Can you beat Fallout 4 with only Crafting?

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[Music] Fallout 4 is a game that has many elements to keep things interesting and fresh what if you only focused on one of those elements can you beat Fallout 4 with only crafting the rules are pretty simple I can only use items I've crafted for damage healing and protection I can only pick up items I've crafted junk and other components and of course Quest items basically I can pick up items such as rad roach meat but can't use it until I've crafted the cooked version and also I need to pick up Quest items to complete quests I can't exactly craft a chunk of Kellogg's brain or Keys needed for doors I've also allowed the use of caps they can only be used to buy junk caps are a pretty big part of the game and I didn't just want to ignore them now enough stalling we start with the Fallout line man I don't care I already know that I try and fail to make Minecraft Steve that's the face I fell in love with is it is it really I also make Alex for no real reason my wife's boyfriend not only doesn't bring any milk but also asks for all my personal information I name myself after Mr Minecraft and my stats are very complicated so complicated in fact that I messed them up so I'll tell you about them when I fix them after the Vault I try to see if there's an animation for picking up Sean there isn't the media tells me that the world's ending for real this time but thankfully my wife's boyfriend gives up his spot in the vault so I'm allowed to stand next to the cutest person here and my wife get to see that my favorite vegetable got a buff this patch we enter the Vault and encounter a small problem for future me when I'm forced to pick up this W suit and after ignoring my family I'm forced to put it on I do get the reward of my wife's death and my crying child being stolen I'm also allowed to take aear nap and still wake up tired I then ignore my wife for the last time and grab any junk I can get my little hands on but unfortunately now future me becomes present me being forced to wear this Vault suit gives me armor protection and would technically mean I fail the Run however if I can get through the Vault without using that armor protection I think it's fair game to say that it's not a fail of the run so that shouldn't be an issue start doing it start doing it start doing it come on hit with it hit him with it hit him with it hit them all with it you missed a couple you missed a [Music] couple you're a [ __ ] dude dude you're a whole ass [ __ ] oh he fast as [ __ ] there's another one after an embarrassing amount of attempts that was stupid I wait until the bugs forget I exist the pit boy is a key item don't add me and I drop all of my armor open the vault naked and get to change up my stats basically I need a three in strength for armor crafting and modding and at least a six in intelligence for the science and gun nut perk as I'll need not only them for modding and the ability to craft weapons but the ability to make the boom booms to make my school bully feel my wrath I also dump the extra points into endurance because Health good and Agility for gun perks I get to see that without me in it the world has become a better place and I instantly start the quest of making unregistered firearms I make my way to Sanctuary grab as much junk and scrap as much scrap as I can I then need to farm up three levels to get the perks I need to start crafting my weapons so I Do by making as many posts as I need and get the gun nut perk and the armor perk I then build the weapon Forge the game makes me think that these are two free generators so I don't want to use them but I later figure out that these are built by me and use my resources so in need of junk I run to the red rocket and grab all the junk there as well as scrap it down to the ground I make more generators like a dum dum set up a terminal for the weapon Forge see what I need to make a 10 mm pistol question question why there isn't a scrap all button grab the junk I need for the forge until finally yipp and while I have the weapon I can't fire any bullets because I can't make any bullets so I try to collect the last gear I need from Sanctuary there's gears here I can smell them they're here they're in the walls they got to be I got to be somewhere I need one more but even the secret shelter doesn't have what I need so me and my five brain cells named the weapon and my new bulletless friend and I go wander the wastes in search of the gear and find out that crafty has hands I make my way to Concord and loot whatever junk I can get safely but get trapped by a Raider but the best boy is able to smack the Raider around I loot what I can from Concord grind another level up grab the science perk build the ammunition plant and make a generator to power it and find out the blueprints for 10 mm ammo turtle ier what the hell out of anything in the Galaxy I make my way to abery farm and steal some assorted junk and many bags of fertilizer I scrap my goodies and use my junk to make bullets I can only make 20 shots cook some meat as it's the only heals I can have up to this point start to explore for more junk and accidentally fail the challenge by grabbing this notot junk and I'm not sure if dropping it gets rid of its effects so I reload a save just to be safe I explore the place again and and one fight with a ghoul shows me that 20 bullets isn't going to go far the game makes fun of me and my challenge you know how painful this is the SE right here it took me like 2 hours to get 20 bullets and there's just 32 bullets sitting right here I love it I grab the junk in the area and waste basically all my bullets and use the healing supplies from the boo boos I took grabbing these supplies I then swallow my pride as I'm forced to make make a pipe pistol as it's much easier to make the ammo for it only taking one steel and fertilizer for 10 bullets so I'm able to make over a 100 to start I give it a much better name but make a mistake and try to retype it out to show my audience I can type I also make an armor Forge try and make armor but it takes leather to make and I don't have any I also upgrade my lead pipe before I leave giving it long and short range capabilities I raid a nearby seller to try out my current weapon and the lead pipe is the closest thing I will ever have to melee weapon for this run but it still works very well I take a page out of Joe Swanson's book and just roll on by Concord trying to help this gas station out to have a decent seller close by but without my armor or any clothes I get smacked back to reality the game tells me I'm dying and I die after a few more attempts I just started blasting and take these Raiders out with ease I spend my hard earned caps on junks with gears and fertilizer and scrap everything I can from a nearby red rocket it starts here I'm not going to go in depth on what I'm grabbing or where I'm grabbing it from just to make sure this doesn't get boring and repetitive I will tell you however about components I lack and when I get them I get jumped by some Geral fools but all they really do is eat up my ammo someone dislikes my attitude and sends a complaint I guess I'll just go [ __ ] myself damn I start heading towards Diamond City Game ending and anything in my path find a dough that has some leather for me and a dead dog that has some meat for me which is more useful than this female dog that has nothing but complaints for me I try to find a lawyer to divorce my dead wife but not Kim tells me that Nick Valentine is busy on duty I scrap what I can back at base a Trader with nothing useful shows up so I decide to make them useful Myself by killing the cow for his useful resources and I also kill the Brahman for its leather and thanks to that leather I can start making metal armor for prot section but find out the hard way that it's only one piece at a time that was it I'm able to make two parts of the puzzle total being a chest plate and an arm plate I grab the Gunslinger perk and make my lead pipe a pistol to do more damage and make more bullets with my new set of fertilizer I craft up some food and craft up some purifiers and hope to craft up some water I'm a bit confused I remember these having inventories but I ignore it for now and waste a ton of money my ammo on a bunch of Raiders that have little to no junk and face a trap that I just can't disarm I'm not allowed to grab that am I cuz I it's a frag mine it's going to blow me up hate it here this is terrible I I hate this so much I make my pit boy blue and waste the last of my ammo on some random Raiders that at least have some junk this time I go to Vault 81 to steal fertilizer but they won't let me in if I don't pay them in Fusion cores I think for a bit if I'm even allowed to grab Fusion cores but the way I see it they are Quest items at that point so I think it's something I'm allowed to grab only for the quest since I don't have three fusion cores I go to another random farm with a bag of fertilizer face the consequences of my own actions and once I make it safe I steal not only the fertilizer but the lead fill cooking pots as well I remember what I've done hey Carla slowly find out my water purifier Problem by seeing the water going into my workshop once it's made I also dump the rest of the unusable non crafted items to keep it clean sleep scrap and buy fertilizer back find out the birds in fact work for the bis what the hell all right then my fault and in need of rway I get the only needed part flowing fungus so I clear out the cave next to Sanctuary which had a lot of it and it's easy to wipe out these rats I'm able to get a lot of that fungus and double make sure that my crafted water appears in my workshop oh no it does all right I make up some rataway I make another 100 or so bad bullets see that someone mixed up smoking their cigarettes and walking their baby and get back on track to saving the princess and Nick Valentine from post Malone it starts off rather easy having a decent amount of bullets to start as well as many healing supplies but after trying to use the bathroom after someone who ate Taco Bell and there just being so many triggermen and me missing so many shots I know I'm going to need more ammo to fully get through this so I go outside and head to the gym the dumbbells and weights have many much lead which I turn into a lot of lead but I have 300 bullets are you kidding me let's go baby all all right then I upgrade my armor slightly walk in feeling like a badass punch my way into the Vault and put these 300 bullets to good use with my big upgrade to Firepower okay buddy I feel like these barely armed men in for doors go down as easy as a redditor after taking down the single man holding Nick hostage Mr Valentine lies to me yeah but like it's a video game I don't have just 3 minutes I have all the time in the world to scande around and gather all the resources I need so give me a moment I grab all the junk in the area before collecting my thank yous and helping Nick Valentine with his little Quest Malone was no issue at all basically starting the fight before dialogue even starts Darla Darla Darla we soak in the sun and the Reds I buy some fertilizer make a full set of metal armor and fully upgrade it to alloid get a compliment and a threat jeez pal I like guns too you think you might be overcompensating there what it's one pistol shut up I meet back up with Nick and what's his is now mine get rewarded with caps and an outfit I can't wear and talk to Nick let's get down to Brass tags come on now he gives me the Yap and get rewarded with story progression and get the debuff of talking to Piper n n shut up nah-uh I totally don't steal government property and due to having the Charisma of a car battery I'm forced to throw my caps into the ocean to get the key to Kellogg's house so we sneak inside open the secret room that has nothing I can take Nick lies to me once again you're not going to hear it frequency is high but he'll pick it up okay you're not going to hear it as I distinctly hear it detective dog is now on the case I abandon Nick the same way my son abandoned me and start making my way forward with dog meat it's rather easy to make my way to Kellogg outside of getting scared by Freddy def Fazbear dog meat is told to not take another step I make my way to Fort Hagen which is kind of surreal to say I tell dog meat I can do this myself and take down the SN inside but partway through I know I don't have enough ammo to complete this so I hydrate like you should and go to the next place to steal fertilizer make a mistake on taking a detour through Philadelphia and finally get to the Great Garden I would just steal what I need but this place having robots to maintain the place means I need to do the quest to be allowed to take it so I head to the Water Filtration plant owned by super mutants and I learned that doing it the way Todd Howard intended ain't the way to do it so I break in through a hole in the fence find the fusion cores I need for the vault start to get water pumped out wow this game was ahead of its time make Mr Krabs a widow and after wasting my ammo I have to take out the rest of them with a Le pipe is what I would say until I started running past every enemy and get the place cleared out for the quest so I turn in the quest steal the literal [ __ ] scrap everything up and admittedly very late set up a fertilizer Farm in sanctuary as I can see a lack of fertilizer being an issue for the continuation of the run I also get everything I need to make a hunting rifle give her an appropriate name The Crowd Goes mild with the upgrades cook up some more food and craft up some more ammo for my new toy and get an achievement for just making so much ammo the sun sets and my ammo related achievements I finally head back to Fort Hagen and things go more smoothly with my upgraded Firepower I shoot the bobblehead since I can't pick it up and finish off the last synth before having a peaceful bullet sent to Kellogg's head I need to go through a lot more meds than I'd like but after the clankers go down I chew through Kellogg like something you chew through once I head outside with his brain in my back pocket I see the trailer for George W Bush's new horror movie get distracted with upgrades and buying fertilizer I then tell Nick what happened and while he had an idea Piper tries to join in on bro time uh well you two are out I'm going to do some more research I'll be at the public if you need me I won't on my way to good neighbor I be a bad neighbor kill Finn the way the game intends get told that I'm going to be deep inside of my friend Nick and it's not as fun as I hoped I find out how to get into the Institute and learned that my doctor is no fun oh I'm going in naked fingers crossed I get superpowers I know you're joking but as a doctor I feel obligated to remind you that unprotected radioactive exposure will only kill you I get an achievement for getting this far for the first time on PC I decide now is the time to get what I need from the still working vault which is just some easy to steal bags of fertilizer which I make into some more ammo and also into one jet As a treat before going to the glowing sea I try and get an upgrade called leadline for rad protection I go back to the gym to see if I left any weights only to find a much better surprise waiting for me oh wait they respawn they respawn squeeze me all right I'll take it I also need to get another level so I can upgrade the armare perk the place has buff out which can't be crafted so I'm allowed to use it as a component since my lead problem is solved I decide that killing birds is wrong but also spend the time to get an adhesive Farm going and even save my stone for later but since I need people to farm my fruits I make some beds and head back to Concord to get to people who will fill those beds the Raiders are no Challenge and the deathclaw can't even be a challenge as the Brotherhood of Steel take care of it for me jeez fellas thank you I get my new workers that was a pretty amazing display I'm just glad you on our side more like Under New Management I get paid and do sturgis's Home Improvement quest for XP I make yum yums and drugs and rataway since I'm going to rad town I also make a cool little party room that none of my settlers ever stay in I have an easy time getting to Virgil's cave outside of a legendary death claw that doesn't look like a fun time oh hi a few rad scorps and a regular death claw that I sneak past I finally made up with my least favorite character for Marvel vs Capcom 3 and he says if I want his help he needs a synth flavored corser potato chip I make up a wee bit of ammo and set my sights on a combat shotgun but don't have enough screws yet to make it so I get to the chip and it's not too difficult to climb my way up this Tower even legendary Gunners don't stand a chance there is one single problem however so after dealing with my skill issue I try to see what talking of the corser will do but he seems to take my dirt tactic of shooting first so after lighting him up doing the pillar dance I make sure that he can't ask questions later I grab the chip save the robo lady for uh reasons kill the Gunners because nobody can stop me I ask my no fun doctor for help and she tells me some people called the railroad can help before I track them down I make a new shotgun name them blasty and do a few small upgrades make up only 20 shells from it taking two fertilizer per 10 I was planning on helping the railroad but due to the rough and dangerous path the church full of ghouls that I need to kill and the back that I don't like Thomas the Tank Engine I just send it a Molotov and easily take each member down I then use their equipment to set up the chip make more ammo before seeing Dante's brother for the last time he gives me the blueprints to enter The Institute it would say talk to the railroad but I've murdered [Music] them I try and get garvey's help damn damn but he tells me that he can help after I help the settlement of course and you know what's more important than finding your wife life and child the settlement that needs your help of course you get your sorry ass over there and you make sure they're in need of help I get told to avenge someone's daughter or something once again Raiders are really no issue at this point I take down the Raiders and Jared from Subway the man is glad his sandwiches are now safe and Preston is glad the settlement doesn't need help I also help abery Farm to increase my fertilizer gain and he is happy to see me I make another huge batch of ammo and get some last upgrades on my shotgun I somehow have all I need to make the teleporter out of nothing but popsicle sticks Sturges as helps I guess the Institute is extra bright today Aira it hurts I see my stupid son hasn't gotten me my six-pack for finding my real son with two six-packs he tells me he crafted The Institute brick Brick by Brick so like any dad who recently got the milk I've decided to collect my share he makes me talk to four specific nobodies and now that I'm here he is work for me so I scare the locals hey buddy I make my way to my first job getting back some synth but the Brotherhood of Steel is here and for some reason they don't like me what did I know what did I know so I take care of him meet up with the corser and start taking out the Raiders that work for the synth it was super easy and I had zero issue dealing with them oh uhoh uhoh I'd like to apologize I'd like to apologize it was an accident I didn't mean to shoot you outside of the Raider with the fat man getting on the top was no issue huh dude thanks for the free right let's go let go we tell the robo man his dog isn't real easily take down his backup dancers get flashbanged in a funny way you are my son meet back up with father son Hello Father tell me what would you do when someone has stolen from you um I would I'd forgive them um I I wouldn't do anything bad to him you know I would I'd let him I'd hear him out in the situation he thanks me for my work and ask me to take down Bunker Hill as a reward once again it's not too hard mostly because my weapons have gotten pretty good at this point and I'm also sent with a wave of sints we easily take down the railroad shut down the robo nerds teabag out of Happiness dad boy tells me I'm doing a great job outside in the rain and I get back to the base to make more bullets I join a meeting where father Shawn says he's dying of death so to help me cope with it I sent on a mission with idiot one teleporting to the mission uses up so much fuel the Brotherhood of Steel just hates me which sucks because I have low energy resistance and it's all they use I'm forced to use my drugs and shotgun to clear the first area we go down an elevator till it breaks and I easily fix it women and then getting the item we're here for I have the problem of RADS oh you got to be [ __ ] kidding me to any RADS to live from I have as much rad resistance as I can at this moment so instead I need to use my slowdown time drugs to slow down time I need to spend two of them one to open up the container and the other to retrieve it oh oh my [Laughter] gosh I'm still forced to eat my weight and health and face basically the Fallout version of The Terminator I get killed a lot from what felt like straight cheese Robo go boom body go melt Robo hand go boom eventually from taking things slow enough I book it out of the place and get told once again by Shawn that I'm doing a great job he once again gets the wrong message and gives me work for doing so well I'm told to stop the minimen from interfering but they don't want to listen to me help uh Preston I'm sorry oh was the first guy an [ __ ] you let me kill the first guy was the second guy you had an issue with is that your best buddy I'm so sorry The Institute grabs the VIP watch the most NPC thing I've ever seen why did you move what was the what was the point of that what you all right man you do you get told to hack into the radio broad from Sun dad but only after recording a speech this is so this is dastrous meta at the moment I'm playing a man speaking into a microphone as I am a man speaking into a microphone this is wild I put it into the square hole my son's speech is so stupid I get RADS I am the captain now father is surprised that I've already killed the railroad you can imagine my relief when I learned that you have apparently already taken care of that problem I am sorry I know it was likely difficult difficult for you it wasn't it was actually it cost like maybe 40 bullets it's actually nice and fun I see a cinematic Masterpiece get an item I can't use and drop them on the ground make a touch more ammo and get the ability to make a single piece of combat armor and when it's upgraded it adds a nice chunk of energy resistance I make the rest of what I can and once I feel ready I try and invade the Brotherhood I get shown I'm weighing over my head I came in with low healing supplies and it shows so I waste around some time to wait for more to be crafted for me I get bored when I have about 36 water and one buff jet to spare I also try a more slowo style I'm able to pick my own battles and use walls and cover like I'm playing escape from tarov and Hunty does an excellent job taking out any lowlevel scum I break the beacons to let the robo boys flood in and they start to make it a cakewalk I break the rest of the beacons and I drop the cake turning it into a cake sit the large number of enemies are overwhelming so I try and set up some traps to stop them but way too many deaths later I get a godun being able to not only take down the first pilot with ease but also the second pilot that drops off Elder Maxis it's basically a GG with both Birds Down with the stone I saved we hack Liberty Prime I get to watch the fireworks daddy dies I get told again that the war never changes I don't know man ask Japan twice and prove that yes you can beat Fallout 4 with only crafting this run took a lot longer than I was expecting I was hoping to get this run out faster however it was still a really fun run with a bunch of difficulty spikes sprinkled in the mix and it's also given me a few ideas for future Fallout 4 runs as always thank you guys for your support we've grown surprisingly fast already reaching 6K Subs if you guys have any ideas for challenge runs for this game or any games you want to see in the future I'd love to hear them in the comments thanks again for watching and not as always please remember to wash your toes got to get in between the crevices
Channel: LarsBurrito
Views: 134,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout 4 funny, fallout 4 gameplay, can you beat fallout 4, Can you beat fallout 4 with only crafting, Can you beat fallout 4 with only, itsjabo fallout 4, itsjabo, Nerbit, nerbit fallout 4, nerbit can you beat fallout 4, fo4 funny, fallout 4 fails
Id: UScrCJx-cXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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