Can Beans Help You Lose Weight? | Dr. Neal Barnard Live Vegan Diet Q&A on The Exam Room

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the exam room live brought to you by the physicians committee hi there i'm the weight loss champion chuck carroll and this is the healthiest program you will see anywhere online today we appreciate you joining us right here on facebook and on youtube today's lead question beans we know that they're good for the heart but are they also good for your waist can they help you lose weight well we are going to find out when we open up the doctor's mailbag and answer your health and nutrition questions all about the vegan diet and the man with the plan who is here to help raise our health iqs and answer those questions is dr neal barnard so if there's a question that you would like to ask dr barnard about beans or anything else go ahead leave it right now in the comments or in the chat you can also tweet them to me or find me on instagram send it to me there at chuck carroll wlc with the hashtag exam room live already a lot of other great questions in the doctor's mailbag as well like can a mostly plant-based diet help improve heart health and then stevia should you be cutting back on it or do you even need to worry it's a zero calorie sweetener we're going to get dr barnard to weigh in on that and so many more so again if there's a question that you would like to ask dr barnard the comments or the chat box that is the place to leave it and right now let's go ahead and kick things off open up that doctor's mailbag and welcome dr barnard to the show sir thank you so very much for being here good to see you jack and the pleasure is always mine i'm so excited when you get here because the feedback that we get from the exam roomies is that they love these shows because you learn a little bit about everything so when we say that we are raising your nutrition and health iqs that's exactly what we're going to do so are you ready for the first question let's jump in all right this one comes to us from miriam she wants to know are beans a good thing to eat if you're trying to lose weight short answer yes uh they are and that's for a couple of reasons um now beans have kind of taken uh an attack people talk about them having lectins in them that can can be harmful um the fact of the matter is you know you're never going to eat a raw bean you're going to cook them hopefully you cook them really well so they're nice and soft and the lectins aren't an issue at all but with regard to weight loss uh there are a couple things first of all beans are high in natural complex carbohydrate and if you do the calorie count a gram of fat has nine calories animal fat vegetable oil nine calories a gram of carbohydrate has four calories so very low but beans have more than that they're the number one source of fiber and fiber has effectively no calories at all but it fills you up and so you're going to be less likely to eat other things so it's it's great for losing weight and they have one last feature our team studied the effect of plant-based foods including beans on your metabolism and beans along with a healthy plant-based diet will augment your after meal calorie burn not a lot but about 15 something like that so yep beans plug them in all right next question comes to us from pamela she wants to know would you consider a mostly plant-based diet still to have heart health benefits she says that she eats about a 70 to 80 plant-based diet yeah um different people are different in the amount of risk that they can take um but my analogy might be with smoking if a person cuts out 70 of the cigarettes how are they going to do with the rest and the answer is some of them are going to get cancer and some will not um when a person goes on a mostly plant-based diet any change you make is a good change and that's that's really good but my hope is that by going partly plant-based you'll start to discover that there are some really cool foods out there that your spaghetti is even better when it doesn't have a ground beef sauce on it and that your fish tacos can be replaced by the bean burrito and if you do it right it's pretty tasty so when you do it all the way that's really when the health problems melt away much more quickly um so there's one other one other piece of it that when a person say hasn't had a cigarette at all in two months they don't really miss it too much because you've lost your taste for it but if you had a cigarette yesterday you want it today and let's say it's chicken or fish if you had it yesterday you want it today but if you just kind of broke free and haven't had it at all you discover you don't crave it you don't you lose interest in it and so then you've got not only a really good healthy diet but a much easier time just sticking with it as opposed to and tempting yourself with with the occasional bits of animal products now and then which makes it really harder for people solid advice i want to take a second to say hi to anna k who's watching us right now over in london hi anna thanks for tuning in today that's pretty cool um peggy has a good question peggy has a sweet tooth dr barnard and she wants to know is it better to give up stevia cold or reduce it gradually or do we even need to worry about that i don't think you need to worry about it i wouldn't worry about it terribly and let me say something that might sound controversial i don't think you really need to worry about small amounts of sugar if you're putting a little bit of sugar here or there on foods that you eat who really cares the reason i say that is your body is designed to run on glucose glucose is what powers your brain powers your muscles and so your body is designed exactly to use that where we really run into trouble is when people use massive amounts in your soda you know 16 tablespoons or teaspoons in your soda or when you mix it in to cookie dough with butter and shortening and then that combination of sugar with all that fat is unhealthy but even a little bit of sugar i don't think is really a big deal you want to know the the crazy thing though about the standard american diet my perception of it is that there is nothing about a little bit of sugar in that standard american diet i remember reading that the average person in this country will eat about a cinder block's worth of added sugar throughout the course of the year and really not even realize it you think about how heavy a cinder block is that's a lot of sugar yeah that's right but i i and i think you're exactly right and and you don't need it at all um however i think its worst attribute really is that it's sort of the trojan horse um the sugar lures you in and all that fat hiding inside is what's going to really do the damage so if when people say carbs or sugar and they're thinking about a doughnut look at the recipe look at the nutrient intake most of the calories are maybe 50 50 are fat um and if you ever made some cookie dough look at how much fat had to go in there so the sugar is what we're attracted to the fat is is the bigger health risk all right let's move on and take a question from our friend allison mahoney says that i'm learning more about the correlation between vitamin d deficiency and a range of chronic conditions do you think vitamin d tests will become more commonplace in the future um well first of all hi allison and thank you not only for watching but thank you for your support of what we're doing here and and all that you've done for the cause we share in so many ways so hats off to you um but yeah your question is is exactly spot on and yes i do think that that vitamin d testing is becoming more and more uh frequent and and really should be and the observations started with just geography people living nearer the equator tended to do better on a number of health measures compared to people who were at more extreme latitudes and the question was why is it the temperature whatever what is it and what it seems to be according to a lot of studies is that if you're near the equator your more vitamin d is formed in your skin and vitamin d is not just there to help you absorb calcium for stronger bones but it also appears to be a cancer preventer to a degree and every time we turn around there is a new application if you will for this we need more study but yes we need to study how it works and people who are low in vitamin d need to find that out and they have no way of knowing you can't feel it and the way we we find it is with a really simple blood test that every doctor can do i want to say hi to tofu tuesday who's watching this show on wednesday live right now hi tofu thanks for watching and also congratulations to betsy who just shared that she has switched over to a plant-based diet down 29 pounds so far that is fantastic progress so please keep it up uh to that end though dr barnard a question from annie sparkle at 1208 wants to know how do i keep motivated to stay on a healthy diet i seem to be all or nothing and wondered if you have any tips great question uh when when people come in to see us uh either here at the broner medical center or maybe they join a research study they usually have one thing in mind um and that's a particular health target i want to get my blood sugar down or my hot flashes are killing me i want to get rid of my hot flashes and a diet change will help them but as time goes on sometimes the motivation comes up as follows okay i feel great my hot flashes are gone or 90 better or my diabetes is dramatically better on less medicine i wonder do i really need to stick to it 100 or can i go 90 85 70. and they start to back off uh the healthy diet that got them the results and then the symptoms come back and so they you kind of stay in this never never land of a really good diet or a not so healthy diet going back and forth what often solves that problem is looking at other motivators when people start thinking okay it's not just my cholesterol level or my blood sugar level i'm also eating for the planet you don't want to have animal products i don't think it's too much to say if you're not following a vegan diet you're really not an environmentalist let's let's put it to work to save the planet or let's save the animals we share the planet with americans eat a million animals every hour do we really want to be part of that for so many people especially young people that's a huge motivator and for people who are maybe in the next generation after them oftentimes their number one motivation is not their own health it's their kids health and they see their kids who are now 15 16 17 and they're concerned the kids are concerned about their weight or in some families um the doctor says you know you're you're borderline you're on the borderline of diabetes as a teenager and so we think wait wait wait i need to eat in a healthy way so that i can help my kids to do the same it does not work to shake your finger at kids and blame screen time or other things for the health problems they have so for me the point i'm making is that motivations matter look at these other things to build your motivation and there are ways to get you there look at the movie see spiricy that came out i guarantee you're gonna watch that movie and never eat fish again um or what the health or forks over knives there are so many uh resources out there that help people to want to make changes and to stay motivated to continue and i hope you'll continue to watch the exam room and look at and all the things that we have to offer and these things make us really want to make the world a better place through our health through a healthy diet and absolutely and also know that there are a lot of people pulling for you right now so stick with it i think that you can you can do just that uh let's backtrack to beans dr barnard a question from chrissa at 1208 what is your take on canned beans versus fresh you know for the longest time i would never make beans from scratch and always can because let's face it they are really convenient they're ready when you are and i think they serve a great function and if you're concerned about the sodium which can be high in some brands they also sell them without added sodium so keep them handy however i learned something which is that it's really easy to cook them from scratch the reason the reason i thought i didn't want to do it was i heard you have to soak them overnight which is true but i realized that during the soaking process beans don't need any supervision at all you just put them in the pot put some water on them and leave them alone and they soak themselves so that doesn't require any time and then in the morning drain them off change the water and you cook them and cook them until they're really good and soft they shouldn't be al dente but they don't need supervision then either so i discovered it doesn't take time your time to to cook beans and once they're done uh you can do different things with them um the other day i made some black beans and i took an immersion blender you know these things you go you cook your beans and then you just make them kind of smooth and pureed put them in little tupperware containers freeze them and now you've got a week's worth of meals it's really easy and fun so canned beans they're okay they're convenient but you might want to make them from scratch too i love that and i you actually in the soy series the series of podcasts that we just did on the waves study uh you gave your recipe for soybeans that that you did i thought that that was really really interesting too is that when you kind of discovered that you know making beans from scratch really isn't all that hard yeah now with soybeans we use our secret weapon which is the instant pot where you put them in the instant pot put about two inches of water over the top and you've got soybeans cooked in 40 minutes without any pre-soaking that's fine but if you don't have a pressure cooker you can just do it in a plain old pot on the stove you can soak them the night before cook them for a good long time like about an hour or maybe even a little bit more the next morning and they're gonna work great another one on beans this is a popular one uh the plant-based pa wondering at 1209 do you need to pre-soak beans before cooking them to improve nutrient absorption not to improve nutrient absorption but it really reduces the cooking time so um yeah let them soak eight nine ten hours and they will cook much much faster one little trick uh some people are concerned that their water their their tap water is high in calcium the calcium will enter the the little skin on on each bean and make it kind of leathery um if you put a little bit of salt in the in the soaking water the salt will keep the calcium from entering at least that's what we believe is happening um and then after they're done soaking you you discard that water and you discard the added salt and then you cook them up and you'll discover they're nice and soft let's take a question now from db on twitter switching gears you were just talking about see spiricy here's an interesting one db wants to know are the heavy metals that are found in seafood also found in seaweed uh no for the most part um some exceptions i uh if you have go to a japanese restaurant and you get your cucumber roll or your asparagus roll or sweet potato roll get the vegan rolls the nori that they're wrapped in is not high in heavy metals and neither is the wakame in your miso soup but we are concerned about the hijiki um that's one that we encourage people not to eat for exactly that reason all right let's take a question here from kelsey uh first of all kelsey says thanks for doing the podcast it's inspired me to adopt this way of eating and i have not looked back well thank you kelsey very kind so here is the question dr barnard wondering if hdl can be too high kelsey says that their hdl is 105 which made their total cholesterol very high should they be concerned no um not about hdl um hdl is not the um knight in shining armor that we thought it was we had had the idea 15 years ago that if you had a really high hdl that was going to protect you against heart attack that probably is not true but a high hdl will not hurt you either so far as we know um the the really bad part about a cholesterol test is still ldl if that's above 100 we're getting nervous and we want it to be lower that the ldl cholesterol should be low all right let's take a question here from laura see if we can get her some help she writes uh i'm gaining weight and don't get uh wait this one she's got a little bit of a typo basically she's eating weight but she's eating a low calorie nutrient dense diet what might she be missing here i'm sorry chuck i didn't quite understand the question she's eating she's eating a what she appears to be a low calorie nutrient dense diet but still gaining weight so what might be happening here okay um well first of all we do want to eat plenty of food so that we're not hungry because if you're hungry on this you don't feel full or well served then you're going to eat again again you might eat less health healthful foods so what's the answer the answer is to eat grains beans vegetables fruits those foods are filling they have a lot of fiber to fill you up and make you feel satisfied but they don't have the fat which is the calorie dense part and so for the vast majority of people whatever you're eating now if you switch to a completely plant-based diet and for right now if weight loss is a big goal for you i'd encourage you to set aside the nuts seeds and even the avocados they may be healthful and organic and whatever but they're pretty fatty and it's going to slow down your weight loss set those aside and just let the weeks go by follow that way of eating don't worry too much about portion sizes and see what happens uh dr bronner back to the waves series podcast series that we were doing we were talking about the effect of soy on menopause we actually also discussed uh how there's a myth out there that soy can cause a man to grow breast tissue uh to that end barbara has a question wants to know if someone already has man boobs can a low-fat whole food plant-based diet help reverse those things yes yes very much so here's what's going on you did not get man boobs breast enhancement this did not come from eating soy um that's kind of the locker room that where they come from is that hank is busily eating burgers and pizza and typical american foods and as you gain more body fat from eating that the your body fat cells aren't just dormant bags of calories they are estrogen factories so a man gains weight and his fat cells then are estrogen factories and what i mean by that is testosterone goes into the fat cell estrogen comes out fat cells have what's called an aromatase enzyme that reduces testosterone increases estrogen it just converts one to the other and so it then causes all kinds of issues in women it will increase the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer in men it increases the likelihood of breast enhancement and all kinds of other issues so the problem is that the animal based high calorie diet bone broth is a popular food for a lot of the fad diets that are out there right now matter of fact if you go down the soup aisle you'll see boxes of just that bone broth caprice is wondering whether or not it's actually healthy for you though no there's there's no reason what you know it's i'm i'm sorry to say there's sort of a never-ending supply of foods that have a health claim of one type or another and it gets emphatism associated with it and bone broth is the granddaddy of all them there's no value to it whatsoever a question from sandra at 12 22 does cooking affect fiber i'm assuming that sandra is referring again to beans here dr barnard yeah no it doesn't um now if you're eating high fiber foods you do want to cook them so that they're edible and digestible i'm thinking specifically about beans there should be no al dente beans you're gonna cook them so that they're digestible also the cruciferous vegetables you'll discover if you have cauliflower or brussels sprouts or broccoli that if you cook them more they're more digestible if you left them a little too crunchy they're going to be hard to digest so the fiber will still be there but they'll be more digestible when you cook them all right we talked a little bit about the sweet tooth earlier when we had a question about stevia but we have another one here from wendell who wants to know what can i do to reduce my sweet tooth even more how can i get those sugary cravings out of my mind uh one thing i'd suggest you do is go to the store and stock up on fruit um blueberries bananas oranges clementine so it's amazing the ever growing variety of fruit that is there some fuji apples some honey crisp apples have plenty of them get um maybe a cantaloupe and when you get the candle up home don't just leave it sitting there on your counter open it up cut it up into bite-sized peaches pieces put it into a tub put the tub in your fridge here's what will happen you'll discover that you've got you're surrounded by foods you're if you're like most people you'll be a little peckish now and then and you'll pick some up and you'll eat it there are natural sugars there there's not a lot but there's enough and there's also water and fiber and so that fills you up it gives you a little bit of kind of a sugary flavor but in the most natural possible way and you'll discover that your desire to go have some other kind of candy bar kind of thing just naturally goes down so surround yourself with with these healthy things make sure you have extra to share um and you'll discover that your sweet tooth gets contained pretty quickly all right you knew this question was coming about a show on beans patrick here at 12 27 regarding beans how do you manage farts he's asking for a friend okay let me answer for a friend um there are natural compounds in beans that can cause gassiness as time goes on you'll discover that if you're if you haven't had beans much at all and you had more you will adapt to it it just kind of goes away or greatly reduces but here's here's the secret it's dose-related so if you're a person who says well i've had this much steak i should have this much beans that's too much your digestive tract isn't used to that so start really small it's number one just have smaller amounts secondly cook them like crazy so if you're if you're cooking beans from scratch make sure that you cook them until they really are soft they should not be crunchy little rocks if you bought canned beans make a note of the brand that you bought and this goes for chickpeas for any kind of bean if you open it up and they are hard and and crunchy don't buy that brand again um they should be soft they're gonna be more digestible for you all right uh let's see here this is this is nice from catherine uh we were talking about sweet treats uh she writes i had a delicious lunch of sliced peaches blueberries and fresh mint from my garden with the friend on her balcony and suddenly everything in life just seemed to make sense that i i don't know if that's gonna bring clarity to life but that certainly does sound delicious um we we have a question here from eli is a pea protein supplement for an athlete safe what do you think about that sure it's fine um it beats the heck out of what people have been doing in the past um when in the past the dairy industry has really been pushing chocolate milk saying it's got the sugars it's got the fats that you need but it also has estrogens and it has other things you don't need so so far as we know that plant-based proteins are safe however you're raising a question or implicit in your question is really do you need that and for the most part athletes don't need extra protein powders and things like that it's true you're burning a lot of calories and your muscles need to repair but when you burn a lot of calories your body senses that it increases your appetite you take in more food and along with the food the protein just comes in along with it it's like when you're running your body senses that your oxygen deeds are increasing you take in more air the oxygen is part of the air and you just take it in naturally this is just the homeostatic mechanism so so you don't really need them but evidence we have suggest that they are safe this one i think is going to be right in your wheelhouse it's a question from brishi at 1228 wants to know will a plant-based diet with lots of beans and rice help with hypothyroidism they go on to say that they're not able to lose weight currently on a vegan diet but they are eating some junk food they want to switch over to a whole food plant-based diet um we need more evidence or i guess i should say more research on this but um the adventist health study too addressed this question they looked at different dietary patterns and looked at who had the most thyroid problems and who had the least thyroid problems and the results came back rather definitively that the people who had the most animal products in their diet i'm talking about daily meat-eaters had a higher risk first of all of hyper thyroidism the vegans had the lowest risk and then that's graves disease and then when we look at hypothyroidism or hashimoto's thyroiditis once again the vegans did the best um however that suggests that a plant-based diet is going to be good for both what what has not yet happened and should happen is a randomized clinical trial where people with hypothyroidism are split into two groups and one group goes on a little cut vegan diet to see how they do that that study's never been done but many people are not waiting they are going ahead and just doing a plant-based diet on their own to see if they get better i mean there's no risk you tell your endocrinologist monitor my thyroid i'm going vegan see what i do um and in fact in my book your body and balance i mentioned i go through all this in detail and i give a number of examples um wendy sacks is a good friend of this program and to pcrm who had hyperthyroidism went on a plant-based diet and it resolved and there are many others nancy and others who i describe in your body imbalance who did this for hypothyroidism and found that it was life-changing and and helped them to improve dramatically the thing we don't know is how many people are going to get better is it 80 of people get better is it 10 we don't know but if i were hypothyroid i would run not walk to a low-fat completely plant-based diet let your doctor know what you're doing do supplement with vitamin b12 and have at it all right back to beans back to beans here's one from chi at 12 29 she loves beans says that they eat two to three cups of them a day wondering though is there an optimal amount of beans that they should be eating every day how much is too much how little is too little well two to three cups a day you're getting pretty heroic there you know in our plant-based in our approach to uh hot flashes um which we talked about in other programs um it was vegan low-fat and a half a cup of cooked soy beans every day um so my only thing i would encourage you to do is to balance four groups beans the legume group beans lentils peas that's one group make sure you have vegetables green vegetables orange vegetables that's another group have fruit don't neglect them and don't forget the whole grains don't don't have so much of one that you squeeze the others out but beyond that you interpret the diet any way you want uh jesse at 12 34 really changing gears here uh asking about coffee is that bad for you probably not uh with regard to any serious things in fact a number of years ago researchers started looking at coffee and alzheimer's and they found that if it's a cup a day two cups a day no big effect but if a person has about five cups of coffee per day the risk of alzheimer's goes way down or significantly down that said caffeine coffee is a vehicle for caffeine and caffeine is addictive and so what that means is that you're going to spend your life on a little bit of a roller coaster where when it goes up you'll be talkative and a little irritable and when it goes down you'll have a headache and feel crummy um for some people that's a bigger issue for others it's not an issue at all but with regard to the big risks heart disease cancer diabetes i think coffee is going to get uh not guilty 12 30 to hannah j do vegans need to have epa and dha for optimal health if you mean supplements no uh probably not um but here's what we know you your your body does need dha and epa these are omega-3s but your body takes the natural oils that are in plants this won't be on the test but the the name of it is ala or alpha linolenic acid that's a an omega-3 it's got 18 carbons and when you eat broccoli chia seeds flax whatever you get that ala and your enzymes in your body lengthen it to epa and dha and your brain says thanks this is great um but where the issue comes in is that that conversion to the longer forms is pretty slow and so some people will say well that's because you're eating too much other fats it's tying up the enzymes and there's truth to that others will say i'm impatient i just want to take epa and dha as a pill you can fish oil contains it but if you go on to amazon or anywhere online and you look up vegan dha and epa there it's they sell that too so you can you can use that uh one last thing i might just mention um there are risks to supplementing uh with omega-3s um and that's given a lot of us serious cold feet the big risk is prostate cancer we don't know why this is we really don't know why but men who have higher levels of dha and epa have higher risk of prostate cancer so be cautious about that with that in mind there are some people who will test themselves and there's a company called omega quant there are other companies too where for something like 50 bucks they'll send you a little card you put a dot of blood on the card mail back in and they'll tell you what your epa dhl level is and you can decide then if you want to supplement or not all right let's take a couple of more questions here before we close up the doctor's mail bag today this one comes to us from faye emery at 12 31 says their post menopausal it seems like a magnesium supplement has helped them sleep more deeply and uninterrupted can that magnesium supplement really be helpful maybe um if you were low in magnesium perhaps i'm very hesitant to say that anything is actually a placebo although i guess you couldn't really rule it out but if anybody's having trouble sleeping after menopause and it's because of uh they're having hot flashes where your your temperature regulation just seems to have a mind of its own and three four five times a night you're getting a little too warm and that's what's waking you up um do try the waves approach wabs that we discovered with the women's study for the alleviation of vasomotor symptoms which is vegan diet very low in fat half a cup of cooked soybeans a day and for so many women they start sleeping through the night really really well because their hot flashes are under control all right and final question comes from pj watkins at 12 37 pj writes that my daughter has crohn's disease and her doctor has recommended that she does not eat beans what is your take on that obviously we can't get into specifics here but in generalities i'd encourage you to get a second opinion on that um it is true that in decades past people thought that a high fiber diet could be harmful and so forth but then we've discovered since then quite the reverse high fiber foods are are very very helpful and we not only want to bring in the whole grains and beans and vegetables and fruits but we want to exclude animal products and greasy foods everybody with crohn's is a little bit different but for many it has been an absolutely life-changing experience to get on a plant-based diet um here on the exam room live we've talked uh about crohn's and inflammatory bowel disorders and there are some wonderful experts here that you'll see in prior episodes and let me encourage you to to take a look at that as well absolutely and one of the easiest ways you can do to search that out is head over to podcast or head over to apple podcast or spotify look for the exam room by the physicians committee and just look for those episodes and subscribe while you're there and leave a five star rating if you would be so kind uh i want to say hi to edith as well before we wrap things up uh edith your comment about soy and dolly parton absolutely made me fall out of my chair you didn't see it because dr barnard was on the screen at the time but god bless you for putting that in the chat today uh okay also before we close up today i want to take a second again to say thank you so much to allison mahoney and the gregory j rider memorial fund for their support of the exam room live we could not do this show without you and dr barnard as we have talked about so many times the gregory j ryder memorial fund is really just so remarkable because it it does it just carries on everything that greg held dear to his life the passion that he had for uh promoting a vegan diet and the love of animals and animal welfare and if you head over to you see the address on the screen there that's writer r-e-i-t-e-r fund dot org you can learn all about the great work that allison and the team there are doing you can even sign up for their newsletter there and i highly encourage you to do that and again dr barnard you and i know allison very well and she is just really among the nicest most genuine people on the face of the earth she sure is greg had such a warm heart uh he had such a love of animals and was such a kind and loving person in general and allison has carried on his memory in such a generous way so thank you for changing the world as you are and lastly you know you heard us mention here on the program today the series that we've done on our groundbreaking waves study all about soy and menopause well the third installment of that the third and final installment will be released on the exam room podcast tomorrow so again head over to apple podcast or spotify wherever you get your podcast from look for the exam room by the physicians committee and hit that subscribe button because tomorrow 3 a.m eastern time this episode will be released that features dr christy cobb and she and i are going to be talking about the intimate side of menopause what is sex life after menopause she's going to tell us ways to keep things spiced up in the bedroom what role does diet play and that what are the current treatments versus how a diet adjustment can help there as well so we're going to get into that and dr barnard i know that you're going to be there as well with your tips for incorporating soy into the diet so it's going to be a really really great show again head over to apple podcast hit that subscribe button and just wait overnight you're going to get hit with the third and final installment in that groundbreaking series about menopause but dr barnard my friend that is all the time that we have today i want to say thank you again for your time and for being here great thank you chuck and to you exam roomies who have been watching and raising your health iq with us appreciate you as always and to the crew behind the scenes making the magic happen you guys make us look so very good so thank you very much for everything that you do as well and for everyone here at the physicians committee i am the weight loss champion chuck carroll we'll talk to you again soon but until then keep it plant-based
Channel: Physicians Committee
Views: 73,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jBPMGA0rDnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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