Can you feel your HEART?

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hey everybody it's dr bacon with east cobb spine sport chiropractic this is kind of a special one today because i get to sit here with jessica who you guys normally see is like my partner in crime when we're doing everything that goes on in here at the office but it's heart month so we're going to talk a little bit about the heart and uh when you first started in here we were feeling what we have i was getting this like heart cramp which you know i didn't know if it was like an indigestion thing it was an actual heart thing but it just felt like this cramping that happened more often than it should have yeah yeah and so so what's neat so what did we do we we we've already been doing nutrition so you've been getting adjusted so we know all those things we ran you through the heart sound recorder didn't we we did yeah and the hard time recorded to us it really rates uh measures rate rhythm and tone of the body and what the nutritional components that we need to help support it because we can feed her run it again and literally see functional change which yeah so which you got to run through it what have you been feeling now that you've been doing the vitamins and stuff like that i remember he put me on specific vitamins and herbs like hawthorne b vitamins things like that that really you know supply the heart muscle and they stopped yeah i mean it was just like instantly they stopped and it's not like we treated it it's just we fed the heart what it needed yeah really those are for microcirculation and things like that it helps with that so now shoot it's been when was that how long ago was that shoot gosh that was probably like four years ago yeah yeah have we had any of those kind of cramps or any of those things ever since no we still continue to feed the body and obviously feed the heart okay i'm still on hawthorne yeah yeah what's neat too is it's kind of neat because we say feed the body well it goes into the gut then where does it go i mean honestly yeah and the heart's pretty important so everything's got to pump through there so it's going to grab that pretty quickly and then it's gonna circulate through the body so i i love the idea and it is heart month for us in this in this little kind of thing so that's why we're taking a quick second um i think it's really neat but but what would you tell somebody who really was looking for or wanted to look into kind of what they can do to help support themselves or they were having fluttering or palpitations or something like that yeah you know i just i didn't know what it was coming from so the muscle testing that we do you know when i started coming to you at the very beginning yeah yeah yeah a long time yeah a long time ago um it's just it's been amazing to see how when we feed the body and give the body what it needs it those symptoms necessarily aren't needed yeah yeah they just they're not really they're not normal right as like they normally as they right yes having a heart cramp is not something i should have no you should never feel your heart really being chest yeah so anyway well thank you once again it's just almost out it's just let's just start back with little bacon bits and of course and jessica here again today so we hope to see you guys again soon if you like this one please forward this we're going to do like this whole series about the heart this month really kind of trying to strengthen and help us out so if you have any questions about it please let us know and we'll see you guys again in the future thanks
Channel: Dr. Bob Bacon
Views: 198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ot38IT9Egqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 43sec (163 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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