Can you beat Dark souls 3 with only Fist weapons?

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been a while huh yeah unfortunately I was a little too preoccupied during March to get a video out so I've got a lot of pent up rage what do you say we make loick into our own personal punching baggy can you beat Dark Souls 3 with only fist weapons the rules of this run are as follows I can only use fist weapons no glitches or exploit and no or NPCs as a bonus rule I have banned the dark hand now that may not seem like much but bear in mind Dark Souls 3 only has free fist weapons so there goes onethird of our options everyone meet Cluny Kong now you may be asking why monkey enough monkeying around though we have one tiny issue to there's no fist weapons available until after the second boss good thing we have Nature's fist weapons these hands Unfortunately they kind of suck they were never really meant to be used except as a last result so this is going to be painful Gund deer is up first and oh boy that is not good damage thankfully it's relatively easy to power him for it's better than nothing I guess a very very long time later and we're at Phase 2 best advice I can give is just to stick to the right hand side and learn when it's safe to attack it's going to be slow but it's more or less safe with that we have access to fire link so I do the tree jump to grabs an extra gear and persuade the sword master into giving up then dump all my levels into Health given our pitiful damage a lot of the next area just running through I freed gray rat and picked up a few items here or there but nothing really that notable it's time for vault well phase one is easy just stick under him and punch away but phase two it's no longer safe his entire body becomes one giant hit box bugger this is going to take a while now what was it that Andrea said again get yourself killed no no not that one the other thing you'll require good arms yeah that good arms you [Music] see I think it's time for some strength leveling with our new Mega Arms let's try this again are you kidding me two extra damage man that feels like a ripoff guess I'm just going to have have to get good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how's that for a victory well no time to celebrate we've got a date with our old friends the kidnapping demons but thanks to the help we're finally able to grab ourselves a real weapon the cestus before we do anything though we assist Our Fair onion and pick up a few rings before heading to punch a tree right in the balls I can't believe I actually had to say that thankfully curse Rod Greatwood is a very simple fight overall so it doesn't take too long to claim a victory going around the faren swamp We Gather materials to grab plus four and briefly meet a rooll pal stray demon before heading into Crystal sageo boy that's some spicy damage combine it with a fast attack speed and we can easily clear out sages clones leading to a swift Victory we pick up a few more items and assist seet again but other than that there's not really much to do here there's also really not much to say about deacons it's the standard shove a bunch of weak enem is in a room kind of Boss meaning it's kind of over in a Flash but enough joke bosses for now it's time for the abyss Watchers for starters they attack fast and are very capable of outs spacing me granted if I can backstab or hit them I can usually combo for high damage next problem is a second Abyss Watcher that comes in after a set period of time with two of these it's not really worth trying to attack as I likely just get interrupted so I choose to wait for the friendly abys Watcher to arrive allowing me to burst down the last of phase one's health [Music] bar Phase 2 is ridiculously easy to bait out meaning a lot of free backstabs or combos we also just have the option of using endured a face tank meaning this is only a matter of time [Music] down in the catacombs we cut a bridge and fight our second fiery demon of the day to grab our main weapon the demon vest it's easily one of the most overlooked weapons in Dark Souls 3 but I love them we did lose IND do but I can just offhand the cestus if I actually need that for what did we get instead well that's a special surprise to help us later for now [Music] Walia uh I mean time for demon ruines yes honestly there's not much here apart from a handful of upgrade materials and The Old Demon King the thing is our burst damage is so high that this fight barely lasts a minute for now IRL the crocod dogle on the bridge does give us a little bit of trouble due to HP boxes but the reward is well worth it but our hitbox Shenanigans aren't quite over yet as we Face Down pontiff yep [Music] mhm okay ah pontiff incredibly fast with a good amount of mixups and a less than favorable hit box for fist weapons the key here is to take things slow and only attack when it's absolutely safe in Phase 2 it's important to burst down his clone as quickly as possible to prevent things getting out of hand but eventually things will line up for a win one Nostalgia fueld run through later and we're face to face with Aldrich phase one is relatively simple and it's kind of never an issue no that's phase two between the constant chip damage of the seemingly endless waves of tiny projectiles and the arrow rain with ridic kill tracking it's usually a royal pin in the ass the thing is there's actually spots in this Arena you can stand where the arrow rain can't hit you so as long as you dodge any incoming blasts you're free to ride out its duration and now the only problem is actually catching aldri now usually we'd be heading into y right now but yeah that's not happening at least not yet someone said here is dancer you ever wanted to feel powerful in this game just fight Daner with fist weapons I mean you're seeing this damage right especially during phase 2 our damage potential and pure speed makes us one of if not the easiest times I've ever had with dancer a little exploring later we meet our Fair onion again only for him to have an unfortunate accident on the bright side we have enough materials to max out our weapon well this ain't going to get any easier I'm Coming For You y [Music] w [Music] standing here I realize you are just like me trying to make hisory but who's to judge the right from God is down think we're both but us us but in the end it has to be this [Music] that took a while well best move on Cyrus here didn't really take long to beat his damage is quite high but at this point we really don't care about being hit too [Music] [Music] much Champion Gia is just a redo of the tutal boss until about half Health where he becomes extremely aggressive leading to very few safe attack opportunities but the few we do get we really really hurt speaking of really hurting though ouch well at least it didn't take long to get our revenge you know I was told to expect a boss around here but I just didn't seeing it oh well guess I'll take my frustration out on this overgrown gecko [Music] instead wait what's happening no I can't feel my legs no no [Music] one out of five worst Uber in my life now for the king of storms though we may as well just call it the king of England at this point hit boxers are a bit of a thing again I'm only really able to hit the dragon During certain points of his animation but realistically thanks to our damage it's not any more difficult than it usually is now I may just be imagining things here but ever since playing Elden ring NEOS Kings kind of felt really easy he's incredibly well telegraphed to the point that I probably could do this fight hitless I'm not going to but at least for now I'll take a first try victory dragon slayer let's see slow clunky relatively big an open arena yeah this ain't going to be an issue now for something a bit more unusual for once the weird hit boxes of fist weapons are going to work in our favor against the twin princes I almost always have my attacks hit loick which means this is an unusually fast twin princes fight well since the base game gave me a little challenge let's hope the DLC can step it up a bit granted grave tender was never going to be the one to do so I mean it's an NPC fight with a bunch of dog RS what more can I say but Frida now that's one of the most difficult fights in the game for me is what I would be saying if I was using quite literally any other weapon but this fight for the demon fists is best summed up in one sentence free two one let it [Music] [Applause] [Music] rip picking up feet running out of time going head to R that's your way of life you got to fall down and need Crow to get back up again let's play play [Music] [Applause] spitting it out at the speed that sound going to rip it up now the B is down with the E with the bang our gang is the one that's going to win let's play [Music] [Music] let's hope that the ring city is better about this first is the demon princes yep that's what I'm talking about despite being a gank boss it's usually only one that's aggressive I say usually because there's often some overlap that may have resulted in more than a few deaths to me though neither form of the demon Prince is particularly more desirable to fight I find both equally as easy to work with so it just depends on build now just to style on the boss a bit bucker lesson learned no sty in just [Music] kill after another brief reunion with our old Pals we come to the ring City proper we smack around a good old bridge dragon and grab a few ring of grades before heading to the church if you would guess that halflight would be the most annoying boss in this video well done B an NPC with considerably Speedy attacks and an automatic ranged attack it makes actually getting close a challenge best way I found was to bait him into using his bow and then close the gap for one to two hits rinse and repeat that's not even considering though that halflight could just dodge away being an NPC and all or the fact that I have to stop to deal with the painting Guardian that spawns halfway for his helpful that was Bloody [Music] annoying ah my dear my dear back when this DLC was new I spent weeks learning your patterns since I did so with the cestus the timings to the sight are ingrained in my muscle memory just stay in front for some easily dodgeable attacks and plenty of counterattacking opportunities if they fly up run to the left and then continue towards where they land Phase 2 contains all the previous attacks as well as a few new ones but it's still just as easy to bait out the same old attacks until you get a critical at which point the fight is pretty much over what still here yeah of course I love this game handed over that thing your dark soul for my L is painting gaale you're going to have to take it from my cold dead hands buddy o yeah Gail's a bit of a thing he's probably the best example of hit boxes in this run phase one's mostly unaffected and very easy to bait out but Phase 2 requires me to either use the L1 double hit or attack from very specific angles add in how aggressive Gil is his double hit boxes and how little room you have to actually attack and you quickly realize this fight is all about making split-second decisions I probably died to Gil more than I did the entire rest of the game 90% of those deaths were defeats too he's exceptionally good at trapping the player especially with his two ranged attack barrages and his teleporting but get to phase three and it once again becomes easy to bait out an attack opportunity letting us slowly B our Victory good night Gail with that we head into the Kil to face the soul of C an amalgamation of everyone who linked the flame in ages past which naturally means it's going to be switching attack Styles every now and then when it comes to this I'm fine fighting most of them except spear move set I never could quite get a handle on the timing for [Music] that but when all is s done it calls forth its final and most powerful Soul accompanied by those familiar PL PL PLS sadly Gwynn's move set is probably the easiest to work around allowing for a lot of free attack chances granted at this point I was playing extremely sloppy but in the end we extinguished the vestage of the great Lord and it was on on that day that monkey gained fire well that was a fun run a bit on the easy side but I digress fists really do change up the way you play these games so I definitely recommend giving them a try as for me well I need to go rent a copy of Magic For Dummies from the crystal archives Library hopefully I can get the Lord round before closeth only one question where exactly am I
Channel: Leira Veil's Challenge Runs.
Views: 571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark souls 3, Dark souls, Dark souls challenge run, can you beat dark souls, dark souls 3 fist only
Id: 8D4wLLrSas0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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