Can You Daily Drive High Stall Torque Converter?

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what's going on YouTube today we're gonna talk about whether or not you can drive around with a high stall torque converter stay tuned before we get too far into this video here I just want to give a huge shout out to the guys at FTI fgi performance is where I ended up getting my torque converter from they they did they're based out of Florida they actually do some amazing work and where torque converters typically fail these guys have done all the research in those parts that are in a torpor that would typically fail they've actually gone through and actually reinforced the torque per fins and different parts stuff like that so they actually make a great product so if you're looking at getting a torque converter check out fti performance if you guys want to order some ft high-performance you can always go to rains precision motorsports RPM denver net they are direct with fti they can order whatever you need they can look at whatever applications that you have it's just what you know what you should have in order and ship those parts to you also shout-out to reigns position motorsports they're the ones actually did the install in tune of my torque converter and it has been flawless so rpm denver dotnet those guys they've built 90% of my car and I I couldn't be happier with what the results that I have here so good shout out to those two guys let's get on to the video so those of you that are my longtime subscribers or I've seen some my older videos you will know that I have a 3600 stall torque converter in my car and this is my daily driver so there's a lot of arguments out there on whether or not you can daily drive a car that has a high-salt torque converter so 3600 not like high like like you know drag racing where they have like 5000 plus taul taur converse but still it's a higher stall torque converter but can you daily drive it is it comfortable is it is it still usable and I would actually say yes if you've never driven a car that has a high salt amor converter before it the transmission feels loose you know the stock torque converter flashes at like 1200 rpm or something like that so when you push on the gas it it locks up it flashes at low rpm and basically when you push on the gas you feel almost like a direct response to the acceleration in the car high stall torque converter it it feels almost like the transmission slipping I mean that's not really the right terms for it like those of you that know how to drive a manual transmission when you first learned how to drive manual taking off from first gear and you're trying to figure out that clutch and and you know you're you're riding the clutch and you know you're just trying to get the feel right that's basically what the highest all torque converter feels like so so that's kind of the feel that you have to get used to I'm gonna do my best to share with you guys what it's like with the highest all torque converter so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna film my dash where when I'm driving around just like from stoplights and whatever like that just my daily drive type stuff and I want you to pay attention to the RPMs that I'm having compared to the speed and just know that you know I'm not flooring it so when you see the RPMs fly up to 3,000 I'm not flooring it it's just the the engine is actually going that high because the torque converter isn't locked up so it's gonna shoot up to like 3,000 rpm 2500 rpm but my speed is actually gonna be gradually increasing but the purpose you know the few of you guys might be asking is the purpose of the high-salt torque converter is when I'm at the track when I hit the gas those rpms will flash up to about 3600 rpm sorry the RPMs will go up to about 3600 rpm torque converter will flash and basically grab at that point and the car will launch so the idea is to get out of the lower power band the lower rpms where there's less power horsepower and torque and get you into your power band quicker so you launch faster you know one of the things right now is if you have a stuff stock torque converter if you hold down the brake and push on the gas your rpms only go up to one or two thousand rpm with a high stall torque converter such as what I have I can actually hold the brake and bring my rpms up to about 3500 rpm and then I can just basically launch from there there's a lot more to it than just like holding higher rpm and just letting go of the brake and take it off when you're launched and stuff like that but that's for another video this one let's just take a look at what the torque converter is doing when we're just driving on so we're leaving the neighborhood now I'm at a complete stop so this is gonna be just normal driving I'm not gonna hot-rodder or anything like that but just pay attention to the RPMs and I'll just be quiet so you can listen to the engine okay [Music] so just real easy acceleration from a stop I'm coming up to the main road up here and I'm gonna need to get a little bit more gas just to get up to speed to merge into with traffic but what you'll notice on that last takeoff is the RPM goes up a lot quicker than what the speed would so Bergeron with traffic here and that was kind of hard to see us turning so I apologize for that but he just listened to the engine there it that when I was talking about you know learning to drive stick and just kind of feeling the clutch you can hear the engine kind of go up and kind of just hang at an RPM almost feels like a CVT transmission but basically that's that's kind of what it feels like here I'll pick back up here when I'm accelerating from another stop here so you guys can see another turn here but see where it goes rpms so they're you know there's that easy acceleration but you see how their rpms kind of go up to upper to thousands and they just kind of hang there and in the car kind of grabs and accelerates on its own and you know you can feather the throttle more or less but you know the it's like a CVT transmission like I said before and that's kind of how how it feels to drive so when you're driving along with high stall torque and murder once you're at speed the torque converter is locked up with the with the engine so yes I'm sitting at late 1800s 1600 rpm right in that range right now going about 60 miles an hour if I hit the gas right now the RPMs aren't going to float like they did before so like if I need to just speed up a little bit it's just like driving your car with your stock core converter so once you're at speed it feels completely normal the only time that you're actually going to feel the difference with the high stall torque converter is in lower rpms there are some situations to where you could get I guess it's called pulsing but it's it's basically the torque converter locking and unlocking and that can actually be fixed or adjusted with a tune so I mean if you don't have your torque converter your shift points whatever set right you'll get pulsing and basically it looks like if you're just tapping the gas so I my car it's it doesn't do it because we haven't sat right but if I can try to mimic it by just pumping the gas here you'll see a little blip like that and you'll actually hear the engine kind of just go high low high low high low and basically that's the torque and odor just just engaging disengaging but it through a proper tune you won't get anything like that but that's the best way I can simulate it just by tapping the gas pedal right now because I can't get my car to do it otherwise okay the last thing I want to show you is actually taking off you know a little bit more aggressively so I'm gonna not floor it here but I'll get a little more aggressive and just watch the RPMs flash high okay a little too hard but if you if you kind of notice how quickly the RPMs went up compared to the to the speed of the vehicle it's kind of hard to tell there because the wheels end up spinning but those RPMs climb the first 3000 very quickly to get you to that power band so that's that's the benefit of the torque converter I went from a four point seven zero to sixty to a three point nine zero to sixty just with a torque converter so if you're looking for that little added edge that's gonna increase your acceleration the torque converters definitely we're where to go on this I know a lot of you guys are swearing by the pedal commander for the throttle response stuff like that but when it comes down to it I would actually probably put my money towards the torque converter rather than a pedal so yeah that was kind of a long video thanks to all you guys that made it to the end but I felt they had some pretty good information there for people who didn't know anything about the torque converter anyways like subscribe and I'll catch y'all on the next video I'll see if I can do something in the way of talking about the struck races whether or not I notice the difference on that the water-methanol Kate I'll go in a little bit more detail and we're getting ready to go down to Pueblo to do another race on April 28th so stay tuned for that we'll put the race to it on and and build it up and see if maybe I can guess the 11 second quarter mile
Channel: dasllamas
Views: 82,588
Rating: 4.6320348 out of 5
Keywords: Dodge, Charger, RT, AWD, Procharger, torque, converter, stall, high, stahl, can, you
Id: njL2x-msbZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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