Can #2 Legend Handle HUGE Random Demons?? | Hearthstone Constructed | Savjz

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well i learned some of the secrets now it is on bring water what do you want yes i guess beyond pride with the 59 months thank you new phone who dis hit me savage thanks for the almost five years my friend bro you're literally shacky from scooby-doo no no no no no that's not true jackie from scooby-doo is literally saving let's get that straight guys bonk oh man okay i don't have a follow-up if i hmm that's gonna be exciting definitely this i have my own flow i mean i was talking about it how it's not always that good to like deck of lunacy in mates mirror but we're doing it damn it we're doing it live on twitch tv i would be a garbage streamer if i didn't do it guys with double spring water in my hand literally would unzap and unwatch and on stream myself oh whoa let's see what we have we got the discounts too any six mana codos oh that's not kodos is that kodos well actually this is not the worst oh boy all right let me go for the survival next time oh my god it is a good chance that it works chet i mean it could be like devolving missiles but even if it's evolving there needs to be something more you want oh oh i don't think he's gonna like that your opponent fans are not to be happy with this one oh man your opponent fans are in shambles right now oh god oh god i i that yeah that's yeah that yeah yeah it's exactly 30 damage right okay all right gg next oh man honey did you like that one exactly 30 from her full health doesn't give this not getting barrier was what sent you the crave yeah i guess that was definitely bad although the counter still stopped like four damage too maybe you could have traded the tree one in earlier it was pretty good game honestly i shouldn't be like too salty or anything okay luckily i have some like minions to play right now or not luckily but i do so it's not as much of an issue oh he just stabbed it like the gold blood my hand is so strong i'm just gonna make this a one one so i don't know if i want to deal with it next time so it would be an additional at least four damage and then there's a shadow step potential too which would ruin my waters oh he just left it there well yes deck of cares nice i have more water in my hand we gotta deal with that watch post if he plays watch post it's not as aggressive of a list isn't that secret passage card like really op individually i mean it's such a lego it's it's so good are there more rocks in ie legend there's a fair amount it's quiet i don't know how many are in lower ranks wow that was not a good passage though i was just saying how opi it is and then he got a bad one he made it look pretty bad there two mana apex is blast okay let's go but i have a minion in my deck the solarium prime i actually have a minion god damn it it might prove useful later though this is also a discover now because of the oh that's going to be some giga value later i mean i don't hate the water then but like everything is fake cards so we gonna do it yeah it's not active if it was active i would have played it one million percent are you saying the board control that's not gonna work out i mean he of course can't see my cards but we know that that's just not it oh wait deck of chaos no but this is the wrong one it's the other one that pulls from the deck it's like a car that draw a minion hey we can activate this now let's go but i could sprint first to make it cheaper hold on how much mana is this sprint bill goes to i will not have enough to do that okay it doesn't need to be discounted i just like having it like this oh i made a mistake i can hide it if i play this no i can't that doesn't even hide it okay i'm gonna hold on to the hero power that's right okay that's how i will hide my mistake i should have meant to blast on face and then do like four damage on that i do like keeping my imps around i think it's good to keep teams oh that positioning had been a little better maybe i mean either way we're just crushing this right what makes something real illusionist let me guess this is the real one yeah that's pretty good too is no longer in the way nice oh my god i played like these really close games and then sometimes like oh oh look they're fluency oh free win it's like it's like the games are either really close or then we just get like handed a free win okay so then two deck is still ooh it's this guy oh things are getting spicy in the sauna right now holy crap you guys the deck is totally worth it if it's time to even in this matchup okay the font is very good addition because then if we prick some draws we still have things to do on this this is a really good combo like having front end deck i like this i like it a lot detron him i'll try spicy guys this is getting spicy sand this is very good very very good maybe we don't lower all their five drops this time wow where did he go in there interesting it's weird that he coined it out if he had a font like i usually don't do it oh that's lucky though i don't like display if you're gonna do a font afterwards i was just done maybe he'd draw it though he may be on top deck if it was top deck then oh even then i don't like it i think it's bad we're gonna win easily we can get two turns of this on average like this provides good outcomes [Music] okay we're gonna win easily well that's a that that's unfortunate wait they get buffs wait they get buffs maybe that's good hold on these things are chunky hold on maybe this is good look at this two mana three seven what is there not to like that might actually be good that might be good i thought it was bad but maybe it was good whoa four minutes okay but first obviously better buy these i like a random enemy just play the ones with the highest attack right now i think what don't buff his okay good oh sprint oh my god okay i think we can do this chat chat chat chat chat chat chair chat wow what does the god even say what was it said i couldn't get three of the card it was like make everything demon my totem what a party pooper right there but i mean we're three men a sprint so i'm like i think i'm good so we put the adornments in the middle right donk tank oh that's gonna keep him busy that's a good straw that's a good show because he needs to play more stuff or it's gonna hit face for seven so dormant's in the middle wow wow imagine trying to deal with this this is like this is oh man i think the best one is best card right now is that bottom right oh man oh that's not really a card okay that joke fell a little short it's okay can we beat number two it'd be bad here but i mean it's not even that bad we just we get rid of it immediately vaporize not quite all right how about this one h6 is there more missiles oh god but even if he has missiles he needs to like hit all of them on like different targets oh baby oh steven oh god we just played number two sweet 16 let's [Music] go [Music] foreign
Channel: Savjz
Views: 20,061
Rating: 4.9147725 out of 5
Keywords: Hearthstone, Savjz, Blizzard Card Game, savjz hearthstone, savjz constructed, constructed, standard, hearthstone standard, savjz standard, deck of lunacy, shadow council, #2 legend, #2, legend, top 25 legend
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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