Can I Repair a Faulty BEHRINGER DJX700 DJ Pro MIXER

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[Music] hi there my name is vince from and in this video today we're going to be looking at this behringer dj x 700 and it is a pro mixer so i suppose if you like a bit of dj in you may have this or something very similar now this was sent in to me by a viewer named matt apologies matt has taken me ages to look at this my whole life has been just uh sidetracked by the car as you can imagine but i'm finally looking at it now now i have found a couple of thoughts with it with matt he said that there was a problem with channel 2 and also channel 3 and channel 3 was completely dead now i don't know whether it's intermittent or whether or not it's been knocked about in transit but as far as i can see channel 3 is working but there's definitely two interesting things on channel 2 and that is that the right channel is not working and the mid range here makes a really really strange sound doesn't matter what you're on every time you do this it makes a strange sound so let me get the camera on the tripod get my phone connected to it get the little bluetooth speaker connected to it and i'll show you what i mean okay now i've got it connected up to my phone and a little bluetooth speaker bluetooth speaker is in the master and this one is in channel one here and i'm over the cd side of that channel so there's different inputs at the back i'll show you that later so if i turn it on and if i press play and the second attempted repair and then you can hear that it's working here and if you have a look here if you have a look here you will see that this going up on left and right and it's kind of even hello hello hello it's my mate vince here and for the first time on this channel we're going to be trying to fix up us so you can see that that is working correctly now let me go to number three which is not supposed to be working but as far as i can see that's working then i'm going to show you the fault in fact i can show you default on number two when i'm in number three here so if you have a listen here if i was to go to systems i'm using you can hear it's there from an nes because it's ac and i'm using the av out from exactly as far as i can see that's working but check this out you're ready to make it work so every time that goes up no matter what channel you're on it affects it so let's go over to number four turn it on there's no power like whatsoever and my adapter is definitely okay because when i play okay so you can see that that's definitely not right now watch this on channel 2 i've had to put this bit of paper at the bottom because the rubber feet have gone so can you hear it sounds different and also look here it's already it's all on the left not on the right so the right is really really quiet if i take out the right it doesn't really make any difference yeah okay so and now if i take out the left it drops right down so the volume isn't equal imbalance [Music] right let's turn that off so as far as i can see at this moment in time there's two faults so where i think it's gonna be quite interesting especially i'm looking forward to what is causing this mid thing going on really really odd so i'm going to take it up to the blue mat we have to work out how we take it apart i can see screws around the edge here hopefully it is serviceable and while i'm doing that matt's going to explain how a mixer works in kind of layman terms because he's going to be able to explain it a lot better than me so if you already know how it works maybe skip forward the next three minutes or so and if you don't watch this little bit here and hopefully you will understand it more hi vince it's matt so uh i just wanted to make you a quick video mainly so i can give you a little bit of a run through on how the mixer should work uh hopefully you can get it fully working uh but again just to say thank you for for all the inspiration for the videos so i'm hearing my man cave now uh so welcome uh i've as you probably tell in the background i've been working on fixing quite a bit of he-man items so uh one of my uh aims at the moment is actually the the artillery section uh for this guy beam blaster so i'm just waiting for a new motor coming for that at the moment so this is kind of a work in progress but that's not why we're here what we're actually coming here for is uh to give you a bit of a run through on this is my new mix of my djm 600 so i've got it connected into quite a few items over here but what we're going to do really just give you the basics so on the main mixer here uh very similar to the barringer so we're just going to work with uh with actually i'm on channel two here because that's what's going to my watman so as you see on the back very easy you've just got a right and left so uh red and white pretty standard so this is a bit more of a high quality cable that i use because it's going out to a walkman and what you have on here as you can see you'll have a master left and right so this just runs out to kind of any any amp or or any high fashion scene you've got i've got it plugged into adobe surround sound system down here that's just for getting the volume out you could plug it into kind of a bluetooth speaker or anything as long as you've got a kind of a line in our headphone socket that you can plug that into just so you can get some sound out we'll use for this we're going to use the uh ex80 so this is one that i fixed based on like your video lecture new belt bit of a clean bit of re oil and grease working good as new so thanks again for that so what we'll do is we'll just plug this in so you mean about one-handedness in your videos it's not exactly the easiest again there we go so plugged in we've got a tape here which we've actually been rewinding in mind so let's just open this up and pop this in side a little rubber miles you can't go wrong okay so that's all set up ready to play so on to the mixer so first things first is i always reset the channel so just reset all down here you can put the fader in the middle will not be assigned in the fader really but again you would just say with the that side would be on over here so that'd be channel two and this side would be up here so if you want channel three channel whichever way you want to fade and then that would fade but you just want to put that in the center there you can set your channel if you want so you could say that's a channel one but obviously we're on channel two the main item that you're gonna really want on here is gonna be this here so this is kind of the uh the up fade rather than the crossfade and we're also this is this here which is the uh which is the trim or the gain so worth knowing if this is all the way here on zero that's effective is not going to let any any uh sound through so we'll put that around the middle so we can power it on if we power on our stereo down here and essentially that's it we're set up so we've got a bit of volume coming up on the up fade on channel two we've got some master volume here we've got volume on our stereo itself so we should now in theory be set up so if we go to our walkman let's play oh turn off hold there we go and if we give it a second or two at the beginning of the tape because i rewound it i'm just gonna hear the music sounds coming through and again so zero you get nothing [Music] and obviously we get nothing there and again we'll get nothing from the master volume so effectively that is it in its basic form so all you need to do make sure that you've got say the trim in the middle a bit of volume there a bit of volume on on the master and the cross fader in the middle and effectively whatever you're playing then as long as it's through the in the channel you're all good right i hope that helped so for my uh my long-windedness there but yeah good luck fixing it and i hope to see the video when you're all done thanks mate bye thank you matt so hopefully if you didn't understand about mixers before hopefully you understand it more now so looking rounds here it looks like this whole back thing is look at all those connections it looks like all this here is one piece of metal you see the way it's sort of folded over so we have got some screws at the back there but i'm thinking if we were just to undo these screws on the top here down the side that it might lift off so that's what i'm going to do that's quite a few screws to undo so i'll just fast forward through it and i'll give a shout out to them my mate vince massive and this month the wonderful members are kid kit hakes and max rockatansky having fun repairs edinsburg amplifier repair and service will michaelis chris seal felipe mr king curd from low back auto sales dj vg ellis garbett pixie kenneth blenstrom sorenson simba tinibu gabe mccandless extreme 401 robert from timzy's auto air and daniel watson so now we should be just about ready to see what's inside this beauty look at this we've got effects as well i'd like to see what that does later all right so i just did the outer ones and it wants to come out there's loads more in the inner world but maybe there's to connect up inside the panels oh look at all this i'm sure this is going to look interesting here we go look at this here now right so we've to add on board here right well i may have to look at this backboard because remember we haven't got the the right audio working on channel two but i think to begin with let's mess with that potentiometer type thing so now what should i do next all the buttons have to come off at the front if i want to have a look at it i think they do so it looks like they're pretty much all the same apart from this one here hasn't got the wiper in i wonder why that hasn't got it in is that worn away or is that intentional yeah so i'm gonna have to pop all these off let me take a picture of them just to see if uh are they actually gonna come off yeah they are yeah oh wow it's a complete different color underneath look at that good difference yeah they have a flat bit in them here so you can't actually get them on the wrong way well i'm going to take a picture that's a tough one to get up this will give a lovely opportunity to clean it all now i am working on limited tools here because all of my tools are in the rolls-royce still feels so weird saying that let's undo these other six screws now on the inside let's see if we can lift off this metal front all right there's plenty more screws to undo down here so it looks like all the front is aluminium here so it looks very nice [Music] i just need to undo this phone headphone jack down here so it's got a lot of the hot glue on it well that's not wanting to come off so i'm going to use some ipa on that and that will hopefully remove it nice and easy so ipa or isopropyl alcohol is really good at removing the hot glue you get from glue guns there you go you see how it just uh seems to just make it slippery and come straight out it's pretty good and we have a microphone one up here just here so let's put some on there you that right they can't go in any other way because they've got little bits sticking up there that fits into the groove okay so that's really easy to clean now that can just be wiped down now what do we have here so we are dealing with this one here wasn't it no we were dealing with this one here right so why is that faulty compared to the others it's got a nice big linear transformer here well i think just to make it easier for myself i am going to undo all this uh glue here okay so pretty much all of the weight is coming from the transformer there the rest of it's quite lightweight okay now what we got going on is the same shame that channel three does appear to be working i did notice these on the back there's these little switches here so uh i think what that does is apparently with the phono input so if you look at line one here they're both line inputs because cd apparently is the same as line but when it comes to phono it's like millivolts needs to go into it rather than volts which would go into line in and cd and uh i believe when you press these i don't know if it's press or unpress i presume it must be press then it goes it changes to phono ones into line in so then you can i think safe don't quote me on this i think you can then safely put in like something like a cd player or a tape deck or something rather than the phone which would be a record player so maybe that button had actually definitely got pressed and uh the phono was acting like a line jack in which case then the phono signal might not have been enough to kind of actually come up on it if it was expecting to see voltage rather than midi volts all right so we're dealing with this one here right there's loads of pins on here so i was expecting to see three connections like the wiper and then two of the uh you know the other ones like a potentiometer so i don't know why we've got six should we see if any of them are in common with each other [Music] right so it looks like they're in common and those two are in common just want to zoom in see if i can see the traces no i don't know what this meter beeps out i'm just going to get an aims reading through there it's coming up about three ohms says 33 hold on oh no we've got a little k there oh no we haven't just says three ohms let's see what this one reads weird it also reaches three ohms strange isn't it let's go into the one next to it no that's 11 000 ohms okay let's see if maybe we found our problem ready let's turn that one all the way to there oh but these are different here so now let's turn that the same and let's turn that one the same so they're all turned the same way either side of the faulty one yeah there you go three ohms right okay so obviously it changes as you turn the uh potentiometer around so we go from three ohms there go fully around the other way yeah 11k right uh okay that's not making any sense because why when we turn that is it making that really weird noise well but the good news is is that they all look to be the same so i wonder whether i could just for example swap over the potentiometer using the solder gun and then see if that makes a difference if it's fixed it we know the potentiometer is faulty and if it doesn't maybe we can swap over this ic here this ic-15 and swap it over to the one next to it there and then see if the fault moves i'd have to double check look that they're the same so what's happening v4580m v4580m yeah n6059b and 6095 but yeah so they're going to be the same well i think it'd be easy enough to swap some of these over in fact i can just swap it for the one underneath it they're going to be the same keep it on the same 41 here so i just have to unsolder this big one this one big one that one that one and then these six small ones let's do that so these are through-hole components so these solder guns should handle them no problem but it doesn't work i have real trouble with the anchor points so what i then try to use is a bit of solder wick on the anchor points to try to wick up some of the solder that still doesn't work so then i used the soldering iron to melt the solder on the anchor points and then use the desolder gun to suck up the solder and it still doesn't work so then i add leaded solder to all the points in the hope that that will reduce the temperature a bit because this is going to be unleaded on the board due to the age of it and guess what it still doesn't work so then i have to bring my old friend the low melt solder out and then that works an absolute treat and they just drop out you will see the low melt solder again later on in the video well there you go you can see it's starting to come out then there we go much easier with the low melts right let's do the one above it there we go right so now this is the suspected faulty one so i'm going to leave that up here and now i'm just going to clean up all this mess okay so let's put the good one where the faulty one used to be it's amazing that chip quick solder i uh i didn't use it i bought it and i didn't really use it for a good year and a half or two years now i seem to be using it all the time right that's him firmly and this is this one here and that's in nice as well right let's solder them back in well i've found this whole flux pen i used to use before i got like the tacky flux so let's just put a bit of that on just to make the joints a little bit neater then i can clean it all with ipa so okay so they've both been swapped over now so let's connect up the back connectors again get power into it and let's see if it's still making that really really weird noise or has the fork move to this one here if it has we know it's the potentiometer thing that's faulty if it's still here i don't know i'll just have to trace it maybe it's that chip that's faulty really weird okay so i've got the speaker plugged in here i've got my phone down here and what i did notice is on these three they're actually different than the top top ones so all of these ones are different than these ones here because on this one there's no kind of middle when you turn it it doesn't clear quite with these they all click there so that's like the middle right let's plug it in and see what happens obviously i'm keeping my hands wet away from where the mains is down here okay so it's already on so now if i was to uh on seconds oh right i don't want to short against that now i wasn't expecting it to topple over so easy let me get something let me get something bigger i've unplugged it from the mains uh let me get some a cereal box or something like that there we go right i'm going to plug it back in now and let's press play we're under correct one there [Music] hi there my name is vince from my mate vince and welcome to another episode of trying to fix up the cheapest rolls royce in the country did you notice anything what is going on there so basically it's working now without that weird noise and also it's coming through both speakers because look you can see the lights are coming up let me just make sure i am definitely on number two down there so that one over here is for mike isn't it i think one second so we have got mike this one channel one channel two this was the problem here oh we've lost our sound right okay i mean obviously it's good that it's fixed but uh can you even see this haven't there we go different about me [Music] check it out rachel's being busy over at puddle look at that for merch i haven't released this video yet as well i've got some new merch check it out do like me a yellow t-shirt look at that you gotta admit now that is a good job there so if you're interested in any merch because i've just found out how much the distribution valves cost for underneath the driver's seat you know the bottom there the thing that was leaking and uh i'm honestly in shocks working 500 quid and i don't even know if that's a refurbished one 500 unbelievable i don't think i can fix it there's no seal kits for it so i think i'm going to have to uh buy the actual valve itself but i have seen on ebay people have set up used ones just straight off a broken car for uh 200 and something pound but bit of a risk because i could put it on here and maybe a week or two later it will go so uh if you just happen to be in the market for a new mug then you never know you might be helping a small bit towards that valve i don't really know i think i'm gonna have a look at the seats also this is right one second myself you know the back light is all uh flashed up so i bought myself a backlight now that i paid roughly i think about 80 pound for 70 80 something like that i don't mind that because you seem to be getting quite a lot for your money but 500 pound little valve just seems to be sorry a little bit confused i'm going to put the volume up full again i thought i'd seen this dropping back down again yeah i thought i seen that one up full and that one dropping down which was the problem we had with the left and right audio so by doing this not only have we got rid of that annoying noise not annoying good noise we've also got rid of the factors only coming through one channel but when i had it on full i think it started to drop down again so just bear with me uh extortionate still it's a rolls-royce everybody said it was going to be expensive and yes it is hence the reason why i try to fix what's already here so in this episode today i think i'm going to have a look at this seat as well to find out why it's not moving forward the driver's seat at the back where those springs are broken so you haven't got the same support i might look at that as well so uh yeah let's get started [Music] right i think i'm going to start i'm going to hold it there squeeze myself it should look like that side there but it's all snapped and broken so i think what happens is i'm not sure how it's attached over there but each one comes along and then it wraps itself around you know one bit of steel goes along wraps itself around again and carries on i think it needs to clean in here the whole thing will be sort of tied in but right now can you see that the springs here are bowing these bits out so you can see they're no longer in a straight line they're bow in here well if you look at that one can you see they're nice and straight down because they're being pulled together bit by bit by uh by each of them whether or not you're going to feel any different or not probably not but it's not designed to be broken like this but anyway look what i found in the shed that i think might be suitable so i've got this big one i haven't my dad's got this big coil of wire here he calls it binding wire i think he used it or uses it to fix up one of the fences in the hedge you know where the sort of sticks go into the ground and then you wrap this around go onto the next stick wrap it around to kind of keep them apart from each other so when we drop it it seems to work better when we put it on full it was different again this needs cleaning i'm sure of it so let me turn this off and i'm going to uh either take this out or just get some deoxit in there and clean it so i'm unplugging it again now so i think really this was uh this was a very simple fix it's just i don't really know what i did to fix that unless of course by swapping it over the heat or something clean something in here i just don't know i was expecting that to be something more major than just a potentiometer because why would the potentiometer cause a squeak like that every time we turned it on and um i've done is swap them over that's a little bit odd um a little bit annoying when you fix something and you don't know why so i suppose in hindsight maybe what i should have done is just took the potential water off and put it back on again just to see if it cleared it because uh right now i don't know whether it was something on the board or whether it was something on the potentiometer not too sure anyway let's have a little look here so we're going to have one two four at the bottom and two there i might unsolder that just to see what it looks like on the inside it'd be interesting to see let's see if i can take this off completely it'd be useful for other people to know as well because then they know whether they can actually change these out buy spare ones because this equipment isn't cheap it's worth repairing okay i'm just going to use a low melt on here as well so isn't that weird i was expecting that the uh audio only coming through one side was to do with maybe something nearer the jack but it wasn't it's this one here so i suppose when we take it off there must be one side for left and one side for right and it just so happens when you slide it up and down it's sliding them both up left and right at the same amount [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] but i can tell they're all loose and they're loose and there you go it's out so easy isn't it look unbelievably easy really really is okay so we have two tracks there one one in the middle two two and three up there so if we were just to open these up then hopefully we can actually see what's on the inside oh two in the middle as well [Music] okay there we go yeah i think what it is is just dust if you look at the fingers let me just zoom right in to show you i want to make sure i don't put this around back to front so how am i going to remember which way this goes because it can go in either way can't it would you know what it doesn't actually matter which way around this goes because this is the thing that gets soldered onto the board so this is going to be bi-directional isn't it so it doesn't actually matter but anyway yeah look let me zoom in and show you so it looks like the track itself isn't very worn that looks quite nice but can you see here i think it's just dirt on these fingers yeah so you know what i'm going to do i am going to get my dirt blaster thing and i am going to the vac and i'm going to basically blow in all of these and hopefully that will clear out the dust from it and i think i'm going to put a bit of deoxit on these fingers just needs to be on the very edge of the fingers there and i'll put a little bit here now i suppose some people would unsold every single one and then put deoxit in every one of them but i'm thinking if i use the datavac not the dirt plaster the datavac dirt blaster is a car share isn't it if i used a datavac then i'm thinking i don't think this worked properly because of dust and if the datavac can get rid of all the dust then it should be fine i can't get over how powerful this is now that i've gone over to the bigger nozzle [Music] [Music] [Music] well i'll put this on the same way as all of the rest of them so they have a little triangle here design so i'm going to just put it on the same way even though i don't think it would make any difference there's a triangle design there so two pins at the top four pins down the bottom that feels nice [Music] [Music] right let me just explain how this works here because i've just been messing with it if you have a look you can see it's all numbered we've got two one one two down the bottom and three up there so basically if we go between one and two and then slide it all the way it will go from zero ohms so a short to a hundred thousand ohms if we go between these two on the right hand side one and two here it will go between a hundred thousand ohms and zero ohms and if we go between the outer ones two and three up here on this side then on this side here it will go between zero and hundred thousand ohms and again between here and here zero and a hundred thousand homes so i think it is working as left and right so if i was to go here and here and go all the way up here you will see now we are a complete short and now look as i start to move it down can you see it will grow so we're now at 44 000 ohms go a bit more 85 000 ohms a bit more 97 all the way to there will get to 100 yeah and same if we go on to this side here so you let's now see we will be at a 100 and go all the way to here and it'll be a short yeah roughly in the middle it's weird how the middle is not 50. so where is 50 around here there well i suppose it just depends how it's been set up right so that's there and if we were to go between two and one on this side and the same will apply for the other side there so if you have a look now can you see we are the same reading 40 go all the way up it'd be a short no sir that's 100 000 ohms and that way will be the short there you go yep so that's how that works right i'm going to solder that back in i'm just going to try to tack this in place first with my hand holding it underneath because otherwise it's just going to keep falling out so i'm just going to get a little bit of solder on my soldering iron right now i know that can't go anywhere i'll get some flux on that okay so and i'm just going to clean it with ipad okay i think i'm happy with that but what i think that is gonna work okay now so what am i what do i have to do i have to add a few bits of glue back on when i put it back together and i just need to quickly clean the front aluminium face so initially i was thinking to use a wet wipe here but i don't want to wipe away any of these markings so i think i'm just going to use a microfiber cloth and yeah that's coming off i'm just going to make it ever slightly damp that's getting rid of the stains lovely see that mark there oh god oh these are still up the protective cover on oh i'd like to take that off but i won't yeah now obviously matt you're a he-man fan if you have time check out roger from retro tech repair he was on the youtube fixers twice i really like watching roger and yeah recently he did a he-man sword his latest video more interesting than you think and uh the inside of it was uh clever how it worked because when you hit the sword like this it used to make a noise how does it make that noise so you think on a phone or something would have some sort of motion sensor well this is old so it hasn't got a motion sensor it's got like a kind of a different way of doing it i won't give it away but it was quite interesting it was sent into him by toy paloy that's another youtuber who does a great job restoring old toys real restorations not the ones that are just made dirty and then they're cleaned for millions of views well i think that is looking lovely so i'm just going to pop it back together next time you see it will be back together and i'll uh i'll give it a test the effects and stuff like that make sure it's working differently than it was earlier well i'm nearly done now i had difficulty getting this on it took a lot longer than i thought because everything has to be lined up you know all these leds and stuff they all have to be lined up perfectly so you kind of have to put a few in wobbly leds get them to sit down next ones sit down and bit by bit it all falls into place which is quite satisfying so what i've done is i've glued up this connector here again and now i'm gonna you can't see that can you this connector and also the connector there i'm just reusing the glue so basically the glue came off in one bit and now i'm just putting it back on and i've got my hot air set to 200 degrees celsius and i'm just heating it up and melting up the glue i've already done that one there so at this temperature i shouldn't melt all the plastic everywhere it should just melt the glue and i'm not holding it on there for a long time either [Music] there we go okay we're all done it's all nice and clean it definitely looks better than it did before and as far as i can see it's working perfectly so if you had music with a beat play in then i suppose it'd be quite nice to fade one into another one i can see it's a well-made thing i can see why people are into this but in my instance here because of copyright i'm just going to be going from one of my videos to the he-man video that i mentioned earlier from retro tech repair now i'm plugged into channel 2. roger from retrotech repair is plugged into channel 3. the reason i've done these two channels is because these were the two channels that were at fault i witnessed the faults on channel two they're gone now and channel three i didn't witness any fault at all all i can think is that when it was on phono here the button at the back was to the line so it was expecting to see like a higher voltage coming in so it didn't destroy itself and instead of that maybe millivolts was going into it from for example a turntable that's all i can think of i don't know either that or it's fixed itself or maybe it's intermittent and maybe after another 10 minutes use it might go i really don't know but since i've been messing with it channel 3 has been working so uh uh yeah let me just show you what's what so this is the fader here i've got a this side that's a and that side's b i've got a set to number two and b set to number three so i'm channel two rogers channel three so when we're over here it will be all me when it's there it'll be all roger and in the middle it'd be both of us so check this out now if i press play right so you can see right now i'm here but if i go there i'm not here let's undo them now if i go to roger and if i go all the way here you will hear roger but you won't hear him here if i put it in the middle you will hear both of us in permanent contact with this yeah and obviously you can do it slightly more me or slightly more roger if you have a look here it's kind of interesting so it's definitely fixed but i still think the right hand side is a little bit weaker than the left hand side because if you look you have it sometimes where it's equal but then more often than not the left hand side will be one light higher than the right so i'm not sure if this here is actually perfect or not maybe if i was to do that a few times it might start wearing in a bit more yeah you see now to me it always seems to be a little bit higher on this side and as far as i know unless something happens with youtube when i do my videos i have them equal so although my uh camcorder is stereo i've had to put a mono mic on because people didn't like the sound of stereo but you can see it's nothing like it was before and if i was to unplug that this can cause a problem it sounds different that's gonna be okay and then if i unplug that one that's going to be it sounds different some of these i just need to tighten up a little bit yeah there you go right okay so that's that volume here down volume and here so that would be everything off and then there we have it never knew this would come in handy somewhere all right that's it and if you want to do effects i can put effects to uh three here which would be roger easily and listen and then we'll put it back in the mechanism kind of this way around and you can do it even more and if we do me excellent there we go uh other things like you can do where you can change the sounds and stuff with this here and remember this thing here absolutely perfect i mean what on earth caused that before and it does make a difference lazy cat and this one oh my god so then whilst it's doing that swiping motion doesn't seem to work oh no as far as that what's going on there right let's put it on pause so there we have it it probably would have been more interesting if channel 3 was completely dead but i still thought it was interesting the way that this had left and right built into here i was sure that was going to be something to do with a jack or maybe a chip or something i didn't think it would be as simple as that but the real confusing thing for me is what was going on here every single time i moved that even just a tiny bit it just was instant the secondary went like that why unsolving it from there and putting it in here and putting that one onto here why did that fix it if it was a cold solder joint i would have thought that maybe it would have gone from -32 decibels maybe to two decibels or to minus 10 decibels or something you think it would have just affected the range you don't think it would have gone crazy like it did especially affecting every single channel it didn't matter what channel you want as soon as you turned that one on a tiny bit it made that noise really strange novelty noise good noise but really really strange if you know what's happened there please put it down in the comments below because i really can't see anything that would have caused that but i think people will know the answer to that vince from the future quickly jumping in here i've been messing around with this for a couple of hours and it really is very good obviously it's not designed for playing youtube videos but when you play tunes that is kind of designed for it's pretty special so i noticed matt was playing some robert miles and i thought oh do i know this put this song on here 250 million views yes of course i know it heard it hundreds of times probably back in the day when i used to go to ibiza when i was 18. but uh it's it's amazing it actually picks up the beats of the song and to me it seems to be correct because when i played a slow slower song earlier it was up 92 and every time that little red light flashes is when you want to kind of move to the music so it's pretty special also this effects down here is all in the instructions so for example you can have a radio speaker you can have a tube amp and it really does make it sound different you can have echo delay reverb so there's all different stuff here it's uh it's pretty clever and then when you i see i can't play it to you because of copyright but when you sync both of these in then basically you have the time offset and the tempo difference down here don't understand that bit yet but it's all very very clever stuff it is really a nice bit of kit so massive thanks matt i can really see why people would be into this kind of stuff so me i'm kind of not musically inclined that way at all would i be able to put in to time two songs one going out and one going in maybe i could do if somebody was showing me how to do it and i just had two records to do but then if you gave me another one i think it would probably take me a hundred goes to get it to kind of go smoothly from one to another but uh yeah it's uh it's nice it's a nice bit of kit so i hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a massive thumbs up and i will hopefully see you all very soon thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: My Mate VINCE
Views: 47,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to fix a BEHRINGER DJX700 Mixer, Behringer DJX700 not working, channel 2 not working on a Behringer DJX700, Repairing an audio DJ mixer, Behringer faulty, fixing a Behringer Mixer, audio not working on a behringer, right channel not working on behringer, left channel faulty on behringer, Behringer Professional Mixer DJX700 5-Channel DJ Mixer with Digital Effect, repairing 5 channel mixer, behringer crm-2 repair, inside a behringer, weird sound on behringer pro mixer
Id: z9K8SQSFgHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 17sec (3497 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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