Can you beat TABS Legacy with only one unit?

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yes using this if this isn't enough here's a longer explanation totally accurate battle simulator is a game that involves building armies with units ranging from knights and ninjas to wizards and hay bales it's a game where you can witness thor being attacked by balloons death being eaten by clams and a cactus face a firing squad but in this army building game i'm going to be beating the hardest levels with only one unit because teamwork is dead now let's get this bread i've done this in the past and beaten the tactically challenging levels using norse gods eating cheese and hiding like a bee if you're confused watch that video first first level i tried stampeding them with a mammoth but he went extinct the gunsling was outnumbered so i thought standing on top of this statue could get me out of reach in the last video i discovered i could possess the unit and control them myself if i didn't do this the scarecrow would run right into the enemy and get in range with me controlling it i can accidentally fall off backwards and run right into the enemy standing far away to throw birds seems effective but they always caught up to me doing this the conventional way isn't going to work on this first level i already need to use my first tactic summoning gods but thor is busy so i got zeus from the second hand store using lightning i managed to kill them all the second level zeus can also be but you have to start near the bottom of the map and kill the arches before the boxes can reach you i can't use any legacy units on the legacy levels which means i can't use thor you know if the gods really cared about us they would give us renewable energy with their lightning the next level has the exact same strategy keep mocking humans conductability and then you reach the bomb level there's a bunch of explosive barrel units and you're supposed to blow them up when the boxes walk through the area killing all of them at once but recently the admins updated the game before when these units died their barrels exploded now they only explode if they run into an enemy not when they die i tried every possible way to blow them up even when i blew them up with dynamite they didn't blow up i tried every unit in the entire game and nothing could explode them i'm gonna come back to explaining how i did beat this level later because it involves some advanced strategies we haven't discussed yet the next level you can easily be with zeus i mean if he ever figures out how to walk sideways zeus gets cannibalized by vampires on the next level though and since zeus's weakness is women i assumed they would be stronger but my gymnastic pirate queen still wasn't enough instead we are going to use terrain to our advantage as our second tactic the unit we are using is the grim reaper hide behind this church and wait for the enemies to walk towards you these tendrils can kill one unit each and reset every 30 seconds while your camera struggles swing your scythe and hope the tendrils kill them as they approach after 50 seconds dodge the crazed horse and you should have a tiny amount of health left kill the horse for the victory the next level only has five units so kill them from afar with a cannon now the enemies are in a v shape of long spears and a wizard i had many deaths with the grim reaper and the pirate queen so as zeus spawn to the north and walk behind the church and the spearholders should get stuck behind this coffin while they try to invent the pickaxe or a ladder you can one be on the wizard it's a close fight but you should be able to win and then pick off the rest of them from afar the next level has a tank a tank zeus will not be opening any driving schools on mount olympus as the pirate queen you can hide behind this coffin and unleash a perfect tent to kill all the ground troops the only problem is the tank unless the driver is cosplaying daredevil and turned sideways i just cut a tank to death i'm pretty proud of that the next level has six tanks it's time for one of my favorite units to shine the scarecrow can send birds to attack for here and he is special because he doesn't need to be near the enemies to send them he can sit in a corner and throw holding birds to attack for him this is the most realistic unit of all a ruler telling his subjects to fight for him without ever being in real danger we can also use the tank's size to their disadvantage as they say the bigger they are the bigger they fall the tanks get stuck on the tombstones and can't reach me here turns out birds pecking doesn't deal much damage to tanks pokemon lied to me but eventually i did it after beating six tanks with a handful of crows i was pretty confident i could beat anyone until i saw they had thor my old favorite unit used against me he can hit me with lightning from far away without seeing me hiding behind the church won't save me the only way to beat this is to beat another impossible level bomb we are back now that you know about the infinite range of scarecrows using terrain to block the enemy and the cruelty of real-life rulers you're ready to learn about this level so i started running like a climbing the mountain backwards as i threw my birds but it wasn't enough this is a big map though i may as well use all of it i started on the edge of the map and started climbing as high as i could the only reason this works is because the scarecrow has wings and it technically hovers instead of walks the units followed me but their useless feet try to walk and slip on the steep incline but hovering units can just glide up it just happens that the only infinite range unit also hovers this is why scarecrow is my favorite unit sexthol so my murder murdered after 10 minutes i finally won now back to thor i used the exact same strategy seems overpowered right how could i ever lose with this strategy well thor is so good that he still won i stood up higher and eventually did win the level this is where i thought every level would be easy i just hired as a scarecrow and easily win but i was very very wrong i've beaten the first half of the legacy levels but now we're up to legacy legacy levels there's a few new problems different maps so no mountains i can climb up limited unit placement space i can't start at the edge of the map this circle is where i can place units and also i can only use legacy units scarecrows aren't even an option anymore the good news is i can use legacy units [Applause] welcome back thor i used thor to win the first three legacy levels with ease the next level needs some tactics though take control of four and run to the edge you want the wheelbarrow units to run off of the map stay as far away from the enemy scarecrows as possible you're waiting for your lightning to recharge if you stand in the corner they should all group up next to each other so you can kill them all with a single lightning strike then hopefully you have enough health left to survive the crow kamikaze and win the next level 4 gets it easy and gets to just demolish your monotheists which leads us to another circle spawn level thor is not strong enough to fight two kings straight forward so we're going back to the hiding strategy when you spawn immediately head for the pumpkin patch since thor is a short king he can fit through the trees where the kings get stuck and then you're free to kill them as you please followed by another easy level and i should probably start using a different unit oh i think the game has chosen one for me i didn't put that there the game has given me a unit that stands completely still and then gets quarterbacked just look at that form beautiful the goal of this level is to defend the pharaoh so i can't sell him the game has given me my one unit and it's a unit that can't attack his ability makes him stand still and his name is billy i'm gonna need some determination music for this my plan is to walk up the stairs climb around this edge and get behind the castle then they can't reach me the pharaoh does a small amount of damage when he casts his ability in a circle given enough time he should be able to kill zeus and the quarterback i started walking towards the stairs and was gifted an anaconda after five more attempts i managed to get to the columns before receiving a surprise biopsy if you look closely at this attempt i managed to get up one stair i'm making progress after half an hour i learned to dodge the snakes by going at a 45 degree angle it makes you slightly faster than walking forward you can also weave through the columns to get the spearmen stuck and then i can climb the stairs there is one problem that i haven't quite figured out yet after two hours i realized you can count the time between the quarterback's charges if you make sudden movements to the side you can dodge him so he will fly past you of course you also have to dodge zeus's lightning attacks at the same time come on billy you can do this go where no pharaoh has gone before the hitboxes in this game are totally accurate attempt 648 zigzag walk for the small chance my ankle slips to give me a speed boost bull will charge in three two one small boost from the angle we through the columns to dodge spears and hope some of them get caught in each other's gaze and feel deeply in love unable to focus on the fight climb everything with your shins first and zigzag so that zeus misses his shots use a little random luck to survive the ball charge or dodge at the last second to send the ball off the stairs and i am at the ledge billy we have done it you just have to walk across the edge and we are safe no no billy get up what are you doing why are you lying down oh billy we were so close to be fair we've been doing this for a long time your legs need a break not only could i not be this level with one unit i couldn't beat it with two i was going to say that the mandatory unit they give us doesn't count and i could use thor as my one unit to protect the pharaoh but i needed two thoughts to save billy i will come back to this level later i want to move on to see if i can learn new strategies from the next few levels the next level reminds me of the first one in my last video where you stand in a frozen tree until everyone dies at frostbite the next level is uh i don't want to get the culture wrong so i'm just going to say it's a cultural map and you don't go swimming that is what you do not do what you do do is run over to the edge of the map and hide in cover while lightning strikes another level the same and then we reach a heartbreaking problem i'm given two mandatory units who both run directly into gunfire as the battle begins no matter what i do if i give my units invincibility and shark machine guns i have to use two units for this level so can you beat tabs legacy with only one unit no but can you beat tabs legacy with only placing one unit yes i didn't place these units they aren't with me they must go to another school i can still place one unit and that unit is thor of course thankfully these units i don't have to protect to beat the level they are just offerings to thor as he kills everyone level beaten with only one unit placed what god do pirates worship i was about to make a pun but apparently it really is the flying spaghetti monster so i've got nothing else to say other than they chose wrong every level you get a certain amount of points to spend on your army usually this doesn't affect me because i only use one unit and i'm well below the limit but this is the first level i get six 000 points enough to buy a tank hell yeah it's like going back in time to kill genghis khan but i got distracted and started killing everyone turns out it isn't that great i mean they did get beaten by a scarecrow before back to thor although thor can't survive being eaten by vampires in the next level i'm gonna have to use another unit unless play store in the top corner and take control of him immediately it has to be frame perfect or the ai controlling thought will cast his lightning but you have to save it until all the vampires are on you so you can hit them all at once then kill the rest while you have 15 swords poking out of your face the next spooky level you are surrounded from all four sides choose the tank unit and blast the path through the bottom bridge drive to the edge and take out a few as they approach drive marginally better than dead devil would and go over the cursed hedges and down onto the ground then drive to the other end of the map while avoiding the pumpkin launchers repeat the pattern of shooting a few enemies then drive to the other side until they're all dead we have another saving billy situation there is a boxer surrounded on all sides that we have to protect all of them are gunslingers who fire into the air and bullets hone in on their target by using thor you can kill one of the gunslingers then swap to controlling the boxer and start running at the direction of the dead gunslinger who can hold their attention while you run away to safety while you might be able to get away sadly thor can't win this on his own two gunslingers survive every time since i can only use legacy units throws the strongest unit i can use and i don't think i can beat it with just one thor but there might be someone who can there is a youtuber badly alec who made a follow-up to my first video where instead of using one powerful unit to beat every level like i did he used a single peasant the weakest unit in the game to beat every level maybe he could find a way to beat this level but i can't in my desperation i used multiple units a banana bearer to keep the boxer in the center of the map away from danger two wizards to deal the damage and five peasants to distract the enemies control one of the wizards and aim for the gunslingers you should be able to kill all four within 12 seconds and if the rest have done their job the boxer will be alive and you can finish off the miners we are plus seven units on this level i'll come back and try to fix it however the next level is the final one and i want to see what it holds the last level also has a mandatory unit that we have to protect but instead of a useless pharaoh or a suicidal boxer it's a tank i actually get to have fun with this one the two horses will get caught in your tracks and die then carefully hide behind buildings from the musketeers and peek out to shoot continue for a few minutes and you have beaten the final level with zero units placed but i'm not done yet there are still two levels i haven't completed the boxer and billy i can't seem to beat either of these with just thor so i'm going to have to stretch the rules just slightly i'm going to use units that aren't legacy they're completely legitimate units in the game that i can use on every other level the legacy levels just decided to make me only use thought for some reason maybe if i can use the grim reaper the pirate queen or giants holding broccoli i can win back to boxing i remember that the gunslingers have a weakness ceilings since their bullets come from the sky if you're undercover they can't hurt you so i placed the grim reaper down and punched through the air towards the balcony after i made it with slim health i sat back and watched the death god eat westerners and judge them for their crimes of fashion which only leaves one level barely i tried using the grim reaper again and using my dodging skills learned earlier once they were distracted i put all the enemies to sleep using my ability i should probably never use that ability even a broccoli wielding giant didn't win the evil faction has a unit called the void monarch which is a bit more powerful than the grim raper and i have played so much call of duty zombies that i managed to train the spartans to follow me around while dodging i stood close to the monarch to protect me i survived a surprisingly long time standing in the middle of the action but then i accidentally used my ability so i died standing still again next i used the good faction's strongest unit and ran to the side only to die to a single snake everyone else was distracted he was about to explode and win i tried a lot of things but what worked is this use the monarch and the walking strategies from before to get up the stairs to the left while the void monarch shows what it's truly like to rule the kingdom it's much easier to climb to the top while everyone's distracted and watch as lizzy 3.0 killed zeus congratulations you have beaten tab's legacy with only placing one unit [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Dragoon
Views: 884,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TABS, totally accurate battle simulator, gamechamp, can you beat, gaming challenge, can you beat challenge
Id: EyM0ZC8-37c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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