한적한 거리에 잔잔한 비 마음의 안정, 불면증 안녕 완벽한 빗소리, 자장가
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Channel: Healing Comma
Views: 3,893,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: korean, rain, sound, study, sleeping, landscape, scenery, meditation, healing, nature, relax, relaxation, waterfall, rain sound, rain asmr, insomnia, 빗소리, 비오는소리, 빗소리 asmr, 백색소음, 비오는소리 asmr, asmr, 불면증, le son de la pluie, sonido de la lluvia, som de chuva, regengeräusche, звук дождя, tiếng mưa, صوت المطر, il suono della pioggia, suara hujan, 雨の音, 雨声, เสียงฝน, yağmur sesi, insomnio, insônia, relaxamento, relajación, deep sleep, white noise for babies
Id: gnVx0-Y_s0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 480min 5sec (28805 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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