Can you beat Minecraft in F1 mode?

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as many of you know pressing F1 in Minecraft hides your entire Hut this includes your hot bar Health hunger Crosshair chat and practically any UI on your screen that isn't part of the game World itself The Only Exception being containers like chest and your inventory this is great for screenshots but trying to actually play the game like this is completely impractical or is it can you beat the entire game like this the rules for this run are incredibly simple I must press the F1 key at the start of the run to hide my HUD and must under no C cumstance press it again to show my H that's all there is to it I'm actually going to start streaming these runs now along with various other Shenanigans like playing games on the hardest difficulty or just casually playing and hanging out so if you want to pop in and say hi I'll leave my Twitch in the description I'd love to see you there also I'm going to do a hair reveal once we hit 450 subscribers so if you're new here and you haven't subscribed yet you know what to do but without further Ado let's get started this time around I spawn in a really pretty field surrounded by mountains I hit the F1 key and I did pretty much everything you do in a normal run broke you nearby tree got stone tools and started looking for a cave one of the more obvious challenges of this run is that even when I open my inventory my HUD still doesn't show up so at no given point do I have any idea how much health I have or if I need to eat with that in mind I found a ruined portal which didn't have anything of use other than flint and steel and I went into a nearby cave to stock up on iron what I'm most scared of is um is the nether cuz that is usually where my runs go wrong or at least well not really all of my runs there really one run that was bad enough that traumatized me but still after getting a full iron set and fighing my way out of the cave I learned pretty quickly that I should be eating every opportunity all right that was a pretty successful mining Journey I'd say I'm sorry because I died to a four block fall well there's there's our number one problem of this run I don't know how much health I have so I'm going to die when I completely don't expect it not being able to see my Hunger or health bar makes it pretty easy to forget about eating entirely I also turned on keep inventory at the start of the Run due to previous skill issues but I felt bad enough about that death that I turned keep inventory back off and went back to where I died after that little hiccup I found a village and developed a strategy of using bread as my waste food since it's so cheap which means I can continuously eat it so I don't neglect my hunger bar without worrying about wasting the good food like steak or pork chops which I can use in more dangerous areas like the nether or caves or just really anywhere with a lot of enemies I might kill that Golem for fun no I'm going to steal one of these villagers beds I'm going to kill the Golem just literally just for fun then I headed out to find a lava pole on the way I killed so many cows and pigs and my strategy of just eating bread to waste became kind of obsolete after getting cocked by multiple Lava Falls I finally found a pool about 20 minutes later and set up camp just going to I'm just going to click that a bch just to make sure I set my spawn point and now comes the fun part finding the Fortress and you know what F1 mode also hides the F3 menu which means I can't look at my cords which means I'll have to do it like the Pioneers did and just pay attention to landmarks as I look for The Fortress which by the way was pretty far the portal decided to throw me into the middle of this weird nether Ravine because of course it did which made me nervous at first but I found a way out and engineered a safe way to get in and out of the cave I kept track of where I was going by regularly placing torches behind me and tried not to go too far but even after looking for about 30 minutes and expending all of my torches I still didn't even see a sign of the Fortress so I retreated to the overw world to regroup a bit got some more coal for torches and took a little break to eat a donut that my mom had air dropped me I'm going to eat this donut real quick then I'll go back eating a donut for my mental sanity check I would put something entertaining on the screen but I don't really have such a thing so enjoy watching these furnaces thanks Mom after my dut break I went back into the nether to find the Fortress I crawled my way through a BT biome killed a few Enderman on the way and finally managed to accidentally spot The Fortress hiding behind some terrain what was that that black stone the Blackstone spawn at this level oh this is B okay wait a second wait a minute wait a minute I just found it hold on hold on we might have just found it I think I just found it that looks like I think I just found it oh I just found it okay apparently need to go to the other side here this is very inconveniently inconveniently far from the portal but you know what I'll take it it was in a fairly inconvenient spot but I dug to it and got to work there's an Enderman right here to welcome me into it thank you sir now you die don't don't fall down there that is literally exactly what I just told you not to do there you are hey buddy okay all the Enderman that I've K so far of dropped pearls I don't like that that's like that's definitely like since that's going good that means that a bunch of other things are going to go bad right I found a saddle and horse armor for later and then I found the spawner after fighting through a very uncomfortable amount of mobs and killing a literal pile of wither skeletons which was a concerning sight okay that's well that's a lot of wither skeletons excuse me I explain why there's so many wither skeletons there I don't I I don't like that amount of wither skeletons that's that's a that's a little bit intimidating I can't lie don't don't Jor fir me I should have made a shield why didn't I make a shield that's like the number one thing that I should have made before going on this journey that's a lot of okay you know what oh of course there's a piglin in the mix too so if I hit him by accident then he's going to okay that that guy just completely snuck up on me what the hell ow I don't know how much health I have this is definitely a little bit of an issue take these guys out this is like 10 wither skeletons what is this like a party over here or something there's no reason for this concentration of wither skeletons ow I built a two block tall ceiling to the blaze spawner so I would be safe from wither skeletons or so I thought I just want to get enough so that I never have to come back here again why is there a wither skeleton there oh there goes my sword excuse me why is there a wither skeleton there there shouldn't be a wither skeleton there why are you here I I built I built a I built a ceiling I built a ceiling all right okay all right I don't even know with this one man that's just unlucky there was such a small amount of area there that those weaer skellies could have spawned and they spawned in the one spot that would have been a problem I guess RNG just decided he needs to keep me on my toes luckily the path back to the Fortress wasn't too elaborate and it was close enough that I could get there before all of my items despawn so nothing of value was lost if my stuff isn't there I'm ending the stream like just straight up yes it's still there okay we're back we're still back okay oh we're back we're so back okay words cannot express how back we are this time I made sure to be thorough with my ceiling I got eight rods just to be safe and headed back to my portal being sure to kill any Enderman I saw on the way I actually got really good luck with ender pearls obviously I'm not showing every Enderman I kill in here just for the sake of highlighting the more important parts of the challenge but I actually went 7 for seven with ender pearls after all that I ended the stream and came back a few hours later cuz something came up once I came back I spent the next 15ish minutes getting ender pearls in the Warped Forest I got seven pearls for a total of 15 and started looking for the stronghold the first eye pointed towards the ocean which made me a little bit nervous but luckily the stronghold wasn't in the ocean I dread the day that we get an ocean stronghold in one of these challenges the ey led into a Mesa which is pretty neat and I found a horse and continue following the eyes I found armadillos for the first time which surprised me because I thought these were coming in the next update oh there are armadillos I thought these were coming in the next update that's that's a surprise I totally didn't kill one to see what it dropped or anything no no I I didn't do that I also found the coolest Mesa generation I've ever seen in this game I would give you the coordinates but you know I I can't see them without failing the challenge I got a little stingy with my eyes after breaking like three in a row and dug down to the completely wrong spot which was a waste of 5 minutes so I used another R to get a little bit closer and luckily it didn't break I had to dig down pretty far since I was on top of a mountain which gave me some doubts but I found the stronghold regardless I F in the portal but I wasn't prepared so I went back to the surface I had a bow but since I didn't have a Crosshair I gener really didn't opt to use it since aiming with it was difficult and generally wasted arrows but up until now I wasn't really thinking about using them for the end crystals so I took note of a few landmarks next to the stronghold and went into the nearby Savannah to look for chickens I found a Pillager Outpost and killed a few of them because I thought I remember them dropping arrows but in High inside that would be a little bit overpowered there's a oh be free hold on I have to free the LA no don't you don't you don't you dare don't you dare herur her DeLay So instead I separated a few chicken families the hard way oh of course you're going to come after me I'm just I'm just chicken hunting man I'm not I'm not invading your your Outpost but now you're kind of tempting me to you have threatened my life and I'm permitted by law to use lethal Force so now I'm going to raid your villager Outpost which is that obviously that's just self-defense dug a bit of gravel in the portal room and made about a stack of arrows for the dragon fight the dragon fight was as easy as it always is I couldn't see her health but once I took out all the crystals I just had to sit there and stab her until she stopped moving the scariest part was definitely not being able to know if I'm looking at Enderman as being surrounded by them with no Crosshair made it a little hard to tell if I was looking at one or not what I completely forgot was that F1 mode hides the pumpkin overlay so if I just thought to get a pumpkin at any point in the Run not even that would be an issue after sitting in the fountain and stabbing the Dragon for like 5 minutes she did indeed stop moving and I jumped in the portal proving that yes you can beat Minecraft in F1 mode is this the credits now oh my God it is what has changed the last time I beat this game well the hardest part of this challenge was not being able to see my health or my Hunger not being able to see my coordinates and maybe sometimes misplacing things in my hot bar and pressing the wrong key to pull them out but other than that this challenge was a breeze just remembering landmarks and regularly eating food was what carried the run and I didn't really have too many issues that being said that's the end of the video if you like the video like the video make sure you subscribe if you're new here follow my twitch if you want to see content similar to this live and comment what challenge you want to see me try next bye [Music]
Channel: Crimxon0
Views: 4,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Fv8S2FJ3yV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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