Camden Park In 2019 - REVIEW/RIDES

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[Music] what's up guys welcome back to another video this video is going to be a little bit different before I start I know I just uploaded a video but some really cool things are going on so I'm going to be posting more videos in the upcoming weeks to show you guys about the cool things that's coming up so my family and I went to Canada part today and if you guys don't know anything about can depart or don't even know where it is today I'm going to tell you what Kannan Park is before the video starts Kannan Park is located in West Virginia Kanin park opened in 1903 and still going to this day Cannon Park has many rides but the best one in my opinion is the Big Dipper and it's got a really cool story the Big Dipper is a big wooden coaster the height of the Big Dipper coaster is 45 feet high and the biggest drop is 35 feet down it lasts for one minute and 40 seconds long the coaster was built in 1958 and from what I know a couple days ago the Big Dipper became a historic roller coaster so yeah I'm in this video I'm going to show you guys all the rides that my family and I wrote today and mostly the scariest one I would say not really the scariest but the most nerve-wracking I guess was the Radler and that will be in the video also that will have probably the most nerve-wracking one after we got done with that we both all had headaches and stuff but anyway I do about if you guys have not been a can apart I would recommend to go there it is a blast my family and I always have fun there so yeah enjoy the video and yeah see you guys later [Music] I've hours later [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bad [Music] we go Oh God look here we go you ready you ready Lee oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't be like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is this about it get out walk I'll ride leave me be we are attending park to be scary here we go [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well I thought for an old ride it's really good I am very young run [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's making you sick don't you see [Music] [Music] alright guys I had my heart going crazy oh my god my heart I'm shaking so bad that rattler is actually insane I literally thought I was gonna fall like uptown song a lot go baby here we go oh alright let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] chicka chicka chicka chicka chicka ticket YouTube [Music] hold yourself down [Music] [Music] [Music] here what don't they say not to touch it how did it [Music] and uh both will [Music] [Music] [Music] all wrong like it here we go first one yeah good thing I had to go pro holy crap GoPro song Jesus yeah you ready for that up there leave that I think it is literally soaked yeah yeah yeah just yet for the net so buddy yeah lien that's great yeah dummy they don't know what's coming what [Music] I got camera and again [Music] dad your phone's waterproof [Music] [Music] I got the horses in event you can't whip your Porsche I've been in the valley [Music]
Channel: AzraelsHyper
Views: 4,668
Rating: 4.7538462 out of 5
Keywords: camden park 2019, camden park, camden park fails, camden park review, is camden park good, camden park rides, camden park haunted house, camden park srambler, camden park roller coaster, camden park big dipper, camden park little dipper, camden park rides 2019, camden park scary, west virginia, WV, roller coaster 2019, amusement park, kinner kountry 2, camden park huntington wv, camden park rattler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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