Can Money Buy Happiness? (Here’s the Truth)

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can money buy happiness here's the truth it's brian preston the money guy brian i am so excited to talk about this today because i think so many people get it wrong and i think a lot of people when they get to the end of their life and they're looking back and reflecting when you hear those folks who have remorse or disdain about the things they didn't do or things that didn't happen i think it's because they don't understand this concept this thing that we're going to talk about today well pursuit of happiness is such a concept that i mean everybody wants to be happy i mean that i mean it's just it's that elusive goal that everybody has you see it it's in our nation's constitution you see it in song titles um there's tons of intersections between what we do dealing with money and then this elusive goal of happiness but the thing is is i feel like people are are just they're not thinking about this appropriately a lot of people are very wishful with this desire for for happiness where they'll say hey if i have a million bucks my life will be so much easier and then there's people that are actually somewhat more purposeful they say hey i know my number and by the way we have a course coming out know your number that will also help you answer that number but it can be purposeful in the fact that if you know you're trying to build up to like 3.6 million so you can actually leave the workforce and have financial independence that is more purposeful but that even is not necessarily going to equate to full happiness fulfillment that i think we all desire so that's where today's show is to kind of help people know what can i expect out of money and how do i answer that elusive can money by me happiness and truly get me to the fulfillment factor that i'm seeking now brian it's so interesting we sit in a unique spot where we get to work with successful individuals and families from all across the country we have interacted with successful folks and so we have some insight into specifically the relationship between money and happiness and fulfillment and it was interesting we were talking about in pre-show prep and you dubbed this you said right now it feels like out there in the world there's this huge lie about happiness there is a there is something being sold and we are being duped around what happiness really is versus what we're being told that it is there's a definitely a lot of manipulation misleading and that's why i do this is a passion project for me because a lot of people i think one of the saddest parts of dealing with successful people and money is to see people sell businesses or come into large sums of money that they always aspire to and then they wake up the next day and they go huh i don't feel i don't feel anything different and i think the reason that's why this type of content is needed is because the big lie is the i don't care if you're talking about social influencers i don't care if you're talking about the the media that we're supposedly getting our news from i don't care marketing firms or even our neighbors down the street the joneses that we're trying to keep up with everything that is presented to us about happiness is about consumption and that is just not the the reality of what happiness is how many times have you interacted with someone or spoke with someone that said oh well if i just get that new car that'll fix it if i just move into that neighborhood it'll fix or maybe if i can just go eat at those restaurants or if i just look this way if i just dot dot dot that is the key to happiness and i don't think that that's the way that it actually works no it's complete sleight of hand i mean and you just you gave some great examples i thought when i got my first car like when i was 16 all the ladies were going to be interested in me and it was false i mean i fell for this cavalier no it doesn't you know getting buying a new car is not going to get you more dates no matter what that advertisement says um you know a lot of people if you're feeling bad about your body image you don't like how you look you know instead of going to the gym all the entire industry out there is just saying hey don't worry about going and making yourself better just go buy some designer clothes you just put better clothes on you you'll feel better you'll be happier that's a lie and then here's my favorite and of course i put like the little john you know intro on this is shot shot shot says everybody gets so excited because look at i mean you can't go ride to work and turn on the radio now look some of these songs i'm getting a little longer in the tooth so some of these are a little blast from the past but you'll love this exercise listen to these song lyrics and tell me that consumption is not equated to happiness and i love it brian cause you even went with some different genres here here's the first one that you wanted to share yeah the the think about now listen we had to go find all the clean versions of this and somehow the a word even shows up in the clean version but you'll just have to go with me but there was a song that came out with pitbull and neo and it's called time of our lives now hear me out here's the lyrics i knew my rent was going to be late about a week ago i worked my a off but i still can't pay it though but i got just enough to get up in this club have me a good time before my time is up it's all about a good time that is yolo you only live once i'm telling you you're going to more than likely live to a ripe old age so plan accordingly but we won't just pick on pitbull because i think if me and pitbull hung out we'd actually be friends so i don't want him to think i'm picking on him so let's talk about seven rings by ariana grande now here's the thing first of all my favorite things from the sound of music is a classic right and since she's straight up ripped off this song 90 i researched this this is how nerdy i am 90 of what she makes off this song goes to the writers of my favorite things really this is literally a ripoff song but here's the lyrics from that i see it i like it i want it i got it a lot of consumption in there i didn't hear any different gratification it was all about consumption and happiness is going to make you happy because you'll feel more like ariana grande and then look we're even gonna pick on our neighbors uh-huh christians down the street buy me a boat listen to this lyrics i know everybody says money can't buy happiness but it could buy me a boat he could buy me a truck to pull it it could buy me a yeti 110 ice down with some silver bullets so it sounds like the key to all of these things is if i can just buy this or experience this or get this i'm going to buy i'm going to be happy it's going to make me happy and there are number one hits out there suggesting that that's the the key and the secret and the way to happiness well all of this and remember we call this the big lie but the reason they can get away with this and this is something i you know y'all know my my youngest daughter is autistic and she has this unique thing right now where she keeps asking me to pull up youtube videos explaining why mobile app ads lie and i you know if you play video games you know what i'm talking about these things are bait and switches but this is how they can get away with this because there is a little sliver of truth in everything they're doing here because what the public is pushing out there with the media the social influencers all this talk of consumption is they're talking about hedonic happiness this is the pleasure component the short-lived part of happiness and that's what i'm telling you is that this is the the the serpy sweet part that gives you that sugar high but it just disappears so quick and this is actually there are physiological things that happen right inside your brain when you get that hit of dopamine from things like a really good meal or going out and buying something or buying a big thing like a car or a house or a boat literally your brain physiology changes so that you get that chemical hit that makes you feel happy but it's like you said brian it is it is short-lived and it is temporary it does not stick and this is a human condition is that we once we feel something good once we have pleasure from something we want we want more of it we're like yeah get i want more of that so but the problem is since you want more more more it's that insatiable appetite that you just can't quench you can get enough of it and by the way if this was actually the truth to happiness if you think about this we would be really looking at lottery winners as the poster child of what success looks like because they can buy anything yeah because you have all the happiness you're just an ordinary person one day you win the the mega millions slash billions whatever we're up to with the the mega lottery that's going on and these people get hundreds you know they get millions of dollars hundreds of millions of dollars in some cases but here's the reality of it seventy percent of lottery winners lose or spend all their winnings within five years that seems crazy still be looking for more happiness right like obviously if they had all this money had all this windfall had the ability to go out and buy all these things and yet they run out of money it must be that those things that they were buying were not satisfying it they were not fixing the problem they were just really a distraction from perhaps what the bigger problem well remember this is a sugar high so what happens is think about let's take the lottery winner they go out and buy the new car they buy the new house they buy the new boat they load it all up and then they wake up after they bottle at something like man i kind of still feel the same and i got back to my normal base level of happiness maybe i didn't buy enough maybe i didn't do it right and this is what drives them to zero and everything that they're doing from a behavior standpoint you've heard this concept if you're a financial mutant who's been listening to our content this all ties back into the hedonic treadmill what's so funny is that you will go and just load up your life with buying buying and doing and thinking and then you'll find out wait a minute even though i did all these things at once i'm in the exact same place of happiness now beau has the fancy definition i'll let him share that yeah this is the actual definition of the donek treadmill it describes the tendency of humans to quickly return to a stable level of happiness after major life changes now i know our natural tendency is no we're financial mutants we're not subject to this we don't succumb to this i'm going to share a personal example for me because i had this conversation with you brian my wife and i as our family was growing we decided that we wanted to have a larger home on a bigger piece of land so that our kids could run around and play and i remember we had that first house built and percentage-wise it had a higher percentage of square feet than my previous one right so it was a bigger house and i remember telling you for like the first i said brian this is unbelievable i walk from my bedroom to my kids bedroom oh my gosh it's just so big it's so spacious i've got all this room and now as we sit here today my wife oh man feel like we're on top of each other we're bumping because now that's just the norm we all adjust what seems to be so unique and what seems to be so exciting what seems to be so top tier just becomes normalized because our human mind has an incredible ability to adapt to change and assume that that's the new baseline that's why like new cars you go buy a brand new bmw you crank it up you love the sound of that engine and then you smell the leather and you see all the gauges and you're like oh this thing is just the greatest but then you know fast forward two or three months in the future you're still driving to work and going yeah it's just a car just a car it's just a car and that's the problem with the hedonic treadmill is that we have an insatiable appetite and that's why guys when i'm talking about deferred gratification i know we use that as the primary driver for a lot of when you're building goal seeking and trying to build as you're envisioning that great big beautiful tomorrow it's actually a superpower that's going to help you in your happiness journey as well and that's what kind of we wanted to share what are some tips and tricks you can do to avoid the the hedonic happiness trap and i want to kind of go through these the first thing i think is because everybody's pushing consumption upon you let's get really deliberate with separating when you spend money is this go into those three categories there's the need column hey this is what i need to put food on the table for my family this is what i need to have shelter over my head this is you know what i need to have clothes on my body that's something you can't get away from and then there's of course love things that you love to do like if you like to travel things that make it just worth living and enjoying life you need to know what those things are i want you to spend some time on that so needs are important love the things that you love doing are very important but then there's this third column once and that's just not as healthy because it's just something you're like yeah that would make my life a little bit better i kind of like to have that that's not at the same level as a need or a love now what's really interesting is we're gonna we have an upcoming show that you guys will get to see we're talking about uh relative wealth right because it's this really interesting concept that we're going to dive into in the world in which we live sometimes we have a really difficult time discerning what are those things that we really need well do i need a new car do i need the new wardrobe do i need the fill in the blank that's why we put the love in there there's nothing wrong don't miss here's there's nothing wrong with consumption there's nothing wrong with buying new there's nothing wrong with buying expensive coffee if that's the thing that you love but you need to discern how it falls into your consumption behavior and is it something that i actually love or is it just something i kind of want is it just something that i could walk away from and if you can figure that out early on you'll prevent yourself from just getting in this trap where all these nice things the nice coffees the nice cars the nice whatever don't don't just feel like everyday mundane trivial purchases that you're making well you hear there's a lot of other consumer advocates and and people in the financial space who say like you know if you struggle with this type of stuff go put your credit card actually in a cup of water and freeze it and do all these things i kind of do my own virgins i put a forced waiting period on once by over researching i mean and but here's what i think that i would encourage everybody to understand when i go on i have a tendency to hyper focus and i think a lot of financial mutants you probably the same way so if i see something um i will you know i'll immediately have this this burning desire that i need that like when i go to a neighbor's house i remember the first time i saw a big green egg smoker and i had and i had wings of smoked wings off of it i was like oh well i need to go buy this thing so i over researched i ended up yeah i will tell you i ended up buying this because it fell into that love column but i researched this thing for a good month and a half to two months on what size which brands what accessories and the reason i do that is because there's other things in my life where i've done them and then i'm like i don't i don't really need that and it came to the realization because i was over researching and my more sane stable brain overtook so i'm encouraging you because you can do this on trips if you you know you can figure out if it's a want or a love you know when you're planning that trip by over researching because it puts an automatic waiting period so that hopefully that striking desire that you're burning up with to do this will have a time to subside down to something more normal and your normal brain your rational brain will step in and actually decide if this is something you really need to do another thing that you can do to kind of help with that normal rational part of your brain is figure out how to rotate your head i can't even say with that that's a genius phrase rotate your happiness crops if there are things that bring you happiness that give you that dopamine hit try to stretch them out the example that you came up with brian is if you love eating out and eating out is a thing that you enjoy and breaking bread and being out in public with other people don't eat out every single night put some scarcity around those and figure out how you can spread those things out so that they're still special they're still nice they're still things that you enjoy again they just don't become everyday plain and boring well you can love something to death i mean the reason i said rotate crops and i use crops on purposes because anybody's around agricultural farming knows if you plant the same thing over and over again all of a sudden you wonder why is it not fruitful why is it not generating the bumper crops that it was previously it's because you sucked everything good out of the ground you have to rotate you have to spread things out so there's a regenerative process i don't like it when people you see this with the relationships you see this with consumption you see this if you do things too much that you love you'll numb yourself to the point that you actually kill the happiness part of it so that's why i'm saying spread it out and we see this remember we'll go back to the lottery winners the big mistake i see people like let's say you come into a windfall it could be from a lottery it could be from an inheritance it could be from selling a business selling some land i always try to tell people to slow it down you don't have to make big fast decisions because the worst thing you can do is what that lottery winner typically does is they go and they buy exactly in the order they go by the car they buy the house they buy the boat they they start just throwing money around and then they're surprised because they do all this they cram it all into about three months to six months and then they come out the other end go gosh i still feel the same way if you're going to spend money i'm thinking about the purchasing the car buying the new house spread that stuff out i mean that's why whenever somebody comes to us with a windfall i really do try to have coaching about hey congratulations you know now you need to kind of let's let's let's build in our own waiting period through planning of hey let's walk that right down the next three to five year goal list you know maybe okay your wife needs a new car let's let's let's talk about that okay y'all want to buy another house you want to upgrade your house when should we do this wait a minute we don't need to do the lake house yet let's wait we just bought the new house let's kind of spread out the lake house be and what i'm trying to do as a coach is to encourage this person to enjoy each of that that sugar how you get you let that be a fun endeavor absorb it but then you rotate that pleasure crop to move on to something else for a period enough time goes by then when you go by the next thing you get the same high if you do all this on top of each other you're going to come out on the other end and be like what happened that just wasn't what i thought it was going to be and you need to understand that when it comes to making these decisions there's a gravity to them you need to understand the biggest money pitfalls if you're going out and buying coffee every day that is a different thing than you making the decision to go by the lake house and with the lake house you got to put in the dock and with the dock you got to get the boat and with the boats you got to get the cedars and all of a sudden your financial situation has changed because you fell into that hedonic happiness trap you got on that treadmill of consumption make sure you pause and take a step back and figure out okay is this something that i actually need and love or it's just something that i want again there's nothing wrong with buying a vacation home or buying a lake house or getting the boat or getting the sea doos assuming you've done the appropriate planning and it's not an impulsive hedonic decision that you are making well i feel like we've thrown enough cold water people are like do these guys even know what happiness is because i mean they have just all the fun things that you think money can do for you whether it's buying the car going out to the nice restaurant buying the better house these guys just threw cold water on all of it so come on help us out let me tell you where happiness really does reside and this is going to be i love that we actually get to tell you when people talk about happiness i think they use the word wrong they really mean fulfillment that's right and and i got some bad news like most things that are important and worth doing happiness is actually a little bit of hard work it's not easy um and and what i mean by that is is that there are some some homework and things you have to do to make sure you do this right now i always talk about this is the the the big w is the whys and the wants you know you hear us if you if you watch any of our content we're always very purposeful talking about you need to know what the why is on about everything because if it's just to make money or just to get to a million dollars or three million dollars there's no why there you just can't tell me you want three million dollars why tell me why because it's gonna be much more purposeful if you actually know why you're trying to get to this goal and one of two things will happen if you don't know the why either you won't have the staying power to move towards that goal or when you get to that goal you'll move the goal post and we see one of those two things happen in almost every circumstance when the why is not clearly because the move in the goal post is another way of saying you don't know what enough is because you will need to figure out what's enough because that's where you're going to have to know where those borders are because otherwise i've already i've already ruined it for you there is an insatiable hole to fill with happiness so you need to start figuring out what is your why what do you love doing so that you can do more of that and then what are your talents and aptitudes because you're going to find out it's not a lot of what you do in life that brings the happiness and the in the deeper happiness which is the fulfillment is feeling like what you're doing actually has value and that leads to and i've got a fancy word here you demonic so you demonic is a just like we talked about hedonic treadmill hedonic happiness you demonic happiness and look this is a this is i feel like i had to set this up for you guys is that because i didn't make this all up so there's a lot of researchers there's a lot of people trying to figure out how money and happiness work together but they figured out udonic happiness is the happiness that's going to last much longer it's not a sugar high this is actually true happiness this is fulfillment bo i see we have a definition slide tell them what you you demonic happiness means happiness is simply happiness it's achieved from a sense of meaning and purpose or feeling like what you do matters to the world what you are doing what you are participating in matters it's the difference in happiness sugar sweet dopamine hit and fulfillment and maybe even i'm gonna throw the word contentment in there it's a different strata a different level of happiness well this is why when we do estate planning for successful families you don't want to give the kids three million dollars when they're 22 years old is it because it's going to ruin them get a bigger department run out buy the lamborghini they're gonna buy the house they're not gonna have the wisdom the maturity to know what how this all works together with money happiness and purpose whereas think about the the person who sells their business for 40 million dollars why why why does that work better for them and i think the reason it's longer lasting and the reason you can give somebody different more and they don't have the same traps that a lottery winner has is because you know it's more purposeful you know and that's what some of the examples that are provided for what is eudonic happiness is like if you write a book sure i mean there's a lot of work that goes i know what goes into writing a book when i come out the other side there will be a side of fulfillment built from going through this journey and coming out the other side in a better place starting a business same thing you go that road less traveled you come out on the other side you survive it and you're like wow that that gives me a lot of purpose i've shared my childhood best friend his father was a seven dollar an hour welder got laid off started a metal fabrication business and i remember every time i ever talked to him about his success he had that it was you could tell his his he was talking to you but he was going to somewhere else a more nostalgic happier place because he was thinking of all the struggles he was thinking of how he came through the the struggles and created financial success success for his family legacy for his family that stuff happens and then of course career achievement but don't take my word for it you guys know i love the great dr stanley's research and work and writings he did the millionaire next door well there i told i told daniel when we were doing the show i said i know dr stanley talked about how career achievement was so much more important for millionaires than just the dollar figure i said go find me that quote and this is what he came back with yeah this is from stop acting rich and start living like a real millionaire says it has much more to do with being financially independent secure than owning prestige brands high self-esteem is related to achieving financial independence both the sense of achievement that comes from success and financial independence lead to happiness and life satisfaction not meaningless badges so i mean we got to get to work here guys you got to figure out what are you actually trying to build you know within your career what are you saving for so you can do the things that you love more often so it's back to we got to know what you need to do life on your terms you actually own your time do what you want when you want and how you want that's why you've really got to know what your number is yeah i think it's so interesting we actually use the term all the time financial independence and we very specifically use that as opposed to retirement because when we when people when the folks that we interact with reach that level we want them to truly feel independent where they can do what they want the way that they want on their terms that's financial defense retirement is this construct of oh i'm just leaving a job i'm just i'm just walking away from this job we think that it is more than that and the way that you reach that place that state of mind is by knowing what your number is and knowing how to work towards your number yeah we've tried to i know i've tried to go beyond just the mathematics we in part of the homework we have a new course out called know your number where not only will give you the answer of what you're saving for but also help you do the homework to figure out what's purposeful what do you love to do so i i would encourage you go check it out i think you'll find value in it and then here's something that i think is also not looked at because we talk about money all the time a lot of this you don't you you don't say right you demonic eu demonic happiness that which is the much more long-lived happiness it's very selfless and i'm talking about volunteer work i'm talking about giving to charity that whole adage that it's better to give than to receive and guys we know this personally firsthand through the abundance cycle we have experienced this so i think you'll find that really fulfillment goes beyond the money it really is having that purposeful life and that's why i want you to really put a lot to this and that's why we we went ahead and put together what are some tools and tricks that you can do to build that you don't you don't why can i not say this you demonic i don't know why i'm falling apart on you don't you deny you demonic i did this a gazillion times in pre-show prep and now it's falling apart but we can help you build that long-term happiness and we got some tips for you yeah so here's the first one and you hear us talk about this all the time write down your goals and dreams this is basically defining what your why is it's amazing all the time we'll have a pro a prospective client reach out to us and say hey i love the show i'll listen i want to start this and we'll ask them some questions about their financial situation it's okay well what what do you want this money to do for you oh i don't know i'm just kind of well but no but do you you want to own a home one day do you want to start a family do you want to be able to retire do you want to start a business what are the goals and dreams that you have and then even if they're far away because young folks sometimes have a hard time with this oh you know i'm 30 years old i don't know what my goals and dreams are i'm just trying to get through this messy middle because man is it messy that's okay if we can at least define the idea of what those are the decisions we make today can make sure we align with those goals and with those dreams and it'll help you from going off track or getting out of whack with what really matters to you yeah i like because planning also lets you really just know where you are and what you you put value to and that's why you know we have talked about generosity of step zero in our financial order of operation uh is it's i i think that if the media the influencers and everybody is telling you consumption consumption consumption is where happiness goes you should probably recognize that real fulfillment the deep part of happiness is the dire exact opposite direction of consumption it's actually being selfless and that's why i do think you know look i know especially if you're somebody in your 20s and 30s which is the largest part of our audience you're like i don't have money that's okay you can be generous with your time your skill set your knowledge just find some way to be selfless because if you don't have a lot it's interesting that the more successful you are with a little you'll do much better you'll it's just you'll be successful with a lot too i mean there's something to going ahead and training yourself even when you don't have a lot of resources to have that mindset that you will be successful from both a happiness from a financial you'll have checked all the boxes so you're not that lottery winner that hits the goal and then burns through it and is still empty inside this is going to help you if you kind of understand you need to be selfless and then the last thing bo i thought this was not necessarily the last thing but it's the combination of combining the eu demonic which is the long term as well as the hedonic which is the short-term sugar high that you get from happiness you can combine these things yeah i think it's really interesting we keep talking about eudemonic happiness and how it's this idea of this long-term out there in the future thing but that might not necessarily always be the case it is possible to have that type of fulfillment in short bursts you had this really great example brian where you said you can cook a meal right having a good meal the taste of a good meal the satiation from that gives you this hedonic hit but if you invite people over and you have friends who you're building a relationship with you're spending time with that actually starts to hit on the udemonic piece i think this is so interesting because i've learned this firsthand you know my wife's birthday is coming up here in a few days i have made the mistake in the past over and over again of i try to hit the hedonic because i'll try to oh what can i go buy or what can i go and i fail miserably every single time if i go try to buy or something if i do some sort of idea like hey you know what we're gonna go out to breakfast hedonic and then me and you and the girls we're gonna go for a long hike right that cost me no money it was not a hard thing to put together she will enjoy that birthday present so much more than if i went and bought her something expensive and nice and whatever and i think it's because deep down inside we understand the difference we just trick ourselves into not recognizing it well you because everything you just experienced that you do you don't make god ties into the memories and we all know memories blossom that's what my favorite part is that things when you create experiences that's why experiences is always better than stuff is because it has a tendency stuff goes away it decays it gets donated it sits in your closet but memories blossom even if it's something that's bad like you know we had somebody touring the office last week and they were talking about traveling with like a three-month-old they'll look back on that down the road with fun even though in the middle of it it's going to feel like the messy middle chaos so so pay attention to that and here's something else and this ties back into that stop acting rich where being purposeful with your life invest in skill mastery you know who would have thought that the 10 000 hours that malcolm gladwell made famous talking about an outliers actually could make you feel purposeful because if you know you're good at something i mean i love you know it's one of those things where i get a lot of value when neighbors talk to me about things that are going on in their financial life when people at church talk to you when you go on vacation it is great and i think it does give me that giddy up for life when you know that you're good at something and people recognize that so invest in mastering some type of skill and i think what's so interesting and brian again i'm going to give you tons of credit for this you always tell me hey bo look hey just slow down take a deep breath it's the journey not the destination it's the journey not the destination well skill mastery is just one example of being on the journey part of putting in the time and putting in the work to become excellent or great at something might be better than the end result of actually being great at that thing so if you can recognize that and make part of the journey part of your happiness i think you'll have a much a much brighter outlook on the here and now in the present not constantly just living in the future days and then this one it came so close to getting the jimmy jimmy john um fisherman story in there it's focused on building community and what i mean by this is that you know when people think about what really brings them value in life a lot of times and this is the whole death bed statement you know nobody wishes they had worked more and things like that people really wish they were spending more times with their friends their family focusing on something outside of them and even this world with their their faith and their spirituality you got to make sure you have quality over quantity too because it's not one of those things where there's nothing that says kim kardashian because she has a gazillion followers is more happy and hits this no we're talking about quality of relationships where you have somebody on the weekends to hang out with you have something that's beyond you that gives you purpose in life when you wake up in the morning you feel like you're making the world a little bit better that's what focus on building community is and then bo i always give you the compliment because you deserve it is it this last one is say thank you well and often that's always been your superpower no all through are working together you've always been a person when somebody does something very nice for you you say thank you well um and and you mean it and i think that's something i've tried to express to my kids i don't know if it's sticking i'll be honest with you i mean because this is something i talk about because it sounds so simple but nobody does it but i would challenge you are you out there building happiness not only for yourself but for all the people around you because i think there is something contagious about this deeper version of happiness that the researchers gave a very complicated name to that i struggled saying but it is something i want you to know the difference between hedonic the hedonic treadmill and the always cycling through and you just can't get ahead to these longer term decisions you can make that actually when you wake up you're like yeah i know why i'm on this planet i know why i'm doing this and i know what makes me happy i know what i love and i know who i love doing it with and i'm gonna do more of that and look we're gonna keep trying to give you the tips and solutions and tools to be able to make the most while you're on that journey if you've not checked out the website make sure you go check that out we have a resource page that is full of resources available to you that you can take and use and if you want to do an even deeper dive if you like what you hear on this show but you want something extra you want something deeper you want tools that you can actually get your hands on i would encourage you to go check out our courses you can go to you can check out the financial order of operations course you can check out our brand new hot off the presses know your number course or if you're not tracking your net worth statement if you're not doing the annual exercise i would encourage you go start today go download our net worth template and start doing it today so that you can begin figuring out are the decisions i'm making right now aligning with the person and place that i want to be in the future and using a network statement every year to do that will help make sure you stay on that path um i i i just because normally i just say money guy team out or whatever but i do i want you guys to know this show is something special because i've seen too many people you build up a few million bucks and you think you're gonna be super happy and it just doesn't work out that way heed what we talked about on the show because this is the balancing act of knowing what you're saving for but also making sure that it's purposeful and good for you and this is one of the reasons i like doing this type of content is because i feel like i am your tour guide me and beau both are working towards making sure you're purposeful with your life and you get the best version of not only your financial self but also when you leave this earth that you feel good about did i do it right did i maximize the opportunities and that's why this is not necessarily the show that i think a lot of people love about us with the nuts and bolts and calculations because we're nerdy about that stuff but this is the person who's walked in the journey from not having money to now being at a place where i have resources and also working with a ton of people around me who have a lot and i'm telling you this is the heavy part that you got to make sure you spend some time on if you're going to do it right now i don't know if we lost everybody before they get to hear that closing but do your homework on the happiness factor and i think you'll find out that life is just going to be that much sweeter for you i'm your host brian preston mr bo hansen money guy team out you
Channel: The Money Guy Show
Views: 15,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: money guy show, debt, budget, cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy stock, success, personal finance, Can Money Buy Happiness? (Here’s the Truth)
Id: 8rGsFD5a6xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 50sec (2270 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.