Can Search Be My Primary Navigation on Permaslug?

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alrighty good morning everybody or good afternoon depending on where you are in the world i am looking especially greasy today but i haven't done a stream or a video in a little bit so i wanted to reconnect with all you guys how's everybody doing who do we got in the chat i see taylor and sahil when's it going to start whenever i want it to start that's when it's going to start whether it be on time or late it's up to me that's the beauty of this hope you guys are all doing well we're gonna warm up just a little bit chit-chat a bit let me know how you guys are doing let me know everything's good in terms of audio and all of that sort of stuff today we're gonna have just kind of a um exploratory stream so i have no idea how this is gonna go amanda good afternoon upbeat nomad what's up good to see you welcome in hope you guys are all doing well how's everybody doing do you guys have a good weekend good start to your week um so today while we're waiting for people to join what i wanted to quickly go over with you guys is that my hope for today is that i'll be able to essentially add some search functionality to the premise like website and i have this theory that maybe i can do kind of a primary search driven navigation so of course i'll still have some basic links in our menu and kind of our off canvas which i'll get to in a little bit but i really want to see if we can use search to drive the main functionality of the site so we'll see how it goes taylor says i'm outraged they hit me with an ad they have to scrape out every dollar from you that they can i appreciate you being a subscriber to the channel both in terms of your membership and your subscription amanda says windy in the west of ireland i suspect it probably is yeah i want to get there i wanna i wanna come see for myself bradberry good afternoon it's been some time since you fired up o2 well i suspect you're probably one of many in that situation and i also i was going to briefly mention that it seems like the whole um well not the whole community but tons of people in the oxygen community have become suddenly outraged after lewis's facebook ama i've gotten numerous messages from people that are like is oxygen dead are they going to keep you know fixing it and growing it and all this kind of stuff seems like a bunch of people are super bent out of shape after that after that ama so i'm really curious to see what lewis's secret project is and also what the reception is like so we'll see maybe it's an evolution of oxygen in view finally so people can stop questioning that and wondering what that is so i'll give people just another minute i know youtube kind of takes a little bit of time to push out the notifications to folks and then i i don't really like doing the warm-ups where it's just like a warm-up screen especially for people watching later it's kind of annoying yeah amanda you're totally right chinese whisper is exactly it and uh outrage the default state of mind on social media yeah it is always generally pretty negative um so we'll see i'm really curious what the product is gonna be it's it sounds like it's some other kind of page builder and just like always they're extremely tight lips so none of us actually know you can speculate all you want but so what i'll do is go ahead and change my screen over here but before i do that i wanted to give a shout out if you look up here you can see the most recent members to the channel so if you use the super chat button and uh if you donate through that then you will pop up in there and a sweet little animation will pop up over here and then also for members to the channel i really appreciate all of you so chris john ceto tobias and lee are our most recent ones so thank you all for that and taylor shout out to you buddy good to see you so let me go ahead and switch my screen over here so you guys are familiar with this site i hope i also meant to get a a different overlay for myself here in this little box i was going to get a different overlay and push myself over that way but i didn't have time for that so this stream is is very much impromptu like i said the idea is that i really want to focus on getting a search functionality in the header and as you can see i've already made some changes since the last time you've probably seen this site so i pushed a lot of the navigation into an oxy extras off canvas and this is obviously very basic but it's essentially just the same menu except that it's just active all the time and then it also is active on our mobile devices as well as you can see so i know some people are not super stoked on off canvases for desktop but in this particular case i'm curious to see how it goes because my theory is that for larger sites or sites with lots of content that a search driven navigation might be more effective to get people to their you know kind of most applicable content so what we're going to do with that is incorporate search wp which is essentially like a search engine plugin for wordpress so you can create um sort of different waiting for different types of content so this is all going to be new i've only ever used this on one other site and i want to explore this as a proof of concept for a future client project so we'll see how that goes pavel let's see just receive fluent forms for the oxy challenge oh awesome that's super cool so yeah taylor hosts the website if you guys aren't familiar with that um and the recent challenge was sponsored by fluent forms so that's pretty cool um so what i was working on in the back end over here in the meantime is cleaning up a bunch of this stuff i have added since the last time you guys have seen hydrogen pack to the site i also added of course oxi extras which is what's handling this off canvas here so right now i just have that basic off canvas that i just showed you and i have this basic hamburger which is our trigger what i want to do is in this space over here add the search which i did do uh or i must have deleted it i guess i didn't save it i was i was kind of working on it and then i was like wait a second i should start streaming this so i deleted it and then uh here we are good morning will pious hopefully i said that right so what we're going to do is add in i'm going to start with the oxi extras header search and we'll see if we're going to end up using that or possibly something else i don't even have a search results template set up yet so i'm going to work on that but my goal is to configure this to be an ajax search so when you click it your results are returned there in real time and you don't actually have to reload the page of course if you want to and you press enter it's going to take you to the search results page but i want to configure ajax search and taylor has tutorial on that let's see let me make sure i have that neil's welcome in good morning i closed discord where is it welcome dude hopefully i'm saying your name right pawan so i chatted with him the other day and i really appreciate you joining the channel thanks dude means a heck of a lot let me open up discord real quick because taylor sent me a link where did it go uh customize live search functionality on his website uh yeah yeah it's it's morning for me here in florida in the u.s it is currently 9 40 a.m most i know most of you guys are in europe um so i thought about doing some different time zones but it typically for my schedule just works out best in the mornings so this is taylor's website snippet club and this is something we'll get to a little bit later but we're going to take the search wp live search plugin and configure that so we can get some cool results like this you can incorporate the featured image and different dynamic data as you can see like tags and so on so we'll get there eventually i'm not sure how far we'll make it today but my goal is something to this effect uh yeah so speaking of europe i am i have a ticket booked to europe in february of 2022 and i'm really hoping really really really hoping that everything works out and i can go i'm allowed in um so we'll see i'm hoping to meet up with quite a few of you guys the there's a few folks i've already reached out to um but yeah anyway my goal is to be in europe uh specifically i'm gonna land in amsterdam and then go from there so hopefully if you guys are there we can cross paths um so let's see where do i need to get started here i think what i'm gonna do is start with the search like i said so the header search i was playing with this a little bit but i was having some trouble with it um first thing i want to do is change the icon to white and then bump this up not that big maybe 25 25 pixels is good good morning uh fair inc or good afternoon depending on where you are in the world or good evening possibly even i know we're a worldwide audience i totally want to come to germany yeah absolutely got a lot of places to go in europe that's why i booked uh nearly three weeks we'll see we'll see how it goes so with this header search this is all new to me there's the header overlay you have expand full screen and then below headers so what i'll probably do is start off with expand i was working on this earlier and what i wanted it to do was be 100 so when you open the search it takes up all of this container here which i already have set to 100 but it wasn't quite working so i don't know if it's my fault maybe it's perf matters the performance plug-in or if there's something else here that isn't quite working we'll go expand direction right form visibility in header i guess that doesn't actually uh it kind of works do i need to make the header search element 100 width is that why um that was my problem earlier okay i just didn't do that so obviously we need to consider like padding and margin and stuff here and the icon does not appear did i just not wait for it to save there we go okay so that is way too big i don't need it to take up that much space i don't think so maybe let's go instead of 100 let's go like 70 and then uh let's go like margin left and right auto something like that and then we also need to change the text inside of the form input so we're going to change this color to one of our global colors like that so our dark heading color and save i'm curious have any of you guys use search wp extensively do any of you know the ins and outs of this plugin i'm really curious if um you know if you guys have any experience with this already okay so there is that yeah taylor good idea max with 100 i mean a 100 width plus a max width would work pretty well actually that's probably going to look better so i will go ahead and just change it that's a good thought um so header search we will go with 100 and then our max width let's just go something like 380 maybe and then i'm not sure exactly how i want the header to be laid out as you can see in the back end there's a bunch of stuff these some of these buttons have conditions so it looks kind of clunky and really like scattered and everything's kind of messy here but my goal is to make the search kind of the main most prominent feature and i kind of want the search to be active all the time i feel like i want it to be more prominent because it kind of defeats the purpose of what i was saying the search driven nav with this just this one icon so i want to see if i can get this to be open out of the box jimmy says can't wait to see what further performance fixes are coming in 3.9 yeah i know totally there's plenty of stuff a couple of things i'm really hopeful for is um the searchable drop downs for like acf fields and for um what is it called the advanced query because it gets really complicated as you start to get multiple levels on your advanced query if you're trying to look for things in the drop down i know what i'm looking for so if i can just type the word post and i can only see the stuff with post that will be super awesome so we'll see i sent elijah the link to the stream i don't know if he's actually in here so shout out elijah if you're here hopefully you are uh so let's take a look back at our header search i wonder there's not a default width so maybe expand isn't actually the one that we want search button close icon form input borders no maybe there's not a way to do it good afternoon jan welcome in uh not full screen not header over well we want header overlay i don't think so i might just go with the default wordpress search element yeah i definitely don't want that i really dislike those to be honest and then below header i'm assuming it's going to just pop up on the bottom no it just does the exact same thing that's really weird i'm just gonna stick with the expand for now and then i guess it does say in the oxy extras docs that this is just an icon that does something um we'll kind of come back to that i don't want to get super hung up on this i do just want the search functionality in here and i do need to go ahead and get a search template built because i know if somebody uses this right now it's going to look absolutely terrible i'll show you what it would look like um we'll just go with like test or something yeah see it looks absolutely terrible so sandra says do you have any plans to make a tutorial with pods and oxygen builder i do not no i'm going to stick with acf and maybe some metabox stuff but no plans for pods at this time so we will go back to our admin panel we uh let me make sure i have a million templates on here i don't actually think i've ever created a search results template i have not so let's go with search results and then we're going to inherit our all pages new this is like if any of you guys have ever watched linus tech tips and they're always setting up they're not always but they're setting up new servers and their server names are like wanik and then nuonic and the new new wanik this is how my templates end up it's all pages new all pages new too so it's kind of like logo export final final one final two all that sort of stuff so anyway all we need to do now is go with our other option and go with search results and then publish this and we're just going to make this super quick and dirty we're just going to toss in a repeater put like the post title text in the link and we'll see how that goes then we need to configure our search wp um you know engines after that so we will go with add we're going to go with a heading that just says search results i think you can dynamically bring in based on the url parameter what they actually searched so we might look at that in a little bit so i'm just going to go with maybe two ram underneath that toss in a repeater we can leave the query type as just the default and then um what do i want to do inside of this i think we'll just toss in a heading we will change this heading to a tag of let's just say like h2 i'm just going to simply insert the post title then i'll go with the text element we will go with the excerpt and then we'll go with a text link and this text link we will just have it say read more and we'll set the link to post permalink the other thing i'll do is on our main repeater div i'll just add some margin beneath it and then i don't think i want this to be anything in terms of like column layout maybe i do do i want this to be grid maybe a column count of three [Music] i don't know if i want this i'm also not sure if if all of these have if i could do masonry maybe i would do grid um maybe i'll leave it i'll turn off grid and then what i'm going to do is add in another div inside of this that will have the featured image if it has one which not all of them will why is that green that's weird maybe there's some sort of some sort of something going on i don't really know if i like that actually maybe if i'll set some minimum width and height go like 125 and 125 then we'll go with our background of left 50 and top 50. oh i guess it's just repeating the same image from the first result so that will be fine and then i also am going to wrap these in a div and i'm going to set up some grid here so the other thing i'm really looking forward to in oxygen 3.9 is the drag and drop improvements it's going to be very very welcome i also just realized i need to add some spacing here we'll just go one rim yes i know i'm adding it to the idea not using a glass don't at me and we'll go with grid we'll go with a column count of three and then we'll make this one here a column span of two and maybe instead of the width here i'm gonna go with a hundred percent and then we'll go with a height of maybe like 300 i don't know if that looks okay hmm contain no repeat do i like this i don't know that i do let's actually see so if i i don't know if i actually need to refresh i don't think i do i'm going to go with acf as my search and then why doesn't it look anything like this what did i do it's just pulling in the full post did i not apply my temp template properly maybe i need to increase the template priority here i'm going gonna go with let's say like eight because one of my templates is seven and let's see if that works there we go okay cool so that was just because um oh no you guys see can see i use the same thumbnail twice uh yeah so that was just based on the template priority so i had another one that was kind of taking priority over that i think it was the all post template which is a priority of seven so i just bumped this up to eight and it's problem solved now so if i search uh i didn't actually realize that the the search brings in what you already had in your um you know what you previously searched so let's let's type in what would be another one uh perf matters cool okay the other thing i probably want to do is set a minimum height on this so it pushes my footer down a bit i really don't like when the footer is up like that i'd rather have a bit more white space i'm to go back to this template real quick the other thing i wanted to look at in a little bit is i've added oxy extras i've added what else hydrogen pack something else i think i added a third plug-in recently i can't really remember but i was curious how it impacted the page speed because i used perf matters on this and got it really really good at one point so i'm definitely curious about that so minimum height viewport height is going to be let's go 75 vh uh bradbury says did i miss how you set it up as a search results template is that just done in the usual way yeah it's super simple so i was just creating a regular template but i'll go back real quick because i need to anyway and i created the search results template all i did was apply it to other and search results and now you have a search results template so you're good to go so let's see here um now we can go ahead and add search wp i actually can't remember if i did that already so we are going to do that i'm going to upload that real quick i'm going to pop that in and if you guys are enjoying the stream so far please drop me a like be super helpful i see we got 15 people this one's super impromptu and maybe not the most compelling title and subject matter but i thought it might be cool to do a stream nonetheless and here we are so i don't have much experience with search wp like i said but i wanted to give it a shot and see how the search results are impacted we'll see if it is anything worth using uh the main thing i was curious about is i want a log of the searches that actually happen on the site so i can keep track of maybe there's tutorials people are looking for that i don't have or pieces of content that are hard to find that i can sort of bring up more prominently with these search results so that's kind of my main objective here so this says default engine has been generated as a starting point once saved search wp will build its index and provide terrific search results automatically cool okay so it looks like we have a couple of engines so far so we have a bunch of different uh post types so we have courses groups is one that we wouldn't actually need to search so i'm going to delete that oh edit settings default engine okay so we don't need groups we don't need memberships we don't need media pages post topics and lessons we don't need the actual course results uh keyword stems what does that mean disregard keyword suffixes when searches are performed yeah i kind of like that use for admin searches when searching a supported source oh interesting okay and then the other cool thing here is the waiting so this is how you can attribute the correct part of the um you know content to the search results so applicable attribute relevance attributes to search slider sets relevance weight so it's max medium or minimum courses might be useful but there's only four of them maybe maybe you're right but i might not need that we can come back to that in a minute so for our post the post title definitely excerpt i think because sometimes the words aren't always applicable i mean the excerpt and the slug are pretty much always going to be there the content is minimum pages is exactly the same as posts lessons okay so this is just the default setup uh the course content is going to be the lessons and the topics specifically it's going to be the topics so i think what i'm going to do is with the topics here i'm going to i think all these might actually be right on so if we save this i'm curious if it's going to have any impact on the relevance let's take a look at our settings here so stop words are ignored as to improve relevancy and performance that is all fine i feel like that's all right i think synonyms facilitate replacement of search terms use wildcard for personal matching i wonder what search synonyms we can use taylor says does search wp expand oxygen short codes uh yeah i do believe there's like a short code searching functionality i don't know if that's built in or if that's an add-on but i purchased the one that has the add-on so we'll see so with our advanced here so we have debugging don't need that partial matches fuzzy when necessary find partial matches when search terms yield no results um i'm assuming we probably want that use the closest mats for searches with no results and output and notice requires partial matches okay support quoted phrase searches yes highlight terms in results um i tried that once on another site and it kind of looks hideous the way it's all like yellow parse short codes when indexing index expanded short codes output yeah okay there you go taylor that's what you're looking for right parse shortcodes when indexing i believe that's what you wanted uh remove minimum word length i'm going to leave that off indexer paused reduce yep oh that looks good uh there no save button let's refresh make sure yep okay so we're good there so our statistics as nothing at the moment so let me go back to my home page and then i'm going to search let's go with i'm going to search the word taylor because taylor ends up in a few of these and the instagram feed was by him so that's pretty cool multi-user editing did have taylor device mockups was by taylor so sweet that search results is really really good i would love to see how it compares to the default one uh and see if it made any impact at all i'm honestly not entirely sure and you probably need to make this header clickable and also probably the image because right now the only thing that takes you to the post is the actual read more link down here and i probably need to shrink the length of the excerpts here because i don't need this kind of stuff in it but now do i have that in my statistics yeah cool okay so there we go that was one of the main things i wanted was this right here so it just shows the search term that i got uh it doesn't show the search in the title tag i wonder if i have to do that with my seo plugin i'd like it to search or i mean show what i searched in the title up there we'll see about that uh what would another thing be i need to change some of the styling of this search box as well but let's go with i want to do kind of a complex search and see how it's returned um how to sort by most popular that should probably work just fine okay so that i knew was a post i'm going to think of something that i haven't done before so maybe like uh i'm trying to think something a tutorial i haven't covered let me look at my list of tutorials that i have saved hold on let us see here let me get all the way over here videos topic ideas um let's go with let's see do i have flex grow on any of these okay so i know i have flex in this post i believe oh yeah pods as a search term good idea i'll do that in a second okay so flex is in here as the word flexibility flex box okay so it's bringing in this post because it has the word flex in it that's super interesting because flex grow i guess is the most popular one in there do i have flex in here once again i use the word flexibility a million times like oxygen flexbox hmm okay so good idea taylor on the pods let's search that so what what about this would bring in pods yeah i i remember i have partial matching on but i was curious how this works okay so if you have the word pod and then you have the word podcast then it shows up there so let's go turn that off and it's not under settings it's under advanced so requires partial matches automatic did you mean so let's turn those off do i have to re-index this stuff uh i don't think so no so now if i just search this again nothing pops up so i'm assuming it would be better to just have it show something rather than nothing this just makes me think i need to have more content thanks nils talk to you later appreciate you joining uh what is this transfer weight to entry id what does that mean i want to check that out to entry id by default search wp returns results sorted by the total calculated weight based upon the values there are times when you might want to dynamically influence the ranking oh wait mod okay bonus weight for recently published bonus weight that decays over time highlighting is really useful saves visiting post to check yeah that's true alternatively you can use something like this to have weight influence taper office publish date goes further back in time only recently published posts will get a boost the published date for older posts will not influence the weight that's pretty cool date stored as custom field okay so that is interesting um we can come back to that i don't want to get super sidetracked on that one thing i'm curious about is if we add another engine how does it work that we choose its source and where it goes so engine name i wonder if you have different search boxes in different spots if you can tie in the searches at that point how would you do that so [Music] uh here we go this is what i wanted oh look here's a search let's try this out multiple search uh engines let's see how this works add an engine select drop down box to search for them okay here we go one of search wp's most popular features is the ability to create multiple search engines building your own form okay so this is its own search form and then on line 14 it says default is the output for the default engine use the shortcodes extension allows you to easily output search forms and control search results pages here is an example that includes a categories drop down i believe i should have this uh why did it take me to documentation let me open this over here real quick because i think they show the license right away yeah they do where did they go why didn't it give me the short codes extension hello john welcome in so download and then i'm assuming we have to go put this in as a plug-in let's see how this goes shortcodes extension missing search wp integration for bbpress oh yeah we should probably do that for the forums because the forum search right now is pretty weak to be honest uh i probably need to change that and add that into our search engine so there's a lot of there's a lot of stuff here that i wasn't really considering when i first came up with this endeavor okay so now what do i do with this so i'm going to bring this over here this extension provides short codes that generate both search forms and results page link target engine okay so then am i actually in oxygen anywhere no i'm not okay so let me come back here we got to go to our all pages template and we'll see about this short code hopefully this goes reasonably well okay so inside of this div i'm going to add in a shortcode we'll pop this in and then engine i'm assuming is just equals and wait maybe that's not how i want to do this actually i wanted to give me the drop down um okay maybe this actually isn't what i wanted i was hoping the search or the short code had a a function for you to be able to drop down like the category i thought it said it did in that documentation oh i guess it lets you use the corresponding engine in that location so i guess you could do that in your templates and just kind of use conditions to show the correct search form i don't really like that though i'd like it to be a bit more dynamic so scrap this shortcode's idea as it turns out i wonder if there's a way to make it so that when you're searching on a particular page if it weighted information differently based on that so if you have multiple engines why would you have multiple of them if i'm going to browse through these docs for a minute so thank you taylor add a category select drop down box to search form so i'm assuming we probably have to build our own search form there's three different approaches to adding a category drop-down for your search form build your own customize the shortcode extension to include a category so let's just do this so we can probably just take this into a code block is that correct so the show all will be any category search submit and search based on the default search form provided by wordpress this form outputs a field for the search query a select box containing all of your categories and a button to trigger the search note the arguments passed to wp drop-down categories that define any category label and set the name of the drop-down with your form in place the last step is to tell search wp to take a submitted dropdown value into consideration to do that we're going to use a mod we're going to use the category id submitted in the drop down to limit our search results pool to the chosen category okay so this is the snippet okay so then if i'm understanding properly we could stick a code block in up here right okay so there's our category i'm assuming we're probably going to need to oh okay so that's our posts those are the categories for our posts right now so i'll have to read a bit more on that uh and then do we'll take this taylor don't scream at me i'm gonna put this in code snippets sorry uh snippets add new search search wp categories drop down and i'm going to leave it as run snippet everywhere i'm assuming you only need it on the front end but i'll leave it as that for now so then this is going to look terrible on the front end so i'm actually going to take this i'm going to set this to uh user role equals administrator because i don't want visitors on the site to see that right now and let's take a look at this so you could go with category i'd honestly i think i'd want it to be post types i don't know if that's possible mm-hmm uh it's not it's not necessarily frowned upon because it's um it's great it's really really great and it's totally free which is awesome but i know a lot of people on taylor in particular love advanced scripts because it's just the interface is better and it just works really really well so i think the the best free the best alternative to code snippets is advanced scripts yet another video i need to cover so if i go with let's say products and i search something like actually let's go see in our categories what i don't even know what i have in the products section elgato okay so it's like physical stuff so i'm gonna search in the products section something like hydrogen so nothing is shown up in there but then if i go with oxygen and i choose hydrogen then it does show up okay so that is all right but i think i would prefer that if it was like an inner page search rather than like my main header search trying to think about how'd it go about this so it's output of all categories this page was moved okay i wanted to see if there's a way to bring in other post types i actually don't want categories so i'm not even sure why i'm looking at that to be honest that's not the way that i want to do it so let's see these are rules i didn't think about that exclude entries if publish date id alexander what's going on welcome in i'm just exploring search wp right now trying to see if i can make a a main search on my site here instead of a primary navigation having a primary search so id is in not in or taxonomy uh let me go with let's say like oxygen apparently that's not going to work i was trying to figure out what these rules do so i'm going to delete that just to be sure that i don't mess up anything there okay so i'm trying to understand exactly how these engines correlate to one another so many of them this engine will search these sources i just don't quite understand how to use these engines in the real site so that's why i was going to go back to the docks where was i so we have the engine settings we've looked at that what's going on welcome in ham and alex good to see you guys if you're enjoying the stream so far please consider dropping a like i very much appreciate that really means a lot and it does help you to push us out so source settings attributes [Music] all right so rules exclude entries in certain category only show entries published limit media to a file type you could do stuff like acf equals advanced custom view oh yeah so the synonyms you're right yeah yep yep yep so that was more or less in our settings i'm gonna leave here because we've not done anything worthwhile so you go like acf is advanced custom fields terms that are synonymous with the search terms can you do a comma separated list or do you have to add multiple um [Music] that's a good idea so when we save that acf i wonder i guess case probably doesn't matter i was going to do another variation of that with advanced custom fields probably doesn't matter i just noticed as i scooted up my head looks like it's floating chopped off any e-commerce website build coming in the future no probably not because i don't typically do those we we don't do those for clients um and then i i definitely don't have any use case i can think of for any commerce site at this point but maybe in the future not anytime soon though okay so i am okay with what we saw there i don't really like that though the other thing i wanted to do is actually add a proper search like this just using the default one and i will temporarily just delete that header search or i wonder if i should keep that just in case i think i'll keep it and then this search form i'll just set to user role equals administrator so i'm not confusing people on the front end and then we can add the ajax search which is actually where i want to head so that kind of solves what i was sitting here thinking about is like how do i incorporate these engines together that actually is not really the main concern here what i wanted to do is incorporate taylor's tutorial to get it to look like this so let's actually follow his thing real quick so the plugin is search wp live search i was playing with this over the weekend so i actually have this i'm going to go ahead and upload that search wp live ajax search so we'll pop that in and then he says if you want this to work with something other than default post you need to index the custom post there are a couple of free ways to do it okay then uh he talks about the oxy extras one we are going to be using a plugin called my custom functionality the folder structure looks like this the first template is to create this style below we'll need to add our search template pages inside search results.php we can customize this to whatever your needs are okay so before we do that real quick uh let's actually let's go ahead and just refresh here so we have our hydrogen in the search right there and then if i just type in something like uh let's go with perf did i not activate it oh i didn't i didn't activate the plugin it's like why is it not working of course it's not gonna work you didn't activate it dummy um you may want to use conditions on your search results page as you can search topics lessons when logged out but you can't actually access them right like you can see it but if you click on it it doesn't work uh so let me refresh this now so if i delete this and type in perf uh that's not true oh it's because i have partial matching turned off i actually want to go fix that now so search wp advanced we are going to go with partial matches and maybe we're going to leave off automatic did you mean corrections for the moment so we refresh this now if we go with perf okay cool so there's a couple of things that have perf in them easily migrate i need to make this bigger so you can see more of it uh but yeah so there is perf matters and then you don't actually even have to click into the search results that's more or less what i wanted i want this to look better i want this not to be like a full search button maybe it actually works still with this search if i go with perf oh yeah it does awesome okay so i get what you were saying taylor in your tutorial so let me come back to my template i'm going to delete this that something looks like garbage and then i'll refresh this and let's go with something like hydrogen sweet okay we're starting to get onto something here so um the for the record i wanted to mention that this search wp live search is actually a free plugin so it says right here it does not require search wp so you could use something like relevant assy or you could even just leave it as the default wordpress search which of course is not that great but i wanted to try to incorporate this all together so so heel says what do you do on your days off i'm super into cars and formula one is a huge passion of mine um i have another business that a friend of mine and i are starting with car importation so that's that consumes a lot of my day i also have a son so him and i spend a lot of time together and that's pretty much the summary of my time off uh can we change the design of the search yes we can we're going to get to that in just a little bit so taylor i'm curious in your tutorial here you talk about using my custom functionality so what is it about that that we actually need why do we need that i'm going to keep reading here while you're while you're talking about that now we need to add our search template inside of search results you can customize this whatever you need the default template is there okay so you're basically just building the code to show what you want which in this case is our post thumbnail the text and then what else do we have if there's nothing then it's going to show no results found okay having a child definitely consumes the rest of the day yes yes indeed it does this is the template that search wp looks for when rendering the ajax drop down oh okay so that's that's actually what is going to change the styling of this is that right and then there's some styling to put in your style sheet okay and then there's woocommerce which is super cool so this is just another bit of code connecting the template now we need to connect the template with our plugin so open the plugin.php and add the filter okay and then ajax add to cart we aren't gonna need that because this is not a woocommerce site but that is awesome that it's right here in this tutorial alex that's that's super awesome or alexander sorry not sure if you go by alex um i i haven't played new world yet but my son and i were super into world of warcraft for for quite a while he was really into it i don't know if you guys have ever noticed that's the alliance banner right there and then right here out of shot is the horde banner and um the he's always been super into horde and i've always been an alliance player so we had this kind of uh internal rivalry at the house that was super fun hope you're enjoying new world that sounds awesome especially playing with your kiddos 24 000 holy crap i think i don't know i don't know how many i did probably quite a few thousand um i when when uh wrath of the lich king was out that was my that was my jam i played sun up well basically from the moment i woke up to the moment i went to bed awesome my first character was a was a um human warlock i know super super uh creative and then i always played a dwarf paladin after that super cool okay it's it's such a great game such a great game dude i know it's like i wish i could like forget it and go back and play it again i will say as much as people didn't like bfa i think it really makes a difference for when you play with somebody that's like meaningful to you because i played so much with a couple of my close friends then and then playing with him now it's just like it's so awesome it makes the game just so enjoyable um so taylor quickly back to this uh what about my custom functionality do we actually need i guess i'm just i guess i still don't quite understand the point of this particular plugin do you use any core plug-ins yeah definitely uh not on this particular site but for client sites we're starting to to use it again when's my website going to be finished just going to bed at 4 00 a.m after playing video games for eight hours i can't do that anymore unfortunately because uh i got to wake up at a reasonable time but that used to be that used to be it bradbury says i i now i just tinkered with wordpress plugins for enjoyment this is what life has become yeah i i hear you on that i have such a hard time separating myself if i sit down at the computer and i just i want to do something some client work or some you know exploration it's really tough i want to get a second computer and one's work and one's play and just have the work one in a spot where i you know i just know it's work search wp looks for a file to render the template since oxygen doesn't have a theme folder you have to use the plugin path got it okay that's really helpful so then the my custom functionality is in github so we need to download that and we're going to add yet another plugin to this site so actually while i'm still here in my template before we go install that what i'm going to do is style this a little bit so for our form input our typography we already set the color so why is it not showing on the front end is that not the right form it must be that so we're going to go with padding 25 and 20. it's explained in the tutorial maybe i should have read it which i didn't do that's my that's yeah yeah definitely okay so we got that sorted out i added some padding so the form spacing accessibility search button search results where's the placeholder styling form input placeholder text borders colors focus placeholder color oh there we go let's just go with like our light gray color so now if we search this guy i mean save it and refresh uh no why did it not change hmm so hmm why did my collar not change is it this one i don't like it um yes you're totally right taylor he said would a fixed search bar not be more useful if you want it to be an important part of the navigation yes absolutely so i actually don't even know why i'm spending time on the main thing that i like about this is there's not a huge search button sticking off the end of it so i'd like this to be open all the time i think this one looks kind of nice um coming back to your results here alexander dude you rock thank you man i really appreciate that super super awesome it's been a while since we had a super chat you're kicking off the party dude thank you um let's see maybe it's not that bad i'm actually really curious so like so on google you do have the button i was thinking about just like some normal some like major sites that have it use the code i sent on discord he says we chat so much i lose it all okay so code block php pasting in some code apply oh dude you're always looking out for me taylor so save refresh uh and then is there some css somewhere i'm assuming it's probably in your tutorial here if it's the same bit of code is this it oxi search form uh i wanted to test real quick and let's just go with like perf matters so probably something i need to configure in here because it's not quite working classes search form oh i meant to i meant to say i didn't ask this at the time did you guys like the uh the little gif that popped up up in the corner over there when we got that super chat from alexander i think that's the first time it's ever popped up because i did two different ones there should be one for when a member joins and one for when there's a super chat um okay let me copy this code again and i'm gonna go backward real quick so taylor this code is from earlier today so that should be fine wrap there we go and also what am i doing i need dracula there we go much better data [Music] search wp is there a class it's looking for is that is that what it's supposed to be doing so we have this attribute data hyphen swp parentel and then it's dot search results is that an attribute that we need from here so like a custom search form um let me make sure my phone's blowing up over here real quick [Music] okay nothing crazy new york pizza that actually sounds really good i don't know what i'm gonna do for lunch today try new code he says okay so save and then go back to the home page and then i'm going to search with perf there we go now it's working and then we just need to style this input so what is the class for this uh search form so let's go with search form and we'll just go with like padding 5 and 15. oh wait actually that's the wrong class because i want the input itself input class is search field search field so we'll have 5 and 15 and let's go with a border uh actually i'll leave the border as is and we'll just go like a border radius of five pixels i don't know what it is on the rest of the site and pop that in taylor says basically i made my drop down results in line rather than position absolute below the form um and then let's go with a width of 100 and then a max width of uh what did i do 320 pixels and then oh i'm assuming i probably actually need to stick that on not the field but what was it search form uh apparently not let's see how it looks on the front end real quick uh php label class oh okay it's it's uh oxy ninja so that right here w full what are you looking for so is that why um the text and the input doesn't actually show up i'm assuming that's probably the case i think i want a bit more padding on the top i'm gonna go like eight and maybe sixteen uh border radius oh there we go yeah it just wasn't enough so it actually looks fine uh i forget i think the the other elements on this are like 25 let's use hoverify real quick and border radius is 25 so yeah we'll stick with that on our search field and then we'll remove those utility classes so we'll just keep this label i'm assuming what else do we have that's about it right so i want to make this wit wider maybe if i remove the width what about the oh is it the code block that's restricting it do i also need width on the field itself yeah okay and then max with 320 pixels do i even need the search form no it doesn't look like it the field will be fine because i don't need a defined width on there maybe i'll do the same thing because i don't actually need the code block to be 100 width and then i'd go max width i guess just like 400 oh not height whoops max width 400 and then or even just make it match why not 3 20 there we go so then does this need to be bigger and also the border i'm not really stoked on that border i guess i could just go border none right no don't have you heard that that was my tum tum and then when i focus is it the pseudo of search field i always forget what it's called what is that pseudo selector called is it just focus because i just want a box shadow when i'm clicked into it um box shadow will be 0 4 12 0 rgb uh let's go right so there's the focus border there uh oh taylor also said the how to change placeholder color okay so it's just the placeholder pseudo selector okay um so i'm assuming we will need to add that guy to our search field place holder and then our color will be whatever our global color is for the light body i always forget um six okay and i don't see it changing in the back end so maybe i did something wrong here oh there's more to it right chrome firefox opera safari and then there's the internet explorer and edge which i'll worry about in a minute evan welcome back glad you were able to catch a live here we are so what we're working on right now is our live search so i'm just kind of styling a custom search form at the moment and we're going to work on customizing the actual results here in a second uh color yeah what am i yes taylor you sure did you sure did dude what about this is not working why am i not getting [Music] did i put placeholder right yeah oh jake yeah good call i should be doing that instead of the actual hex i forget to do that all the time especially like with gravity forms or other plug-ins that i need to style in a code block or a style sheet your style is getting overridden by a style sheet important really oh maybe that's in my gravity forms uh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so [Music] let me think where is that going to make an impact i'll just get rid of that there we go okay i don't think it's going to break my gravity form but i want to make sure so then our font size make that smaller and then um what is the text transform italic i always forget typography and it's not text transform it's font style okay do i finally have my box shadow uh this one yep i think we're finally making some progress here all right so if i type in perf i want the font to be a little bit smaller you might want to make the font size on the dot search field yeah you're right so our font size there opacity is one and then i think i want even more padding well actually let me take a look at our font size adjustment first and let's see how that looks okay and then if i type in taylor so we are getting the ones that include taylor and if i hit enter we get those okay um but the downside is it doesn't keep with this custom form taylor it doesn't keep what i typed in the search field so i i you know obviously you can tell up here i put taylor as my search term i want that to be in there i also feel like i want this to be centered as well so i'm going to work on that and possibly a little bit bigger so i'm just going to take my code block and go margin left and right auto i think i want there to be some more padding on this so i'm going to go with our top two let's see maybe 12 top and bottom and then let's go with 24 left and right what else do i want to do i'm going to change the placeholder text um to just search dot alexander thanks dude appreciate you talk to you soon um okay so let me take a look at this now and do i want it to be whiter i guess i will yeah because eventually we're going to make it look um more like that so i think with the image and some extra information we're going to need more yeah let me think about that a second i am going to quickly run to the bathroom so i'm going to take a quick break i'm not going to change anything i'm just going to leave this up and you'll get to look at my jacked up chair so i'll be right back okay i am back let's actually go ahead and get this working in our search i want to get the image and the title and maybe the excerpt and then we'll turn on the highlighting uh real quick i need to check my telephone okay we're good to go for now so let's go ahead and get this rocking so we have my custom functionality downloaded and then i'm going to get out of this oxygen template for the moment we'll come back to that i really want to figure out how to get the search term into the search bar when i reload i don't like the fact that it just changes back to the placeholder text so we'll see about that we'll come back to that in a little bit so yet another plugin to add to our site so the my custom functionality and then let's take a look at what taylor says he says once downloaded we want to add the folder search wp live ajax search and then add a file inside called searchresults.php the folder structure should look like this so we can copy that okay so then we are also going to need to add a file browser plugin which as you guys know i dislike doing for the most part but uh i will do it so you can see what i'm working on i would do this via ftp typically uh so one another plug-in so file manager there's a bunch of different ones i think the other one i've used is modal web this one here but they're all the same it's gonna be fine i'm gonna use it for two minutes and then deactivate and delete it okay so now we have our wp file manager so the directory we need to browse to wp content plugins my custom functionality wp content plugins uh my custom functionality and then we're gonna add this folder uh where we go here we are we're going to let's see where's the icon there it is new folder so there's that and then then add a file inside called search hyphen results.php so we're gonna go with new file uh we're gonna just go with text and this one will be called searchresults.php we're going to rename pop that in there and where did my edit code did i actually need to make this can i open it oh it makes me download it i wonder if i rename it back to text pop in the php code editor the search results are right here paste this in save and close and then swap this back to php did i just completely miss the code editor button when it's on php i did i guess i'm a clown okay so now we have that then there's some styling to put in a style sheet we'll do that in a second and we'll actually we can just copy it now and then i'm gonna go back over to oxygen we're gonna go to our all pages template once again if you're wondering that script manager option next to edit with oxygen is from perf matters and i have a video on that a stream on that in fact okay so this is actually a code block so i am just going to toss it right here in this code block so then if we save this guy let's just refresh this and if we search taylor um it looks like it pushed it over a little bit is there something we need to change um i don't think so that's kind of what i was wondering taylor if the css is not quite right the is this class oxy search form what it's looking for dot search thumbnail search wp live search search results tags styling for the search results ah i would have gotten there eventually thanks for the hint okay connecting with the template we need to connect the template with our plugin so open the plugin.php file and add this filter oh true i'm a clown where does that code start and end so it goes product oh okay so there's a couple of lines switch thumbnail product price and that we don't need so we need this portion of this connecting to the template so this is going to go in the plug-in php what does that mean this back to my custom functionality plugin.php and then loads list assets here see i find this really confusing when i've done this before where exactly this goes like which line should that go on [Music] loads of css file just add to the bottom okay save and close and then i will continue reading here so this is the ajax add to cart button we don't need that and then that should work right so if we save this refresh we'll go with taylor sweet there it is awesome now we just need to make this wider so maybe i will go with what i was talking about earlier which is 100 and maybe 600 width on that and then uh where did we put our max width there so 600 pixels so search refresh taylor i don't want scroll bars so maybe i need some max width on our headings let's see is there search thumbnail search thumbnail oxy search form live results display flex thumbnail is there a class for our title classes search thumbnail search text uh okay i'm just gonna get rid of all this then um i thought there was only a couple of them that i copied i see what you're talking about now search form is with 80 live search results tags is flex search thumbnail live search results showing there's our padding white space break spaces and then is that why it is giving me the two scroll bars hmm i don't really like that i know it's the width i know that's why i'm just sitting here thinking what do i want to do about this do i want to keep making it wider how does this look on mobile so far i'm gonna need to change this probably that's not too bad on mobile it does have the left and right scroll but i don't want that actually so i guess what i could do is delete that stuff out of the template right if i don't i don't need the tags what else do we have on here there was a tag and then is that it so search wp live search can i go just like a max width of something less than my content because that's the actual link for the post title right see i just want this to fit in my container that's all i wanted to do well taylor i know you're furiously typing over there i want to go real quick and just re-add the header search again i know i already did this um i just want to see what this looks like expand width is going to be 100 this element needs to be 100 i'm going to temporarily display none this code block and i need to get back to my where did it go my off canvas i also need to put that inside this container oh this is the other one do i have two off canvases oh no not the off campus what am i doing here header search there we go so our height i think i had it as 55. surab what's going on welcome in expand direction is right i just wanted to see how this is going to look with the oxi extra search versus just a custom search oops so our search we are just going to type in taylor yeah that works okay so i don't necessarily need a custom option like that i'm doing very well how are you replace this style selector and then what do you want me to put inside the oh i see you're still typing got it see this looks pretty good i am not mad at that this goes back to my earlier thing the whole reason why this started is because the um i wanted the search to be open all the time so it's more prominent in the header all right header search we will go with display none and that doesn't actually change anything so i'll just delete it and my code block here i will un-display none this i appreciate you very much su rav taylor back to you css you said replace search wp live search results a search results title right here with oops not that with that it always adds a little red dot whenever i copy it in uh from the live stream chat so i changed this get rid of that and then did you want me to add a max width to that class taylor that we just added there there we go there we go [Music] awesome so then i want a border on the bottom i think that's so cool that's so cool dude thanks for your help man this is awesome um it should now respect whatever max width you have and break onto a new line dope that's exactly what i wanted so the tag here is condition what happens if i click that oh okay cool i do have a taxonomy template good okay so now what is the wrapper class on this that's super cool uh choo choo let me go back to a larger screen width not search thumbnail so it's search wp live search result so i just go border bottom 2 pixel let's go with solid 2 pixel uh i wonder why it has three lines on that one that's weird i wonder if that's just a chrome thing so search wp live search do we have a class for that already search results tags so i need its own i don't need the one with the so border bottom we're gonna go with solid one pixel and then my color six global styles colors was just um oh it's actually id 22 or 23 is what what it needs to be any chance you could just package it all up for us viewers i was with it until about 15 minutes ago and now really yeah so we've been all over the place uh so the summary of this is uh i can definitely point you guys in the right direction but you just need this simple php you can just basically slap in this css and then you need those plugins that we added which was the live results the search wp live or ajax whatever it's called and then you have to do the my custom functionality which we did in wp file manager just a minute ago and you're done so i was just kind of customizing this a little bit to fit what i wanted in particular and now we should be on to something here so we should be swift performance light oh these are these are different search results so these are topics and lessons i see why there's so many borders there i don't think you need the oxy search form styles as that's for the default oxygen search ah okay okay so let me think about how i'm going to handle these here because if there's not a featured image this makes it look really clunky so i guess i need to weight the different post types differently which goes back to the search wp element of this but if i type in the word taylor there we go and then i need to add some spacing beneath that border so border bottom and then let's go with margin bottom of maybe eight pixels i think that should be more than sufficient yeah that looks fine the border maybe is a little bit dark but that's okay i just wanted a bit of breathing space between that and then i know the images are cut off but that's okay i'd rather than be square than uh horizontal and taking up a bunch of space so then taylor the only other thing that that this needs is when you you know press enter for the search results i want it to show what i typed in right there so maybe that will be part of a future update is that how it works in your example here and maybe i need to configure the search because my aspect ratio is 16x9 and these are just square for those images maybe i'll just change the styling on the search thumbnail so uh i don't know what the ratio is how do i find the proportions of that let me think can you test the default oxygen search sure give me just one second what i'm gonna do choo choo choo choo hold on one second please i need to test something and i'm waiting for a program to load all right new pixels we're going to go with 1280 by 720 create and then canvas we're going to go all the way down to height of image height 100 means 178. okay so our image width is going to be 178 max width is going to be 178 all the way down save refresh and then if i type in taylor um oh maybe i wasn't paying attention to what i was actually changing here so max width oh and then maybe i need the height as well so height i always spell height wrong i think so now if we refresh this and then i need uh well this isn't a is this a div so can i use background i'm assuming this is probably not img and then how do you change the fit to cover uh or contain i guess it would be because the dimensions look look correct now i want this just just to be covered i'm glad you like my song by the way we're so close here this is really cool this is coming along definitely along the lines of how i wanted it to so this is cool okay how long have we been going for what was the stream an hour and a half so far cool hope you guys are enjoying it if you haven't already liked the stream please do very much appreciate all you guys sticking around and then if i type in mockup ooh there's more and then i probably need to go with on that wouldn't it be in child last can't you do that that's background size contain i actually think i wanted to be cover if i'm not mistaken i'm assuming that's on the thumbnail class taylor i'll find out before you can type back to me um that's not the live search results a class search thumbnail background size yeah um but uh you can take the image out of the div in the actual code right are you talking about take that out of the div in the code i'm assuming that's what you meant my stomach is growling it's about to be lunch time i know it's probably dinner time or well past for some of you guys okay so we have this a link with the class of search thumbnail then we have the get post thumbnail and there is the end of our a link right there so we can take this out and we will stick it just above this div and this code editor is not very pretty and then we save and refresh hopefully we didn't butcher the whole layout and then i want to quickly take these off since it's 178 our all our height needs to be is 100 and the aspect ratio should be correct and then thumbnail image height is auto max width is 100 is that the one i need to take off what else do we have focus tags live search results thumbnail [Music] that should be it right i don't see anything else we would need to take off jeopardy music i know taylor's typing something that's why i'm waiting okay okay so um here is our code so div class equals we're going to go with search what are other class so search wrapper is what we'll call this and then our live search text so then it's going to be this one right here okay so then we're going to go with down here we'll just add this search wrapper and then display is going to be flex save okay um seems like we went backward we for sure did i'm just let me make sure that i did this correctly i am going to actually take this out i'm going to come over here i'm going to put this in my code editor so i can actually see what i'm doing take height and width off search thumbnail class height and width off search thumbnail class got it um then i need to take this code out sorry one second i just wanted to be able to see what i was editing since that wp file manager code editor so terrible the why are the images still cut off i'm also going to remove that border i don't really like that actually maybe i'll just make it lighter mmm what other what other colors do we have here oh yeah the image has a height and width on the element in the template do what now you take the height and the width on on which element in search results.php where is that uh rich says why are you doing these edits on your live site because i'm i like to live life on the edge i like to party dude the other thing is that this code block was supposed to have a condition on it but i deleted it earlier and came back to it and forgot so it was supposed to only be visible to me so user role equals administrator close save bam now nobody can see it might be perf matters doing what yeah see this is far more complicated than the other search functionality i'm going to try the oxygen search real quick i wanted to check that blame it on search perf matters huh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i see how it is i see how it is dude okay so let's go with taylor i am going to user role equals administrator save bam okay i'm gonna explain on this real quick so i'm gonna test this search form i can't help because you remove the search yeah i actually i don't really care it doesn't bother me even slightly that uh that that's visible maybe to some people it would i'll even turn it back on for you yes i know the header looks terrible but whatever see like it's super close but the image height and width just doesn't seem to be actually making any change but i know we had this down here so if i take this off just temporarily i don't think it makes any difference i mean it makes it a square instead so they're all the same width and height but it still just doesn't quite fit i just want the aspect ratio to be exactly like it is right here i mean it's just a rectangle that's a 16x9 instead of a square and the other thing we still need to do is figure out how to get the search term in the in the box there oh oh oh oh oh oh i thought you meant there was a um i thought you meant there was something else like a class there we go let's do this finally i i wish i had understood what you meant earlier okay so now if i delete that give my header a bit more room cool so maybe the um the other the other thing i didn't really consider with this is the image size so i probably need to register a custom image size rather than medium because what is this actually pulling in as 300 by 168 and then i'm shrinking it down to a hundred oh no intrinsic size is 768 by 432 and the rendered size is 300 by 169 the css didn't i set my image height somewhere in here gonna actually take these back out what did i say it was 178 by 100 yeah okay so we should be able to now see this okay so now they're smaller use max with only or you will bork images okay am i going to leave the height as is i'm oh god i'm i'm done with this nope nope nope nope nope it's just like see like why is it then one bigger it's just so so frustrating i'm gonna go back and change this to thumbnail i am going to go back to the css i'm going to steal your styling i actually don't need oxy search like you said i'm going to put this down here i'm just going to go back to where it was and i'm just going to be happy i'm probably going to break it again but that's okay because i don't want i don't want to mess with this anymore uh i also need to edit the code right because i changed this save and close refresh and tailor that's fine i'm leaving this as is i i don't i don't feel like messing with this anymore i'm sick of it um the other thing i wanted to check and see is in our search wp settings is anybody using this [Music] me only me so far is it actually registering when i'm not even pressing enter i'm gonna i'm gonna try that real quick so if i oh i guess every page refresh is counting as a taylor search so i wonder if i just type in like asd it is returning the results so i do wonder if perhaps it is popping in there update class selector sweet thanks dude so now if i come back here i should have elementor forever i appreciate you guys now i wanna i wanna type in something else so if i'm just gonna go if i just spam some letters and numbers there's no numbers in there just letters oh it does that's crazy so cool all right so we're gonna leave this as is for now uh so what i want to do is a couple of other things i want to get it to where this search will return um the proper terms like whenever you type in a search term and you go to the search results template i want the form to pull that in automatically i need to change the hover as you can see that alt text and then i also want to give some time to this search wp functionality and see what the search results like so no results this month this year awesome and then i really want to give some uh consideration to how this is actually going to impact the site so the whole reason why i did all of this and just spent two hours on this is because i have this feeling that if you have a search driven site you're going to get people to where they want quicker and you may even potentially you know convert more sales or can whatever your conversion looks like is kind of my thought here so i know we spent a lot of time in the last maybe 45 minutes just kind of rambling and refreshing and changing tiny little bits of code here and there but in essence taylor's tutorial is relatively relatively simple so what i'm going to do is give this some time i'm going to maybe make some more tweaks and then i'm planning to make another video in the future where we actually go through the impact kind of before and after of adding the search and sticking our navigation behind the off canvas um so hopefully there was a tiny little bit of value out of this stream for you guys um it's it like i said this was very much an exploratory stream so it wasn't quite exactly as seamless as i was hoping for but then again streams never are that's where a video comes in as compared to a stream so i appreciate every single one of you watching if you haven't already please like the stream we're going to wrap it up here and um i very much appreciate all of you and until next time i will see you then thank you so much everybody bye bye
Channel: Permaslug
Views: 624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordpress search, searchwp setup, permaslug setting up search
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 36sec (6876 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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