Can Ketamine Make People Smarter?

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is Elon Musk getting an unfair advantage over us lay people is he using ketamine to help boost his intelligence to keep his investors happy in ways that we cannot well that's what we're going to talk about today and whether it really is an unfair un uneven playing field between some of the world's most successful and perceived intelligent people out there versus the rest of us and I really want us to walk away understanding can ketamine improve our cognition maybe our creativity in ways that can boost others above others and we're going to have our live Q&A at the end and then of course speaking not only from the latest scientific research that's all going to be linked below but also from my experience with over a thousand patients who I medically supervised administer ketamine to and what their experiences have been now at this point so we're going to jump right into it and remind everyone that ketamine is not a horse tranquilizer at least not first and foremost it was first from the 1970s used in humans especially in the military it was designed to be an anesthetic for use in children and adults and then horses not horses first and to be very clear how the progression of our understanding around this powerful medication has changed over the years is that initially using it as a rather a typical anesthesia medication to then treating physical pain to then treating physical pardon to then treating psychological pain the wonders of being live right and then perhaps using it for cognitive enhancement well that's what we're going to specifically nail I cannot move forward without acknowledging that physical pain and psychological pain are rarely existing in isolation and we cannot treat one without treating the other which is why ketamine is such a powerful tool for individuals struggling like that by the way quick shout out here to 10man lover who's new to the channel great to see you Alexis good to see you and so many others Heidi fiz gig back to the cognitive enhancement aspects multiple Studies have shown improvements in several variables I've listed them here for you the cognitive performance episodic memory working memory and even processing speed but I want to explain to you why we think this is the case and whether Elon is really getting an advantage from this or not the first clue here comes from the fact that individuals with depression are going to have reduced working manner memory one of my uh teachers back at Sanford where I was a medical student would always remind us that every episode of major depression leads to a permanent reduction in IQ that's obviously a very difficult nuanced variable to judge off of people talk about ethnocentric Bas bioses in IQ tests etc etc but the point is that there is absolutely a cognitive hit when we are depressed IV ketamine which is how most of these studies are assessing cognition to be very clear IV ketamine not oral not recreational this is medically supervis get them in use and individuals who have been struggling with psychological health their depression certainly when it improves does correlate with these improvements in cognition but is Elon Musk depressed well that's his private medical life what he has publicly disclosed and this is from last month when he was so overt about his medical history at least his use of camine prescribed by physicians was describing his maybe self-diagnosed chemical imbalance chemical imbalances to be clear do happen in depression that happen in any type of physical or psychological ailment in the body but are they the cause or are they a symptom of that's a deeper discussion that we talk about in many other videos on my channel but to acknowledge that ketamine certainly can have quick restorative balancing effects of brain neurochemistry that's true but it can go even deeper because even though individuals who are depressed will have improvements in their memory once the depression is treated ketamine also helps people people independent of the depression that leads us to clue number two about this concept of neuroplasticity which is another way of saying rewiring neurons which is another way of saying changing functional neural circuitry neuroplasticity has the word plastic in it everyone here I'm sure has heard of plastic surgery I want to know who here has who here knows what the root for plastic is I'm going to give you a shout out if I see you with the right answer I'm looking at your comments here what is the root for neuroplasticity why does it why is it trending all over social media what does it mean so that you can better assess for yourself where learning comes from how our memory and cognition can be improved this is going to be really helpful and I can't wait to give a shout out the Emos Smurf ain't giving me an answer I appreciate Alexis referring to elon's Asbergers okay Jackie and Grover got it first malleable so plasticity is where the word for plastic surgery comes from we are molding just like Jackie said we are changing the shape of something instead of it being fixed and rigid it is malleable or moldable so Jackie and Grover you got it physic got a fantastic runner up there so learning happens when there is a Divergence between what you expect and what reality shows neuroplasticity is what occurs in our brains when we had this Divergence what do I mean and you regardless of your Elon Musk or warm buff it doesn't matter you yourself if you've ever been in any grade school have experienced this if you thought the answer to a question let's say you thought 2 plus 2 is five when you were a child and someone said No 2 plus 2 is four you thought it was something but you were told it was something else you had to reconcile the difference between that expectation and reality that is learning doesn't matter if we're talking about rocket science in SpaceX or if we're talking about arithmetic or chemistry or dance moves or whatever your brain is going to be molded based on re pardon based on adapting to the reality that differs from our expectations which is why by the way the more times we fail at life the more time more times we put ourselves in challenging situations we learn and our brain is adapted these are conditions that will Foster neuroplasticity we believe but ketamine has a profound neuroplasticity effect just by receiving the medication in fact it releases this hormone called braind derived neurotropic growth factor bdnf which is a growth factor that promotes nerve growth we call it the fertilizer of the brain so when we want to improve our cognitive performance we often associate that with an increased ability to learn to be able to reconcile the realities and expectations that our brain is always being slammed to with anytime we're walking around in the in real life especially if we're pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone when we're depressed by the way we stay inside our comfort zone when we are anxious when we're struggling with PTSD Etc we actually don't go outside of that comfort zone so an interesting tieback to number one clue number one about depression in our working memory but number two is that the neuroplasticity can certainly enhance our ability to learn and speaking of learning if you're learning something new please hit that like button and share what you learned with others to help advocate in our broken Health Care system to advocate for your health and well-being which often is not the core of our modern Western Health System so if you're learning something you can also become a member of the channel you can always take advantage of my clinics resources at Claris so articles all the primary literature is cited for you so you can better Empower yourself as you know I do run a holistic IV ketamine Clinic in San Francisco and all the data is there open and transparent for you to see moving on to clue number three about the prefrontal cortex which is affected in elon's brain with ketamine and all of my patients brains when the prefrontal cortex which is part of the frontal lobe which is responsible for so much of our executive thinking it's the part of the brain that differs between us and dogs us and frogs and lizards and who whatever else animals are running around out there human beings have a very well-developed executive functioning brain that's the part of your brain that tells you no don't run into traffic without any clothes on though truth be told in San Francisco that still happens a lot often it's because drugs erode are executive functioning things like opiate epidemic drugs uh stimulants Etc so that's a different topic but recognize that when we lose either from drugs from a stroke from dementia Etc when we lose our prefrontal cortex we do things that are typically not done out in public ketamine strengthens many of the connections in within the prefrontal cortex and to other parts of our brain and we believe that this is how our cognitive control our top down cognitive control might actually improve improve especially in the presence of a mood disorder we know that in certain psychological conditions like depression and anxiety and PTSD we lose our frontal globe's ability to regulate our behaviors you all know in someone who may have been depressed at some point in their life who knew they should get out of bed but couldn't do it they know that's it's the right thing to they know the right thing to do was to go and exercise it to eat right Etc but it's hard to do that is the Divergence of your cognitive functioning in your executive part of your brain your prefrontal cortex and the rest of your brain neurochemical imbalance Etc from a particular condition ketamine has a rather curious ability to restore functionality in a way that we believe is impaired especially in mood disorders so does Elon Musk is he benefiting from top- down control well I'll say top down referring to the prefrontal cortex what you rationally know you should be doing top down and telling your body to do it we know that individuals that are in positions of leadership have to make executive functioning decisions on the regular perhaps this is helping him unfair Advantage it can't go too far in a Lim but I can say that it likely is not hurting his ability to manage large teams number four we're talking about the prefrontal cortex individuals with PTSD absolutely suffer from regulation this is often from living with fear and it sabotage central nervous system where because of fear we are losing concentration and attention and focus on areas that we need to focus on we often call this ADHD if we're not looking holistically at the patient so when ketamine which can have a profound Improvement in patients with PTSD can help facilitate fear Extinction meaning we are literally look's like with that fire extinguisher calming the fear down in the central nervous system to free up Psychological Resources for what we want to do whether it's studying for a test whether it's leading a team whether it's doing whatever else by reallocating that resource certainly people will will feel at least that they can function better in society now are people getting smarter it's a hard leap to make but we know that fear will torped our best efforts of caring for ourselves and doing right by others fear Extinction we also call it consolidation bigger topic than this video today but we talk about it when we talk about ketamine treating PTSD at the root cause so has Elon must opened up about past childhood traumas it's a very touchy subject for him but for many of my patients when we can relieve that burden of fear certainly they can open up all sorts of powerful possibilities and now moving on very closely related is the emotional regulation that comes with freeing up a sabotaged central nervous system so we call this improved inhibition control for example I'm just thinking right now on the top of my head when a patient comes into the operating room when I'm doing anesthesia for surgeries I walk into a room like this some individuals feel a need to start crying uncontrollably or to start saying mean things or to be doing something that it's not immediately productive perhaps it's a coping mechanism I'm not saying it's right or wrong judgments are put aside here but there is an element of lost inhibition control so we are disinhibited we do all sorts of weird things that we ordinarily would not do if we didn't have the fear or the immense vulnerability Etc exposing this when we have been traumatized in the past when we are currently depressed or anxious you know and I'll look in the comments I want someone here to someone's brave enough to share perhaps our own experience when we have been traumatized do we lose our ability to regulate sometimes and a part of us might come out an emotional Outburst lashing out being mean to someone being mean to ourselves can come up and this can certainly be addressed with ketamine if we can improve through that prefrontal cortex our emotional regulation I want to know who here I'm looking at the comments I'll give you a shout out uh loreni hi back to you even though you're you're late um and Gabby is is discussing being diagnosed as a as a teen Emos surf I mean yeah everyone here is Jackie I appreciate you guys sharing this powerful link between trauma and lost emotional regulation so if we can increase the space this is the goal of my patients with ketamine when we're using it holistically to increase the space between stimulus and response so a patient who has been traumatized who is living in reactionary nerk reflex life when they are triggered they have a nric reflex response maybe they'll yell maybe they'll scream maybe they'll pick maybe who knows what they'll do but that's a reflex of thought the stimulus from the environment triggering them their response is glued together ketamine through its various neuroplasticity properties can unglue the stimulus from the response that is emotional regulation and it is allowing for us to be in charge of how we choose to respond to triggers what greater gift can we give someone than to be present with themselves and not be a slave to the triggers in their environment if this is resonating with you and I know it does for hundreds and thousands of people out there especially in California where I practice please leave a comment to know that others are not alone who have felt that they've been a slave to themselves from depression PTSD anxiety or any other stuckness because it really breaks my heart when people think that they're alone and no one else has explained it to them this way and they think that no one else suffers in this way if we can address that slavery we can open up potentially vast resources Psychological Resources that we might colloquially called being smarter being more intelligent Etc call it whatever label you want but it frees up resources for human doing pardon for human being instead of human doing because human doing is being a slave to triggers living life an autopilot and I'm looking at the comments here raincloud is commiserates Miss V it commiserates Virginia uh Gabby physic everyone here is talking about um yeah like Jackie is saying we think we're alone and we often lose a powerful healing capacity uh I mean many people here are are all yeah if you're watching this video on the replay check out the comments that I posted here but I got to wrap up so we can get to your Q&A there are so many great questions I need to answer here about camine we need to end by talking about hot versus is cold cognition you all know what this is hot cognition refers to emotionally valanced or environmentally influenced cognition social reward learning cold cognition is like taking a test like what's 2 plus two what's 15 ID three the integral of this derivative of that like objective only one right answer kinds of memory tasks and executive functioning so there's two types of cognition that psychologists typically will refer to interestingly ketamine seems to improve both of them now I want to be very very clear again this is not recreational Kine this is not doing something on your own this not medical advice this is information so that you can talk with your doctor if you feel that you have been stuck in a particular place that is impacting your ability to Excel and succeed where you need more cognitive performance if you've been trapped or stuck particularly with a psycholog iCal mood disorder right my heart goes out to you it's so hard and we deserve to help uncover our healing capacity ketamine is not the source of this necessarily our inner healing capacity is but ketamine can uncover it perhaps this is what Elon Musk is referring to when he said how ketamine is making him such a better manager and leader for his investors it's allowing him to overcome maybe a whole host of past traumas I suspect he's had one or two given everything I see about him in the news but I don't know I'm not defaming him I'm not saying anything bad that that he is trying to uncover his innate capacity for creativity ketamine May well help with that because both hot and cold cognition benefit the catastrophic response to perceived failure look at that I wrote it down there when someone is struggling with depression their hot cognition is particularly impaired and it manifests often as this catastrophic response to perceive failure I can't emphasize this enough and if you have ever struggled with depression or known someone who has struggled with depression please take this to Heart It demonstrates in such few words because I I just like very simple definitions and simple Concepts catastrophic response meaning that we're engaging in cognitive distortions literally catastrophizing response to perceived failure perceived failure is the next part failure is all the Judgment call because you never know what truly is a failure or what is a success and every culture around the world has known this which is why there are so many Proverbs about how what we think is a failure actually might be a huge success but we don't know about it we have to be patient and vice versa things that are good that happened to us may actually turn out to be bad and I can share a load of examples if you want I can share them today you can ask in the live Q&A but catastrophic response cognitive distortions and perceived failure being trapped in judgment are some of the Hallmarks of being stuck in depression yes there's going to be a biochemical makeup in the brain when this happens but recognize that these two Hallmarks are heavily rooted in hot cognition and if you have been struggling or you know someone being aware of the hot cognition that is affected how it affects our working memory and often our perceived intelligence is so key so that we can empathetically help those who are struggling I want to rounded out by saying that these are benefits that show up several days and can last weeks in fact with cognitive behavioral therapy these effects May last over a month these improved cognitive performance effects in patients receiving IV ketamine therapy but in the moment when someone is receiving IV ketamine there are acute changes in the brain affecting our Attention our memory our ability to be balanced etc those go away after 24 hours and the vast majority of individuals so there are acute effects from receiving IV ketamine like when someone gets anesthesia here in the operating room we're talking about longer term benefits and many patients always ask me about dementia to date there is no evidence that ketamine predisposes to dementia when used medically supervised in a safe way in fact the there are geriatricians out there who are studying ketamine because of its neuroplasticity properties to see if it might not be able to help patients with dementia and we're going to go into our live Q&A I want to be very clear that Ivy ketamine needs to be used holistically this is not just giving someone ketamine and have them walk away this is addressing the whole body where our past traumas where our cognitive performance where they all commingle together and if we want to do right by ourselves and our patients we need to view ourselves holistically so if you appreciated that uh I I love Chris's comment here cognitively razor sharp after all right if you appreciated that do please hit that like button and share what you have learned with others you can be an advocate for yourself and others in our broken Health Care System here if you want to learn more about IV ceman Therapy you can always visit the website where I have loads of resources with literature sign that cited it's Claris and let's go into the Q&A here hey fiz gig you are so welcome uh it's like someone turned down the volume of the world so Chris law I want to say that for centuries human beings have recorded this perception that quieting the mind to hear the heart has many positive long-term effects so I think you're on to something Virginia you are so welcome there's a lack of out of- Body Experience mean ketamine is not working Seth Fest no some studies show that that experience is not necessary for the long-term benefits however some studies also show that it is necessary we don't know if it's the same for every individual but there's evidence to support both of those and Heidi thank you so much Ash so good to see you St John's wart does have many interactions ett you're right so do almost all prescription medications so just because St John's wart has many interactions doesn't mean that it's any right or wrong or better than prescription medications except that sometimes patients don't disclose to me that they're taking St John's wart because they think it is infinitely safe I nothing against Natural therapies I love natural therapies and ketamine was recently discovered to occur naturally in the world but we have to respect them because they can have powerful effects we should respect them as much as we do prescription medications um question does okay anti-depressant resistant is there a way to have ketamine therapy without having someone to take you and drive you to all appointments that's a very uh good question you technically cannot drive or operate heavy machinery on the day of your ketamine infusion after your infusion because of those the like I was saying the acute effects not being coordinated Etc um some centers you'll find do allow for Ubers or taxis so that depends on the clinic and the patients very good question uh I've lost quite a few friends who couldn't appreciate my struggle with depression and my desire to self-isolate well Michael I hope that you have I hope maybe others can appreciate what we're talking about today to help prevent that from happening to you or to others in the future because like I forget what poet what American poet said this but there is perhaps no greater gift than to be able to walk in someone else's shoes for a mile we losing our connection with others is the first step to losing our connection with ourselves and that is where immense amount of our pain and suffering comes from does this help someone who failed multiple anxiety and depression meds it can you need to speak with your doctor JC tintus ringing in the ears causes me to have Suicidal Tendencies um that is a very tough one JC you need to speak with your medical uh your mental health professional about that there are virtually no studies on IV ketamine and tenderness there are some studies on the S Anan humor of ketamine injected in Panic to help with tenus but that's a tough one I have had some success anecdotally in my Center in my clinic with patients but I can't stress enough that the plural of anecdote is not data it's not evidence necessarily but I also appreciate that there is tremendous struggle and hardship and no struggling with tendis and my heart goes out to you jna do ER doctors give you a fake half dose to test placebo effect you know that's that would be unethical I don't know people doing that thank you I got my voice this time the anesthesiologist okay listen to me says Donna I didn't wake up nauseous or sick we had a plan that's fantastic to hear Mitchell I have colon cancer scheduled for Tuesday I'm guessing surgery Mitchell I'm wishing wishing you the best for your surgery and I hope everyone else here is sending you positive vibes Jackie does keman therapy help with autism that's a loaded question because is autism something that we need to necessarily fix you know there's arguments on both sides I don't want to go into to that discussion but there are very few studies looking at ketamine in neurod Divergent conditions uh in short neurod diverent conditions are rarely isolated from depression or anxiety or a sense of stuckness if IV ketamine can help with that stuckness it may help other elements of the neurod Divergence that are painful to the individual plants were the first chemists plants and the individuals who were harvesting the plants absolutely absolutely where does it occur naturally uh Virginia ketamine is produced by some fungal species discovered by a group of uh Brazilian scientists in 2022 I recall so pretty pretty uh new pretty new news Okay ASD has a good question I don't know where the question is isn't Elon on the Spectrum well many people think so uh I wish I knew where as's question was and I'm so happy that you're learning more about KY on this channel uh I would like to reduce my sensitivities and depression well this is why the neurod Divergent question around autism is nuanced very few things in medicine are black and white because virtually Nothing in life is black and white and it's very important to remember that when we're talking about our mental health hey Donna thank you so much for that super thanks very kind of you um mar mar K I'm happy that he has come out and said it because I am not going to go out there and pretend to diagnose him when I'm not his doctor what kind of doctor will administer ketamine so jod this is a very good question I ketamine which is the most efficient and we believe effective form of ketamine needs to be administered by ideally an emergency room doctor or an anesthesiologist many doctors here even in the Bay Area in California um cut Corners there are risks with this especially if someone has pre-existing medical conditions the less invasive forms like intramuscular shots or nasal sprays or lenes can be administered without that type of trained doctor very good question uh we had anesthesia K yes it's been around since the 70s you're absolutely correct what's the benefit of taking ketamine well Lewis ketamine we're talking about its medical use in certain conditions that can also have a cognitive performance benefit for all the reasons I described but I'm not advocating at all for ketamine to be used recreationally or just for the purposes of increasing our cognitive performance that's a very very touch subject that is not medically valent uh I hope it's not a downer on anyone there he big stack you're so welcome do I think this would work without the assisted therapy it does in some patients but you have to know what patient that's right for and what patient is not right for pinched nerves what to do well we got to figure out what's pinching the nerves I can't answer that without knowing more about what nerve is pinched where and how do linges work they do but the efficacy is not nearly as high as IV Therapy it's very important to discuss this with your doctor there is a tremendous amount of misinformation out there I encourage you to look either on my website or the other videos where I talk about the differences the anesthesiologist I went to in Florida has been administering IB ketamine for a long time great good and Gabby you're so welcome and Josephine seems to have uh reached a stage of Enlightenment that's awesome that you understand it fully I wish I understood things fully it's hard it's hard in medicine when there's so much data coming out and we're talking about the subconscious I don't understand says Alexandra why these people ask so much about ketamine hi no it's not about people that are getting high Alexandra it's probably about people that have been struggling with something in their life and they're looking for a way to come out of their struggling you're right that maybe some people are looking for a cheap back door and there's limitations to cheap back doors because to quote someone who I'm not going to say their name uh all wisdom comes with a price when someone comes for ketamine and they've been struggling for years with depression perhaps they've paid the price to gain the wisdom that ketamine might help them integrate into their life but just seeking Kine for the sake of getting high if Alexandra if I'm reading Alexandra Alexandra's comment correctly might not be appropriate and it's very important it's very important to acknowledge that you know Maggie I don't know if that would work if you'd be a billionaire like doing that I'm gonna go with a probable no on that one what does anesthesia do to a patient with atanto axal instability well that's a very very important question you can paralyze them which is why you need to be very careful about the head motion when you're intubating the patient preferably use a bronchoscope a flexible bronchoscope or video laryngoscopy uh you can hit me with any question you want right now including those types of questions will the FDA ever approve IV ketamine you know I did a whole video on why it's not approved um unclear if it will ever happen likely there will be other medications approved before that ever happens if they want a cheap back door to get high they go to the streets not a Dr Mara Mara I hope I pronounced that correctly I agree I agree well said and yes Janet ketamine can work in many patients who been struggling for a long time with the Right medical supervision uh it's not making him oh what's going on it's not making him ah too many comments good problem to have have y all seen his later interview I will leave that for the commenters to comment on you know if you're watching this as a re uh as the uh the rewatch I'm so curious what you think about that there was a new study with the VA to study it with chronic pain and depression with Jackie we use ketamine for chronic pain and for depression and for both very often they are different protocols though you can't use the same one for both of them uh I have no good thoughts to share on DMT because it's not legal we don't really provide it medically yet but there is a lot of interesting information we can talk about in an offline setting one day um I'm so sorry that you've been gassing Susan I hope you've watched my videos on how to minimize the chances of being gaset especially when you know there's a doctor or someone else in a power um in a position of power over you drug diversion is a serious issue yes it is especially amongst those who have access to drugs like doctors uh Patty you are so welcome I played too much football can this help well you know traumatic brain injuries um actually there's a role for NAD therapy there ketamine possibly but not as direct of a link very very good question can you have camine with bugata syndrome that's a very very Niche question um I've never given cem into a patient with brata syndrome it would require a review of the latest research which I've not done recently because it is a very very rare condition certainly propal can be given K I need to get back to you on that very good question and very dangerous consequences if you get it wrong uh okay let's wrap up here with so many good questions how does ketamine help with chronic pain Sunshine I'd recommend you actually watch my videos on it but I'll say very very briefly and you can look at my website I have lots of articles on the chronic pain component but the spinal cord has a lot of nmda receptors there's a lot of stuckness that happens when our body is repeatedly seeing the same stimulus especially if it's in the operating room uh we call it central sensitization the spinal cord can become so sensitized when whether it's from fibromyalgia complex regional pain syndrome BTSD many many conditions fall into this category if we can in some way quiet down through we believe the glutamate mediated transmission of pain which is not the traditional view of pain that we look at with opioids perhaps you can reset that Central sensitization help lower the volume on the pain amplifier in the central nervous system which comprises the spinal cord and brain we believe that's one of the ways well we don't understand chronic pain because chronic pain has to do with your Consciousness and we don't understand Consciousness these are all scientific handwavy ways of trying to explain that even if ketamine can't fix the root cause of the pain remember that tissue destruction is neither necessary nor sufficient for the perception of pain and that's why things like ketamine can be so helpful even if there is something at the end of the nerve ending like a crushed finger of course that would be painful we all agree but how that signal goes to your brain through all these nerves is heavily impacted by many variables above and beyond the tissue destruction itself I see wolf why do some uh thank you for that super thanks by the way why do some anesthetists or anesthesiologists why do antistatics have a taste oh I don't know what antistatics means but propol tastes like sweet well and you'll have a videos thank you so much for the kind comments you taste medications given IV because when they go in your blood they circulate through your whole body they go to your lungs and you actually exhale certain portions of that when you exhale you are going to taste and smell because they're so tightly linked some component of that medication which is why if you rub garlic on your hands you'll eventually have garlic breath because of the absorption through the skin going through the bloodstream then you exhale it out mindboggling right ah spado refers to the esketamine and antier that's often delivered through an intranasal mechanism different than the reic camine but I mean largely related it's just a Floy to make more money I have a whole video on patent extenders ways that drug companies try to make a lot of money off of um old medication and Melanie do you like garlic I love garlic but the garlic breath you know is uh not so great hey Gabby thank you so much for the kind comments there and I agree with autistic Adam it's quite fascinating that we can experience pain without tissue destruction absolutely you can I'll have a whole video on this coming up not to worry um do why not recommend spado fiz gig the right patient you know I'll end with this the father of Western medicine Sir William Osler said it's more important to know the patient who has a particular disease than the disease that a patient has so is spado not recommended no for some individuals it might be the only chance they have if their socioeconomic position is all that that works into uh if spr is the only thing that works for their socioeconomic position I should say I specialize with IV treatments but I am not going to poooo the multitude of other ways to achieve Altered States Of Consciousness whether it's meditation holotropic breathing intranasal ketamine I mean they need to be safe of course right but remembering that the most ubiquitous form of an alter State of Consciousness is our REM sleep our dream like state which every human being at some point in their life has experienced it behooves us all to look at the individual instead of just pushing a particular treatment onto people as a whole that is true medicine not just being a drug advertisement a marry lamb prophetic messages from Heaven I love your username um thank you for the super thanks we'll end with your question here it was so kind of you to to Super thanks that why not verset and King in combo to bring blood pressure down and calm the anxiety we do this sometimes but I the medal Lam also known as verset in the United States when studied across large populations has been shown to reduce the efficacy of ketamine which begs the question of whether IV medazine which renders Amnesia and causes us to sometimes forget and not form memories maybe the memories that we would otherwise be forming with IV ketamine are actually necessary for the therapeutic process begs a lot this are the big questions of Consciousness around psychedelics because when someone is given ketamine under general anesthesia where they don't remember any of that experience they don't have the anti depressant effect I mazam with ketamine tends to reduce the anti-depressant effect perhaps some of that experience is necessary maybe it's not sufficient though questions that we don't know fully but if we can verbally help reorient and calm someone's anxiety down and lower their blood pressure that is the approach in my clinic with my patients not to chemically just nuke someone's body that's not good medicine though there are sometimes when we do need to do that it should not be the first medic there should not be the first um intervention if you will we need to first try non-invasive or minimally invasive before we go into invasive treatments I hope that answers your question such a good question and I appreciate that Ash thank you for the kind comments and I I don't know what this means do you sug for a l or I I don't know Starling B what that means I'm so curious uh interesting well uh until next time thank you for all of your support I hope that you can go out and advocate for all the others who are struggling not only to improve their working memory so they can excel at what they want to in life but if they're struggling with depression or anxiety or PTSD they can learn more about other treatments that might be life-changing for them always speak with your doctor this is not medical advice information to help Empower you to have a discussion with your doctor because you deserve to know how much power you have over your health it's probably a lot more than you've ever been told until next time
Channel: Medical Secrets
Views: 15,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ketamine, cognitive enhancement, mental health, neuroplasticity, emotional regulation, psychological pain, medical research, ketamine therapy, mental well-being, neuroscience
Id: JsWhdO2M84M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 41sec (2501 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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