Can We Beat 3 Player TEAMWORK PUZZLES in Roblox!

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Remy today we're playing three-player teamwork puzzle uh it's where we have to work together to complete all the different stages uh no it's not Remy because each level gets harder and harder along the way oh hi dummy okay let's start with the easiest one oh okay I think we all need to step on our own button guys uh sorry Remy I'm already clicking the middle one we're fine I'll get this one then fine guys also on this one room you get the middle [Music] oh my gosh don't you're so silly okay guys we have to hurry up and go through because there's a timer wait what is this right button do I think we need to step on it okay dummy you step on the red button while we go through uh I think I need to jump on your head ready so I can click that red button for dummy to go through okay just jump on my head okay I'm sorry Remy and okay I made it up top and let me click this red button for dummy to go through [Music] okay I need to jump on your head now Remy to click this yellow button for dummy to go up with these boxes all right and boom and dummy you can probably come up all the way up now let's go guys [Music] okay that was actually really confusing but uh guys I think you both need to click a part of the bridge okay dummy I'll let you go first okay wait what's Navi no no don't believe you have to help us over now okay there you go rummy I'm clicking the button for you and now you guys have to both all the buttons for me to go across thank you very much and guys did we just complete the first level already oh what's this white cloud and wait uh are we going to the next stage we better be oh my gosh we just did the first level and that was actually pretty easy but remember guides each level gets harder and harder along the way oh my gosh and this one says triple or not yeah this one's a new level so I can't wait to see what that one's gonna be and you know what guys let's go to the second stage right now the paintball level uh guys what in the world is this this looks so confusing this is way too confusing and we've targeted everywhere I don't know what to do guys okay there's a blue button in the corner so tell me press that one and you press that one no one okay I'm pressing the button oh wait there's a a red gun thingy right there okay I think you need to shoot that red target over there Remy you have to aim a lot higher than that okay there you go I think we need to find the different guns now oh wait oh look they'll be from the green one no wait let me try to go through here wait dummy how did you go through that wall oh okay once you shoot the target I can grab the gun okay I have the blue gun to shoot on the Target and boom okay I clicked it and guys oh we all have to click our own Target to walk across this bridge okay we all have to do the same time because there is some timers on our bridges guys car you have to be very very fast okay okay [Music] okay we made it across it oh my goodness that was so close guys what Victoria gets over here Noah oh you know what I'm gonna try to make that jump over there I'm gonna get my targets a lot easier and oh oh my gosh that was such a scary jump guys do not come over here that was really risky oh guys you guys are very risky okay you know what let me just shoot the blue Target right here and see what happens and wait oh it's opening up a bridge again over there uh yeah let me help you real quick and Boom come on shoot this target what's going on oh it has to be a green gun thank you dummy all right I'll shoot my blue Target and hurry up guys I know oh no am I gonna make it I made it let's go oh my gosh there was just like one second left that was super scary I'm Gonna Keep on shooting with this weapon Remy because we're gonna lose it next round come here yeah I think it's time to turn in our guns now though okay let's put it fine okay let's go to the next round oh my goodness guys I cannot believe we just got past the first two levels we only have two more levels to go and oh my gosh and the next one is the new getting weird level I didn't know if I want to go in there it's so scary I'm going no Remy come back where are you going um fine but wait Noah come over here uh yeah what do these signs say green beginner orange intermediate red Advantage oh these are the different levels over here guys oh my gosh so this yeah it's gonna be very hard but yeah but we're not even on that level yet guys we just completed the first two we still need to complete two more to complete the entire three player teamwork puzzle no dummy don't go in the first one again what are you doing no no no no not the second one we're on the third one dummy come on come through this one right here no not this one dummy we can't even go in this one yet until we get to the third one completed okay dummy just went through the third world let's go Remy really have to take care of him he's so stupid what are you doing in the corner come on gosh dummy what's wrong wait I see some cat food over here oh my gosh why does he like cat food so much Remy I don't know I think it's kind of weird like humans should not eat cat food Tommy you can't run through that wall are you serious all right now let us go through dummy wait what Remy who got through but you didn't let me go through dummy what the heck oh my gosh Remy come let us go through come on because dummy's being stupid okay let's just lock down oh maybe we should lock dummy back there Remy because he would slow us down for sure to get this done they'll be dead yeah I haven't even seen it yet what is this thing right here it's like a wall but it's blocked I can't even do anything oh there okay we need to jump on someone's head okay okay gummy you stay on the button I'll jump on your head and Noah can jump on mine okay I clicked the button guys but there's a timer for uh yeah what is this guys there's like three different buttons I wonder if we can jump up and click one and uh no it doesn't look like we can guys yes we can we all need to click at the same time so we can go to the next part of this world okay okay three two one okay wait why is that not working are you serious oh my gosh was dummy not jumping [Music] Tommy okay listen we have to jump all the same time okay okay let's try one more time guys and three two one jump wait guys why isn't it working did you not just oh my gosh he was just jumping underneath that dummy you need to click the button I jump underneath it there you go now you got it all right everyone click the same button at the same time ready three two one go uh guys this isn't working I think we need to step on someone's head maybe okay you know what you guys can say on my head and I'll let you Remy click the buttons okay come over here okay now step on my head and hopefully this works guys how are we supposed to do this we need like six people or something oh my gosh I think uh what do you mean you figured it out Remy you just have to keep jumping next to it oh okay I'm gonna keep jumping next to it then but okay I see it okay come on everyone keep jumping go go go there we go guys we gotta go through go through with Simon oh my gosh that was so close and oh my gosh guys what the heck is that we supposed to do this we're supposed to dare yeah you're right why are they so tall We're not gonna jump all the way up here jump to press this light blue button right here oh and you're right it might spawn this box right here so we can step on it all the way back up to the top okay come here okay I guess I'll step on your head or something and go go go go can you step on my head sure wait uh someone's supposed to step on your head now Remy you're not gonna be able to reach it no no not dummy come on dumb you got this there you go over time we have to hurry up and get the next one though oh guys I can't reach no it's gonna disappear oh my gosh I got stuck oh my goodness guys you have to come back down here and save me um oh no no tell me how'd you get stuck in there that's not cool guys we had restart the level let's click the menu button oh we can't restart the level we're already so progressed into it already here let's let's fine I guess we'll have to try to reach with two people I guess okay I'm jumping jump jump come on get that boost and wait it actually works okay try it again no step on my head and jump jump okay I'm working on it Dad come on and let's go oh my goodness guys that was so scary I'm sorry don't mean we left you behind oh Remy I think he was gonna try to click that button right there that white one oh yeah oh yeah okay one of us has to go one at a time okay okay I'll go first uh did you not click a Remy no no make sure you press that button over screwed okay I'm gonna try my best here we go in three two one uh did I click it oh my gosh I didn't click it but dummies in the next world are you serious dummy can you click a white button over there or something no I don't think he can no I think we have to kill ourselves by touching this fine no I don't think he can though we have to kill ourselves by touching this thingy wait does this set us all the way back to the beginning it's okay we'll be wait but we need the dummies help to do it oh yeah we do tell me you have to come back all the way back to the beginning of the third level dang this is getting really hard guys all right I'm clicking the button for you guys to walk through dummy we're already clicking the button okay you can walk through oh wow you guys already got that button nice okay let's go to this one and wait what do we have to do for this one again guys oh yeah that's right spam jump and come on yes okay we got it guys let's go through this one I think we already know what to do for this one as well I need to jump Okay jump on my head click the button let's go let's go and click that blue boy come on guys oh oh no it disappeared we have to hurry up guys come on [Music] okay guys we have to hurry [Music] come on no dummies Left Behind come on we have to go back down and oh my gosh Remy got stuck in there again are you serious dummy you literally were in that same position earlier are you serious okay now I mean you have to work together to go save Remy okay just give me me and you you have to jump on my head and I'll try to jump you up there okay all right and there we go next one come on with the hurry all right next one come on come on tell me we got this you're doing so good oh my gosh why'd you fall come on it click it hey this time guys oh okay good all right now we're gonna all work together okay I got it and next one guys come on and next one come on jump jump get it get it get it let's go let's go oh my gosh I literally fell while you guys went up there are you serious okay this is the last chance guys the third time is the charm we got this guys okay listen I fine okay that works I guess and there we go okay and dummy got it let's go oh my gosh I have to hurry come on and let's go come on guys I'll make it through and oh my gosh okay we made it but dummy you should definitely jump this time because somehow you clicked the button last time okay watch out Remy he's gonna jump for it oh my God okay clicky let's go let's go with me oh my gosh you cannot believe we made it through the third one that was so difficult I cannot imagine what the fourth one's gonna be like guys oh you're right I can't wait to see what we get at the end it's gotta be something crazy like a trail or something or maybe something better like Robux I don't know Remy come on you have to face your fears this is the definitely the hardest one accidents uh tell me should we leave them in there because I'm kind of scared too I don't know what to do okay you know what tell me I think we should just go through and go help her I mean even though he's really scared okay okay let's go through and uh I mean red is my favorite color so this is gonna be fine oh uh guys what is this round this looks so confusing there's just so many everybody is it oh my gosh oh wait Remy I think we need to help you go through there dummy come over here and click this button over here did you see that ew that was nasty dummy whatever dummy okay we made it through Remy's gotten through okay now you have to help us get all the way over to the other side of the bridge Remy what what do you mean no oh my goodness Remy what the heck you almost like wait what rabbit oh my gosh for me that was not cool a lot it's okay go on to look at this uh guys we can't jump over never mind I helped dummy get over and wait what's that red button do [Music] what do you see dummy what do you see not cat food oh my gosh wait do I have to side jump over this thing I don't know what to do guys oh Remy I think you need to let go of the button and then click it again so I can go through okay okay oopsies I accidentally just fell okay let's try it ready three two one go oh my gosh you have to wait for me to jump from me okay three two one jump oh you'd be faster than that Remy come on oh yeah I kind of forgot to push the button again okay here we go in three two one go it works let's go uh whoa dummy there's a hole in here and oh my gosh what the heck is down there there's like a bunch of different things oh my goodness that looks so scary I do see it down there but I'm so scared because there's so many different things down there should I go down there guys I don't know yes yes fine guys I guess I'll go down there wish me luck ah wait dummy you have to click the button silly okay I found a blue button but there's so many different things like poles and wires and everything down here guys okay wait is that opening up a wall for you Remy do you like blue walls too I don't see any blue walls I mean uh I see a couple things that I can climb up on but oh there you go I see it now okay just jump on whatever that thing is I can't see it yup I found it and I next I need a dark blue button if you can find a dark blue button that'll be perfect that's right and next is like a black one I think that's dark blue now you're so stupid Oh Remy yeah you just made me follow me down so we have to do all the way back up to where we were oh my gosh oh my gosh you keep on unclicking it Remy wait for me to stop okay all right next is the dark blue one and boom there you go now just wait for my Q to let go and oh my gosh I accidentally just fell are you serious this is harder than it looks guys oh my gosh Noah stop falling sorry it's not my fault I mean I guess it is my fault what am I saying come on make this jump come on gosh why is it so hard suck Noah watch Remy are you serious okay I got it I'm coming and jump up here and next to the dark blue one Remy all right jump up here and slow and steady and oh my gosh I'm stuck now now are you serious I fell all the way back down again are you serious oh my gosh no we're never gonna Escape we're gonna be stuck in here with the dummy forever uh dummy I'm sorry you had to hear that Remy's being very mean right now [Music] dummy I love you okay Remy the next one I'm needing is the dark blue one come on and I jump up here and okay very slow this time so I can make this okay I just make sure I do not get stuck in between there and okay I'm good all right next one is the black one Oh I thought I just did the black dark blue one or whatever you know what I'm just gonna drop down in oh oh my gosh that was so risky and I'm climbing this ladder and wait dummy I need you to open up that a little uh you know that little latch again there you go perfect uh guys uh Remy do you see like a purple button no there is no purple button up there but there's something up here oh okay okay you know what guys we all need to step on each other's head so we can go up there and thank you wait I don't see anything up here oh I see your purple button up here guys oh it's fine Remy let me just help dummy up there since he's purple and he can click the purple button there we go now we can go to the store with me come on let's go oh my gosh we're not even at the end yet uh yeah but how do we get dummies through guys all right we're good guys anyway uh what the heck where'd the dummy come from oh I think he dropped down from this hole right here uh guys I think we need to find a way to get into this green room right here but be careful guys don't drop down there's a lava little thingy wait oh the dummy's clicking this blue button for me to go through thanks dummy all right now let me just click this blue button for remedy goes through and there you go [Music] oh my God yeah me neither if we die we have to go all the way back to the beginning I think so just be very careful how do I do this jump uh honestly I have no idea uh that looks very very scary but I think we both need to be clicking that blue button so I think you need to side jump that wall right there [Applause] did it uh Remy how in the world did we do this because once I Let Go it blocks the wall for you to go through and click that green button over there so how you supposed to get through and if I like awake brings back that wall too I have no idea yeah this is so confusing wait a minute what if dummy's supposed to get over here wait oh tell me I think I know what to do wait do you already know what to do oh my gosh wait what he just did it okay okay he just walks through and wait dummy now you have to click that green button over there wait no wrong way silly there you go and uh guys I don't know what to do now oh when we both click the same button where I mean that opened up the wall over here honestly guys this is very confusing this is why this is the most difficult level on this map one second okay let's press this button again Noah okay and now I think we both need to go to where the dummy is oh okay uh we can try [Music] uh what is it Remy I think the dummy has to hold this butter right here while I go over I think the dummy has to hold this button right here while I go to the green area oh you're right okay dummy come over here we have to hurry though guys because we only have 15 seconds okay we're dumb you have to make the job come on hurry oh my gosh are you serious now we have to go all the way back to this start all right guys that's forever of doing that entire option of course again we're back to where we were and okay you know what let's just go to the same spots where you just were so dummy you were over there there you go now I was on this button while Remy run the other one okay [Music] oh yeah it's super difficult okay now we have to figure out how to get dummies through that wall again or never mind he just walked around it wait that was actually really smart dummy uh dummy we have 15 seconds remember so wait I think you have to walk across that Legend do that little parkour right there and click that blue button for us to walk back across over here because the green button opened up a door over here walk around the blue wall to get to the blue button oh okay well that makes sense all right go ahead and do that dummy uh cat food is through the green wall over here okay just walk around that wall right there come on hurry up hurry up now go get that blue button for us okay wait Remy let me help you go through first go go all right me next and wait did we make it through guys no we ran out of time I think we went way faster wait do you smell that guys there's cat food in there okay dummy we're so close there's cat food literally in that wall you have to help us a little bit more okay okay go ahead and go back to your spots guys and okay dumb you have to come back already through here okay and walk around that wall and go click that green button we only have 15 seconds guys we have to hurry guys we only have 10 seconds left come on dummy hurry up go Remy you're next okay all right everyone go go go come on baby okay that was so close and wait oh did we just complete the entire three teamwork puzzle Obby let's go let's go oh oh my gosh I'm so glad we could finally completed that that was the hardest thing I've ever done ever wait what why is somebody crying no are you literally lied to him about the cat food that wasn't cool oh my gosh tell me okay fine I'll buy you some cat food I'll buy you some cat food later okay I got you thank you guys so much for watching if you guys have not already make sure you guys like And subscribe and click one of the videos on the screen you should totally click this one or that one and goodbye
Channel: NoahBlox
Views: 158,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, noahblox, noah, remi, noahandremi
Id: fgYKrVv8by8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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