Can Non-GD Players Spot a HACKER?!

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gonna be showing you guys 15 different clips and only three of them are hacked it's your job to figure out which ones are hacked and which ones are legit but what i didn't tell them was that there's a hundred dollars on the line and every time they get an answer wrong i'm deducting ten dollars from their prize you guys ready for clip one aye aye captain [Music] well i'm missing content right now i mean so far it looks legit there's there's nothing that strikes me oh yeah that's the clip wow okay it looks completely fine to me so you guys can re-watch this and take notes on this as much as you want until we move on to the next clip that three block jump at the start is there such thing as no clipping in this probably he looks like incredibly focused i'm in deep analytics analysis after my second analyzation it looks clean to me here we go oh this level's different oh okay i see 34 seconds that's a little sus yeah yeah you looking at that you've seen the straight the start of the straight yeah that's way too straight for me are you gonna do that with every single video e you're just gonna show your forehead as you're zooming in clip two straight fly look sauce you guys ready for clip three yes go you've seen this level before but you have not seen this exact recording get ready oh this is slaughterhouse god damn that's insanity right now it looks legit it looks like just a good player people do this that's why people make the levels wait what's that thing in the top left corner is it a mod like the number increases throughout the video i don't think that's a hack though is that just an accuracy thing i love how he's not saying anything right now yeah he's been dead that jump over the three spikes once they land on that is that good because it's like just barely touches and then it's good i think it's a frame perfect jump and then it goes up to the third i agree i think this is just good player i think so too i mean when whenever there's a straight flight at the beginning he i did see wobble i'm ready yeah i'm i'm ready before all right that doesn't look like much oh that was it okay i don't like this clip i just don't like how short it is like why oh what kind of look like he touching yeah but right there all right i kind of want you guys to play back that wave he touched it a little bit i don't see anything wrong with it i don't know either question yeah what's up is sound dick charles in here no i have a question yeah how are you i'm crazy let's go next clip oh that was a short one yes oh you showed me this guy nah he's good to me wait a second 139 he might have hit that saw blade but that's the thing is like you can do that in this game and like an extent of it that's like listen i think there is a hack in this where you can like you can face through [ __ ] i mean his taps are right because i i we don't know that's what we're here to find out he is really good he's very controlled like there's a spike that it literally goes right through look at that you can't even see the tip of the spike i'm gonna mark that as sus plus tell me when you guys are ready for the next clip i'm ready to go okay all right that's gotta get slowed the level might be tricking us or it's the fact that he's hacking yeah what was that at the end that might be blue orbs but i don't know do you see at 206 right where it just starts to get oh [ __ ] and leaves the red trail yeah he's hacking flip number seven um oh uh what is this man really good at staying stable the question is are those actual spikes or those props i think those are just props i see it yes they're just props no but look at how straight he's flying and they're probably just super good from clip 2 it was wicked still you still see a little jumps all right are you ready clip it the hell was that portal he like missed that portal this is the level looking sus not the player don't hate the player hey hate the game i'll be really upset if there's some amount of hacking in this the one thing was on 235 it looked like he missed the mini portal oh the cube was not in the portal at all that'd be a really like and that would be a stupid hack to buy yeah i think it's fine i think this clip is completely fine yeah all right you guys ready for the next one clip knight yep all right what the [ __ ] what was that yeah i think it's fine he [ __ ] explodes at the end if the wave hits the ceiling or the floor that's that's death right correct well no not the ceiling it has to be either way oh oh then yeah this video this clip is completely fine look up are you ready oh okay i could do this i believe you why do i think that you played this song i'm funny with that babe yeah in this case don't hate the game hate the player it looks fine like there's fine it's perfect yeah this clip is cool are you guys ready for 11. next clip what what what what was that stallion colors some of these were recorded by me but also now that i have access to hacks as well so that doesn't really mean anything after the red orb it goes straightening right into an arc at the end yeah you can alter the gravity with uh the that guy yeah that thing is fine there's nothing sauce about it yes ellen we can trust you right you guys ready for clip 12. yes [Music] looks good to me next okay well let's run that back yeah that one's fine tell me when you're ready for 13. yes [Music] that was just it's okay it looks too simple don't overthink it yeah it's fine i think that one's fine as well give me a thumbs up okay 14 go that's just good to me good player don't hate the player don't hate the game and for the last one i am prepared i really hope this is like really obviously someone hacking oh my god then the pesky clicks bro yeah all right all right i need to slow this down and then i'll have an answer for you wait what the [ __ ] oh all right lady 441 this man goes through the ceiling i saw that but i feel like that's just the eu pulse of the wave okay but he goes right through this he goes right through the ceiling like come on is that just how the level looks though look how big a spike is though too he goes right through the ceiling everything else looks clean but he goes right when he does he's gonna say that i don't care what y'all say i think it's hacked you guys all set on the last clip then no i think it's fine no more watching the clips you have three clips that you can watch at any time use them wisely so you guys are gonna take turns guessing which clip you think is hacked whoever i call on has the final say but the other people can influence your decision and you guys can debate so contra goes first which one do you think is hacked i'm stuck on four but i i think we should you want to look at clip seven i mean it just could be a god tier player but the straights are just no it's i think it's the level that's tricking you it's not that it's the character doing the straights it's so perfect it's such a good straight that i'm like god here or hacked yeah there's a little wobble but things can be programmed to look real okay but think about the clips you i've seen of people like just going in like little levels that's just like a straight row of spikes and they're just so straight the entire time the straight fly on clip 2 was very sus like it was there was no jumping no because the thing is with that clip is it literally was up and then it went like it like shot down and then was straight cliff five is gonna be my final answer don't get me wrong he looked good like he was a good ass player there was just so many clips where he could have possibly touched flip five is hacked he's doing a no clip run when it's your turn for the next pick i'm just gonna just take take the hit like clip two has to be if it's not there then literally there was like server lag i don't even need to rewatch it i don't get you clip a lot of extreme demons have this it's a way to set the straight fly up so it's uh it's easier to do it i'm gonna hurt e it is your turn to figure out the next clip all right look so we bo we all know that six is pretty good this is yeah so do we wanna just be concrete and say six yeah it's your decision bro it's either four or six because the thing with four is the fact that like when it went to the wave dash it literally like went in the [ __ ] laser barrier do we want to re-watch four quick i'm down i think four is fine i just think it's super close yeah i'm gonna lock in with number six is legit it is done by putting blue pads so it's an auto level you don't have to click at all that's why we saw the blue it's your turn which one do you think it is i still thought like it was really weird for clip 8 with like the portal but again clip 15 he goes right through the ceiling should we just lock in 15 so quinn could just have his [ __ ] goes right through the ceiling i'm locking it in 15 he does go right through the ceiling but right through the ceiling but that is how it's supposed to be if you look at the level there's literally no other way like the spike goes up to the ceiling i'm sorry but you know what queen it is your turn to pick another clip now so maybe you can redeem yourself it's 11. i'm walking in clip number 11 is not hacked it's a swing copter and there's another ball up on top and that's why it kind of has e all right number four so the reason why number four he went through the electricity because those are decoration objects number four is legit there was literally no hitbox to worry about there he's we're doing great all right it's back to you i could say seven because you were skeptical for me seven and then three is next on the chopping block the spikes were looked like decoration to me at some points when he went through it but it could be no clipping through it so i'm gonna lock in seven so you guys are looking at the weird ship movements right that ship is actually on a whole bunch of invisible slopes if you look at the if you look at the ship when you fly with the ship it'll show like a trail behind it that doesn't happen and instead you have a grinding animation on the bottom number seven is legit and you guys got another one wrong quinn it's your turn okay i have a theory you may not appreciate it i think i'm onto something here here's the rundown clip number one the level is themed on rainbows myths say that if you follow a wrench shut up if you follow the rainbow it leads to a pot of gold if you've ever tried this you'll realize this isn't true it's a myth so are leprechauns leprechauns get to the [ __ ] point are you really getting there if leprechauns and pots of gold isn't real the theming of this level indicates that this this is this is just not real it has to be hacking my answer is one number one fake i recorded one and it's like really easy gameplay and there's literally nothing sucks about that i just wanted to throw it in here for you guys to overthink it and it looks like when you really overthought that one by like way farther than i expected anybody to overthink that one so congratulations on being the most wrong person here all right your turn well i have three as okay that's the next one on my chopping block does anyone disagree it's your decision three three do it so this is a clip of the professional player cursed he just beat the level slaughterhouse pretty recently back to you yep i'm doing yeah i'm doing number eight there was just that portal that really just like pissed me off for number eight the portal was completely fine the hitboxes are a little bit bigger on portals but it was hacked if you notice every single click in this is done as late as possible yeah that's true all of them are it's done by bot and that's why it doesn't look hacked that's fair uh i just wish i picked up on that quinn so it leaves it up to me doesn't it i've got a really good method this time around if we take 9 10 12 and 14 we add them all together it comes out to 45. we divide this number by four this analogy didn't work at last time why are you using the illuminati math logic the closest number that we can come to is 12 and therefore i think it's 12. i square it if i get this the answer is 12. the answer is not 12. and i think you should change the forms of analysis yeah you should that didn't work out so well all right you know what quinn you inspired me i think you just did your math wrong though that gives us number 10 this was that was me playing that actually and it's not hacked this is the time for me to uh to tell you guys something there was actually a prize for this video uh there was a hundred dollars on the line and for every answer you got wrong i would deduct ten dollars so you guys ended up getting 10 answers wrong so i don't have to give you any money well that sucks owen it's your turn again if i get this right i got all three of them right that's true if you guys don't mind can we check out 13 i don't remember it that much based off the analogy of clip eight he had very late clicks clip 13 looked early at first that's true it does look early but the wave makes it look evenly timed true so 13 is fine it's either 9 or 14. i'm going to pick the obvious one and pick clip 9 because it's way too [ __ ] fast clip 9. do you notice how the uh the ceiling on clip 9 is a little bit smaller there's another wave in there and it's hitting blue pads and you can look in the background as well you see like these these stripes oh the swishes yo it's an auto and it's purposely made wrong is that you die at the end of it all right quinny you have a 50 50 chance there's nothing wrong with 13. can i phone a friend sure i guess yeah whatever hold on i'm getting a call no so there are two answers left i'm not gonna give you any context do you think banana or apple that's a hard question is it based on what i like okay thank you very much for your compliance so the answer is 14. and that is my final answer i want you guys to take a quick look at clip number 13 again look at the top left corner as soon as he goes into the speed portal there purposely pick the most flashy level for this oh yeah i see it what clips you guys are so close to to figuring them all out eventually but you feel the last one you guys did terribly but that's kind of the point of the video did our job correctly see you guys in the next non-geometry dodge player video when everybody requests it bye guys
Channel: Stallion GD
Views: 845,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geometry Dash, Geometry Dash Impossible, geometry dash Impossible Level, non gd players, geometry dash non gd players, react, reaction, challenge, top challenge Geometry dash, top 1 extreme demon, extreme demon, hacker geometry dash, non gd players take a geometry dash quiz, silent dicctras, geometry dash 2.1, gd 2.1
Id: i3FFoI63gZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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