Can Carbon Capture Save Our Planet?

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Either you believe man-made climate change is a  nightmarish existential threat to civilization, or   you lack basic critical thinking skills and you’re  about to write something dim in the comments.   Whichever it is, let’s at least agree mankind  is dumping too much carbon into the atmosphere. Not convinced? Here’s some numbers.  Prior to the industrial revolution,   earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration  was chilling somewhere around 280 parts   per million. If we want to keep our planet  habitable, respectable climatologists all agree,   we need to keep that number below  350 parts per million, tops. Anyway, since you ask, as of  this year we’re roaring past 420. Nice. Except, not. Of course we all know emitting less  carbon dioxide would help avoid a   catastrophic runaway greenhouse effect  that will in turn destabilise ecosystems,   interrupt food supplies and prompt  a historic global refugee crisis. But what if there was a way of extracting  the carbon that’s already up there,   in effect setting back the clock? Join us today as we anxiously gaze at the skies  and ask: can carbon capture save the planet? Carbon capture is a very new  field, and it’s evolving rapidly. But for our purposes, let’s say that there  are essentially two types of carbon capture,   and two types of carbon disposal. Carbon dioxide, CO2, can be removed from  industrial emissions at source – say,   the belching chimney of a coal-fired power  station – before it’s released into the   atmosphere. This so-called ‘flue gas’ approach  is already in use at certain select facilities,   like the Boundary Dam coal-fired plant near  the town of Estevan in Saskatchewan, Canada. This specific process, which employs  sophisticated ammonia-based chemistry,   successfully captures around a million metric  tonnes of C02 every year, or 90% of the   Saskatchewan plant’s emissions. The downside is  the equipment to make that happen cost $1.3bn. The other kind of carbon capture is  far more exciting, and is named DAC,   or Direct Air Capture. DAC employs  giant banks of fans, pretty much,   which suck already-emitted carbon out of  the ambient atmosphere. This technology   is very promising, but has yet to  be deployed at any useful scale. More on those shortly, after we touch on the vexed  question of what actually needs to be done with   that carbon once it’s captured, either through  flue gas extraction or snatched out of thin air. Again, there are two broad approaches here.  CCS stands for Carbon Capture and Storage.   Under CCS the recovered C02  is stashed out of harm’s way,   typically underground in secure rock formations.  CCU, on the other hand, stands for Carbon Capture   and Utilisation. With CCU the carbon is actually  recycled and put to good use, for instance as a   raw material or feedstock.. This sounds great,  but raises plenty of questions of its own. Let’s look at a couple of CCS – Carbon Capture  and Storage – initiatives happening right now. Northern Lights is a hyper-ambitious project  being carried out in a collaboration between oil   giants Shell, Total, Equinor and the Norwegian  government. The idea is that emissions will   be extracted from industrial flue-gases from  factories across Norway – eventually all across   Europe – and carried over pipelines to a coastal  terminal at Øygarden on the North Sea coast. From there, specially designed ships will  ferry the noxious CO2 waste out to sea,   where it will be injected into storage  reservoirs 2,600 metres beneath the sea bed. The first project of its kind  to be attempted at scale,   Northern Lights promises it can initially  store up 1.5 million tonnes of C02 a year,   which should increase to five million tonnes  a year as the model – CCS as a service,   in effect – proves its efficacy. We’ll see,  anyway, when it’s up and running in 2024. If you can’t wait that long, another very exciting  Carbon Capture and Storage scheme, named Orca,   comes on stream this September in Iceland.  Conceived by Swiss startup Climeworks,   Orca catches its carbon via futuristic Direct  Air Capture, essentially running gigantic banks   of fans which suck C02 into clever filters,  which are then heated to separate the pollutant   before pumping it into safe basaltic rocks  far below the rugged Icelandic landscape. The question of where we shove all that  CO2 is of course central to the problem of   carbon capture. Basalt rocks are ideal,  not only because they’re very common,   but because CO2 reacts with basalts’  naturally abundant magnesium and calcium,   transforming the unhelpful element into solid  minerals like dolomite, calcite and magnesite.   If the end result is rock solid, the theory  goes, it’s also going to be stable, and   won’t trouble the atmosphere and  by extension society any time soon. Oil and gas reservoirs, of the type  Northern lights wants to use to stash   CO2 under the North Sea, are similarly  helpful. They’re obviously porous and   can store a lot. We know this, because  that’s where much of the oil and gas   we’ve been merrily torching for  over a century first sprang from. There’s no shortage of underground space. In  fact, research suggests the United States alone   has enough subsurface capacity to store some 10.8  trillion tons of the stuff. Anxieties naturally   crop up around contamination of subterranean  water courses, but in most cases the deep   saline groundwater systems at threat aren’t  part of the drinking water system anyway. For a long time, incidentally, scientists  contemplated dumping C02 into the deep ocean.   At sufficient depth, carbon dioxide is  denser than water, so it should stay in   place indefinitely. However, there’s no telling  what that might do to fragile marine ecosystems,   and the somewhat unpredictable nature of powerful  ocean currents make it all just a bit sketchy. Far more exciting, is the prospect of CCU –  remember, that’s Carbon Capture and Utilisation. Lots of very clever people and  startups are figuring out ways   of using carbon destined to float around in  the atmosphere as handy terrestrial products. Take these snazzy H&M sunglasses, crafted from  CCU-based carbon-negative thermoplastics. Or   these carpet tiles by American firm Interface.  Climeworks – them again – have figured out a   way of repurposing captured atmospheric  carbon as the gas that makes your drinks   fizzy. Australian company Mineral Carbonation  International wants to utilise carbon in bricks,   which would handily store a whole bunch of carbon  securely for at least a century, part of the   firm's ambitious initiative to lock one billion  tonnes of C02 into its products by the year 2040. The great, sad irony of Carbon  Capture and Utilisation is that,   for now at least, its main commercial  use is the mucky business of EOR,   or Enhanced Oil Recovery. Under EOR, CO2 is  pumped underground at drilling sites in order   to help drive precious crude oil reserves to the  surface where they can be more easily extracted. If you’re feeling squeamish about  the sound of that, fair enough.   Somewhere around three quarters of  all subterranean carbon sequestration   happens in the name of EOR. It’s good, in  that carbon that would otherwise wind up in   the atmosphere is stashed out of harm’s way,  but obviously bad in that it ultimately leads   to the burning of still more fossil fuels. And  we really do need to start moving past that. Still, encouragingly perhaps, a prominent EOR  facility in Petra Nova, Texas recently closed,   after the pandemic-related oil price crash  made EOR no longer financially viable. In either case, it actually doesn’t actually  matter from an Enhanced oil Recovery standpoint   whether the carbon used for pumping  out oil comes from recovered emissions,   or virgin mined carbon. Which is of course  cheaper, and sneakily preferred by the oil giants. This brings us to the fundamental problem  scaling up Carbon Capture schemes. For now, there’s no great financial incentive   for any bright young startups to  develop and scale their technology. Electric cars, and to a lesser extent solar  panels, are a shiny futuristic technology   that people are happy to splash out on. Elon Musk  can grow as rich as he likes selling fast cars.   But carbon capture is a lot more humdrum,  with the benefits only likely to be felt   many years or decades from now. It’s hard  to market, and hard to get excited about. It needn’t be this way though. Carbon obviously has value. It’s  useful. Policymakers just need   to find a way of making captured carbon  more cost effective than virgin carbon. In order to meet the International Panel on  Climate Change’s target, removing 10 gigatonnes   of C02 net from the atmosphere by the middle of  this century, a vast industry needs to be built,   and it needs to be built now. The Northern  Lights project off the coast of Norway is   a promising start. Climeworks reckon about 80  million of its extraction units – which can be   placed more or less anywhere on earth, ideally  near renewable sources of power – could make   a significant dent in atmospheric carbon. That  sounds like a lot, but it’s roughly the number   of cars that are already manufactured every  year. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. In truth, Carbon Capture and Utilisation will only  ever be a sideshow – much of the recycled carbon,   used for instance in food or alternative fuels,   will just end up back in the  atmosphere at some point anyway. Current technologies on the drawing board  to, for instance, apply molten electrolysis   to alchemise recovered carbon into nanotubes  that replace construction steel would be great,   but are too speculative to  rely on at this early stage. So for now smart subterranean  sequestration is the path forward. And with dizzying incentives on offer to  whichever genius figures how to do that   at a useful scale – not least our mate  Elon’s generous $100m Carbon-X prize   fund – hopefully the grubby profit motive  will save our collective bacon after all. Because as a civilisation, we really can’t afford   for carbon capture to remain  an underground technology. What do you think? Is there a  better way of reducing atmospheric   carbon and averting runaway climate  change? Let us know in the comments,   and don’t forget to subscribe for more  thoroughly captivating tech content.
Channel: Tech Vision
Views: 118,002
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Keywords: carbon capture, renewable energy, environment, science, technology, DAC, direct air capture, how carbon capture works, green energy, clean air
Id: BjSu2X5nJOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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