Can I Burn 10,000 Calories before Dinner?

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good morning and today I'm going to tell you the story about when I tried to burn 10,000 calories before dinner this is a very crazy Challenge and a journey into the deepest darkest trenches of my mind because we did this indoors on a trainer on a game called zwift but I'm going to jump straight into what am I doing why am I doing it and how is it getting done this video gets a little deep in sections because I go super into my psychology and why I enjoy doing insane things like this so much before we jump into the video I want to just thank Nomad a lot theyve supported me so much throughout this Vlog series they've got these bands that I've been using for my Apple watch it's lightweight they're waterproof they're super breathable they have all sorts of crazy colors like I'm just rocking the Incognito but if you by hunting orange I'm rocking the all black there's also blue there's a white one that I think is really cool the connection with Nomad here is that I'm using the Apple watch to track my calorie burn but also a heart rate strap and a power meter we're very scientific about this so let's jump straight into this what am I doing the main goal is to burn 10,000 calories in one ride now I've done this several times so it's kind of a spoiler of like this isn't a challenge that's new to me I've already done this on zwift earlier this year in January uh I've done burn I've burn 10,000 calories out of the real Road plenty of times uh my two national championships for ultra distance all had 20,000 calorie burn rides in them so I know what it feels like to burn this many Calories burning 10,000 calories is extremely difficult to do especially when we're indoors so what are we on we've got my time trial bike set up on a sarus rocker plate that moves forward and backward and side to side so it's extremely comfortable though my balls don't literally evaporate while riding on a locked bike my bike is connected to a trainer that has a power meter in it and Cadence and all sorts of stuff but it also then broadcast to a game called zwift zift is the number one virtual platform for virtual cycling and everyone in the game is a real person on their bike in their garage or attic or wherever also riding there's drafting there's powerups there's different bikes there's Wheels your weight makes a difference it is very very similar to actual real riding so on top of the fact that yes I am locked in position but I'm staring at this virtual world where I'm riding around on flat course and I actually was able to get into a big group that was rolling staying in a group is just like in the real world it will help you so much go faster and when you're clicking off miles that's so much more motivating especially when you're going to be on the trainer for all day well hello there it's been 1 hour if we consult the watch we are at about 640 calories burned in an hour which is just under our goal that it's going to be over 14 hours I don't really want to do that that means 14 hours of riding we got to pick up the pace a little bit but again we really got to be careful that we don't blow ourselves up and then then you can't go hard then you can't burn calories like say if I right now I did 12200 calories in an hour I would then only be able to do 800 calories the next hour and probably 300 calories in the third hour and then I wouldn't be able to Pedal in the fourth so I need to like sort of just regroup and detach my Consciousness from my physical form throw myself into a future timeline where I'm not doing this and I'm eating burgers and milkshakes with my my family all right let's [Music] go 1600 calories 2 hours 22 minutes uh we were flying for the first 2 hours I had an average speed of 25 M hour and I know it's virtual but like uh I was probably going a little too hard and I wanted to back it down for just a second I was really I was losing the battle in the war against me and during this I'm going to be tracking every calorie I put in my mouth so I can understand the deficit that I'm in all right so we're going to track the calories through macros and then using the app athletic with a y there's an app that goes on my watch and then I can see based on how many calories I've burned and then it also does how many calories I've consumed and it will show me if I'm in a surplus or a deficit so the idea is to keep pretty much equal with calorie burn and calorie intake for about as long as I can in past my stomach locks up around 6 to 8,000 CU yes I do want burn 10,000 calories but I don't want to do that fasted I need to try to bring in a ton which leads me to why am I doing this now there's three different levels or or advantages that I'm looking for this gets a little bit deep but the first one is physical the second one is mental the third one is spiritual so obviously the physical adaptations here is one the amount of muscle contractions you're making is absolutely Insanity because you're on the trainer for between 10 hours to 20 hours it kind of depends right it's burning 10,000 calories isn't just a mile that you need to get to if you go easier and lighter it's going to take you longer to get done so the physical benefits here are the muscle contractions obviously right your endurance your ability to sit there under that kind of stress that physical stress the lactic acid that's building how do you buffer it how do you manage it okay cool but the big biggest physical thing about this is your gut and your ability to turn over this amount of calories and trying to balance this little burn this little fire if you can imagine you've got this this fire campfire do you just throw a log right on top of it snuff out the fire now you want to put kindling in just a little bit and a little bit and a little bit because if you don't too much food and nutrition in your stomach it will snuff out your gut biome you literally don't have the microbes and and the bacteria uh to digest this food and if you've never ridden past 12 hours if you've never ridden past 20 hours if you've never ridden past 30 hours it's very hard for you to understand but you could put food in you and nothing will happen so it's this delicate art of just putting in a little bit and a little bit but you if you don't put in enough now your fire dies out so you're just like stoking this fire with food and and energy constantly so that's the physical side is is yes your muscles or whatever but like mainly for me it's about gut like I'm training my gut to be a garbage dispos the second thing is the mental Journey here okay physical or not you're at work whatever you know you're you're trying to clean the kitchen uh it it doesn't matter there's times in your life where your brain is telling you stop doing this don't do this do something else and you have to fight with yourself it's me verse me I've disrupted my whole pattern my routine my everything and I am going to battle with myself this takes tremendous amounts of practice to go to war with yourself because you are you and so when you say stop you're like well I'll listen to me because it's me but it's not you it's this other thing and so learning how to split what is actually you and what is just your body's signals to say hey stop destroying yourself and obviously this gets into a gray area of like you need to listen when there's the bad signals right like are you injured are you actually killing yourself or is it just how you know weakness and can I go farther can I push my body farther and that gets very very muddy uh in in like where is that line but the more that you battle yourself the more you'll realize what your body is capable of and when you get so exhausted and so tired that you can't hold up the the mask anymore of like what you want to portray to the world you all of a sudden open up your source code and and then you actually can see inside your mind and if you want to you can change it for me it's like my brain is a busy City Hawking horns in commotion and trains and planes and and then as I keep doing this as I keep riding and I'm focusing on my legs and my heart rate and my sweat and my food and everything is just this Primal activity of just keep going keep moving all of a sudden I Journey out of that busy City mindset and then I'm just in like a garden and it's peaceful and there's butterflies it's so strange but this is where I find my inner peace my mental piece it's it's a level of meditation that I can achieve and so to me this isn't hard this is easy and I'm addicted to it uh 4500 calories burned we're at a 2500 calorie deficit 400 G of carbs 71 G of fat 56 g of protein so that's good [Music] oh man it's getting rough we're at 10 hours 250 mil which is crazy the watch says we burned 7200 calories brought in 4400 calories 700 g of carbs 105 g of protein 130 G of fat 4,400 total calories we are uh at a 3,100 calorie deficit so pretty good like I'm pumped on that actually all right so you want to know how much of a psychopath I am I haven't listened to a single piece of music I haven't really even watched anything I am going hard enough to where all I can really think about is continuing to go hard like if I went easier I'd get bored and I'd need to entertain myself but right now I've just been at 140 beats per minute for hours which is you can talk you can think but barely we're going to stay in it dude stay in it bro stay in it and so right now it's hard it's difficult but the alternative of having those thoughts come back into my head I don't want them dude so I'm going to keep riding [Music] now the third thing is this Transcendent ability to a higher frequency so hippie stay with me when you put your body into a place of difficulty it it's like you're you don't have enough energy to hold your Consciousness to your physical form and so then you start to uh sin I know that I'm just riding a bike in a in a adct so it's kind of like why get so hippie about it but unless you've been to this point or you've ridden and you've been Physically Active for hours and hours and hours and hours where your brain you get to a wall and your brain goes done you're done stop turn around and you don't turn around there is this whole other existence on the other side and so the third reason why I do this is to pull this consciousness of mine slightly above this physical for and then I'm just floating and it's so strange but it gives me the ability to sort of reeval evaluate who I am what I am why I am and it often turns out that it makes me a better person it it highlights certain things that I've done or that I do that I don't like the way that I treat my wife I I feel like comes from so many of these projects where I've gone outside and I've thought about how she EX exists so not how I exist with her it's how she exists with me and then I'm able to see me through her eyes which is so very strange and sometimes it is shown me like oh I don't like that and that's not my perspective but it's hers and so I've gained a new level of perception because it's me and it's her and then I somehow float up over here and I can see the whole thing there's always a moment during these Pro projects where you just hit that wall and you don't want to do it anymore and you cannot project yourself actually finishing it for whatever reason that didn't happen here uh we've done a lot of riding recently okay so I did that Everest which was crazy we did the 3-we training slow Camp you know there's just been a lot of uh I'm pretty well rested that's the other thing is that mentally I'm pretty locked in right now and I'll just say that I never really felt uh in a position where I wasn't going to finish this now towards the end I did need to ramp up my burn rate and I felt confident that I could start upping the energy output because that I knew I could get this done 300 miles in Under 12 hours I mean just barely uh that's insane so we're averaging 25 M hour we are almost 9,000 calories we're right there about 9,000 calories so 1,000 calories left which if we can just uncork it right now and just like dump all of our energy we could probably get this done in the next hour I was hesitant to go really hard and do a high burn rate cuz then what happens if you blow up and and you can't do anything but now we definitely got it like we're done it's the final stretch It's the final countdown so right now let's [Music] just [Music] just keep it on that screen while the miles go crazy 330 wow okay dude uh that was a lot that was a lot so we got it done in 13 hours and 20 minutes which is just about an hour it's hour and 5 minutes quicker than I did it last time I would say that maybe because I've put on a little extra weight and so my body just has a more mass to obtain but also I just did more power I put out more energy I started a little slower I ended a little faster all right so I'm going to talk a little bit about the macros here so during the ride itself I took in 5,000 calories 829 gram of carbs 109 gram of protein 140 gram of fat that is during the ride never had any issues with my knees or my back or anything uh I really tried to change up the way I was riding using my glutes and my quads and my back and my shoulders and my triceps just like move that energy around different muscle groups again I want to say huge thanks to Nomad for getting me dialed in with this Apple watch and the sweet bands that are lightweight waterproof sweatproof great sport bands um this hyper orange is sick the black Nomad has allowed me to do some cool things this month that otherwise I would have probably had really a lot of difficulty justify to do check out my link in the description for nomat if you have an Apple Watch or if you have an iPhone uh whatever they've got a lot of cool accessories for them so look just really appreciate Nomad for supporting me D and now for the thing that I can and I'll wait for is the perfect dinner and what is this perfect dinner well it's a lot dude this uh Vlog Series this month has been a lot about food um and and I hope that I'm kind of shining it in like a positive light like I definitely have a food problem but it's always associated with just like really good times like it just brings me so much happiness um so what do we have on to for one of the biggest days that I've done all right so we have two vegan burgers and we've you got this red cabbage delicious it's like a Col saw right so on the burger we have uh the impossible Patty we have vegan bacon we have butterleaf lettuce uh avocado um then we have these homemade french fries that are so delicious my wife crushed it cauliflower with some uh avocado on there and then the whatever however people say that the resistance whatever the French thing is strawberry milkshake this thing's probably got 1,000 calories in it just in this thing a strawberry milkshake it's so freaking good this dinner I have been thinking about it for 13 hours let's give it a little Burger try huh oh my goodness D and the and the milkshake like bro bro but here's a cool thing is I've told you a lot about how food attaches to Memories as a child vegan food was never a thing as a child that was all comfort food and and pork chops and spaghetti with meat and like whatever so what this does is attach es me to a time with my family and burgers are my son's favorite thing these french fries my wife and I learned how to cook these cauliflower is really only something I ever ate with my family all of this I never ate with my mom or my grandma or anyone as a kid so this this reminds me of being home with my family after an adventure being connected with my wife and my kids and so it's such a cool way to look at it as of where a lot of other food attaches me to being a child this attaches me like now and so then I love spending time with my family I love eating with my wife and you know really taking in this experience really happy with the effort today uh I only I only I never really took like a full break uh I did have to use the restroom number two uh at one point so that was like 5 minutes or something but other than that I took a handful of like 30 second breaks uh just to like shake out the legs and uh pee in a bottle so it's a lot but man thank you so much for watching uh I hope you enjoyed I'm going to go annihilate this whole thing and uh we'll catch you on the next one as always VC w
Channel: VC Adventures
Views: 41,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s8exXo-ABAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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