Can you Beat Veyle in Fire Emblem Engage Chapter 11? Ultimate Test, Full Journey, DLC + Explanation

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previously on Fire Emblem [Music] yes yes yes yes [Music] after everything I've tried in the end it was no use whale cannot be beaten but please dear Fire Emblem comrades join me on my long journey where I tried everything and in case I didn't let me know you know I have a tendency to over train my units I just like to form until they are strong as they can be that's why I wanted to try and beat whale in this chapter I was overjoined to find so many people showing interest in my previous video and a lot of nice comments with good ideas what I could try so this time I'm going all out not just with Fire Emblem but also with my production value so sit back and enjoy the most comprehensive fail beat down I can bring to you job [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the first video we confirmed that she won't take any regular damage I remembered right off from an old Fire Emblem and for her it was just a weapon that's overpowered so I tried to unequip it by letting Louis smash her but whale got fed up and hit back in the end Arn stepped up and was finally able to break her but it didn't help [Music] in the next video I tried an extended test I was able to use DLC characters to deal flame damage to her but unfortunately she wouldn't go down either so it was time for another training Journey with uptight 1.2 new DLC characters were released so we're gonna miss it Soren Hector and big sister Camilla you know with only the resources from chapter 10 the DLC maps are actually quite challenging the first map I did was sorens his map is a real hard combination of tough units and annoying environment effects stop was Hector's map much simpler than sorens although the poison effect is very hard to avoid and the enemies are rather strong just look at this guy 58 physical attack that's even dangerous for my tanks and last but not least Camila oh Big Sisters save us all their ability to Target my weakest units seems unsurpassed I was especially looking forward to her because of her special ability that allows after a critical to deal extra damage after that I formed skirmishes for a while until they were getting really hard for example here with a level 5 promoted class encounter While most of my units are still stuck being unpromoted anyway let's start chapter 10 but first let's polish some ring or rather not trade us all I'll only polish the bracelets [Music] just look at him frowning maybe that's why they betray me since I can't change the lineup in the next chapter I have to carefully consider what I'll bring here already anak can profit from Hector's heavy attack most so I gave Hector to her Luis has the highest strength so I took him from Maximum Splash damage with Tiki diamond is a backup attacker for chain attacks John is my strongest Mage so I gave him Soarin unakart will hopefully quit whale from the forest with her skills I gave her Camilla they also gave Camilla's skill to all Fred together with a killer lens and lastly Alquist will apply all the gambits from a safe Longbow distance so with that I should have everything I need to show poison fire and effective damage chain attacks Splash damage damage reflection and Camilla's after crit damage the first battle is a breeze it feels really empowering almost all enemy units stay in one round without much of a chance to hit back really easy for once the skirmishes for way harder and right after I thought that the game decided to serve some Humble Pie I should remind myself that overconfidence is a slow and Insidious killer anyway we decide that that never happened first the face off against the good King in a really dramatic scene is [Applause] [Music] next we easily defeat the bad King and let him become a dragon snapper so and now it's finally Time chapter 11 the chapter we are supposed to run away from Wayne no Alfred shut up I trade for this I won't run away I will beat her up them spoilers just look at her look at her standing there menacingly menacingly so easy part first the two of the dark rooms they look really scary and really strong first I thought you almost can't get past them but with a little bit of training the third startup by easy smashing damn the enemies near Rail move I needed them for the splash attack I guess I need to restart this time I use warp to get close just look at that preview I thought I had it I cried out in anger when it stopped at one HP well here we have it Splash damage doesn't work okay off to plan b and c and d and e and f and all the others so first I'm smashed her closer to the followers so now I can attack her from there with you Naka and her great crit boost just to show it here if the amount chain attacks don't work another thing that was raised was having a layered off unique by standing next next to them but as you can see here that doesn't help either I think that pretty much confirms that she cannot die by any attacks even if the damage is increased or her defense is decreased which we see here by using the dragon Wayne to reduce her defense our only hopes are reflect or a critical hit by a unit that has Camilla skill here with reflect she actually takes damage nice but just look at that hit that will never reflect so I guess I'll attack from somewhere where she hits better but now that I want my units to get hit they start touching and what's happened here why does he not reflect he doesn't either even you Anna I thought it was buffed but then I realized as soon as Phil would die from the reflect it just gets deactivated it took me a lot longer than I'd like to admit to realize that good move developers what is furthermore I just would like to poison or flame whale as well just to show that it doesn't work but Shield Gambit gets in the way and gets in the way finally the ride shows up and here we see poison Gambit it actually works does it do anything no but she's poisoned so at least we have that going for us oh and in case you're not really sold on the points that she does not take damage in battle here let's try effective damage and smashing one more time there we have Amir that should do the trick it's effective sadly not still zero damage even though she's poisoned and just as little follow-up yes even at one HP broken and poisoned she still blocks all damage [Music] been attacking her for a lot of runs now and I'm afraid she probably can't get crit so let's do a little math I went back and added my crit chances I attacked her 43 times with yunaka and 17 times with Alfred yunaka has a 15 chance for a crit and Alfred has a 41 chance if we multiply all complementary elements so 0.85 to the 34th power times 0.59 to the 17th power which results in If It Moves the decimal point right 0.00005 percent so I guess it's mostly safe to say she's immune to crits and that means she's also immune to Camilla's follow-up damage there's just no way but at least we got a little something look at whale now not so smack now huh look at you Pleasant shock frosted singed and down to one HP okay if I can't beat you then I'll just beat them up instead and here they come her four little friends wow I didn't expect that they are really tough and on top of all that they all use magical attacks my best units are mostly physical tanks that won't be much of help here just look at her high speed and high attack but even she goes down eventually now for you emo mage you're really annoying you know when it's us we can only use Ragnarok once but he he just repeats it but then cheater but even if cheats my guys are just too over trained for you the last two they're not that bad you see that I beat up your four guys what you want to do now just stand there that's all you can do right buddy I guess before I leave let's do lucino's chain attack now all together [Music] they tried the hardest I tried my hardest but of course all damage is zero but at least the last hit really looks like she falls down doesn't it especially if you compare it to Astra store she doesn't even twitch I had to retreat I guess the only winning move is not to play sorry everyone I couldn't beat her after all the battles after all the tries I still failed you all I really hope to find a way to defeat her I hope you still enjoyed my video though if I missed anything or anything other comes up that might work let me know it was a lot of work I must say not just to level all the units and to get all the footage but to write a script and edit everything too I must say I have a whole new appreciation for all the YouTubers out there I'm still quite new at this and this is the first video I did all the editing and voice over myself so feedback or ideas are appreciated so if you're interested in any future projects or just want to support me I'm sure you know what to do anyway thanks for watching RPG Hartman out
Views: 54,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kTqMQihvKG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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