Can YOU be as FAMOUS as Pencilmate? -in- "A Star is Burned" | Pencilmation

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Channel: Pencilmation
Views: 6,563,268
Rating: 4.4522581 out of 5
Keywords: pencilmation, animated short films, animated cartoons characters, pencilmate, pencil animation, youtube cartoons, animation, cartoons, pencil, animated shorts, animated cartoon, funny cartoon, funny clips, pencilmation cartoons, ross bollinger, pencil mation, cartoon series, funny animation, stick figure animations, funny video, animation meme, story time, comedy, full episode, cartoons animation, funny comics, superstar, rockstar, famous, rich
Id: lDWdz_SVVCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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