Can I pull the NEW Kaioken Goku on Dragon Ball Legends? (...and Yamcha)

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Goku and Yamcha from the sandaga are here in Dragon Ball Legends and man we're summoning low key I'm being completely honest you know the last time I was playing a did I forget to download no no way bro did I forget to download don't show up Bardock don't do it don't do it okay maybe it was just loading for no reason I don't know what was I going to say oh dude I can't believe we're even summoning right now man this this is one of the this is one of the worst starts to a campaign got to be in Dragon Ball Legends history right I literally cannot believe they I mean I don't want to say fumble because it just started yeah I I spoiled myself it's one of the new ones well I mean sometimes that's how that goes people sometimes they just bless you like that n The saian Saga Goku are in abundance right now bro they're everywhere different [ __ ] shapes sizes and colors and [ __ ] now it's little Goku what's going on the real question is what is going on with this Saiyan Saga Z campaign today obviously before this Banner dropped we had the reveals and stuff that was partly for The saian Saga Z campaign and partly for the celebratory 100 million downloads thing going on and bro I just got to say one of the worst reveals and stuff of all time I don't even really need to say it because I feel like it's already being beaten to death on social media everyone's addressing it because what the [ __ ] oh oh right there are lfs on this Banner damn you know I'm so used to seeing that like on a Ultra Banner or something bro like I saw it and I was like but then I remember what I'm [ __ ] summoning for and like I don't know I kind of locked in a little bit I still didn't download I still didn't download Legend limited oh brother it's crazy because I was just look again I mentioned in every summon video we're summoning here at 2:00 a.m. 2 in the [ __ ] morning you would what the part that I really never talk about is guys I have to find something to do while I'm sitting around staying up and waiting for these banners to drop and I was just you know chilling in Discord with the boys and I was just talking [ __ ] about that Bardock I feel like that was like a LF zenai that Straight Into Obscurity bro or I guess not obscurity but he was like straight to bench unit you guys heard of like straight to DVD movies that was a straight to bench zenai bro like no one gave a [ __ ] about no [ __ ] Bardock and I I was excited for his Zen Kai because I wanted to use him because his LF is so [ __ ] raw I mean that what do you want me to say the [ __ ] LF was lame bro it was [ __ ] it was lame as [ __ ] just like this lame ass campaign and I mean we can't completely grade the campaign until it's over right that's just how that works but however what we can grade is the okay how many more times are we going to get this guy bro we can grade the start to it and this is one of the worst starts to a campaign ever I feel like this here's the whole thing I feel like no one would have been mad for a couple of things a if there was no reveals and stuff for this because again this is not worthy of a reveals and and stuff and B if it was not revealed to us prior that the reveals and stuff was 23 minutes because when I hear a long reveals and stuff I start to think that we're going to see some cool [ __ ] you know what I'm saying and I mean obviously that's not the case that's not what [ __ ] happened we didn't see enough well I mean okay take a step back you're ranting Goku is cool and the Yamcha are both cool this is just not what I expected to launch this campaign with I was expecting us to start off with some premium units and even then if we didn't get premium units for the SA Saga I thought maybe there was a chance we could see some premium units for the um what am I talking about uh the 100 million download Celebration which dude I don't even know why that was also tagged on the reveals and stuff what did they even talk about in regards to that more sayyan Saga Goku I mean I should just know right like it's the new unit so of course a bunch of old versions of them are going to be plastered on the banner but God damn I pulled nearly every single one at this point I don't even know why I'm recording this dude well like I actually won't be able to upload this video the day these banners go up because I'm actually I I have a doctor's appointment in the morning very early uh I'm going to have to be up at like 7:8 in the morning and I'm recording this at 2 oh hey Vegeta ja ass again realizing I still haven't downloaded all I don't know what's wrong with me guys I'm just not in it bro I'm not in it to win it with this Banner low key the fact that this isn't going to be uploaded like the game is already taking my money now I got to wake up in the morning and I got to go to the doctor they got to take my [ __ ] blood it's like God damn what can I keep for me anymore I can keep this this shitty ass never mind that's not shitty and I will definitely take that I mean I'll be honest we want more of the Goku than we want the Yamcha to be honest I'm going to wind up running that Goku because his animations are actually [ __ ] incredible they are really [ __ ] good I kind of agree with what GES said in regards to this unit as well that this could have easily been an LF they could have just tacked the boom legendary finish they could have ADD like two more seconds of a little Flash a little Pizzazz we could have easily had LF here but no I thought the ginu force might have been setting a standard for Mega Rising banners to have three units uh instead of two but obviously I mean now we're sitting here that's not the case and mega risen continue to just kind of be the most boring banners throughout the year dude I'm not saying everything's got to be LF and Ultras we need mega Rising banners I just again it's the reveals and stuff I feel like we were all blue balled bro we were tricked we were [ __ ] Hoodwinked and man I talked about this in my reaction to the reveals and stuff dude I cannot stand the [ __ ] Yapp Aon that they go through up there on reveals and stuff bro like the part where they're literally reading the units kit word for word bar for bar Toshi we got to drop that [ __ ] we got to get rid of that it is so boring bro like I'm sitting there recording I mean again I'm a professional yeah bro okay at this point I'm a pro I've got a gold medal in yapping but even I be I'd be letting out a couple yawns during the reveals and stuff when they just like shut that [ __ ] up bro especially for these units that obviously aren't going to be anywhere near Ultra Frieza Super 17 Ultra Gohan you're not going to be anywhere close to that so like it almost it almost feels like a waste to even give them a read like literally I'm going to use this Goku and yam and PVP you know barring we get the Yamcha and I'm not going to think twice about the kit bro I'm just going to I want to see the cool animations I'm going to click the car you go punch punch punch you slide and then I go forward again punch punch punch like I don't know man that's just that's just my uh that's how I feel regarding this Banner man let's not even talk about the banner itself dog [ __ ] I think there's two lfs on here I think it's path to power Kid Goku the boo Bros and Bardock that's actually three I can't even count when it's this late bro I'll be all right though it was a busy day man we summoned on ginu as well on dokan obviously that's not going on the channel because I'm just keeping that as like a twitch exclusive thing I don't see why not plus it again they are summons for the [ __ ] ginu I'm sure most of you [ __ ] weren't going to click on it anyway that's just how stuff like that goes man I don't know at this point I don't even know if I want to summon on this Banner anymore aloki might just hop into PvP with the Goku and we just have a little bit of fun or something bro like why the [ __ ] not I don't know maybe we turn this maybe maybe we steal didy sauce's swag here guys maybe we turn this into a you summon you use it I don't know that might be the play what have I [ __ ] pulled so far Bardock this yellow Goku oh the yellow Bardock actually Zen Kai Buffs this Goku we got the blue Zen Kai Goku from San Saga we we got a team we got a little team we could probably find some victories I mean I'm also battle rank 50 right now so victories actually wouldn't be difficult at all they' honestly probably be quite easy we pulled that guy as well but not going on a [ __ ] team I'll tell you that much all right game go ahead and pass me a Yamcha here so we can just wrap this up Vegeta no I'm not looking at that bro I'm not looking at [ __ ] veg look at this [ __ ] yeah Vegeta's useless ass can you remember the last time a goddamn Vegeta's done anything for me cuz the answer is probably never I can't remember the last time man I'm so sleepy you know maybe there'll be part two to these summons maybe I don't even go in PVP maybe I just keep summoning but they're not about to be right now I'm about to go the [ __ ] to bed man I'm already tired it's a good mixture I got to be up early anyway I'm usually not asleep at this time I go to sleep at like 4 4 damn near 5: in the morning my sleep schedule is dog [ __ ] and it's because of these games bro if I'm going to be up to summon and make the [ __ ] content I got to sit here bro I ain't got many options you know what are you going to do my guy what are you going to do all right we got two more multis here Goku come more Goku more Goku I don't even care about yach any give me more Goku I'm surprised we haven't gotten a Bardock or like a trunks animation here because I mean I I think those can activate on these banners and plus the chances of you pulling the new unit actually aren't that low on banners like this they're actually to be honest quite high so I don't know I kind of expected you know I expected we'd already have the [ __ ] Yamcha by this point but we just can't stop pulling the [ __ ] Goku all right there's nothing else in this multi man skip that [ __ ] yeah Turles good Lord all right let's see final multi could be final multi on on this banner and it's it's just Red Skies constantly on this [ __ ] what's the [ __ ] what do it what does it mean um no man oh this Yamcha got to be well there you go Yamcha yeah this video sucks huh my my bad guys I don't know dude I'm trying my best here dude I really am we got to hop back in our Creative Bag we got to definitely some more Community videos coming soon cuz I feel like that's the most fun stuff to do during these dead periods is stuff that we can do like together you know like viewer battle videos not doing that for a while like that you guys send your teams I'm telling you I need to turn that send your team into a collab I need to find someone that's willing to sit down here with me and we just fight each other using your guys dog [ __ ] teams and yes I called them dog [ __ ] cuz they are all right see you later or in a little bit I don't know and we're back but we've returned with a plot twist I actually did not wind up going to the doctor yeah apparently the appointment was for uh tomorrow so I'm here here again it's the next day obviously new out new drip right and I'm here to get the same luck have the same summons bro for those of you that don't know I am live once again so I'm not going to talk too much about what was going on previously with the summons cuz it's a new day and I don't want to spoil anybody but this is my these are my last these are the last stones that this Banner is seeing for me man and there's no specific reason for that like nothing has changed from the person I was last night to the person I am right now except again new drip keep but no man I just you know anniversaries in like what a month's time or something like that no way bro just pulled up in my summons like I'm going to stand on your head all day in PvP today Nappa that's my plan bro matter of fact that might be the plan for this video cuz like I said I don't think these summons are going to last us very long bro these are some normal ass units dude I you it's not an ultra it's not a LF you won't catch me chasing them like that I assume we have to get an LF in I mean we already talked about this but what we haven't talked about is who the LF could be because someone brought up an interesting point how do I say they dropped a kaio-ken Goku well it's not exactly a kaio-ken Goku he's not in kaio-ken but he does kaio-ken in his ultimate they dropped him as a part of the mega Rising which is leads me to believe that the saian Saga LF will not be a Goku so who could it be I doubt they retread on Vegeta again right cuz we've already got ape jeta I mean after zenai he's also kind of somewhat you see him sometimes in PvP so it's not like the character is completely irrelevant so my thought process is maybe we could now Napa could actually be the LF no [ __ ] Nappa could actually be the LF or they could do they could do like something somewhat creative it could be a Nappa that dies and then you know Vegeta comes and he's like I don't have use for a saying that can't move toss him in the air kills him now you're playing as Vegeta that would be pretty Peak but I also can't help but feel like if we're about to go through a saian saga celebration and there's going to be no kaio-ken time streak how does Kaio Ken Goku from the Vegeta fight not have an LS Vegeta from the fight has an LF which he didn't lose that's the thing that's the thing where people cuz Vegeta holds a lot of L's but sometimes [ __ ] make up l's for Vegeta in their mind Goku versus Vegeta round one saan Saga that's a Vegeta win are we lying to ourselves now that's a Vegeta win the fight and before Goan and Krillin pulled up he was in great ape and he had Goku down on the ground with literally all of his Limbs and his ribs broken that that's a victory to me what was Goku going to do shoot a mouth Beam at him Goku heard me talking [ __ ] he was like I was going to my hey my fault Goku go ahead bro is that how you're going to shoot your spear B you're going to spit it at him I don't know I'm just yapping now we got another Goku though nice Seven Stars we need more yamchas bro because obviously I've had some time to go on Twitter social media see what people really think about these two units and people are saying yam is better than Goku which I blue Vegeta it always confuses me when he shows up like this blue I don't know what this means I don't think it means the same thing as if blue to saves you or does it LF no it's 18 with her grippers out okay I mean to some people that they would like that more than an LF you know my fault I don't know dude it's a new day it's Goku and Yamcha summons did you expect me to be talking about the characters for that long bro like what else is there to say man you know what I'm kind of butt hurt that so far we have not gotten one of like the guaranteed animations like where's my trunks animation where's my Bardock like can I get one of these before this is over these are literally these are literally the easiest banners to get them on surely here I mean joo's here so a special animation has to play surely Goku's dad is not here what do you guys think my special animation is huh rainbow Tex or something no yo what it's going to be Super Saiyan 3 is it Run's on vacation somewhere right now so I doubt he has time to pull up to my summons what was the Joo car for I thought Joo car meant you're going getting a special animation I need to stop getting my summon animation protocols from Diddy sauce I don't think he's ever been correct bro he's he's and it's crazy cuz Diddy has to be the Dragonball Legends content creator right now that is probably summoning the most right I can't be tripping with that yeah speaking of hold on you see him right there he's in the chat he's in the chat y'all be spinning the words I'm saying no man no no no you said matter of fact hold on bro join the call call me hey Diddy sauce all right well what you trying to what are you trying to spin right now which one which one small text small text right now no no no no no small text we that's that's old news we've been past that the Joo car I heard you once say that the Joo car means you're getting some sort of Animation what something some sort of variant of Animation yeah like you winning like you winning in an animation I feel like that happens too often for me to count it bro you could be you could be right you could be right probably in the context of what we're doing here it could whenever you get whenever you get in a Joo animation let me know if you ever ever get a middle beam clash and then no Super Saiyan 3 Goku or anything you know what you know what that's absolutely never happened that is exactly exactly it it's basically like any animation will happen I don't know if you can lose during it but if you lose you'll usually just get Super Saiyan 3 Goku Joo but I I don't think you can lose with Joo either and like not get Super Saiyan 3 I don't know man i' I've just if you go back to some of my older videos I've never been a believer in jao man he hasn't done too much for me in my career yeah joo's been kind of screwing with me on this Banner too man yeah this Banner has been just a Gohan Banner for me dude it's really go yeah superhero Gohan Gohan yeah got get everything man I actually that was my first superhero character right there fan I'm still dude I'm trying to get some yamchas man I got I already got so many of this Goku I want some more Yamcha I want more of the Yamcha as well oh my God here we go small text I mean I did an instant transmission so I look I'm not going to say too much about it I'm just saying I got small TCH Goku's still here there's my middle beam Clash MH there it is these summons are so bad bro I'm going to go play with these units man so you got them yeah I mean Yamcha is only three stars but I mean barking Z power is everywhere man I could just I can just feed him some can I can I send you um I want to send you a clip of this new Goku okay go ahead I think he's a I think silly oh is it the one where he's standing on Pan's head hold wait this is this isn't LF never mind carry on I held for nothing unless please can I get I mean wait what could I even get at this point blue skies super yeah what could what could change my life right now yeah this is a false hole I need you to know I got blue skies five pods and it literally was just the guaranteed featured or S the guaranteed 10 oh yeah dude Mega Rising banners blow dude they they don't blow cuz your your chance to get the units are actually of course a lot better than the LF Banner lot better than an ultra Banner but I mean I don't know dude I just I can't get behind this bro I can't get behind another pan bro she just wants to be 14 starred I guess well I guess we're going to go use the units now no Young slik no you will not because I actually winded up using them in a much more interesting way that's going to be its own entire separate bigger video that's coming later in the week unfortunately that is it for this video If you guys did enjoy though please make sure to like comment and subscribe as it's always appreciated and let me know how your Goku yra summons went down in the comment section below that being said guys it's is your boy saix signing off later
Channel: Slaybix
Views: 20,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dokkan, Dokkan Battle, Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle, Dokkan summons, Dokkan showcase, Slaybix, 8th year Dokkan Anniversary, dokkan team, LR GOKU & VEGETA, buubros, gt goku, ssj4 vegeta, gt goku & ssj4 vegeta lr, lr ssj3 goku, standby skill, spirit bomb, super spirit bomb dokkan, ssj2 vegeta, 8th anni reaction, lr reaction, lr super attacks, dbz, dbgt, lr kid buu, lr omega shenron, datruthdt, sunshine
Id: a1qKY5e6Z2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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