Camera Captures What No One Was Supposed To See

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there are a lot of things in this world that people wouldn't believe in if there wasn't any video or photographic evidence of it thanks to our advancement in technology we now have mobile phones equipped with cameras so that we can easily take a quick picture of whatever we want because of that we now have a lot of footage that's sometimes better left unseen from the door to hell to scheming delivery woman here are times when a camera captured what no one was supposed to see number 15 the door to hell this is the so-called door or gate to hell you don't need to worry though because this huge burning crater is actually just burning gas it's officially known as the darvaza crater found in the hot desert of karakum in turkmenistan this huge hole that's 320 feet wide and 60 feet deep has been burning for over 50 years the fire burns so bright that you can see its glow from miles away the exact cause of the internal inferno is unknown however many people claim that a soviet drill accidentally punctured a gas cavern while many tourists would often visit the cavern the president of turkmenistan is actually now trying to find a way to extinguish the fire because of environmental reasons apparently the crater consumes valuable natural resources that could have been used for the betterment of the country instead furthermore the continuous burning of methane gas can also have a negative impact on the environment however extinguishing the fiery gate of hell proved to be quite an impossible feat even today there's still no solution to extinguish the fire hopefully researchers may find a way to get rid of it soon number 14 end of the rainbow the people in this video have found the end of the rainbow but of course there's no pot of gold inside the video shows the car driving by the clear array of colors it's quite amazing isn't it a rainbow is formed because of the dispersion of light in the water droplets and it often occurs once the sun finally comes up after the rain rainbows are often tied to positive connotations and we can obviously see why many people claim that nobody can ever really see the end of the rainbow because the colors wouldn't be visible close up but i guess there are a few lucky ones that found it number 13 men in black sometimes it's nice to drive on a quiet road it's perfect to gather your thoughts and be at peace with yourself but you can never really expect what you'll encounter on the road in the middle of nowhere in this video this man encountered a couple of men all dressed in suits they move very weirdly and their choice of location to have their quote-unquote meeting is quite bizarre why would anyone want to convene in the middle of a road especially during the night i don't know about these guys but i'd really be disturbed if i saw them while i'm on my way home as if the men in suits weren't enough a spooky man with a deer mask comes right in front of the camera creepy huh but let me tell you this when this video was uploaded many people immediately thought that these people were aliens in disguise if you think about it it kinda makes sense considering their weird behavior however after digging up the origin of this video it seems like it's actually just a vignette created for a song yes the original video also has the same low quality which kind of makes it look more genuine either way many people wish they hadn't seen this footage in the first place because of how much it creeped them out i guess this video discouraged many people from driving on a deserted road in the middle of the night number 12. aldebara tortoises what you're seeing right here are aldebara tortoises not many people realize just how enormous tortoises can get these creatures can weigh up to 550 pounds and their shells or the carapace can have the length of up to four feet if you're not aware of this fact and you suddenly see them in person then you might be terrified of these creatures at first these tortoises are endemic to the islands of the aldebara atoll in the seychelles an archipelagic island country in the indian ocean what's more is that contrary to popular belief they aren't really that slow in fact they're faster than you think they are an aldebara tortoise can travel up to 0.3 miles per hour which isn't really much but they aren't really a sluggish contrary to popular belief what's more is that these amazing creatures can actually live for more than 100 years number 11. slurping a jellyfish we all view sea turtles as gentle and majestic creatures but let's not forget that they're also wild animals many people will probably be surprised to see just how ferocious and merciless a sea turtle can get for example look at how this turtle easily gobbles up this jellyfish like its pasta a common sea turtle the leatherback can grow up to six feet long and can weigh up to two thousand pounds because of this they need to eat a lot of jellyfish since they're mostly made out of water it's common knowledge that jellyfishes can stink but turtles don't really feel them however because turtles will gobble up anything and everything they sometimes confuse plastic wastes in the ocean as jellyfishes this leads to the turtle population being threatened if this happens there would be no animals to keep the jellyfish population in check and there might be a sudden boom to the number of these stingers sea turtles help to maintain a delicate balance in our biodiversity number 10. shy octopus while a lot of deep sea creatures are often menacing and bizarre looking did you know that there's a very adorable octopus living in the depths of one thousand five hundred to three thousand feet in the ocean this is the grimpotutus commonly known as the dumbo octopus there are many types of octopus but these guys are the cutest they're usually the size of a fully grown guinea pig but scientists recently found one that's almost six feet long that's like a giant octopus plushie what makes these guys adorable are their little flaps and their unique tentacles this one guy in particular captured the hearts of the scientists the moment they saw it twirling its tentacles and covering its eyes because of the camera's bright light they kind of look like water type pokemon because of how different they look dumbo octopuses also don't ink so when they need to escape they just use their tiny flaps and tentacles to glide through the water so far they've only been found around new zealand australia california the philippines and new guinea but researchers believe that they can be found worldwide because they live at the bottom of the ocean there's still much to find out about them and so we must protect the sea so we can further observe these cute octopodes number nine sea cucumber poop the sea cucumber might be one of the most bizarre animals on earth there are about 1 500 species of sea cucumbers out there in the ocean and they can range from a couple of centimeters to a couple of feet in length in a way they're one of the goodies in the ocean just like how an oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of water per day making it cleaner for the corals these sea cucumbers do a lot to help maintain the ocean what you're seeing right now is a sea cucumber expelling poop yes you heard that right what's more is that it's expelling them from the same opening it uses to breathe think of sea cucumbers as living fertilizer makers first they scavenge around the ocean and eat mainly algae fungi and plankton they will then excrete it as processed nutrients for the sea floor what's more is that collectively these sea tubes expel about 70 000 tons of sandy poop a year they're underwater earthworms that make our coral reefs healthy and in turn make the overall health of the ecosystem in the ocean habitable number eight inside the mouth of a turtle many people love turtles and i do too they're cute and at the same time they're also majestic to see while they're swimming in the ocean we already know that they like to gobble up jellyfish like they're nothing so here's the secret as to why they're barely feeling the sting this is what the turtle's mouth looks like if you've ever been stung by a jellyfish you know just why it's imperative for these guys to have special adaptations in their body to protect them from the sting of the jellyfish inside the turtle's mouth are tiny spiky projections that protrude inwards the turtle's mouth these spikes surround their mouth esophagus up until their stomach they're made out of the same protein found in our hair and nails keratin it does a lot of things for the turtle aside from preventing them being stung by their favorite snack it also helps break down their food and expel excess salt water that they consume the spikes may look scary but it's incredibly helpful but i guess the next time you see a sea turtle you'll be reminded just how terrifying the inside of their mouth looks number 7. dear enter store automatic doors truly are convenient especially since they let anyone in and so when this deer right here discovered that she can forage in the grocery store instead of the woods she easily pranced through this store in wisconsin the store security cameras captured the young deer running along the aisle that is until the employees created a human wall to guide her towards the back door where she pranced back to the woods once again thankfully unlike the wild bears that seem to like visiting grocery stores the deer did no damage and they didn't need to call for an aisle cleanup number six young croc underwater insert the menacing music because one of the most terrifying predators is here or not many of us are terrified of crocodiles these reptiles can grow up to 20 feet and can weigh more than a thousand pounds with their teeth and their strong bite force no one really wants to stay in close proximity with them but it's a common consensus between mankind that anything young small and tiny are adorable this young croc still trying to float is the definition of adorable imagine seeing its head and snout swimming towards you but underneath it has limbs spread out in the water like it's swimming towards you for a hug when this video was uploaded on the internet it instantly went viral with many people laughing over how silly the young crocodile looks don't get it wrong though it may look adorable right now but in a few years it will be a menacing and ferocious adult so enjoy the cuteness while you can number 5. palace cat everyone needs privacy including cats that's why this one palace cat seems unhappy that a camera is intruding on his place the palace cat more commonly known as manuel is a wild cat with long dense and gray fur and just like other felines no matter how ferocious they are we aren't immune to their cuteness this one in particular seems to be simultaneously curious and disturbed about the camera filming him it's adorable and funny how he slowly approached the camera and inspected it real close until he slowly went downwards out of the camera's view today these cats inhabit the shrub lands and mountains of the caucasus iranian plateau hindu kush parts of the himalayas tibetan plateau altai saiyan region and south siberian mountains because of poaching and threat to their habitat their numbers are dwindling and while there are efforts to conserve their numbers it's still not enough to get them out of the red list number four angel saves man from near death real or hoax you decide in this video captured by a supposed surveillance camera we'll see a man on a bike almost hit by a truck until a man comes in with a speed of light and gets him out of the way this supposedly happened in china and it's been circulating around the internet as real evidence of an angel some also believe that this may have been a person with real teleportation powers some believe that the video is a hoax while some strongly believe that this footage is one of the few proof that there really are guardian angels among us so real or fake we'll let you decide that on your own and now it's time for today's pick angels surround us every day figuratively and literally they can be found in photos books figurines and a lot more angels can be found across many religions and they're quite significant many people claim that they saw their own guardian angels and the internet is filled with photo and video evidence of the holy beings just take a look at this photo what do you think do you think that this is really a picture of a real angel this silhouette really represents how many of us view an angel a majestic winged being we also often portray them as tiny children with wings but angels may be a bit more different than you think angels according to the holy text are a bit more bizarre if you're curious about it you might want to take a look at how the seraphim really look as described by the bible you might be surprised as to how they look what do you think of this photo and do you believe that there really are angels among us as always comment down below with the hashtag today's pick and let us know your opinion about what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving before we go on i've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete you just leave a like on this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now and that's it try it number three two crimes happening at once coincidence is a funny thing take a look at this video for example this is video from a street camera here you'll see a man and a woman pass by each other the man was carrying a child who didn't seem to be in a good mood but he picked the kid up and went on his way a few seconds later the woman who was carrying some bags suddenly dropped them and spilled what looked to be blood on the ground it was said that this video is footage of two crimes caught at the same time one kidnapping while the other alleged murder now no one was supposed to see this video because people would automatically think the worst after some research the man is actually the child's father who just seemed to be throwing a tantrum while the woman just accidentally spilled oil on the ground instead of organs and blood she was actually carrying some groceries i can't really blame people for thinking that these people are suspicious but then again we can't really judge a situation just from one perspective nowadays number two three-horned cow this right here is a three-horned cow you might think that this video is edited but this bizarre looking cow actually exists some people claim that this is a triceratops but this is actually an ancola cow at first glance the video might make your eyebrows raise because of the video's authenticity however after digging around the internet we can certify that this video isn't edited and it's actually real a few researchers with the help of ntv uganda and the yankola cattle breeder society were able to track down this animal since the video originated in uganda back in 2018 then again this really isn't the first cow with three horns the angkoli is a breed of african cattle introduced to uganda between five and seven hundred years ago by nomadic pastoralists they're often characterized by their thick and long horns which admittedly make them look like modern day dinosaurs number one scheming delivery woman ever since door-to-door delivery has been a thing most of us have relied on these online delivery services to get our food and groceries it's very convenient and with recent restrictions brought by the pandemic the number of people reliant on these delivery services have increased however sometimes we can't really trust strangers completely in january 2021 this security camera captured this doordash driver stealing a pup from one of her customers the puppy named belle is a 9 week old american bully she was originally staying on the enclosed porch in the swinton family's house when the owner went out to pick up her food she noticed that belle was missing at first she thought that the dog might have gotten out when the delivery person left but she was surprised when she reviewed the security footage upon further research she found out that the delivery woman wasn't really a registered employee of the service and instead seemed to be a proxy of the actual delivery person she booked thankfully authorities located the woman and the dog was brought back to the swinton safe and sound a few days later the suspect then faced a felony larceny charge what do you think of these videos do you know of any other viral videos on the internet that you think shouldn't have been uploaded on the net in the first place let us know about your thoughts in the comments down below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on the screen right now and i'll see you in the next video take care everybody
Channel: Top Generality
Views: 4,438,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top generality, list, caught on camera, moments caught on camera, caught on cam, things caught on camera, caught on video, what no one was supposed to see
Id: gOmR1lqE0Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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