Can’t believe he did this! || STEVE HARVEY

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what happened next well after I completed the crash investigation I had to take her home she had no car and then on the right there she explained to me that she had a full-time job and she had no idea how she was going to get back and forth to work she was a single mother had two children and she didn't house shoes and get them to school or their school functions and stuff so after I dropped her off it just I just knew that you know God sent me that call to help her out and that was my purpose for for being there so what did you do well after I dropped her off and I and I knew what I wanted to do I got a hold of my wife because she's one who handles the checkbook so I had to run it by her and explain what was going on she gave me her blessing so anyway after I got the approval from her I got a hold of a good buddy of mine owns a used car lot and I explained the whole story to him and I said hey I want to help this lady out this is the story and he was on board right away so with that said we shared the cost and we were able to get her another car that was seven years newer than what she had with that got her new car not only we do that but we we paid for the transfer the plates from the other car to this car filled up her gas tank and then the captain's got wind of what I was doing and they pulled their sources together and they came up with enough money to pay off the title to her car - so with all that said while I was on duty I went picked up her car and got to drive it back to the PD and we one of my detective buddies he you know dress it up with balloons and stuff like that I got a hold of Danielle and I said hey I need some help with some paperwork can I come pick you up bring you back to the PD so I can you can help me get this paperwork done she's like sure so I went picked her up and as I'm bringing her back to the PD she had no idea what was going on as we came around the corner to the police department I said by the way I got you a new car really worried I believe like I will we got your time I'm looking like a car I think the blooms and I see thought of caribou so like all you come here some fans to thank you but it was beautiful though when I say it was beautiful like a lot of people don't understand like in a day and age will be going through he went above and beyond so God for them in the power position so he'll cuz a lot of people would say I might help you and don't help so I'm like wholeheartedly like I didn't even cry that day but it's like everything so surreal so I'm just running hum point just really think [Applause] you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 1,176,826
Rating: 4.9570718 out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Harvey, funny, humor, comedy, tv, steve harvey, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey show, Talk Show (TV Genre), 5044, police, officer, police officer, good news, buying a car, cop
Id: fKciLVxDaW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 1sec (181 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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