Can Dogs Recognize a Bad Person?

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can dogs recognize a bad person hey everyone it's LexA again and welcome back to another video dogs are not narrow-minded animals that run only on instinct dog owners take notes your dog is smarter than you might think but before we get into today's video make sure that you're subscribed and ring the bell so that you never miss any of our upcoming videos 15 dogs learn fast in general all dogs are smarter than other animals the level of intelligence they can reach depends somewhat on the breed but also on how they're trained and taken care of the breeds easiest to train our golden retrievers German shepherds and Border Collies the border collie is considered one of the smartest dog breeds and the smartest dog in the world chaser happens to be one most experts say a dog's age is a huge factor in how easy it is to train them although it depends more on the quality of the training program you sign them up for it's usually easier to train peppers aged four to five months the SPCA and the company mini-cooper teamed up to teach three dogs how to drive Mini Coopers the dogs learn to drive in just a few weeks the SPCA wanted to show the dogs from shelters especially older dogs are still smart and capable of learning dogs at the peak of their mental and physical health retain information better if your dog is sick or injured either stop or reduce training until they feel well again 14 feeling your feelings scientists say your dog cares about your happiness the mind of a dog is similar to the behavior and intelligence level of a human toddler as humans we don't start to learn empathy until we're four years old or older instead of a full understanding of what their owners are feeling scientists argue canines respond to emotions and are experiencing an emotional contagion in the study by two psychologists from Goldsmith College in London a dog owner and a stranger sat 6 feet apart the individuals were instructed to speak hum or pretend to cry the dogs responded by focusing on the individual who was crying the dogs would whine lick or nuzzle the individual the psychologists reasoned that if dogs were merely reacting by curiosity and not empathy then the humming have elicited similar actions from the dog but it did not 13 how dogs talk one of the ways scientists measure a dog's intelligence is through their memory one famous border collie named Rico learned over 200 words another we mentioned earlier chaser memorized over a thousand many of these words were in reference to toys when prompted the dogs could fetch the toys specifically asked for in the same way that small children learn to speak dogs can infer the meaning of a word by associating it with an object other animals such as dolphins parrots and Apes also possess the ability to learn vocal commands twelve be nice even though dogs cannot fully understand human emotion that doesn't mean they don't love you in 2015 a neuroimaging study showed the fMRI scans of dogs indicated that the reward center of their brain would light up when they smelt their owners also the study found dogs prioritize the scent of humans over other smells a different study published in neuroscience and behavioral reviews concluded that dogs assess how their owners communicate with other people and vice versa in an experiment scientists set up dog owners to ask for help from a group of people the scientists divided the people into two categories one to assist and one to rudely decline all the while the dogs watched afterward the two groups were to offer treats to the dogs the dogs only accepted gifts from those who had helped their owner showing the dog's recognize and prefer those who show kindness to their owners 11 right from wrong animals don't know right from wrong most animals even your beloved cat or dog operate on an instinctual level to ensure survival however domesticated and intelligent animals can learn right from wrong if you teach them correctly when you provide consistent responses that associated dogs bad behavior with consequences you are teaching them right and wrong however they can only make the Association in a present situation meaning that reprimanding them during the act or immediately after has a better effect than yelling at them hours later when you found they've chewed up your favorite teddy bear you know that guilty look canines have the one where they put their head down and can't look well your pet isn't necessarily feeling remorse rather they're reacting to your body language and they can tell you're angry and this retreating act is their way of trying to calm or appease you even though they don't necessarily process what's wrong they at least feel something's wrong and respond by trying to make it right again in their way ten dogs listen a study published in the Current Biology journal examined the MRI scans of dogs brains as they listened to the sounds of humans and dogs what the study gathered was the dog brains process voices the same way people do this same process involves a certain area of the brain lighting up at the sound of a human speaking a dog also responds to emotional sounds such as yelling laughing or crying it's an exciting discovery which only solidifies why humans and dogs communicate so effectively nine problem-solving puppy anyone who has owned a puppy will attest to how naughty they can be there are countless stories of dogs learning how to open a door or reach a per plate of cookies on the counter when their owner was looking dogs are excellent at problem-solving even though this sort of critical thinking can lead to behaviors such as finding a way to chew up your hidden shoes or steal food from your plate experts say you can redirect that energy and intelligence towards more desirable behaviors eight dog cognition how smart is your dog you can test their smarts with cognition tests many of which are available on the Internet one of the most popular is dognition this test instead of comparing how smart your dog is to other dogs focuses on the areas of intelligence in which your dog excels the company that created dognition insists that this test is essential in figuring out how your dog thinks the assessment divides dogs into nine categories or profiles which are as follows ace charmer socialite expert Renaissance dog proto dog Einstein maverick and stargazer only 3% of all dogs fit into the Einstein category while most fall into the socialite category the assessment examines your pets memory reasoning skills their method of communication cleverness and empathy 7 hello owner as smart as dogs are we have to remember they are a separate species as much as we teach them certain things dogs communicate with you in their own way first look at tail posture it is considered the most recognizable form of dog communication when a dog is wagging their tail slowly that means they aren't a hundred percent confident in their current situation they're probably feeling scared or are on high alert these emotions are also exhibited in a stiff upright tail if their tail is wagging vigorously then they're thrilled to see you or whoever just watch into the room if their tail is pointing straight out that means they're exploring and feeling neutral a down turn tail can indicate concern whereas an anxious dog will have a low wag that leans to the right dogs that went to play or go on a walk will grab a leash or toy with their mouth and give it to you if they're hungry they might even throw their bowls at you 6 look at me one of the best ways to communicate with your little dog is eye contact dogs crave eye contact because they love to interact with their eyes have you ever looked a dog in the eye sometimes it feels like you're looking at something as smart as a person constantly maintaining eye contact with you is the dog way of saying I trust you in a way it's them saying I love you when they avert their eyes it typically means your dog either did something they weren't supposed to or they're feeling scared or uncomfortable when humans make eye contact with their dogs our oxytocin levels rise oxytocin is sometimes referred to as the love hormone dogs can sense this hormone and it strengthens your bond 5 what's that smell canines have superpowers and some of those abilities are thanks to that little button nose compared to humans a dog smell is 10 to 100 thousand times more accurate dogs have such a great sense of smell because their noses contain up to 3 million olfactory receptors these receptors respond to airborne chemicals which is how animals including humans have a sense of smell because of their exceptionally sensitive noses dogs are great trackers and detectors now water dogs are useful to police officers they can also detect when a person is sick when a person has cancer dogs pay particular attention to the part of their body where the cancer is present these cells emit a different smell than healthy cells and sensing that difference is something dogs do very well for smelling your fear dogs can pretty much smell everything even your fear haven't you ever heard that animals can tell when you're afraid it's not an old wives tale it's true your body chemistry changes according to your emotions when you're scared you sweat you get an adrenaline rush and your heart rate increases dogs know when you're scared especially when you're scared of them if you've ever been afraid of a dog somebody has probably instructed you to calm down because the dog can smell your fear these animals are also more prone to attack or act aggressively towards you if they think you are scared of them 3 liar liar' dogs also know when a person has done something wrong or at the very least lied to them 2 studies published in animal cognition in 2015 state dogs can identify liars a team from Kyoto University in Japan took 24 dogs and set 2 containers in front of them one bowl had some food inside while the other did not in the first phase humans pointed dogs toward the container with food the dogs went and received their award in the second phase the humans showed the dogs that there was an empty container alongside the food container then they pointed the dogs toward the empty bowl in the last phase humans pointed the dogs towards the food container the results were that many of the dogs did not trust the human anymore in only 8% of them watched toward the last container interestingly another study published in animal cognition confirms that dogs also lie this time researchers discovered that dogs recognized when a situation benefits them the dogs were to lead people to containers with food when the canines realized only certain people would give them food from those containers they led the people less likely to reward them elsewhere since they realized they weren't going to be rewarded anyway - like family we already talked about how they love us some alpha dogs have trouble with establishing you as the boss once you make it clear that you're in charge your dog will stay loyal to that sentiment dogs put you first and they are the only domesticated animal that interacts with us the same way a child will interact with a parent canines think of us as their parents and selves as our children when a dog is worried or fearful it will run to humans for help or protection cats on the other hand think of themselves as independent before we get to number one we have a question to ask pets are plenty animals and sometimes they do some ridiculous things that puzzle us what are your funny pet stories let us know your anecdotes in the comments below one the best helpers dogs are helping humans out more than ever the more we learn about the inner workings of a dog's mind the more we can teach them how to help people guide dogs are essential to the lives of a lot of people the reason guide dogs are so helpful is that they know how to generalize that sounds like a bad thing in human terms but concerning a dog's cognition it's really advantageous for both humans and their pets dogs that can generalize are sensitive to how a situation feels and how to act accordingly those that generalize the best are picked to work as guide dogs guide dogs can see what a physician is safe for their owner and can lead or communicate their owner what the safest course of action is [Music]
Channel: Talltanic
Views: 532,908
Rating: 4.8055224 out of 5
Keywords: Talltanic, dogs, recognize, bad, person, canines, how smart is your dog, how smart are dogs, intelligent, dog intelligence, how intelligent is your dog, can, do dogs know a bad person, personality, personality test, experiment, smartest dogs
Id: xYgRD9rwios
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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