Calm Down Dance Tutorial For Beginners and Intermediate [Rema]

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thank you I think lost to Africa we are super excited to show you some basic dance that move that will help your country to win if you want to learn more then step moves you can book an online session with us via WhatsApp number plus two five four seven one nine three five three five three five ready to learn more yeah I'm gonna introduce my colleague here you can introduce yourself yeah hello group of Africa I am a Benjamin okay and I'm going to be your instructor for today so be attentive and we learn a few steps yes okay yeah we get the competition going yeah yeah okay okay move number one okay you're going to step out in out in just there to write 10 codes to go grinds and then look at my position yeah and my hands are here okay so now keep repeating two three four go one two three get four good one two three four so we're going to do that only twice okay just one two three four and you have to look at my hands movement yeah okay yeah I one more time then we continue we go eight one two three four okay after four from here you tap forward tap back and then ah back so with your right string you point and then bring it back with your left leg you do that body shape yeah body shape okay and then back okay yeah so the movement will be one and two and one and two and so you come up and turn up and let's go and one and add two now more Tempo one and two good one and two go one and two four one two four one and two and one and two and one and two now you have it okay so we combine uh you combine the first move and the second move so if you remember one two three four that is move number one second one point but points okay all right we do it together we go five six and seven and eight one two three four five three six we go five six and seven [Music] one two one two three boys [Music] okay yeah and then from here you drop yeah you open your legs okay and then okay so one two okay but now when you go down you can pull it uh you pull uh imagine you have a zipper okay your left side of uh where the heart is located yeah all right and then you [Music] can we try one and two and three four okay from here we go seven and eight one and two and three four all right one more time we go five six seven eight eight one and two and three four good all right now we'll take it from the top okay are you ready yeah are we good five six seven eight one and two and three point four five okay ready good uh our DJ where are you working yeah play with the music [Music] thank you ready [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right I hope you're good after that now we continue for uh maybe two more out of eight and then we come back and take it from the top yeah I guess okay yeah all right now remember we went down okay now from here you know this move movement step with the right to move your way with the left move your eyes [Music] so what good one and here we have that body movement okay now we go one two one two five six okay all right one more time we go one two three four five six it's good all right we continue after five six six no let's take it from the top let's go up to five physics we get the flow we keep the floor okay are we good five six seven and that's good [Music] okay all right now we continue from here boom okay we are going to jump forward God okay guys remember we were down we went down so when you jump forward you're going to lift uh both your hands okay up like that okay and then you drop them down and then close Okay so the move is [Music] so the actual jump will be okay yeah one more time five seven and eight okay all right we take it from the top against God we keep it flowing we go five six seven and eight and one two three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and remember you have to put in here okay details details okay let's go yeah we go boom seven and eight okay one two three four look to the left okay uh from here ready we go at one are we ready one two three four and five six good we'll take it from the top Yeah from the top one yeah oh okay that's a very nice without your temper later importance [Music] laughs [Music] let's go I hope you're enjoying it all right baby [Music] says [Applause] [Music] all right one more time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time one more time thank you very enjoy [Music] pregnancy [Music] yeah are you ready come on all right okay now remember two three four four six seven and eight okay now from here we are going to tap one and two right there okay so one and two three times three times going towards the left side turn your right leg okay just let your body go okay yeah are you ready yeah we go on to the left side Place one and two one more time okay now one and two we're going to include the X arm yeah that arm movement okay yeah right uh okay so one and two okay yeah [Music] one and two one more time eight one and two okay so one and two all right well the whole Movement we go [Music] one and two and three and five seven and eight one ten two and three okay now after the top and three you jump four fancy four forward okay yeah first thing what forward all right one and two and three four okay so you have to be patient after you turn and three just wait for it four okay decides to be four yeah I one more time just that's movement the complete movement will go fast good give me two more let's go one left back and three arms two good one more we go five six seven and eight go one eleven yeah good now if you remember the top one two and [Music] yes please foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] volume never mind thank you [Music] one more time one more time [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] but you don't have to do it okay one two two end times it looks better but if you can't uh you know it's not easy if you can't give up okay so one two three and four okay yeah two one two three and four okay yeah okay there we go eight one two three and four okay give me one more and then continue we go helpful okay and then from here you go [Music] three and four cross five and six so one two right hand four and then five times okay I will go and three and one and five and six uh-huh okay uh give me one more time and then you take it from the top okay okay yeah we go one and two ten good is it from the top let's go yeah from the topic of five four two three point four five six days [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] what it is [Music] let me know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah good you're back yeah now one and two and three and four and five and six okay yeah from here you go seven eight seven eight okay so remember we're here we Landing here right yep now right leg back first right you have it your right hand and then okay all right can we try that about to position okay are we good yeah good okay I'm counting five six seven let's go one two right left okay and then from right left you close okay and then you drop down and do the same thing that we did okay [Music] but but we're going to move and move and move okay [Music] okay so if you can roll do it if you can do anything your upper body just do it yeah come on okay yep all right we take it from the top slowly yeah slowly [Music] the Kenyan people know that yeah okay so we take it through then talk let's go you ready see [Music] Scott [Music] someone if you miss a step just continue one more time you do it one more time for me okay are we good [Music] [Music] one two eight hey are we good teacher all right Good Times [Music] [Music] goodbye [Music] [Music] okay I got that for myself [Music] [Music] come down [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we took it one more time from the top from the top all the way yeah to the bottom okay there we go down [Music] down down nice [Music] eight okay now from here we are going to go down and then now what we're doing here is we are pulling okay it's like when you lift when you lift your left leg your right hand tends to go down like you're trying to touch your feet on your foot okay foot drop foot drop foot drop gold drop vote and vote okay yeah yeah if you have an account seven and eight one okay two and then you drop that and one so foot drop good we have the food drop right now okay now from the food drop so now we're going the actual move you don't have to go down all the way okay the actual move if you're trying to touch it and then pull it right your foot foot okay and we're going to land here okay if you know what you have to add If That Elbow movement one two three four okay are we ready yes there we go and then eight one two and three and four we go okay yeah and then now we continue up to five S6 okay yeah if you add too long ready yeah there we go and for Alpha and six six seven eight eight so five left to right left right left right left okay okay they want me to enjoy okay so one two three four five six seven eight okay yeah so the movement will be one two three four four five six okay four four okay next four are you ready yeah we go [Music] good now we take it from the top okay okay there we go come down two right Legos five six good so uh the transition here will be a little bit tricky so you need to pay attention to one okay and one and one hey medium all right one more time one more time again foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go DJ [Music] teachers [Music] boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah one more time [Music] [Music] yes [Music] are we ready for the edge yeah okay yeah so we keep it chill yeah okay yeah okay you're going to tap out again one two three four good right let's go please [Music] [Music] [Music] we go Boston five six are we ready for it okay so from here we're going to job or my time yeah okay right left right go right left right left right left right there but we are going to move forward with it seven and eight okay yeah okay okay Max typing but yeah okay let's go one two three four five six seven eight salute all right one more time five one two three four five okay after eight here we're going to hit uh with your right elbow one yep okay yeah it's okay and my choreography my instructions and there okay whatever you're going to do before the music or after freestyle you can enjoy oh yeah and uh formations and everything that you need to add yeah in order to win yeah now uh that is all up to you yeah so the team the team uh the most creative team are in a better position to win yeah okay let me let's uh do the routine together again from the top yeah without the music in two times and then with the music uh two times and then click on it choreography yeah okay take it from the top yeah we go five six seven and eight go one and two and three four five said right right right [Applause] [Music] one two three [Music] to the right nice [Music] my friend are you angry let's go [Music] come down here [Music] whoa whoa whoa again nobody ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever [Music] [Applause] [Music] too late yeah okay uh thank you I hope you enjoy it yeah yeah remember uh we have technology if if you travel to slow it down and you can't uh get the routine yeah yep and fly much out you got contacts yeah and uh yeah we can help you yeah you can explain it better yeah okay yeah thank you for the attention I will call uh my colleague to finish yeah said everything okay I hope you guys you're gonna enjoy I hope you're gonna have fun yeah so the most important thing is just have fun enjoy the moves yeah each step is very important for for your country to win yeah yeah so just take it seriously learn take your time just learn and learn and learn and you'll have a chance to win yeah yeah okay so thank you guys if you have any more questions you can read to us yeah just talk to us yeah yeah Global Africa teams creativity okay thank you guys get up
Channel: Empire Dance Kenya
Views: 1,700,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uTaNkOzg9qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 55sec (2815 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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