Can You Beat DYING LIGHT 2 Without Attacking?

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dying lie 2 a post-apocalyptic game about killing zombies killing humans killing animals and killing demon children but is it possible in a gory zombie game starring rosario dawson to complete the entire story as a pacifist kind kinda like that one character in that zombie movie starring rosario dawson well we're about to find out and as was the case with my previous challenge run this video was directly inspired by rokembosko and dante ravioli alright listen up here are the rules for today's challenge no attacks no killing no co-op that's it i'm gonna do everything in my power to restrain myself from attacking a single enemy so it's only right that i get all that zombie slaying out of my system with zombie hunter d-day an android and ios game set 80 days into the zombie apocalypse use a bunch of weapons of mass destruction to survive as long as you can and make a bloody mess while you're at it you've got pistols shotguns assault rifles grenades flame throwers and more special items to help you blast your way through three different game modes scenario mode is the main game mode where you clear your way through different stages in order to progress and unlock new rewards with each stage containing three special mini missions the more you progress the stronger and faster the zombies get i'm not gonna lie some of the zombies in the game are super terrifying especially the creepy crawlers man zombie defense mode puts your aim to the test and challenges you to shoot as many zombies as possible within a limited time frame just using special weapons of mass destruction to show those zombies who's boss speaking of bosses the boss raid mode is a high difficulty battle where you put all of your training to good use and face off against the toughest enemies in the entire game so what are you waiting for because these zombies sure aren't gonna wait for you download zombie hunter d-day and do your best to survive alright so in this challenge avoidance was the aim of the game you know if people go to die they gotta die somehow the main strategy for the most part was to avoid all unnecessary combat situations whether it's just being stealthy or just running away from them and using my parkour skills to just get out of there so the first proper fight where you have to dispatch the enemies is when you're introduced to the banshee zombie in the prologue now her whole thing is just pouncing around on top of buildings and other zombies until she finds the right moment to strike naturally i tried to bait her to follow me up to the very tall rooftop so i could get her to just fall off and die but every time i got up there she would just reset i even tried dropping some weapons to get her attention but it didn't work so in the end i just went with the tried and true method of standing next to a cliff and letting her just cannonball off the side next i had to take care of a handful of biters in the exact same way but this time something was a little off rather than staring at a pile of corpses at the end i'd accidentally started a zombie petting zoo not only were they not dying from the fall but some of them were even using hacks to clip inside the terrain so i reported the zombies the developers hopefully they'll get banned for cheating and i died to restart the checkpoint and reset the enemies but of course this brought the banshee back to life as well luckily it didn't take long for her to jump back off the cliff and so i went back to the strategy of just giving the biters a little nudge not an attack just you know coercing them off the cliff and it worked the second time so i went to the player stash i put on my badass dlc armor for extra protection i made out with a volatile and i prepared for my next fight the human combat tutorial oh [ __ ] here we go again now you may remember from the easter egg challenge run that the way that i dealt with these guys was first by setting myself on fire and hoping that the enemies would do the same quickly realizing that that wasn't working so i found a ledge and i parried them off that ledge so they take a little bit of fall damage at a time once again no direct attacking all i did was parry and block their attacks and they would just fall over and just break their necks over and over again it did take a while but it effectively got the job done so of course i went to just go and do the same thing this time but there was no prompt to open the door this time i realized it was probably because i didn't interact with the door on the way in where it's locked so no big deal you know i just acted a little bit suss i made my way back to the door to interact with it and yet when i got back i still couldn't open it this was a huge problem because if i can't open that door i can't get to the ledge and if i can't get to the ledge i don't have a way to make these guys die without me actually attacking them luckily though i did have a little something up my sleeve so by now we've established that you know setting yourself on fire not the best way to do things but what about parrying enemies next to the fire well i tried it over and over again hoping the knock back effect would be enough to make something happen and yet nothing happened until i changed my angle and then suddenly my mind was blown as his skin was melting truly the ultimate painless pacifist method i promise they're doing just fine but with that game-changing discovery i easily just breezed through the rest of the combat tutorial and i made my way into paradise before i knew it the sun had gone down which brought us to our next combat situation protecting hakkon from the onslaught of vicious virals during our first night in the city oh that's it i i guess that's it turns out the ultimate weapon in a zombie apocalypse is gravity and that was the last time we actually have to fight anyone in the prologue all that was left to do was just sneakily make our way through the hospital and access the open world now with access to the open world came access to heaps of gre inhibitors aka the way that you level up your character in dying light too and since fighting isn't an option for us we needed as many passive skills as possible to get through this playthrough so i went around from container to container collecting as many inhibitors as possible even sneaking my way through two separate gre labs packed with zombies and successfully levelling up my character without having to fight a single enemy now if you've played dying light 2 you'll know that inhibitors are only one part of the equation when it comes to leveling up yes they increase your health and your stamina but you still need to gain actual power and agility xp in order to unlock skills and usually the way that you get power xp in particular is by killing things and killing people and killing killing killing and since we can't do that what i did was i did every neutral quest available that didn't involve any fighting so that included taking history lessons retrieving the original biomarker fetching some ladies scarf unlocking windmills night runner hideouts parkour challenges and especially rescuing survivors at night time all of this gave me enough power and agility xp to unlock most of the essential skills necessary to give myself the best chance of beating the odds and with that i cracked on with the main story and snuck my way through the metro tunnels until i immediately [ __ ] my pants when i encountered my first spitter zombie with no cliffs no tall ledges in sight i panicked about how i'm going to go about eliminating this group of enemies until i realized you could just run away lose aggro and then sneak your way back and lock pick the door to proceed turns out you don't have to kill the zombies in the first place but you do have to kill every single zombie in this room in order to save that [ __ ] barney so i dealt with the biters in the same way that i did in the prologue just by gently nudging them you know not attacking them and as it turns out they don't even need to die in this case as soon as they're removed from the area and they're knocked downstairs the quest just progresses and the next wave spawns only this time viral spawn too and as you probably know virals are very good climbers so the game doesn't consider the area to be cleared unless they've actually been put to rest so i ended up finding a way to use the enemy jump skill not an attack to get the clumsy bastards to leave me alone once i freed barney and took him back to his sister they told me about a group of survivors that got ambushed by a bunch of thugs led by two guys named jack and joe now this is when i quickly learned that if you use the vault ability on an enemy that's standing right next to some spikes some pretty bad things tend to happen to them and once again the enemy jump skill is not an attack the whole point of vaulting is just to give you some leverage for parkour it doesn't deal damage it doesn't give you any combat xp and if an enemy just happens to stumble into some spikes you know what i can live with that if i was to like kick them or grapple them into the spikes you know that would be a pretty different story but anyway after i whipped up a few bandit shish kebabs the game introduces you to the goon zombie type which once again can just be completely ignored and now it was time for revenge i strategically infiltrated my way back through jack and joe's stronghold at night time and shut down their power supply leaving them vulnerable to attacks from all kinds of infected so i grabbed my popcorn and my binoculars and i watched as the renegades were slaughtered by wave after wave of virals and also there were a bunch of survivors that i forgot that are just like hiding in the bushes waiting to launch a surprise attack so it was a double whammy job done boom now we can move on now shortly after this i was presented with my first main story decision that affects the outcome of the game if i chose to enter the tango hotel and search for barney and sophie i'd then have to fight their bodyguard herman and i really didn't like the sound of that so instead i decided to go and hang out with ator and the peacekeepers which luckily didn't even involve any additional fighting the next main quest was to secure the water tower which surprise surprise had been rigged by explosives by none other than jack and joe and as much as i wanted to just send their bald heads flying face first into some concrete i managed to just get on their good side and defuse the situation avoiding the need to fight entirely instead i made a deal with them and assigned control of the water tower to the survivors allowing them to build structures all over the area that will help me with parkouring my way out of danger and yet somehow even after siding with the survivors barney tries to fight me regardless of any story decisions you make in the game this fight always happens i immediately began to panic when i realized that there were no spikes no ledges and no flames to help me out this time it was just me and the least likable character in the entire game locked in a tiny room the one character i wanted to punch most was right in front of me just begging to get hit but i couldn't do it so i just started experimenting and began ruling out my options one by one parrying not useful unless i can use the environment to my advantage coins useless fireworks nope glass bottles kind of effective and that's a lot of blood and i'm pretty sure it's against the rules but there just still aren't enough glass bottles in the room to actually kill him just when i thought i might have to take a break and just call it quits i accidentally got on top of this bookshelf in the room which led to barney throwing rocks at me for the first time in the entire fight and just like that i had a jimmy neutron brain blast one of the skills i unlocked was named deflect projectiles which does exactly what you think it would and finally i had a solid game plan i had to parry barney and get to the other side of the room giving me enough time to climb up on the bookshelf and keep him at long range enough to start pelting me with rocks and then as he began the throwing animation i had to quickly jump down in order to perfectly parry his projectiles with amazing timing and it didn't work i mean i mean i kind of did like i deflected them but they're not like solid objects no damage was being dealt to barney i had ah at this point i felt like i had nothing left and so i took a break i put down the game for several days just pondering what i'm doing with my life and i took the time to finally make a patreon it's just a cool little way for you to support the channel especially since my videos have been getting age restricted lately and in return you know i'll credit you in videos i'll say your name out loud there's even a very special tear out there for a special someone and you guys are the ones that i'm gonna turn to when i'm stuck on a challenge like with barney here anyway a few days later i hopped back into the game with pretty much no plan in mind i just began testing more and more methods with none of them working and out of frustration i decided to use the block charge ability to throw barney on the ground i mean after all the skill usually doesn't deal any damage unless you're doing it off of a rooftop or a ledge but something really peculiar happened this time barney is obviously a human enemy and pretty much every human enemy in the game has the ability to counter your block charge ability by headbutting you in the face and barney was no exception but why does this matter why does it like an advantage to me to get headbutt in the face well for some unexplained reason if you hit the button prompt in time to interrupt the counter attack so if i cancel his headbutt the enemy takes a delayed hit of damage after i push him off of me it's not a lot but hey it was enough what followed was pretty much a montage of barney trying to headbutt me me politely disengaging and lightly shoving him off me and saying hey man no thanks him taking offense and then like suddenly taking damage because his feelings were hurt and then finally the fight ended when he had like a third of his health left and he didn't die anyway i completely forgot about the fact that you can't even kill barney in this fight so even if i swung a sword at his face which hey that's against the rules but even if i did that he was gonna survive this fight no matter what still zero kills anyway but hey we found a new technique that we can use on human enemies once barney was finally dealt with i was sent to recover some explosives for our next mission but first i had to clear out a group of biters in order to proceed but conveniently they were standing right next to a car that was on fire easy i didn't even have to do anything so i made my way through avoided all the enemies including a bunch of goons i obtained the explosives and bada bing bada boom now i'm stuck with some pks in a room i took my lessons learned from barney and proceeded to politely refuse their attempts to kiss me until eventually they suddenly died from heartbreak at this point i was faced with another story decision meet with vincenzo or make my way to the central loop district of the city if you choose to meet with him you have to fight more peacekeepers in the bazaar and if you don't or then you don't so sorry loser i'm doing a challenge run just game of things am i right you wouldn't understand vincenzo so i made my way to meet hakkon and begin our journey to the city center together but then i found out he doesn't like pineapple on pizza and also he was kind of injured so i chose to help him because this allows him to live later in the story but i still couldn't forgive him for having such bad taste so eventually i just continued on my journey alone and you know what it was all going fine i didn't need hakkon until the game introduced the charger zombie the first actual problematic introduction to a new zombie type and truth be told it wasn't even the zombie that was the issue it was the environment that i was stuck in it was a sealed off tunnel with no spikes no fire and no ledges there were some sparks of electricity here and there but they were just for visual effect they didn't actually do anything and also the whole area was considered to be a dark zone even at the other end where there's clearly some sunlight shining through the sunlight didn't give me immunity and it also didn't fry the charger to death i tried getting him to charge into every object imaginable but i made zero progress like not even the tiniest bit of damage but then i had another brain blast i used the zombie as leverage to help get me out of bounds and i began just making my way through to the city anyway hoping that it would somehow trigger the game to load a new checkpoint or just at the very least despawn the zombie i made it to the car factory where you're supposed to encounter waltz but unsurprisingly no enemies had spawned i also couldn't get into the room that triggers that cut scene and it also wouldn't let me into the shopping center or the transit center or whatever it is next door so i improvised i made my way around through the side and finally it looks like we were actually getting somewhere and the quest marker had even moved to the central loop section of the map but then i quickly realized i couldn't progress any further because you need cut scenes to trigger in order to open several doors and have lawan just close them in your face and just leaving the playable area would it just killed me from like thv chemicals so i respawned i started back at square one face to face with the charger zombie out of defeat and frustration i just started block charging the charger because i thought that would be funny maybe we can bend the rules for this one fight i also hoped that maybe there was some secret mechanic again like with barney that would help me but every time i charged him onto the ground he took zero damage and once again since he's not a human he's not going to try and parry me so i can't use that same technique but this is when i discovered a hidden secret of the block charge skill in dying light 2 if you run out of stamina and then try to perform a block charge or if you try to perform a block charge with no enemies in front of you your character just rolls on the ground instead of attacking and the game considers it a failed attempt however it turns out that if an enemy is standing close enough to you that they sort of bump into you when you roll they receive a knock back effect from the roll and they take the tiniest amount of damage and just like that we had a new strategy one that would make fred durst proud because lord knows all we did for hours was roll and roll and roll and rolling it took a bloody long time but with enough rolling we got there in the end next up we have the first section where aiden transforms into a zombie temporarily and has super infected strength you're supposed to like kill these renegades in front of you and experiment with your new powers but it turns out if you just wait long enough and you run out the clock a new cutscene triggers aiden passes out and you don't actually have to kill anyone so i returned to the car factory i ignored all of the enemies and went straight to waltz to trigger the chase sequence which if you're ever curious what walt's is doing on the other side of that wall now you know central loop more like gameplay loop am i right so anyway with lawan by my side i finally made it all the way to central loop more like fruit loops i got my new paraglider i flew over to some pk morons and i let them do all the fighting for me since two of the peacekeepers are invincible i mean you have to talk to them afterwards for the story so i just sat back and i let them do their thing after restoring control of the electrical substation to the survivors it was time for a drink at the fisheye and things were fine at first but then a bar fight broke out so it was up to me to be the bouncer and deflect their arrows bait them into setting themselves on fire and disabling their homemade cannons you know just just normal bar fight stuff here in new zealand there were three cannons with a pretty strict time limit for this kind of slow play style i managed to struggle my way through the first two cannons but i failed on the third one but to my surprise the game only made me replay the third cannon and it even reset the timer to full so i had way more time on the clock and this made it pretty easy to do afterwards i went back to the fisheye to help save the owner frank with some assistance from a new ally jack matt the leader of the peacekeepers he gave me the inside scoop on the whereabouts of some other peacekeeper soldiers who could help me on my quest to find some stuff that doesn't matter because this is a challenge video one of the peacekeepers was hiding in a shipping container like a little [ __ ] so i had to deflect some arrows and use some spikes to my advantage in order to rescue the poor soul and it turns out that he'd been separated from the rest of his squad who were being held captive nearby so i freed those soldiers and i made them fight to the death for me and then i cleaned up the rest of them with some classic tactics and you know what the peacekeepers were pretty impressed with my peaceful methods and they told me to talk to juan from suppliers about our next mission to reclaim the infamous vnc town but the thing is juan also wanted me to act as a spy for him and since i've been such a perfect angel this entire playthrough [Music] i figured why not do something a little bit naughty and so i was sent to the grand cathedral to seek out an epic hacker man but the bastard unleashed his pet on me which was our first encounter with a demolisher zombie luckily my faith in the old limp bizkit method held strong but it did take a super long time so i burned through some boosters and used a pretty cheesy tactic of hiding in and out of this little tunnel that's protected by uv lights not only did this give me ample time to like disengage and heal myself but the uv lights also kept the additional virals at bay so i only had to deal with the one enemy the demolisher after making some good progress with my rolling i began to notice that if i timed everything correctly the demolisher would damage himself with his rock throws so in the end i relied on the good ol stop hitting yourself while you're hitting yourself to get him to finish the job for me this caused the heck of man to run like a coward until i caught up to him and made him talk and it turns out he just wanted to be friends he gave us the technology necessary to tap into the vnc's radio tower and allow juan to spy on the peacekeepers and he didn't ask for anything in return and so i was ready to scale the tower i used my sneaky stealth and expert parkour to avoid every zombie on my way to the top and when i finally got there frank started to tug at my heartstrings by confessing that he's always wanted to be a radio dj and so in the end i gave control of the tower to frank to allow him to live out his dreams of blasting sick beats all over vilador [ __ ] totally worth it now it turns out that i was so distracted by the greatest song of all time that i didn't realize i was walking straight into an ambush luckily the room was fully fitted with spikes so i started vaulting and began cooking up my signature renegade shish kebab after enough dummies didn't learn their lesson aiden went into the transformed infected mode again only this time the game didn't let me skip the section by waiting around and well there was no way to leave but hey vaulting still worked so i still managed to get the job done pretty easily and took a well-deserved nap when i woke up i found out that frank was watching me so that was pretty weird but he told me that hakon wanted to meet me and atone for our sins together so i got to the church but when i arrived there he didn't seem too glad to see me he started off by sending some renegades after me but that really didn't go so well for them techland never programmed these guys to just stop drop and roll so that was pretty easy and then even sent a big guy after me but i combined the block charge cancel effect with the fire damage and mother nature took care of the rest finally hakkon was man enough to face me but i guess he also pissed on the bonfire because that was fully extinguished at this point so i couldn't use any fire instead i was thinking of a plan of how to take care of haikon while i was deflecting arrows from the arches taking care of the additional enemies and then hakkon threw something at me and i realized that wasn't a rock like what barney throws that was a knife so i baited him by healing myself and sure enough i could actually deflect the knife this time and finally i could use that strategy that i wanted to use for barney once again i was pretty much relying on the age-old why you hitting yourself why you hitting yourself stop hitting yourself no wait don't tell mum and like the good little pacifist that i am who's done nothing wrong i suggested that we stop fighting or rather that he just stops stabbing himself with daggers all the time and then lawan showed up and tried to continue the cycle of violence but i just i couldn't let her you know she said would no longer be friends if i tried to stop her but you know what they say bros before holy [ __ ] the night runners are back baby finally with peace restored between hakkon and the one i began my search to find veronica a gre doctor that can help me find my sister and at this point i was getting pretty creative with avoiding enemies and by that i mean that i was just abusing the fact that humans can't unlock doors for some reason eventually i met veronica at the observatory but we were rudely interrupted by the final boss oi go away it's not your turn yet thankfully i managed to ward him off with my signature roland and veronica totally lived happily ever fast forward to the epilogue frank got [ __ ] up pretty bad but we collected some weed and managed to save his life before stealthily infiltrating the colonel's renegade headquarters we had a friendly conversation over a cup of tea and then he gave me directions on where to find waltz in order to politely confront him but before i could reach the final boss another obstacle set in my way right at the very end of dying light 2 there's a huge fight between a group of renegades and a group of volatiles it's supposed to be like really intense with you caught in the middle until aiden transforms into the super infected mode allowing the player to feel like an absolute boss as you just obliterate everyone but that wasn't an option for me so my first thought was that there's no way the human enemies stood a chance against even a few volatiles but i was hoping that at least be able to make a few dents and just weakened the volatiles a fair bit making it a little bit easier for me and then suddenly i stopped to write down some timestamps because well aiden is invincible when he's transformed so there's no rush and then i noticed that all of a sudden the volatiles were targeting me and yet there was still a renegade alive in the distance repeatedly throwing molotov cocktails so i sat still and i watched as he actually started killing volatiles like i just stood there watching them burn and admiring our teamwork until i moved a little bit and then he was sacrificed for the greater good so it was down to just one volatile and you guys know exactly how i dealt with that little sum [ __ ] but that my friends was just a warm up because i'd finally made it to the ultimate boss fight and by ultimate i just mean extremely annoying like it just gets more and more tedious with every phase now since waltz doesn't fight like a regular human enemy i couldn't use that block charge counter-attack method that i used with barney so i went back to rolling and after enough time i made it to phase two which is just like the first phase except now he runs away and it takes even longer now i'm not gonna lie to you guys landing a rolling attack isn't easy because it's not actually an attack it's more like a failed attempt you have to be right next to the enemy but not looking directly at them or just be out of stamina and there are so many times throughout the run that i would accidentally block charge an enemy like do the actual skill which is fine because it doesn't deal damage on the ground but for some reason waltz occasionally took massive damage from actual block charges so then it was time for phase three where he jumps around and throws shrek sized boulders at you and i'm not gonna lie i was hoping for an epic moment where i just deflect that [ __ ] back to him but it didn't exactly work out that way anyway eventually aiden just entered this super infected mode again without me even doing anything and if you watched the last challenge run you'll know that vaulting actually deals a tiny bit of damage specifically when you're in this super transformed mode and by that i mean that every eight times one out of eight times it causes a fraction of visible damage to his health bar but hey we've done it before and you know we did it again and i tell you what even after all that the bastard was still alive until the rockets detonated anyway so i can definitely say that yes you can beat dying light 2 without killing anyone you can also support the channel at forward slash colossal kiwi
Channel: ColossalKiwi
Views: 123,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1x_XjMZtWSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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