Calling out a cheater..Don't be like this guy

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hey good morning everybody or evening whatever time of the day is that you're watching this today's video is going to be a little bit different we haven't done one of these in a while I'm filming this on I guess you would call this Memorial Day it is Monday gotta be rockin with a Chuck have you sure don't know if you guys know that someone wants its get our listen right here it's a good day to be rocking it that's actually a Cisco right here is the buddy mine one of one of the ways it died but I think it's a good day to be rocking this shirt I think I just got bit by slippers now just the two thousand chiggers that I got your news for this video you guys want to see some bone fish in action I'll put a link down as well in the description but today we're going to be doing some paint balling I think it's one of those kind of good days we go shoot some guys with some paintballs guys and gal or whoever it is hopefully it'll be a fun day I've got a mic set up a little bit differently on here so we won't have any audio issues I gotta get the stuff out there and then we're probably going to take Sarah and get her to shoot that pistol that I bought her for Valentine's Day that's another thing owner you done she has shot yet Oh God good thing I've been here forever or even done this in forever I remember how to work this oh yeah the weather's nice it's like 85 which is pretty good 85 little breeze I won't sweat so much which is pretty pretty freakin awesome so these things pulling hope not at all I mean look at all these balls we go it's a good hat fool just a little crusty so sorry not going to a little bit of paintball in as you guys can clearly tell but later on we're probably going to be able to flare in one of our subscribers the guy that kind of told me about yesterday's video the spot for it that that fishing boat fishing session we're probably gonna stop by there because it's only probably I don't know maybe 10 minutes down the road so we can maybe we can hand Sarah the bow when we get her to shoot a carp I don't know be the way I can't want to head down there and kind of see what see see if they're doing any good possibly shoot myself I can't really go a day knowing that they're down there just killing it literally but actually not yeah literally killing it would you would you want to know we're tight as we don't want the fish no no we would not hurt anybody's feelings a fish those fish are meant to be shot kinda like these people you're about to go light up in these paint balls yeah everybody's real serious today everybody's wearing those real crazy-looking pants and padded and elbow pads and we're sittin here where they do well like BMX racers so are you excited not really a lot of pros here I think get lit up yeah there's a lot of pros here but he's got fancy clothes on skid pant things headbands I think everybody here vapes I think this is like a vaping community I think we need to bring bait pens in exercise right up should I shove off eight pens of us good I'll click out quick damn that sucks I got lit up damn I got lit up quick that was probably for sure these fastest game I've ever played I got shot one too jeez Louise what's five free content look at this take off my mask God dang is this God dang see if I can last longer than ten seconds this time you're gonna follow me I always say I'm not going to run up there but I always end up doing it yeah how you doing dude yeah I've always wanted to see you right here I feel like everybody's going to the same vulgar difficut I wanted that building event I do on the low now hey hey right over there hey God dang I'm up you look up I knew it I knew I know it I'm out all right what you remember that way this way oh you want to go to the hill gonna go that way okay I'll go that way he's got a little bit of a run to go feel like I'm about to get pop are drilled I do right in the side oh yeah they know I'm here now I'm not against absolutely murk oh whoa oh my god I just get hearing a ballsack oh my god that thing didn't explode on my nuts are you guys running this way there's some earther sorry oh one of your left y'all want your left now he's gone don't tell me I didn't hit you I get you or know you're hit that guy right in the back dude Helen I hit you again man what are you doing how much I didn't you okay I'm gonna you know what you see that hey you hey spoons I shot you in the ass want you out right there look at your nest oh man very well frustrated sister I decided to leave paint bomb but one it wasn't really we were all having that much fun usually we had like a ton of fun and well we had an offer to come over here and try to shoot some fish again she hasn't shot any fish I didn't even bring my bow I'm not really even set up for this but we're going to see we're going to be the subscriber he said he's already shot one or some I don't really know he's down here somewhere I'm probably going to get his ass loaded chiggers today no I don't know we're about to find out I don't see him anywhere I don't have a clue where he's at he's here somewhere I don't know flare starting to meet us here too he stays on behind he's back here somewhere I'll find it so this is Walker he's actually I'm from Lufkin okay while he's in the middle of nowhere he's far you're a country bumpkin but we're gonna see we can get there to kill something real quick you want to see gonna walk down there she never even shot a bow before in her life you never killed anything before so this could be could be knocking out two things at one time what do I do like no no I need like no good that's easier because right there you can give him you gotta be kind of quick with it you see can't see if they go into I'm not waiting oh why don't even those color eyes oh yeah the longer she's running grocery store glasses oh yeah it's going to be kind of hard for you season go to view there's two fish there's two fish see him yeah okay aim below aim right below the one front one well that was that was pretty low ha ha ha I don't know how you manage that right sometimes it just hooks up like that well at least you saw and you shot it so it's a good point yeah there's a couple of them there might be some along the bank behind there keep going man oh there's another I could see it there's two of them right there see oh yeah I could see him Olli from here you want to trust you though I'm sorry you see him right there oh he did he's close I was kind of a good with the thick one oh there that was low like a spotter right now my feet are full of mud I was at a tail sticking up well let's trash we're on the Trinity River [ __ ] ain't blow it just just boil it oh he's not moving same just balloon oh right Wow well this is off to a very interesting start you need to get a narrow below the fish yeah right here it was really nice to meet you flare I'll see the morning yeah so we got to go we're going to get a ttle thanks dude hope you guys have find some more we just walk 101 time didn't see anything he shot it maybe a couple more but they're not out Roman like they were yesterday so do you think now you could actually shoot one or now or is it too much walking I can do it it's just not very fun when you okay not very funny you don't say anything yes it's all oh we got this big yell let's go Oh God let's go come on well you got it well looks more like a porta potti give me give me the exact smell what this lazarey smelled like right here Tyndale hot 10-day old porter body i smell the succulent streets of Iraq oh yeah I just remember that poop water over there we just get to the nostrils a little stretch back there smell like straight like I was mmm love the taste of just poop nothing nobody you can't tell me that you do not like a good poop taste to the face you can't tell me you don't like it I just hit you say wafting like whoo bring back some good memories of kicking down doors and stepping in people's poop yes okay I just realize how how random this video really is this video is like really really really random come on I know you guys are winning raise it Rangers there we go already knows a little oh sorry plain dog who are you barking it out guarantee their bargaining nothing but a fence but what's it look like a possum or something nope market or nothing man I am so freakin sticky from walking around all day running around a paintball oh the Rangers are winning 5-3 top of fifth this is what we were looking for right here I'm gonna go shower I will get what you got here when I am done because I want to show you guys something I shot I'm thinking in my head you guys like the bow fishing video so you guys like the bow fishing video while I stop them I'm only doing these videos pretty much for you guys the guys behind the camera the guys in Dallas maybe that one right there okay so I got this I know I know I know I'm really really new to slow fishing and I absolutely love it but I just got this it's like a muggy Mesa SPO fishing rest I noticed when I was out that the worst part was trying to just hold your arrow down the entire day when you're walking around if you had to walk and hold the air so I was like man I gotta get something I found this today could slide it and just hold my arrow for me you know I mean just do its little thing inside there that might be kind of cool no clue how it goes on the bow I'm new to this we all know this but I did ask for some advice and I did see this come through I'm asking for everybody's help anybody knows anything about vocation I think it was fun as hell I want to do it some more but I got some more of these like safety slides and we get some more tips and put them inside this thing but I'm thinking I kind of like the bank fishing kind of bow fishing I know it sounds crazy you know I know it's crazy but imagine if I had like a badass backpack you know like like I was looking at some of the day like I know some of the military we have like some fat-ass rucksack like a small compact back back to work I can put fishing poles in extra bow stuff on it you know and just walk and fish and while I'm fishing if I see something I could pull the bow out and shoot it that was something that came to mind today because when I was on the river today there was like a creek channel long that came into the river you know and there was a bunch of bass in there and I was like man I need a howl like a finesse react like a finesse rod like some psychos are dead rig you like something you know what I mean like just just because I go out there and catch the best and keep walking and shoot cars that would be a badass video I think that'll be cool yeah I don't know I thought I just come in here and add talk to you guys ask you any kind of questions I have honestly no clue what I'm doing with this little fish and stuff can really even say it but I'm going to figure it out I don't like to fail in anything so I try my hardest to trial I ass off and I'm going through with this I just got to figure out how to do it I should probably put some sights on this thing or something but at least because his rest that I don't know if it goes on all I can go on that way I don't know if it goes this way or this way or this way that to be determined so tomorrow we're gonna be fishing we're going to be bass fish in today's video with all over the place I know it was I know today's video was everywhere we're originally going to be at a bond but then Sarah thought it was getting way too hot and we ran into some people that were cheating and being a little not a big fan of that kind of stuff so you know what let's just get out of here let's go enjoy your day do something else try to see if we can get her on a bow or fish but yeah she wants to give it a shot wasn't able to go shoot her gun but you don't have so much time in a day but hope you guys do I will see you guys tomorrow tomorrow's video will be last issue we're going to go find a pond we're gonna throw the baits and hopefully catch some birds I'll see you guys tomorrow haha [Music] [Music]
Channel: LunkersTV
Views: 2,346,221
Rating: 4.8610244 out of 5
Keywords: bass, Bass fishing, fishing, largemouth, largemouth Bass, flw, tournament fishing, #fishing, Fish, angler, bass fishing tips, bass fishing tips and techniques, fishing tips, fishing tips and techniques, pond fishing, bank fishing, pond fishing tips, bank fishing tips, lunkers, lunkerstv, lunkers tv, bassmaster, texas, texas fishing, texas bass fishing, vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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