Camping World Review: The Truth

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[Music] hi this is Harry downs account number zero zero zero zero zero four three two nine one six I need the payoff amount for a trailer I bought from Camping World last year that's right a salem 261 i went to trade it in and the dealer in Iowa said I owed over twenty thousand so I need to get the right payoff amount what 20300 oh I just bought it for twelve thousand 999 how can I owe twenty thousand three hundred twenty two dollars five months later I did call Camping World and they told me to call you [Music] the following video is my personal opinion based upon my sad an alarming experience with Camping World in all its forms [Music] I'm Kevin Fraser the president and founder of Cheyenne camping Center Perry tells me he took our ebay ad for a twenty six ph trailer to a Camping World in Missouri to see if they would match the price shown in our ad don't go to Iowa they said to Harry we will match the price and provide everything you need including financing and now Harry owes more than twenty thousand dollars on a trailer worth twelve he would like to trade with us but he has been buried up to his eye sockets by Camping World I said to my wife Susan I'm hearing about people like Harry nearly every day are these people really that foolish citizens thought me she said people are generally not that foolish and less greed is involved this sounds like a con job a confidence trick I said like the movie used cars first get their trust then get their confidence then get their money she said no no no not used cars that was a comedy there's nothing funny about what happened to these people they are being taken advantage of by ruthless heartless professional tricksters what happened to Camping World customers like Harry is shocking the worst I've seen in 50 years at camping world headquarters in Chicago they have polished and perfected obnoxious confidence tricks to fleece RV customers Harry wasn't dumb he was just rolled by pros this is Tom unlike myself he was blessed when he married a woman that could spot a double-dealer from a mile away I understand you went shopping for an RV a Camping World yes my wife insisted I sign nothing until she read every word what she really got me off the hook this time how'd that work out thankfully she saved me from a $10,000 ripoff you went to the Camping World store would this end yeah we wanted this trailer so we could spend more time with the grandkids it had a couple bunks and was less than sixteen thousand dollars which is what our budget was after your wife put a stop to the Camping World deal you came to our store with this app yeah and your brother Mike took us out and showed us that trailer what happens in your the Camping World with your magazine ad he took my magazine and said we don't have that trailer we just run those ads to get people in well then he showed me one for twenty five thousand dollars told him I wasn't interested unless it was under our budget of sixteen thousand dollars when I asked about used he said they don't take many trades I asked what if I bought one and wanted to trade in the future he said nobody trades with us but hey if you come back it's not like I'm gonna kick you off the lot or anything so no used RVs and only new ones there were twenty five thousand dollars until I started to leave then he remembered he had one like in a magazine that's when the adventure started at our first meeting I asked you how you felt when you cancelled the deal with Camping World the morning after you reviewed these papers well I felt guilty because three men had spent five hours working with me they spent five hours working you over a con-artist is a con man who can make the mark feel guilty yeah I understand that now it's not right start to finish with paperwork in your hand for your wife how long were you with my brother monk about an hour camping world needed three men and five hours to fool you and hide the dirty deeds in these documents well I can see it now but everything seemed reasonable when I was with those guys at camping world these are professional confidence men trained in the Chicago way that's how they intended you to feel here's the Camping World ad and the shining camping Center a bay ed both with the starting price at fifteen nine nine nine yeah but now I understand that the final price is what to compare tom this is the sales agreement from Camping World and the sales agreement from Cheyenne camping saying have you reviewed these yeah my wife and I read every word when your wife said cancel at Camping World did did she say why she said there were too many payments and $10,000 was missing well she's right that's the main way they hide their dirty dealing very long payment schedules but always with the same advertise price you asked to buy a hitch okay but then what's this p kg TT what did they tell you that was worth to make the trailer ready and to show me how to use it they said it's not like cars and that everybody has it as a standard charge no no no every decent dealers forever included that as part of the deal and what's this what about the freight he said it's not like cars if you went to your grocery store and you rang up three hundred dollars worth of goods and then on the tape appeared seven hundred ninety five dollars for Freight I've walked out and never returned a hundred and fifty five dollars for a battery you might not know but a modern RV cannot be operated without a 12-volt battery have you ever bought a car without a battery he said it's not like cars this next line is a complete average finish in fabric policy they didn't really give you much of a choice on this one they said I had to have it because of the way our v's were well if the exterior were to ever crack or peel or weather or anything like that that strip off the old and put brand new on we said it was cheap at ten dollars a month well they lied to you look at the finish and fabric warranty buff damaged surface and reapply protection no remedy other than those listed above if you have any claims they don't fix it they just spray more of the crap on it that didn't protect it in the first place in the RV business this is a notorious scam been going on for decades how they got a higher sales tax is beyond me and the same goes for the license and fees those are Iowa standard fees for documentation did they tell you what this second documentation fee was for well they said it was to make government and bank filings that's what the line above is for okay vehicle service contract these are also known as extended warranties you know they're not really warranties you told my brother you were opposed to them yeah I told them and I told your brother Mike that I self insure I always thought they made money on those policies so the risk is manageable I did ask your brother how much for a six year extended service Paula and he said 727 dollars which I thought was pretty good but when I showed interest he said do you really want to buy an intangible product your wife would be proud but why did you agree to pay Camping World two thousand six hundred and fifty dollars for a policy I'd already pretty much decided to buy the trailer and they convinced me I'd be making a mistake without coverage one of the Camping World guys told me their RVs break more than cars set it's like pulling your house through a hurricane during an earthquake pulling your house through a hurricane during an earthquake Wow who would ever want to own an RV I'm sure these lines are focused group boat Wow plus he insisted I was getting a huge discount it only increased my payment by 20-some bucks that was most of the pitch right payment payment payment never the price of the RV never the length of the loan just payment payment payment and always the offer of huge discounts from imaginary prices as a smart shopper you decline my brother's offer of an extended service plan I did there was no pressure from Mike the high-pressure conman at Camping World almost got you for twenty six hundred and fifty dollars for a Good Sam policy to add insult to injury you could have gone online same company good Sam and bought the exact same policy for a little over fourteen under dollars well that's just criminal and it's not criminal crooked yes very crooked and you can bet that the Chicago lawyers will stand on the letter of law for Camping World Tom you and your wife has spectacular credit scores in the top one percent of all American households when we applied for credit on your behalf my brother was able to secure for you the lowest rates available in May of 17 just a few days before camping well presented you with a loan approval but a loan approval at a much higher interest rate 27% higher in fact you told my brother Mike that you wanted your payment to be under 160 dollars yeah close to 150 if possible my brother Mike provided a 157 dollar payment but for 84 months 7 years yeah that was good these are camping world documents show the much higher rate for a hundred and forty four months that's that's 12 years and the payment believe it or not is four bucks higher woof this means that over the life of this long you'd be paying $4,500 more in interest this is the part that spooked my wife that money goes to the bank so why is Camping World doing this to their customers because Camping World gets a kick back from the bank that kickback is at least fifteen hundred dollars as we will see camping will gouge is you for an extra $4,500 in interest charges so that they can get a piece of the interest that you paid to the bank how many times did they offer to extend the terms even longer than the twelve years many times all three of them mentioned extended terms the average car truck loan in America is above sixty nine months about six years these camping world people can hide a lot of dirty dealing in RV loans that are as long as mortgages people don't notice because the payment is the same as it is on their new truck except it's for twice as long where's the law wouldn't I like to know but let's see what your wonderful wife saved you the same RV with my brother all in nineteen thousand one hundred ninety eight dollars with Camping World twenty nine thousand five hundred fifty seven bucks those three men a camping world seems so friendly so reasonable so smooth well they picked your pocket the tune of ten thousand and change I guess with Camping World what's yours is theirs [Music] thanks dick for coming in I understand you tried to buy a Jayco at Camping World yeah I tried to buy it for the price on this tag and they said no this is the tag you took it with you yep I was planning to buy it just write a check and the salesman said no because you would pay cash yes fifteen hundred more if I paid cash I asked for a manager and he said what do you have against financing all you got to do is make seven payments and you still get the fifteen hundred dollar discount I said that sounds crazy and it's probably not legal since 1970 the Truth in Lending Act has prohibited one price for cash and another price for credit that's what I told the guy but he said it'd still be fifteen hundred more so I just left did you see other tags like this in other RVs at Camping World yes every one of them at Camping World $1500 was a low one I saw some that were more than three thousand dollars plus three thousand if you pay cash or use your own credit union that's right why doesn't the law apply to keeping world that's a good question [Music] for 50 years repeating referrals have been 70 percent of our sales customers for life Shayan now enjoys fourth generation clients that is I sold great-grandma her first RV when Cheyenne advertises a price like the eBay ad Tom brought in our customer no it's in stock it's ready to go there's no added fees if you say I wish to purchase and pick it up in a month Cheyenne requires no deposit no signatures no credit card Cheyenne is obligated but not you until you have inspected and accepted your new RV Consultants crash my offices non-stop all of them sing the same song your way of doing business it's from the past it's obsolete they say to me you can't beat Camping World so you must join them they say to me I will show you how to increase your profits a thousand percent and then they reveal their version of the cruel confidence tricks camping world's right on Tom just before I kick him out I deliver my speech 50 years I've been an RV dealer and if I do it your way I'll be out of business in less than two your way in two years I'll have a pocket full of cash but my reputation would be dirt and my customers my former customers would be ruined those are the same reasons I wouldn't sell out the Camping World Warren Buffett the world's greatest investor buys entire companies and he works very hard to keep the employees who built them mr. Buffett thinks of a company as an orchard every year he can harvest the fruit as long as he manages to keep his trees that is his customers healthy and happy mr. Buffett has said I can relax in the shade only because those who came before me planted and nurtured the tree William Billy Durant created General Motors he viewed the customers of GM as an enormous flock of sheep as long as he did all he could to keep his customers well cared for he could harvest the wool every year when his customers traded for new Chevy's Buicks and Cadillacs things are very different when Camping World rolls up the independent RV dealer in your town they buy the employee with decades of experience they buy the community's goodwill what Buffett called the orchard they buy the customers who have been supporting a store Billy Durant's beloved flock of sheep who will trade for Chevy's Buicks or Cadillacs every year but remember what the salesman at Camping World said the Tom nobody trades with us no buddy trades with us but hey if you come back it's not like I'm gonna kick you off the lot or anything Camping World does not seek trades it does not pursue Durant's vision of customers for life and so testifying sworn statements provided to government in camping world's required 10-q resulting from fewer trades on new inventory when Camping World invades your town they bring the Chicago tested confidence tricks used on Tom but they don't refer to those scams as shell games know what they call what they do to their customers is strategies to create additional revenue streams and maximize wealth creation who talks like that this guy Marcus lemonis chief executive officer of Camping World Holdings as well as the chief executive officer the completely different Camping World LLC he is also a television personality featured on the NBC TV show the Prophet and he is the big boss of all things Camping world when Marcus lemonis rolls up your local RV dealership any idea of caring for Buffett's orchard or Durant's flock are not part of the plan he levels the orchard sells the timber fleeces the sheep and then orders them to be slaughtered Marcus lemonis sacrifices the future of Camping World to spike fat profits today to arounds Wall Street greed 1 billion dollars from the sale of stock 1 billion dollars controlled by this guy a former Camping World employee told me that 3 out of 4 shoppers fall for the Camping World scams book line and sinker please don't feel guilty the presentations used against you are crafted by Chicago experts heavily focused grouped and applied relentlessly remember they spent 5 hours wearing down Tom but maybe you can get something back please remember the extended service Protection Plan they sold you in person for twice the Good Sam price demand a refund as provided by your regulated contract if you had a six-year contract and signed one year ago you can get back 83 percent which in Tom's case would have been $2,200 if they give you any excuses contact your state Commissioner of Insurance I know it's complicated it's so designed to keep you from complaining I too have been ripped off by con artists and found it hard to fight back no one will do this for you complain to the agencies who are there to protect you also please don't hesitate to make use of this video if you think you've been abused the Federal Trade Commission is interested in false advertising especially false advertising pricing when it comes to financing if goods are priced one way if cash and another for credit that is likely a violation of the federal Truth in Lending Act and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau would be most interested any examples of double-dealing should be the concern of your home States Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division and for heaven's sake tell the world of experiences on the review sites the blogs in the comment section here the online review of Camping World say it all most of the few positive remarks feel bought generated Marcus Lemoine has testified about this in his 10 Q if reputation were to be tarnished by negative publicity if anyone tries to pull any of the scams in this video stand up and say no sale I will buy my RV where there are no Camping World tactics most of the Camping world people who work for LA - did not hire on with Marcus lemonis they were acquired like so many fixtures when Lemoine has rolled up the store they worked for sometimes they worked for 30 years and then suddenly they must do the job the Camping World way the stories they tell me are heartbreaking Marcus lemonis orders his employees to treat people like lamb chops and then he gives them a knife and a fork think about why you work for Camping World the lamb chops your neighbors the people you go to church with if your child asks you what you do for a living and you find you must spin and assemble your soul is already corroding why so Marcus lemonis can grab a billion dollars if you're good at what you do the independent RV deal or across town needs your help now the pipeline is full Marcus lemonis and his investment bankers are in a race to unload Camping World holding stock on the unsuspecting public don't be the unsuspecting read the Camping World 10 queue learn that Marcus lemonis and his confederates control at all they love common shares with pretend votes and nothing more and now I need to ask you for your help Marcus lemonis has a reputation for vindictiveness I am expecting cease and desist from Chicago white shoe law firms the legal aspects do not worry me thanks to the brilliance of Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis the First Amendment rights of citizen whistleblowers like you and me are well protected what worries me my greatest fear is the torrent of BOTS and trolls about to be unleashed upon Cheyenne Camping Center and as I speak we enjoy superb online reviews 100% rating on our eBay site please remember how we are rated now and if you have the chance maybe someday you could cancel out one of those Chicago trolls no Camping World tactics practiced here thanks for watching you
Channel: Cheyenne Camping Center
Views: 447,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Camping World reviews, buying a new rv, rv financing, rv extended service plan, rv warranty
Id: 6wrsMU7WMuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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