Can a Chef Make Amazing Dishes from Scraps? | Food Scrap Challenge

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(upbeat music) - Today's a good day. I've got some amazing ingredients that I absolutely love, and I'm aiming to put together a spectacular dish. The best bit is I haven't gotta worry about any wastage at all. Ebbers is gonna come in here and cook up some amazing things with my scraps. (logo sparkles) (upbeat rock music) - [Mike] Alright, Baz, what are you doing? - One big chunk of this dish is cauliflower based. So these are gonna roast off, toss those in a 'nduja sauce. - I take it you're not using the root and the stem and the... - I'm barely using cauliflower, mate. - Oh, poor Ebbers is already sweating. (J chuckles) So poor old Ebbers didn't find out we were doing this video until just now. So he's seeing these ingredients and these scraps for the first time. And once Baz has generated a nice little pile, he's gonna jump in the kitchen and see if he can cook something up. - That's quite a lot of waste. But that's all I need for this dish. - There you go, Ebbers. Challenge number one. So what are you doing with that cauliflower? - Olive oil, salt and pepper, oven. 15 minutes. - Nice. - Let's move on to the sea bass. - How comfortable are you with sea bass? - I have filleted sea bass at home, but not one this big. So I'm a little bit more daunted by this one. I can take the head off in one go and kind of swipe down the middle. - [Jamie] This is the moment I'm outside of my comfort zone. - I'm out of my comfort zone with what Baz is doing, let alone with what Ben's gotta do in a bit. (chuckles) Oh, challenge on, Ebbers. (they laugh) - HELLO! - So that bit in my household is always waste. I know you can make that into stocks, but... Now carving down the spine and then cut the back bit off. - Scraping on the bone so you minimise any wastage. - So then I could then go in from this side to cut the rest off. - Lovely stuff, Basil. - So much of this comes down to confidence, doesn't it? - I think it is about confidence which you get the more you do it. But it's also not about blind confidence. If you're unsure, take your time and do it slowly, like Baz is so you actually don't leave too much fish on the bone. Alternatively, cook it on the bone. - Yeah. - [Ben] The other option, of course, is ask your fishmonger to do that for you. - Oh... - This bit, I know I'm butchering now. So that is a chunky fillet but not a very good one 'cause I've left all the belly here. But luckily, for this dish, I'm gonna trim it to make it little cheffy. - [Ben] It's the kind of perfect portion you'd expect on a plate at a restaurant. - Yeah. So I'm basically, that's my portion. On a plate. - Lovely. - Nice. - While this bit is absolutely delicious but I don't need it. - [Mike] Ebbers! Oh, you've got some real food. - Prime cuts there. So far he is been very generous. - Fish going into the fridge. - Baz, what are you cooking? - I have a cauliflower and 'nduja base. Then I've got like a posh chickpea salad around the outside and then a salsa verde over my crispy fish. - It sounds spectacular. - It sounds great! - No pressure. - [Jamie] So you're not cooking with the aim of making waste, are you? - No. Like this is more, this is more familiar of like when I'm cooking from a recipe. I'm gonna go all out and give that a go. And in doing so, you're not using a whole cucumber. It's gonna ask you to use one third of it. - So is he gonna use the ribbons or the ribbons... Oh Ebbers! Lucky you. That's nice. That's ribbons. - Are you getting any inspiration yet? - I don't think I'm gonna cook a dish as such. I think I'm gonna try and take so many of Barry's, you know, head and tips and stuff and turn something fun from it. - And because I want this to be a relatively dry salad I'm getting rid of the wet bit as well. - Oh, Ebbers, lucky you. - For a midweek meal at home, I would never do this. It's only 'cause I'm trying to make a restaurant-looking dish, you'd go that extra step. - But the thing is, if this was prepared in a restaurant, they would have other dishes on the menu that would use up these types of bits, wouldn't they? - Good restaurants would. But there is a large percentage of food waste in the hospitality industry. - Go on, Baz. - Right. - You know you wanna get the wet bits out. - Yeah, you gonna have to. - You know you wanna get the wet bits out. - You're gonna have to canoe them. - Tomatoes, they're notoriously soggy, wet things. Let's get rid of that bit. Let's do some canoeing. I don't want the stalks of those. - [Mike] So what have you got there? - Parsley, coriander and some mint. - Oh don't you dare give him a sprig. Only give him the stems. (Barry laughs) Do you reckon you've gone enough to get going? - Do some stuff. - Okay. Get in there, Ebbers. Off you go! Tag in. Right, this is where it gets interesting. - And I'm gonna start with something very simple but very predictable. I'm gonna infuse some alcohol. (Barry laughing) - Of course he is. Of course he is. - [Mike] Is he going gin? - No, this is vodka. I'm literally just gonna put some cucumber in to infuse some vodka for a drink later on. A little bit of agitation and then a lot of waiting. - Cauliflower's looking lovely and toasted. - Baz, remember if you burn or mess anything up, you can give it to Ben. (Barry laughs) - Make it his problem. - I'm not fixing all of his problems. (upbeat rock music) - Ebbers, what are you doing with your remaining peel? - I'm gonna make a very simple sauce to go over something like fish and I'm gonna put the cucumber through it. So think like a white wine beurre blanc. - Oh! - And when it's finished, you blend cucumber peel into it. It gives it colour, it gives it a little bit of freshness and works wonderfully over fish. Oh, that bit's not very nice, is it? - No. Don't want that bit. Don't want that bit, they look horrible. There you go. - Excellent. (J and Mike laugh) - I love that. - So Ebbers, you've now got shallot tips and a couple of the sheaths. - Yeah, not a huge amount to work with and I'm doing a very, very small volume, but basically, sweat off some shallots, some garlic, herb stalks maybe. And then basically reduce down a lot of wine and then once it's reduced down, add in some cream. - Now that sounds like a leftover that you are not used to working with, Ben. - What? - Leftover wine. (Mike chuckles) - Can I have a little knob? - What Ben's doing now is just nicking food from- - Just nicking Baz's... - That Barry hasn't used yet. - [Mike] Were you planning to use all of your garlic, Baz? - So I'd like to stress, I'm not gonna make things solely from Barry's leftovers. What I'm gonna do is take Barry's leftovers and upcycle them. So I will be adding in other things from the store cupboard, from the larder. It's not solely what Barry's throwing away but that is gonna be the inspiration that starts the idea. - So now, got these amazing, beautiful chickpeas but I don't need all the aquafaba that goes with it. So aquafaba is gonna be Ben's problem. - So you're giving him the... - Sorry. The aquafaba is gonna be Ben's opportunity. - Yes. - That's more like it. - PMA. (fast-paced jaunty music) - [Mike] Ebbers is crowning. - [Ben] Okay... (J snorts) (Barry laughs) - No! - So I've taken the off cuts of Barry's fish, two of the pieces I have scored the skin and just put it into a warm space to begin to dry the skin out. The other half I've skinned and we've got just a dice of fish that can be a little cured element later. In there you've got a lovely bit of fleshy fish but it's mostly the flavour from the head that we want in that instance. Here, because of the way it was prepared and it's not an easy thing to do, is all useful meat. So I'm just gonna cut off as much meat as possible and then save the rest for stock. Barry mentioned it, I'm gonna do it. Then you make sure that absolutely nothing goes to waste. A spoon, scraping it will literally get the rest off. - [Jamie] This is how they make like chicken Kievs, isn't it? (Mike laughing) - I mean... - Not from a sea bass. (Jamie chuckles) - That was such a you thing to say. (screen wipe whooshes) If you are enjoying this, there are some small things you can do that make a big difference to us. Like the video. (button clicks) Subscribe if you aren't. (button clicks) Click the notification bell (bell pings) and select All. (button clicks) Thanks. (screen wipe whooshes) - Look. - Look at what he's doing! - He's clearing up after you. - What are you doing? - Just making stock. (pot bubbling) - [Barry] Hang on a minute, where'd my other shallot go? - Oh yeah, I did just use that. - You cheeky... Look, I'm nicking. (Mike laughing) (Ben and Barry bickering) So now Salsa verde, shallot, mint leaves, coriander leaves, olives, capers, pickles - Basically anything green. - It's a green sauce, innit? That's what it needs. Everything green, chuck it in. Blend up with some oil, salsa verde. I got my ciabatta, which we're gonna rip up. I only need one. It came as a two. - Excellent. - Oh! (upbeat music) Ebbers is stalking. - [Ben] So I'm making fish cakes. - [Both] Ahhh! - [Ben] Spooned fish off of Barry's leftover carcass. Herby bread crumbs and smash. - If they were made out of alligator, do you know what they'd be? - No. - Croquetas. - Ooh. (sniggers) - [Ben] You are on fire today. And not in a good way. (pan sizzles) - Ooh! - Oh, lovely! - That's what happens when you get in a hot bath. Ooh! Yeah. - Yeah, you swell up. - Ahhh! (laughs) (all laughing) - There's the other thing that you also have to do simultaneously, don't you? - Yeah. So you have to lift up the "ahhh-ha-ooh-hoo!" - And then there's that horrible moment where you've got to let go. (screams) - [Ben] So in that pan, oil, really hot, fish, skin side down. Then cook it till it goes crispy on the skin. Then in a butt tonne of butter. Fish out, bread in. - [Mike] So fishy bread. - [Ben] Browned butter, fishy bread. - I'm seeing a lot of good individual bits off of Barry. Ebbers, how are you getting on, mate? - Okay, so the soup's bubbling away. The dressing's done. I'm thinking these cauliflower stalks. I've separated the green bits from the stalky bits and treat it just as you would pak choi bok choi which you'd pay quite a premium for in the supermarket. But essentially very similar family. And it's gonna do a similar job. But I wanna start off by cooking the stalk, sauteed or stir fried in some sesame oil. And then at the end we'll finish it with the leaves, just last minute with a little bit of soy, a little bit of mirin and possibly some oyster sauce. Cupboard ingredients that just go, wow, we've got ourselves some stir fried greens. - So you are essentially just serving lots of small plates. - I think I'm doing three dishes. - Three dishes? - Three dishes. - It was not my plan at the start. I was gonna do lots of different bits but I think I'm gonna put 'em together into three dishes. - Oh yes, Ebbers! - Yes. Thinking on the fly. - And maybe a drink. - Yes. - And a drink? - And a drink. - Oh, you're going down. - Yeah. - It wasn't a competition but now it is. (laughs) - So cauliflower stalks. There are lots of things you can do with these. Alternatively you can do a little stocky, soupy kind of thing. And that's what I'm gonna do with the fish stock. - [Ben] What are you doing? - Not sure yet. Shut up. (Barry laughs) (upbeat music) - [Mike] Everything all right, Ebbers? - [Ben] Yep. - That wasn't the most confident of answers. - I'll be honest. This entire challenge is uncomfortable to me. Because normally when we cook there is a plan. What I'm doing is trying to do about nine, 10 different things without a plan, which means it feels messier than I would like. But that's because I'm kind of just making stuff up as I go along. - It's plating time. - (claps) Come on, Baz. - [Mike] Some would argue that this is Barry's strength. - Oh no. - [Mike] And this is gonna be restaurant quality as well. - [Barry] Shut up! - That's what I heard actually. I do feel like I heard that that this is gonna be restaurant quality. - Multiple times. - Yeah. Now to be fair to Barry, he didn't tell us what kind of restaurant. - It's true. - You know. It could be a diner. - Yeah. - [Jamie] It could be a two Michelin star. - It looks like one with a two-star health and safety rating. (J laughs) - [Jamie] Definitely on the lower end of the hygiene rating. - A hundred percent. - Yeah. Hours away from being shut down. (they snigger) Yep. There's the licking of the fingers to confirm it. - Baz, Ebbers was supposed to be working with the scrap heap. (they laugh) - Christ. - I was really confident up to to the plating before it went wrong. - Oh no. Salsa turde. (they laugh) Ebbers, how you getting on, mate? - [Ben] So, almost there. I've taken the beurre blanc and I've blended it with the cucumber. And that's actually gonna form the base to the dish. - [Mike] Wow. - This is gonna look great, isn't it. (they laugh) - [Barry] It is. It's gonna be really good. - [Ben] Which we then have three fish cakes that'll just sit on top. - So just to confirm, guys- - He's purposely not turning around. - [Ben] Dish number one. Dish number two. - Oh. - [Ben] Dish number three. A little gazpacho over ice. ♪ Hello darkness my old friend ♪ ♪ I've come to talk with you again ♪ - [Ben] Okay, next up is cucumber Vodka to cure the fish. - [Mike] Barry, it looks really good. - [Ben] So the last dish- - Oh, he's got another one, mate. - Yeah, I didn't think four was enough, so I've done five, which wasn't my plan but these things happen. So fish stock, which I cooked the cauliflower stalks in. The left of the beurre blanc that I made that I didn't use. So it's got a bit of creaminess to it. - He's using his leftovers. - He's using the scraps of your scraps of his scraps. - And a little bit of 'nduja. Not a lot because I want the fish flavour to be the prominent thing. Just a little bit of 'nduja. Blend that up and we'll serve that with our herby breadcrumbs. - [Mike] That looks restaurant quality. (upbeat music) Oh, he's even put separation between them. - Why does mine look a leftover plate? (they laugh) (upbeat music) (screen wipe whooshes) (upbeat music continues) - Lovely. - Let's get in. I'm very excited for it. - Cheers, boys. - A spoon's a good vehicle to get a bit of everything? - My salsa verde is spectacular. - As is the crunch on the croutons. - Oh wow. - Yeah. - Mate, that's fantastic. - So many good flavours going on there. It's really good. - That's really good. - It's all nicely prepared. Lots of lovely flavours. Very inviting. - Baz, that's superb. But it was always supposed to be. - Yeah. Yeah. - Like that... - The brief was cook a delicious dish and don't worry about any leftovers 'cause they'll be handled. - I think they were handled. - Yeah. - I did some stuff with it. There's a lot of fishy stuff. Dig in. Cucumber infused vodka, cured sea bass. - Oh. - Oh yes. - There's a zing in it. It's got a real zing to that. - Oh. Ooh the vodka - That's lovely, isn't it? - It's so good. - Sort yourself out. - Wash it down with a bit of that. No, that's a much better way of doing it. Well done you. - Oh wow. Whoa, I was not expecting it to taste like that. - Oh. - Mind the brain freeze but cucumber middles, tomato middles. - Wow! - [Mike] That is really cucumbery, isn't it? - And very vinegary, in the best way. - A little bit of sherry vinegar, olive oil. - Yeah, interesting. - Lots of herbs. - Oranges are quite good as well. (they laugh) - Oh dear. - Cauliflower leaves and cauliflower stalks. You compared them to bok choi pak choi. It's bang on. - But the seasoning, that's mirin? - Sesame oil, mirin, soy. - When you get a bit with loads of the seasoning in. - [Jamie] Yeah. - That is- - Could take more. - Stunning. It doesn't taste like cauliflower. - [Barry] No, it doesn't all, does it? - That's the soup. - We've got hot gazpacho. - Which is fish stock and cauliflower stalk basically. a little bit of 'nduja at the end. - That is amazing. - Oh. - That is silk. - Isn't it? - And it is the stalk that would normally end up in the bin. - It's got a really, a real depth of flavour from that fish stock. - Yeah. Yeah. - Fish cake. - And then fish cakes. Pretty classic. - I love chicken Kiev. (Jamie laughs) Zingtastic. Woo! - Ooh. - I wasn't expecting that, but... Mate. (applauds) - And a very simple white wine sauce. - What a job! - Amazing. - What a job. - I think the most impressive thing about that is you wouldn't look or taste any of those dishes and think that they were made with leftovers and scraps. - No. - It's a little bit fiddly to do any of those things just with a little bit of leftover. What I would actually say. Infuse your vodka or gin and then you've got it for time to come. Make some fish cakes but don't cook 'em off, freeze them. And then when you've got eight, you've got enough for a meal because two fish cakes isn't really gonna get you very far. Each time you can kind of make in batch once you've collected enough. - We had a little chat off camera. You're not gonna believe this, but Barry's dish tasted so good We're gonna put it on Sidekick for you guys to get the recipe and cook. I don't mean that disrespectfully. - No. - But the food team are gonna take that, turn it into a full recipe and you can go and cook it at home. And I would encourage you to do so 'cause that is fantastic. - Well, let's turn it into a competition. Cook it up, get the recipe on Sidekick. - (laughs) No let's not. - Cook it up at at home and show us how it should be plated. - Let's not. - Yes. Great idea. - And we'll hand out a plating badge to the best one. (Barry laughs) (screen wipe whooshes) (upbeat music)
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 468,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: upcycle food, food waste, upcycling food, using food scraps, saving food scraps, what to do with food scraps, food scraps, sortedfood, sorted food, challenge, how to cook, reduce food waste, save money
Id: mBrsxYuZJjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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