Callbacks Explained Simply

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so today we're going to discuss synchronous versus callbacks in this scenario we have the DOE getter the coordinator and the Baker you can think of them as functions but that's not so important here so the coordinator and the Baker go to the DOE getter and say hey dude I need some dough the dough getter says sure man let me get that so the dough get their heads off and some time passes excellent quite long time pulses the other two just standing there finally the dough get he gets back and says I got the dough yo he gives the dough to the coordinator and that guy's big tastes great but what took you so long and togehter don't care you know stuff well coordinator has important things to do come to them but now it just gives the dough to the Baker and the Baker says great now can get paid on I mean go bake and now the coordinator can offer it off you do this other stuff and now the same thing with callbacks so we have the same roles and coordinator and de Bakker again approach to go getter and coordinator goes like hey dude I need some dough and dog adders sure man but it will take a while because you know study will take a1 and so the coordinators like um well I've got important stuff to do then just give it to the Baker once you get back antidote getter is like okay cool bro so the dog a dreads off as well as the coordinator and again a lot of time passes but during this time the coordinator can already get done of other important stuff now the dough Gator gets back and he says I got the dough yo and then he can just pass the dough to the Baker and the Baker says cool now I can bake in this scenario that Baker was the callback function so the coordinator passed the callback function meaning the Baker to the dough cutter just to make the bridge okay everything clear great
Channel: bersling
Views: 77,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callbacks, programming
Id: -mir74x3f5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 48sec (168 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2017
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