Can You Brew Soy Beans into Beer?

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this summer crack open a cold one of the coolest new beverage being based beer brewed with the finest naturally growing soybeans enjoy the smooth taste plant estrogen athenaeus beer in the world [Music] always smooth always refreshing always beans bean beer grab life by the beans I've been really wanting to brew some beer lately this winter I tried to get a head start and tempted to grow some barley indoors unfortunately some pest issues and inclusions from the rest of the team while I was gone on vacation that ended up being a dead end I've since replanted a literal beer garden this spring but I want to brew some beer now so I wanted to try from nineteen something I have grown and have a lot of leftover beans so after my experiment of turning bean starch into sugar and using it to make jelly beans let's go one step further and see if it's possible to take this sugar and brew beer out of beans my previous experimental brewing I've done using crabgrass didn't turn out so great oh it smells worse than it tastes but it also doesn't taste good so I decided to turn to the head brewer ed northern brewing who previously helped us brew some beer three years ago only been three years I know has it been that long already Wow I'm here with Brad at Northern Brewer I wanna make some bean beer there prep some soy beans and some mung beans roasted them ground them soak them and then an enzyme to hopefully turn it into a sugary water that we can try and ferment into something that's at least somewhat palatable well I guess we'll find out on the palatable part is quite the interesting experiment but yeah you can pretty much use enzymes to convert anything containing a high amount of starches into sugars and then ferment those sugars thus making an alcoholic beverage the way it stands right now this is made 100% from beans so listed technically be considered a wine must instead of a work which is beer before fermentation which is grain based we can ferment it by itself just to see how it turns out make a bean wine and we can also add some barley malt extract a little bit of hops boil it up catch some yeast at it and that will technically be a beer because it does have the proper ingredients for a beer have you ever heard of a bean beer before I can't say that I have brewers get a little crazy with the things they put in their beers especially these days you can find some really weird things out there but beans is not one I've ever heard of if anybody out there has drop it in the comments it'd be kind of fun to know if there's a bean beer out there before we get started we took a hydrometer reading of the bean juice this way is a density of the solution and with a reading after the fermenting we can learn how much of the denser sugars have been converted to less dense alcohol so it worked that is fermentable throw a little yeast in there we're gonna have a beverage I think the first thing what you do is get the bean juice into the kettle here and we'll get a flame on it to get it heating up to boiling and then once get it pretty warm we will add in our malt extract boil it add some hops there we go now we have the requisite ingredients to make it a beer we've got barley malt in there we have hops and we are boiling so we'll let this go for a little while well that heats up well set up the straight soy bean juice for fermenting into a wine bean wine first by sanitizing the fermenter and treating the bean juice with meta bisulfate to kill anything else that might possibly ferment in it all we simply have to do is pour that into a fermenter add our yeast and then it's a waiting game winemaking brewing always a waiting game and we just dump the east end sprinkle it right on the surface all right and once this has a chance to kind of rehydrate a little bit into the bean juice we will go ahead and add a dose of the yeast nutrient this is called fir made oh it is an organic source of nitrogen and a few other ingredients in here and what that does is give the yeast everything they need nutritionally to have a healthy fermentation and to avoid any strange off flavors that we might get from stressed-out yeast we are going to add three grams of the firm a dough and we're going to add this once now and if you want to do the honors and dump that on in when it's a third of the way done when you're going to dose it again we will do that likely in the next few days with a beer wine ready to prevent it's back to finishing up the bean beer all right we are just about done with the boil so let's get our chiller in there and what that will do is allowed enough time at a high enough temperature to sanitize the chiller so we don't have any possible contamination issues all right so our work is finally chilled down we're just under 70 degrees which is pretty much perfect for an ale fermentation so our next step I'm going to be remove the chiller from the kettle we will dump that into the fermenter add yeast and we're pretty much done for the day this is a an American ale yeast is very clean neutral it doesn't give off a lot of fermentation derived flavors so we'll be able to really taste the character of the beans and the barley and hops we've technically legally now made beer once the yeast goes in it is considered beer even though it hasn't fermented we will let these ferment for about a week or so and we will get them packaged carbonated and taste it and the hope is that it doesn't suck maybe there even the beer and wine to ferment we returned a few weeks later to check on the results go back now is fermenting for about four days this one is the the straight bean juice we didn't add any anything extra to this this one is the one that we added the malt extract and hops - so this is our bean beer well I'd say everything is looking pretty darn good if you can tell on tape on the very bottom here we do have a nice layer of yeast that is indicative of a good fermentation they actually cleared up pretty nicely I think everything's looking good we just won't know until we taste it all right let's get these in kegs and taste them up and then sparkling bean wine sounds appetizing [Music] boom sparking bean wine all right and if you can see here on the hydrometer we have a specific gravity of one point zero zero zero we have an alcohol percentage of three point nine four so not exactly a very strong wine however we have an alcoholic beverage and then the beer version well that got down to one point zero zero two so that's pretty low for a beer not too shabby that came out to seven point six percent now we'll get some carbonation in them and then the fun part drinking it exactly all right let's do it Justin you're ready to sample some sparkling bean wine all right now by the magic of movies we have carbonated final product and here to help us taste we have Justin he works here at Northern Brewer in our IT department Andy gets the big one let's try it out let's see we got actually surprised at the clarity nose all that on it's kind of toasty site yeah now it's a little bit peanut butter that's been left out for three days it's a little more tart than I would have expected it's it's slightly tart it's actually kind of refreshing yes our slammer surprisingly better than I thought it wasn't be surprised oh I'll admit when you asked me if I wanted to taste weird things on Tuesday I did not expect it to be good so it's weird but that is surprisingly tasty yeah I will actually probably finish this that's uh Cheers cheers to that so that was the one we expect it to be worse this one should probably be better let's try the beer version has a wonderful pale ale kind of color to it and if I were judging this I'd give it a 3 out of 3 for appearance it ripped through the sugars dropped out clear and we have a beautiful looking bean Pale Ale cheers fellas Cheers cool nice nose on it mm-hmm that's not bad no that's all right BJCP if you're listening we need a bean beer category because this is the next rage it's gonna it's gonna overtake North at Northeast IPAs I'm really surprised with this I bet you could actually enter this and score decently in a competition I was really not expecting this nice work gentlemen yeah I'll come back again if you make more uh what would you rate this at here to judge it I mean if I were to Brina is almost like an American pale ale okay it's it's a healthy score I mean anything you do to improve this more beans maybe man sky is the limit here I'm blown away I really am I try something less good my crab grass beer yes yes yes tastes gross I will absolutely try something it's like over a year old ooh vintage crab grass beer yes oh listen to that hiss wait a little got you here we go it's effervescent oh it's got some crabgrass seeds yeah a bonus the drink some crabgrass seeds and have crabgrass grown in my belly there's already enough in my yard all right let's do it thanks Andy Cheers the nose is less pleasant this is less pleasant that's a little diaper ewwww it smells like walking through the garden aisle at Home Depot alright here goes the nose is actually worse than the taste again a little tart I mean it gets grassy it is it's it's what you would as you expect we'll give it the smell roundup that is weird this one I'm not gonna finish yeah no sorry Andy so being success crabgrass less successful we had to try one weird thing day if you hadn't told me that first beer was bean based I wouldn't have known well Justin thank you very much for being the guinea pig thanks for having me happy to drink some bean beer don't invite me back for the crab grass beer thanks for help me put this all together let me brew this up glad we got good results I'm astonished I really am we were so impressed with a flavor we decided to bottle a few and submit it to this year's Minnesota State Fair and see what kind of rating it gets if you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe and check out other content we have covering a wide variety of topics also if you enjoyed these series consider supporting us on patreon we are largely a fan funded channel and depend on the support of our viewers in order to keep our series going thanks for watching
Channel: How To Make Everything
Views: 208,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HTME, DIY, Fun, Smart, Learn, Teach, Maker, History, Science, Innovator, Education, Educational, School, Invention, Agriculture, Textiles, Industry, Technology, soybeans, soy, mung bean, beer, brewing, wine brewing, wort, enzyme, amylase, starch, sugar, ferment, hops, soyboy, soiboi, bean brew
Id: oLtaawpWYr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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