Can Tesla Full Self-Driving Beta 11.3.3 Handle Real Ride Sharing Rides?

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all right it's time to really put Tesla full self-driving bait at 11.3.3 to the test we're gonna try and do some real ride sharing rides have the software try and pick up and drop drop off passengers and see how it does so this won't be me picking a start and stop that I think I would like or that would make for a good video this is going to be a real ride sharing ride [Music] and it looks like we've got our first ride perfect so now that we've got our pickup destination in let's go car pulls out of its parking spot you can almost imagine this being a robo taxi without me here it's parked on the street and you say hey go make some money for me and it goes and it pulls out and it starts heading to a passenger as soon as it gets a request there's a waymo that's driverless it's happening okay now let's go we made a left followed by an immediate right very very smooth very impressive that's the kind of comfort that the Riders will really appreciate very smooth stop despite there being people it tends to sometimes slam the brakes when it sees people but very smooth there and now we got a left turn coming up we gotta wait for this car to go and now the coast is clear here we are and this is our pickup spot so let's pull over let's unlock the car for our Riders foreign yeah a lot of people tell me that it's like driving a big iPad it is exactly not one of these driverless cars then yeah it's driving itself right now so you can see what it's seeing here but I'm watching it so oh I'll make sure it doesn't do anything oh there's gonna do this itself as well yeah so see how it shows everything at Sea here so it sees okay there's a guy crossing the street so we need to wait for him yeah and now I can make its left turn it once no you 'll do nothing I'm just watching making sure it doesn't make any mistakes which you would but the other cars I've seen with this spinning light right that's what I was thinking yeah some of them need those but this one can drive with just cameras so you get cameras in the wing mirrors and the sides as well yeah it's got cameras around the car you see cars coming up for those I know there's a lot of these self-driving cars around here now it's kind of crazy I just saw one driving around without a driver yeah and did he did people hire them did they yeah you can you can call it's it's limited to only certain people but you can call one in the app they have one service cruise that has driverless rides at night if you want to take one you should try it to be refunded if you sat there and that sounds like if there's a break for you as well yeah yeah I don't have to touch anything how does it on my speed to go just to speed that everyone else is going or it can read the speed limit signs so I've I've told it to just go just a bit above the speed limit so you can see here the speed limit's 25 yeah yeah so it's going 29. and did her indicator move on itself yeah changing lanes itself doing everything even when that's the cool thing is even when you're driving manually it's checking everything making sure you don't get it into any accidents or anything like that they were saying that there was I don't know if it was it was key or if it was here that somebody caused an accident because they it wasn't um it wasn't a it should do hustle yeah it wasn't it wasn't um yeah the computer wasn't it was very fast or something and they were going too fast and it wasn't working properly or something and it caused an accident yeah you got to be careful it's still not 100 there yet where you can just trust her you still need to watch it it rise properly for the speed that the car was going or something and it had caused an accident right yeah but I don't think it was like a driverless yeah you got to be careful when you're using uh you know drive versus technology it's just there to assist you really it doesn't doesn't mean you can you know not pay attention or go too fast you frustrated and it starts to change your lanes do you not get nervous and looking at it and go what are you doing yeah it's a little bit weird at first but uh you get used to it oh you get used to your own car it wasn't approved you get a weird feeling in your stomach at first when you first try it it's like something's not right here yeah it's just changed Lane and I didn't ask it to but it knows I'm turning left so I need to change lane and is this coming on the middle part of it is this your dashcon yeah it's a dash cam exactly just to record what happens yeah how many medals do you get out of it before you have to uh this one about 315. some of them go up to 400. so what the year all day oh yeah for San Francisco you can get around you know if you can drive as much as you want in a single day not have to charge it's really only for road trips that you have to find a charger yeah so yeah it works really great yeah it's good for the for the city of the innocent oh yeah because the distances are so small and people driving so slow it's perfect divide economic and can it reach the registration place of other cars and things does it I don't think it does anything like that but there and where they are yeah it just is mostly focused on just knowing where people are and not bumping into anything exactly so if we did something wrong I could just grab the wheel and it would override it and the wheels still mechanically linked you know so you know you can't override that it actually physically moves the parts does everybody ask Oscars it's actually extremely common when I give people rides everyone says I've never been in a Tesla before but I love showing people because so many people don't know that this is something you can get you know that you can buy and it's of interest to everybody yeah yeah absolutely or do you type in where we were going in things or is it all connected yeah I have to type it in right now but that would be really cool you're right if it just integrated with the Uber right there Tesla wants to launch their own version of uber once they get them fully driverless and then people can just request the car from them I bet yeah you know fall asleep on the door no no no no no I'm good at staying awake and it's also got a camera up here so if it's easier not paying attention or you're using your phone or falling asleep it'll start beeping at you yeah they thought of it because you know people always don't pay attention or fall asleep yeah maybe I need one of these because it indicates for you because I never indicated yeah I just come out you're bad not indicate in the Cs space I know I can get in it I just go in it yeah it's a life changer definitely improves safety I mean I the way I drive is much less safe than this that's why I leave it on it's because I was scaring the passengers driving myself especially especially since this car goes zero to 60 in three seconds so then this is a little more a little more calm of a driver follows the rules a little better to 60 in three seconds yeah wow is that to do with the kilowatts or something that it has or yeah the electric motors are just really fast they're you know instant and yeah they're very powerful model range would this be this one's the performance it goes at 315 and the long range goes up to 350 miles this was a like a Tesla eye something after or something or it's the model 3 Performance here model three three seconds you're not going to use that much no you can't really use it too much over there make it easy too if you're a tourist you'll be able to navigate any City like you live there travel all around the world and be able to drive yeah you're watching if you if it gets past Tesla and it ends up like different cars and then yeah mobile home you know like oh yeah things and then you like a couple decide to go I don't know oh yeah I love that whittled with a self-driving mobile home yeah that'd be great yeah I think all cars are gonna have it you know because who would want a car that doesn't have this once this technology gets out there yeah yeah it's like it's been the first one electric isn't it oh Jesus look at the state of that Nexus you wonder she's looking at your teeth we need cameras she is I say that's the new dog park people love their dogs here because they can't afford to have kids so but I've heard that there's more dogs they just have dogs yeah it's true why me a dog is always happy to see you true that expensive though San Francisco is it oh yeah everything's ridiculously overpriced there's not enough room here for everybody yeah it's all gone up the world up the way instead are out the way yeah but you know what we're playing because we've got a massive front garden and a massive art garden and cutting the grass it doesn't matter what you've got you know so and these ones go up the room so no matter what we've got we'll be complaining by the time I go home we'll be the girls will be starting to grow up as well yeah be the next thing so the chicks it's time going down here does it is breaking itself or are you breaking yeah there were some people crossing so it was being a little bit careful of them yeah especially when it's downhill the one accidentally roll and hit someone or something so is this your first time in a self-driving car yes yes yes Jesus yes so how would you say it was in terms of comfort overall amazing huh yeah I think it accelerates and decelerates faster than it's very smooth isn't it it's still smooth because it's a nice car but you know that acceleration for it to then break again yeah it's a nice smoother yeah definitely some things that could be refined a little made a little better I don't know you'll notice it because you're driving it every day but I haven't seen you driving so I might give it 10 out of 10. you have an experience but it's definitely the way to go for taxis and things like that yeah it's definitely potentially more predictable with taxis you don't know who you're gonna get sometimes you get a good driver sometimes you get kind of a questionable driver yeah but this at least you'll know hmm all right okay yeah thank you very much for the technology lesson on the drive home yeah all right have a good night thank you take care
Channel: Whole Mars Catalog
Views: 1,102,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, autopilot, fsd, elon musk
Id: nW-3KcEKjpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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