else that I really like is that you have a detailed matches story for those who are wondering this was my first game with Harbor yeah not very good I died a lot another great feature is the Live Match data when you open to a game you could see the ranks of all your teammates and your enemies and during the games you get this nice overlay to see what rounds you play good or bad pretty nice stuff if this got you interested feel free to download the app with the link in the description it's completely free so try it out today my friends and now let's talk about Harbor let's first talk about this ultimate many might think that this ultimate is good because it stuns the enemies but I think there's a factor about this ultimate that's even stronger and that's the sound take this round for example when I use my ulti I only heard one Splash and it was somewhere around the defender spawn if you look closely you could even see it because of this I knew the back of sight was clear so I pushed through my own wall to get closer to the enemies they did not expect me there so easy kills or in this round I also didn't have a splash so I knew the site was clear now let's talk about this e ability avoid walls like this a wall like this doesn't look bad right the reason for this is that you give the enemies a lot of control over the side and then something like this might happen uh put the ball a little closer yes when you show a little closer you give the enemies a bit more control for the side but it is way harder for them to push through your wall another thing you have to keep in mind when using your e is how high you are aiming take a sense for example if you aim under heaven then your wall will go under heaven so if you want to smoke of Heaven you will have to aim above heaven very simple rights just to remember it now let's talk about resea ability you could use this one in different ways something that I really like is used in combination with your e ability on a side fracture for example Wolf the side and then use your C ability to slowly get more control over the side just like in this round foreign Ty is just extremely good to get control over certain spots control over mid Ascent for example because the wall is going towards the enemies you have the advantage if the enemies are deciding to push through it so most of the times they run away you get control for certain spots and e-skills for you [Music] now let's talk about this Q ability his spoke to be honest when I first started playing Harbor I didn't really think his Q ability was that strong and I didn't change my mind about that you could say that you could use it as a normal smoke but the problem with that is that it gets easily destroyed honestly it's insane it just takes a few shots and then the smoke will instantly disappear vanish away from the map so the ways how I use the smoke was just to get a little more cover when planting or diffusing the spike of course and I like to throw it on the ground and just chill in it like an omen with a shotgun but I hope in the future his Smoke Gets a little buff let me know in the comments how you think about that and oh yeah don't do the teleported trick with your smoke you will hit your own smoke and not the enemies whoopsie now before I hop into the rain game I want to tell about this playstyle Arbor especially Shines on the attacker's side every ability is just made to enter the site so when you start on Defenders and you lose a lot of rounds back to back don't worry my friends on their attacker side you could come back easily by the way do you see the enemy in this round Mr lowlander cheating oh my God now let's talk about the defender side there's just only one tip I really want to give you and that's that retaking a site with Harbor is more easily than defending one so when you're holding a for example don't be afraid to run away wait for your teammates and then retake together now it's time to play Hardware in competitive mode but first how did I do today as you see today wasn't really a good day but we gotta win so we're ready to play A ranked I guess yes of course so let's hop into the game hello everyone just like I told earlier retaking with Harbor is easier than defending now when the enemies push B in the first round I use my ball in the hope I could get an easy kill when they push through it sadly I couldn't connect my shot so I walk back to go for a retake with my team I said died but we won the first round okay two big mistakes in this round so learn from me first one don't push with Harbor on the defender side if you won the first round and you have guns while the enemies don't have guns second one if you use your wall like this don't push through it the enemies will have the advantage so uh not very smart why did I do that oh I'm bad sorry this is one of those rounds where we went for a retake again in this round we hear that the enemies were pushing C let's go for the retake and when her team arrived we went for a retake 5 versus 5 and easy win could you spot the mistake though yeah I'm sorry are you slow yes Mr lowlander you did and use your abilities especially the harbor e is so strong for the retake so don't forget it also Bulldog underrated [Music] disappears don't peek after it it's way too risky I got very lucky over it oh that was too risky but we got him a fairy op push with Hardware is from garage simply use your one garbage and end it exactly at the window after that you could use your e ability through the side so easy win for you good drop now nice this is a very good combo to enter B simply while the left and right link and then use your smoke in the middle of B-side your teammate can plant in the smoke and easy peasy I saw this one on Twitter but then later that round I did something wrong I wanted to make a u-shape around the spike with my wall but instead of going right away first I went left way first so basically I smoke myself off whoopsie spoiler the enemies didn't manage to defuse luckily so I glitched around easy peasia I'll plant I'll plant here's how an icy entry looks like stand against this wall and use your e ability through garage and through the boxes on the middle of the side after that use your smoke on the sides plant the spike and to escape back to Long usual wall towards garage after this round it was an easy peasy win we won let's see we'll drink it will get and we got ascendant a few so the big question can you learn Harbor in only one day well judging by my magic story I don't think so but playing him for the whole day and then go ranked is better than playing ranked immediately thank you so much for watching and I see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: MrLowlander
Views: 112,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant harbor, valorant harbor abilities, valorant harbor tips and tricks, valorant harbor tips, valorant harbor tricks, valorant harbor gameplay, harbor gameplay, harbor gameplay valorant, valorant new agent, valorant new agent gameplay, harbor abilities, harbor valorant, harbor tips and tricks valorant, harbor, valorant tips and tricks, valorant tips, tips and tricks valorant, harbor guide, valorant harbor guide, harbor guide valorant, how to play harbor
Id: LkmoI0aYzUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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