Call the CDC i got infected, i bought an abandoned storage locker for $25

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this commercial break is brought to you by Huggies baby wipes when you are dumb enough to go on a storage unit and put on a mask like this and you end up with red stuff all over your face like you're breaking out with some type of disease do you use your baby wipes to try to clean off all and soot let this be a lesson I got two words for you [Music] dag imagine that this was a very little woman I can't open the clothes to charge the phone for me tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet my shoes so small this might be something we have one of those a boom touch this is just with this ring I thee Wed everyone you said buy this one dad okay that's it for that now we're gonna take all this stuff here real quick and we are going to fill the shelves up in the tree that loop learning to use the gimbal again we got to fill up the shelves in the front of there we're gonna do that real quick before we get back to filming all right so we got a lot of the stuff loaded up now made a hole to get back in here and the unit has totally taken a different turn from what the front of the unit was it's kind of like I don't want to say what I think happened on this unit but it's it's intriguing how this is absolutely not the same as what was in the other first half the unit we got an office of business we got tons of e-waste type things I mean it's sellable don't get me wrong I got a lot of computer buyers but I call them a weights like that is like 10 bucks the guy wants to processor out of it you know things of that nature this is kind of cool there's five dogs we found right there we have a little bit of scrap what do you call that a waste now it's not a waste just um scrap there's scrap gold and silver these have platinum inside of them you all don't know that hard drives usually have a disk on the inside that's made of platinum there's much silver diet diodes and things of that nature not like there used to be there used to be a tons in old older a waste I even spent one time I try to do I used to three days trying to dissolve Pentium 1 processors in microchips in Mirotic acid was one of the stupidest thing that probably done in my life par none and then we have the truck in here we're ready to go we got the front half loaded where the shelves are we've got the bookshelf in there we got the desk piece and now we're gonna fill in the shelves and get acclimated with this stuff in the back to try to fill this all in there we have some type of server here it's missing the front grille there's a Hewlett Packard having that time to look it up or anything is a Hewlett Packard model M 0 1 7 lk 8 9 - 9 it looks like it's got somehow potential might be something of value it's a bigger older one you can tell by the size the servers are much smaller now I got these little portable power units to come out this might be a few bucks here it'll be hard to say I'll look it up later if any of y'all out there happen to know what it is worth please comment below let me know save me some time maybe here's a few dollars right here these chairs are easily worth 10 bucks apiece I mean yes in a perfect world that probably worth a lot more than that I don't live in a perfect world I live in the flea market world and I could put these on Craigslist probably get 50 60 I will take those to the market they will get 10 bucks apiece so that's $50 right there it's a neat little stool looks like it's got the top messed up we got some more $10 parts laptop great we broke it here we have another actually this has a core i7 this might be worth a few bucks we should probably take this one and try to find a quarter for it use in the name of science password cemetery 185 so cool we got a password for it I think we will try to take that one and see if we can look it up what do we got here we got an HP we got an HP screen looks like it has problem so see if you look at the screen I think it has problems sadly core Intel 5 decent that in itself is sellable there's a motherboard on here that's probably I could probably get just right off the bag I probably get 40 bucks for both those like they are not working just boom what do we have Intel Core 2 quad processor that's ok Windows Vista a little older that's probably 10 20 bucks right there once again I could take the time to try to fix it plug it in reboot it all that stuff make it a little more valuable but I just sell these things to my people at the flea market who do all that stuff themselves I like to spread the wealth I like everybody to make money me say often that you know like the storage business for me the energy I get back I think by helping others make money by giving a stuff away at the flea market yes I could yield more yes there's times in my life where it might be difficult and I need money but time is money and I only have so much time there's a lot on my plate I feel I get a lot of positive energy by allowing others to make money giving things that help people etc etc because for me not everything is about money yes money does make the world go round yes money does help in a lot of situations and pays your bills and get you things you want get you on vacation but at the same time a lot of people put all the emphasis of their character and life on money and they judge you by money what your house is like whether you're able to pay your bills things of that nature and I don't want to live my life that way I don't I don't think money defines me in any way I've been at the very top of things and I've been at the bottom right here and every time I'm the same person I'm like right here steady same individual same storage option pirates same father same lover same friend I don't let it affect me so that's why I just let the things go like that you know I'm looking for treasure I'm looking for valuables things that I want to put on ebay things I want to put I want to let sit for a while that's the stuff I'm looking for the rest is just boom trivial keep it going hustling here we have a cobalt workbench kind of odd different neat that's got to be 40 50 bucks right there toys in there so that just increased the value is actually cabin itself there's like a $5 set of inches is a neat little COBOL tool that water up that's all - bucks - that's all you've got pull the wire strippers think of people named fighting they're 10 bucks they're probably a good five dollars and little tiny pieces they're five bucks that's not a bad little drawer for inside of this cabinet I like tools for the most part I don't try to sell them often because everybody can want to convert I'm told these are nice and clean let's see what this looks like I think I'm gonna take that one homey look that one up for a dude for evening I feel like this might be a good even I don't know what it is it looks like some type of tester just test paint output land network modulator cable tester yeah it's a testament this might be any better we will see um any of y'all out there know what this is worth feel free to comment below and let me know I will look it up later so made in Taiwan this one's empty but it couldn't be similar so we should keep it I'm not sure exactly what these are going to evaluate either this one here is sealed that means it's never been opened it is a nano station airmax 8 DB I'm guessing it's a router of some form I like that it's brand new so we will definitely put this aside for just saw princess - eBay he is on pointer 30 Bay right now Power Beam m2 antenna feed air max this one is sealed to solicit grains easy barcode scanning easy new in the box here we have a nano bridge it says RMA test I don't know what that means nano bridge air max it looks like another form of it looks like a router people oh no it's an antenna it's an antenna piece so that's part of an antenna of some form what kind of antenna I do not know we have an open-air router you the cuicci networks you bequeathing looks to be complete we have a plugin come on universe let's make things simple thing you like simplicity brand-new look at the quarters even opened there we go it's an open box new old stock a new open box it's very easy to list another item which we will have to determine what it's worth an air route or Ubik we key then we have a unified enterprise Wi-Fi system we've shipped over a million access points this looks to be basically brand new - it looks like some brand new stuff so these might be some cool little items for you to list baby girl what do you think you're not gonna think the camera's not on you could and we have a second unify AP my AP go inside mama bear like my oh let's play yeah that's very cool we got one two three four five six potentially decent little eBay items we will not know until we get to that point so let's fill up our nice car check out this nice Clark this is probably a $20 apart good for up before you were in school Becca might at least of these and we push them around projectors on him on days when it was a film day or you'd be watching something here we have what says to be a till tech it's to double radius Model T a3 408 120 you don't have to get super close always because I will bring it to your vendors saying I am NOT a positive what this is put the install hole on the bottom there's an install hole it's got an orange button it's like the end of the world button like whenever things about to go wrong and you push the button and everything blows up that's the button and it's got mounting brackets what this is once again I have no clue an antenna of some form but here we have a nice shovel shovel tonight this is a seven five or seven dollar shovel and then we have a nice drill bit believe it or not that's probably gonna yield me ten to 15 bucks it doesn't look like it's been used very much it's still got and it's got no rest on it it is a 5/8 made in Germany there's a few bucks there in easily in the hard drives for eBay scrap metal type stuff somebody's a word that I usually call it's not coming together I wanna say he weighs gold recovery gold recovery platinum and gold recovery he just hit me Michael office and business 2010 it's been open the product key is used create or business all these little nothings screws that they probably use they have no other purpose in this world but for the product or selling and we have a bunch of them so those are flea markets we have tons of wires giggling we'll put that in our motherboard and memory lock a couple dollars apiece and cables you know that's like a one the whole cable that's a $1 cable at the $1 cable whole bunches of $1 on des she has some programs be news we can write checks interactive technology services DBA that was the business business 5 gigahertz rockin dish airFiber 5 gigahertz rocket dish to airFiber antenna conversion takes you bequeathing you think he lets you easily TPP again seal those of on ebay will set that in your ebay pal no they left us no petty cash total posit to check 11,500 you could have left that for us jerk faces man thank you very business between State Board of Equalization okay well that was a disappointment oh are you filming that what you're saying that yeah that is a good wall can be manifesting better if you're thinking positive you're right I didn't think of expectations when we came in because you are here when I bought this we could fill this up we have a seal what people kind of guides video let's take a look Microsoft Windows for seven users Linux integrating voices and data communications I don't know when I went to school I was gonna become a Cisco Networking well now I see why they didn't go through that box whoever you are who went through this man before me now we're going to we've had a lot to get in this trailer I want to make sure I've enough room to look at the other unit to pick up we're gonna take a minute here now we're gonna disassemble these desks so that we have an easier time of loading this stuff so give us a minute we were right back to this uh vaguely scheduled program this commercial break is brought to you by Huggies baby wipes when you are dumb enough to go in a storage unit on a mask like this and you end up with red stuff all over your face like you're breaking out with some type of disease you use your baby wipes to try to clean off all and sit let this be a lesson why we do not take stuff from a storage unit and put it on called the locker we're challenged shout out to that it looks like here we have a couple more of those cobalt style workshop desks there's two of those I'm going to try to load those of out having to take them apart because I don't really feel like doing that actually hmm no I think we could do this the way I'm gonna do I'm gonna show you guys anyway how I'm load knees to make it easy I took the one desk apart cuz others big and bulky and break but we got two more of these he's got to be at least another 40 bucks or so easily because they're very conventional for somebody doing any type of work either a high platform I like high platform desks so we'll get those in and we'll see what else it behind there yeah but you don't have the computer at the desk you right but our kitchens small that's 20 to 50 bucks right there oh no this would be your chair hello so be your chair girl that want to be mine that would be yours okay next on the menu they probably need to get a hard drive out or something hard to say what do we have here a dell poweredge 1750 server these were the hard drives to the hard drive that's why they take them out because you have your sensitive information you gotta hurry up and go and you don't want to plug everything sickly let me take all the secret documents in Brad I don't know really fetched Reuben that's the way I see it you know yeah as a server like when you when you wanted to run your whole everything this is what it runs off of the supplies communications uh well it's just wherever you save things to it you know I mean like if you're on a computer you don't want to save it to your computer I believe that I believe they don't quote me on this because I could I'm often wrong but you can save everything from your computer over here through this this is this and then boom into there could be wrong so saying don't quote me just say don't pat me don't don't at me whatever I like me when people want so there was some reason why somebody was inside of this piece most likely probably trying to get something sensitive outta there I could be wrong because I'm often wrong but I love working in my home wrongness and we did that wrong again fear so one server what was the server again if any of you know anything about servers and networking and computer stuff please let us know the price of a Dell PowerEdge 1750 server this could be money like a good server I don't think this is modern technology do we have a set this one that looks like it might be a good one oh no these are the hard drivers for 500 gigabyte hard drives there's two thousand gigabytes or in the technical world two terabytes we have an HP and this one's heavy I'll let you carry this one we have a human Packard H t HS T and s five one one nine once again an HS TNS five one one I do not CIA document you're probably doing a legal CIA Antanas they were doing legal society aunt Anna stuff so they had to get into these I'm just kidding I have no nice safe spot we have an HP this one got a 146 gigabyte hard drives an HP ProLiant ProLiant with an Intel Xeon I think that's a decent one Intel ProLiant dl380 gen9 actual hard drive I don't think the other ones had hard drives on it like a CD drive that's intriguing and this toy is heavy holy bejesus we have all sorts of heart look at these 500 gigabyte hard drives it worse comes to worse we could take these out and sell these 500 gigabyte hard drives we'll have to look up what all great I broke it this is a six GDP 7.2 K s am SAS MDL 500 gigabyte hard drive these are dual port 10k SAS 146 gigabyte hard drives this bad boy is very annoying doesn't have the words on it's got a hardness this one like custom made you can put different things in here doesn't even have words I think these are I think these are potential of being some money I really do no words there's usually a plastic cover plate says doodahs and dies and that's cute what do we have here we have a Intel Xeon inside we have an HP proliant ml350e 5 with the Intel Xeon inside I have no idea what any of that means people but it sounds cool and you say all those numbers and stuff you start thinking yourself that's gonna be hella valuable it's a program chances are it's probably just a little outdated but there's still something to be sought after in these we have once again have someone port 10k serial SCSI 146 gigabyte hard drive there's one two three four and three empty slots these are empty I think we can take those hard drives out and sell them on eBay nothing else we'll have to determine what they're worth later on it's a backup server like a relief pitcher power goes out you need an emergency pretty much I'm just gonna say it's useless here we have a iean yeah at first glance you think all this ancient terracotta pottery and the original yin-yang sign but then you turn it over there's your $175 Pier one Imports price tag 20 bucks at blue market watch win you know what are you filming us you know what this is generate power day and night its electricity look how when works it's like when you go down the freeway on the way here and they have all those big windows inside this is intriguing the Sun force Aeolian 600 watt generator please be Indian and please be brand new I have no idea what you're worth but first thought anything that creates power is valuable it has significance to it it has monetary value that's the word with scent force what is this work have some value we are gonna definitely have to uh this is probably what they did for a living was they put these in something like this that's my speculation this is brand new not quite sure what this was gonna be worth I do know that it generates power that was a dead given get us go slow when you do something you don't move anybody out there if you know anything about this type of applications just because I said application that's why I said that word I don't usually use that word please let me know what you think this thing is uh work it's got a five-year warranty it will be for sale I guess we will find out later when we get home and we put this on eBay like what's supposed to be in there a power bridge and five carrier class it is to use one I bet you that was expensive I wonder if we can still sell it looks complete all the things that go if they discuss to me brackets and then there's man you the beatings Ubik we tea nice I'm diggin I see them who that like these brand new thing and this is what I was talking about a minute ago where we're gonna load these desks in a certain manner that's what we're filling them back in and put the office chairs here and everything and dial it in I will come back in a minute once I get this all done and show you how I'm doing these things this is how the things are looking in here right now from the outside we're gonna get all this right here taken care of give us a minute we'll give you another commercial break here go get some soda some coffee some water give somebody a hug we'll be right back so Michaela I want to let you know how your performance was today at work apparently you showed up on time you did a very good job and you didn't complain I want to say I appreciate you [Applause] we've got board lady gentlemen we've got we've got video it made their day cold we should probably set the nano bridge aside and see if this is sellable because whatever they were doing with these things were used nano bridge em nine thousand guess what that's worth Makeda Jordan yes what is this the three MPL 200 it worked sorry for yelling everybody it I was yelling I don't know what this is this looks expensive this looks really expensive I could be wrong price gun was it doing ladies and gentleman I don't know this looks expensive it's more than a price gun see it says library fixed wiring cable module panels flag vertical what is this for it looks like a scanner looks like it prints out labels too doesn't what is this barcode scan settings this isn't Regan this right here really has me wondering what this is for it's not doing me do nothing interesting anybody knows what this is for please let me know and get back to me takes batteries with it how many batteries are take a lot do you have your laptop parts this came from the front half of the unit I'm gonna explain to you in a minute what I felt about this unit I think some shady stuff went on we'll see so here is what we do when we load we got file cabinets underneath here we've got stuff underneath it on top of it we've got the office chairs loaded in between the two desks which we put upside down filled in with all sorts of small stuff we got the top loaded down and then we have some desks with just stuff loaded down every hole filled chairs everything will get it a little tighter once we find some more little small stuff but that is a little bit of information on how you should be loading if you're trying to squeeze in storage in so you don't got to drive back another half hour to pick up ten things arbors with good stuff this will be a Stockton load so you guys know how I do a stock misery done everything sell it and walk away go to the dumps I've gotta squeeze it all in here we're just like loading titus can be everything in there so now we gotta take some of them apart this is getting a little bit hectic a little bit a little bit a little bit a little bit tight Brian we got this you know right here wrapped up done the trailer barely fits everything from both these units in there as you can see as in another reveal from a flea market vlog slashed a little tiny unit reveal got that one there got all that in there and we're done we by we I mean me in the salt princess princess so yeah back to what I was saying we are officially gonna for a day we picked up that $25 storage unit and we picked up that five dollar store there'll be another reveal for the $5 you know cuz I have said a minute ago I'm gonna put it in with the flea market log and this unit it's gonna be alright I think it's gonna be alright for $25 I would not have normally bought this unit there was nobody at the auction that I gave the auctioneer an opening bid because that's what he asked for I just gave it to him because why not I needed something to sell and he was something to do haven't put out a good storage meeting in a while so he bought the unit now my take on the storage unit in my opinion and I'm a little questionable about this but if you pay attention to this unit the very first half of that unit was not the same as the second half the unit the first half of that unit was like some tweakers garbage there leftover clothes there used spray paints all their bullcrap Tweaker stuff and the second half was a nice sum type of communications business and that don't go together what my mind says if somebody wanted something out of the other unit didn't want to think it was gonna sell by itself so they packed it in the front of that unit so they can get rid of it all that is my take on that I'm not saying who did it what did it I'm not saying you Hall is involved in anything shady but I'm a wise man all that you all make the decision for yourself what really happened there because that's kind of that's mad suspect you know like yeah as Michaela says that's us it's us that doesn't make sense you guys use your own knowledge own judgment something doesn't make sense in that nonetheless with that being said we got one nice little thing it's like a wind turbine I took a little sneak peak on the way home I had to Google it real quick cuz I was just excited it looks like that piece right there and itself was worth more than five hundred bucks I saw one cell brand-new in-the-box order for like 649 best offer and I saw somebody asking just the motor used for 449 I'm gonna go ahead and say that I probably get like 500 eBay for that brand new in the box which is pretty cool out for one piece out of a $25 storage unit then you saw several other things like routers and other little weird Teleca me vacation pieces some of them are sealed somewhere still in the fog looking brand-new there's some money in this unit you got the office desk a nice little flea market load you got some of the stuff from the little front half the tweet your stuff like the uggs and a speaker and it was a silver ring and there was the $25.00 military jet anything I'm forgetting though it was cool and that little load of a bit of stuff oh yeah she's having a tattoo party because they're having some friends over hooking from the fake tattoos I feel I feel like we're bringing home a minimum of $1,000 out of that unit I feel like that's what's coming out of there because that's some good stuff it's really not good stuff but in the grand scheme of a flea market and stopped in where we liquidate and we mask just off everything and walk away for 35 for $25 total that unit wisdom how does a blessing don't let that stop you how people think you got to go out and buy a $10,000 units $4,000 units your egos got to look cool you got to have the nicest stuff at the flea market it doesn't matter how nice your stuff is I always say you can make the most you can have the nicest item in the world but paid too much and baked very little and you can have the rarest turd in the world that you got for next to nothing and you can make a ton of money off that turd so don't be afraid of turds make money blessings everybody we're down with this video on say Selma Kayla wants a like even a Hello goodbye have a good day all she got for us guys have a good day I love you all blessings hit the like button share this video plenty more common the system it's simply how we begin still I hear a lot of people talking like they politicians it's gonna be an accountant because it's safe in the business
Channel: undefined
Views: 11,424
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: ZiwTPBc4Q4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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