Can A 7x14 Dump Trailer Really Make You Money?

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what's going on guys my name is Tony if you don't know who I am I was seeing a lot of people basically buying dump trailers and I wanted to start kind of like a secondary business so oops oops Yeah I wanted to do something on the side so I decided to purchase a dump trailer myself the dump trailer cost about 15 to 16 000 I had a buddy that was like Hey if you buy one of these you know you can make a lot of money well the truth is if you don't advertise you don't get yourself out there you aren't going to make a lot of money my dump trailer probably goes out about once every two weeks maybe three weeks tried renting it out like as they take it but I started having customers damage the outside too much and when you buy something new kind of sucks to have it damaged so I decided you know we take it out there they fill it up and we dump it today I'm actually headed to a customer's house and I charge them 300 for the trailer and then the dumpty's about 120 so we're gonna make about 300 and you subtract your gas fjb you know anywhere from 50 to 75 bucks for me because I'm about 30 to 45 minutes per per way numbers probably aren't exact so close I'm gonna take you today I just wanted to give you guys a heads up because there's a lot of people posting you know making extra 20 000 a week or you know five thousand a week with the dump trailer that's click bait you're gonna have to advertise and get it out there I've had mine for about six months now also purchased a bobcat which I'll be doing a video pretty soon I kind of wanted to do something different so either don't know I own a rental company I rent boats jet skis limo so already in the rental game we'll see uh how it goes it's nice I mean I rent it out here and there like once or twice a week and it's like it when it rains it pours so I mean on average if you buy a new dump trailer if you do a little bit of advertising maybe you'll run it out three to four times a month and that's with a little bit of advertising and that's friends and you know so it can make good money but it's a big investment for not the biggest return you really have to find out what it is or how many times you think you'll be renting it a month to make it worth it now let's consider maybe buying one on credit who knows how much your payment would be a month three to four hundred bucks a month you might be able to buy one on credit and then rent that out and pay for at least the rental or your uh your you pay for your monthly um your bill on it and then there you go so I don't want to talk too much I'm just going to take you guys and show you kind of what it's like all right guys we have arrived I'm backing up to the trailer one thing to consider is a really good theft deterrent people steal these a lot but this is the trailer here it's a 7 by 14. look inside and check to see how full it is looks good this is it it's money maker so we're gonna go ahead and uh take off this lock box and start to work these lock boxes cost about 300 bucks but it's worth it because we've already had somebody try to steal this trailer and they couldn't break it off um pretty good one something like that cute so there it's made by proven locks I'll post a link in the description area and we're just going to back up to this make sure oh it's heavy foreign [Music] consider before buying a trailer is what kind of tow vehicle you have I have a 2017 Duramax and so this trailer weighs about four thousand pounds and you get a full load you can weigh as much as 14 000 pounds so you want to make sure you have a vehicle that can tow this kind of weight foreign now it can be very dangerous towing a trailer so what you're going to want to do is make sure that everything is sure your lights are hooked up properly it's in double check your work make sure it locks in that's pretty much some of the first thing one of the first things I do next you have your chains make sure your chains are in foreign make sure nothing's gonna fly out make sure everything's connected chains look good right here looks good and you want to make sure that that ain't gonna hit the ground let's go up that just a little bit we'll still walk around make sure everything's good it's looking good there we go is locked okay another recommendation when you are Towing heavy loads uh recommend airbags on your truck so it helps with Towing I'm gonna fill them up and then uh drop them when I'm all done up here so what we're gonna have to do is for those of you that don't know God they really need to fix these potholes we're gonna pull up to the weigh station and they are going to weigh the trailer back there and find out what it weighs and then once we dump it we come back that way it again and we pay make sure the tires are out the back good make sure you give me a thumbs up here shortly thumbs up and we're off let's go crappy potholes right here yeah out here in California it is 96 degrees today it's been a month and a half of a hundred and [Music] 110 36. another thing they don't tell you guys is when you're coming out to these dumps there's Nails in the tires see where they want us to go okay he's pointing me to go over there so we're gonna go ahead and over there hopefully we don't get any nails [Music] oh no he wants me to go through here oh no I don't like doing that I just like backing up so this is pretty cool I installed a wireless switch on my dump trailer so I just turn this on grab my remote turn that on [Music] pull the pin [Music] let's lock in right here walking here are gonna start we dump [Music] and then once it's done dumping I'm gonna go ahead and pull forward this customer only filled this thing not even a quarter of the way [Music] foreign I should be driving forward to dump the rest of it oh I'm gonna pull forward all right guys that's it so trash I'm gonna pull forward and bring it down I'm just putting it back down guys [Music] boom boom now we gotta close these [Music] foreign guys check for nails real quick tires for nails pretty good check these tires for nails good all right well done our dump doesn't look like we got any nails that's good because it wouldn't be worth the dump now we're gonna go away and pay when pay hey you know something I wish somebody would have told me you know the average dump trailer is a seven by fourteen I wish I would have got a seven by sixteen because when you have them lighter loads you can put a lot more stuff in it by 14's big enough but like I said I wish I would have just got some a little bit bigger it is what it is it's nice I like it if I had a chance to buy it again I probably would because I use it for other things like I said I have a bobcat and I'm starting a little business with that and this will go great with the Bobcat I'll do a video on that pretty soon how's it going yeah 8137 81.37 today huh yeah did it go down or is it just uh oh you didn't have too much weight in there what it's just our minimum okay I thought it went by ton yeah under a thousand pounds is 81 that's our manual there's 80. if you have a credit card debit card we'll take no cash no cash all right it's not a problem hey I'll take the 80. yeah the ton is about 86. okay guys so that's before all the fees and everything okay well like after the fees if it's exactly one time it's about like 115. okay it is okay all right thank you guys they go yeah I thought it was about I thought it was about 120 bucks for a ton for fees oh it's better to be safe than sorry I usually quote about 120. in this case made an extra 40 bucks what's also really cool is if you have the time customers put a lot of cool stuff in the dumps all right guys we're back to my compound before we uh finish up I want to show you a few cool things that I kept all right guys the first really cool thing I found was this heavy duty mat and I kept it to put in front of my tack room don't mind my goats it's super heavy and awkward it's literally that heavy I'm gonna put this around the tackle and move cobra move quiet move I'm gonna set this right in front of this door so it's about a pound move maybe more what he's good for coming in out where the goats are this room and I got this free move come on move running let it move all right the goats were making noise so that's my boat Crema and we don't have a name for the other one but they pretty much wow they need some water oh oh you better get out of here they're gonna Ram you listen some of y'all might make fun of me but this was a good find this is like a hundred dollar Christmas ornament Santa maybe it's good luck I kept it all right y'all next we found this barbecue it's pretty nice probably sell it for 75 bucks this doesn't seem to work let's go grab battery and see if it works I'm gonna put the battery in I'll be damned it works now let's try gas all right we got the gas hooked up if I didn't sound good foreign oh my God whoa maybe that's why they threw it out I don't know it's not normal it works I don't know this is a good idea anyway maybe I'll throw it back out it's got a brand new iglue anyhow guys I hope this video was informational to you guys um I hope some of you can benefit from it and if you guys are in the business already and want to leave a comment below go ahead you guys enjoyed it subscribe to the channel and hopefully I'll be putting out more content stuff like this and Pairs and all kinds of good stuff so I'm just a normal Joe trying to turn a peanut into a walnut until next time we'll see you then later on
Channel: Gunner Ranch
Views: 187,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dump trailer business, make money from dump trailers, pj dump trailer, 7x14 dump trailer, 100k in one year, rich people, how to get rich fast
Id: ls2Y_gmxvD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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